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Sendy’s little dog

The story is about a beautiful little dog named Sendy who lives with her beloved family of

humans. She gives them a lot of love and makes them happy. However,  Sendy suddenly

becomes ill and her owners, who aren’t kind people,  decide to get rid of her and leave

her in the street.

The dog, with much discomfort and limping in one leg, tries to find the way back to her
house, but she can’t. After several weeks of hunger, thirst, and cold, she lays down on
old cartons to cry, remembering the happy moments she had spent with her old family.

Before falling asleep, she makes a wish to find a truly compassionate and supportive

family that could help her in her difficult moments. When Sendy wakes up, she notices

that she was in a very different place.

The little dog had been rescued  by a noble lady who was walking down the street and

noticed Sendy was sad and ill. Then, with all her love, she took Sendy to her house, where

she welcomed the little dog as her new pet.

To this day, Sendy, the little dog, believes that the deepest desires of the heart are always
fulfilled and that solidarity will always exist in many kind-hearted humans.

2. Nuria’s mane
Nuria is a 12-year-old girl who has long red hair, which she always ties up since she feels

that it bothers her. Despite her discomfort with the hair, she can’t cut it either . Every

day, her mother advises her not to do it.

One fine summer day, weary of the heat of the hair on her face,  she decides to cut it. She
hides the remains of her hair in her closet so that her parents can’t find it . The next day,
she gets up very early to look for the mane to throw it in the trash; however, by magic, it
had disappeared.

While she’s searching, a magical figure appears and tells her that some people lose their
hair when they’re sick. With the hair that Nuria was going to discard, she can create a
beautiful wig, which will surely fill another girl with joy . It was her chance to help these

Nuria, after hearing that the possibility of being supportive in the struggles and sorrows
of others was in her hands, takes up the challenge of letting her mane grow  every year
and giving it to the magical figure. 

These two children’s stories about solidarity are great examples of stories with deep
messages that children will understand. You can have great conversations with your
children about the causes of solidarity that are most important to your family .

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