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Name: Mark Kjil C. Tayaba

Section: ABM 11-A
Matapang Company
General Journal
For the Month of December 2019
Date Account Titles and Explanation P.R Debit Credit
2019 .
Dec-1 Cash 101 ₱150,000
Matapang, Capital 301 ₱150,000
to record initial investment

2 Rent Expense 502 ₱8,000

Cash 101 ₱8,000
to record payment of rent

2 Supplies 103 ₱7,200

Accounts Payable 201 ₱7,200
to record supplies bought

3 Office Equipment 104 ₱75,000

Cash 101 ₱37,000
Accounts Payable 201 ₱38,000
to record purchase of office equipment

8 Cash 101 ₱7,200

Accounts Payable 201 ₱7,200
to record payment of accounts

14 Cash 101 ₱6,000

Salaries Expense 501 ₱6,000
to record payment of salaries

20 Cash 101 ₱20,000

Service Revenue 401 ₱20,000
to record services rendered

28 Accounts Receivable 102 ₱48,000

Service Revenue 401 ₱48,000
to record services rendered on account

31 Cash 101 ₱12,000

Matapang, Drawings 302 ₱12,000
to record withdrawal
Account Name: Cash Account No: 101

Date Account Title and Explanations J.R. Debit Credit Balance

Dec-1 To record initial investment J-1 ₱150,000 ₱150,000
2 To record payment of rent J-1 ₱8,000 ₱142,000
3 To record purchase of office J-1 ₱37,000 ₱105,000
8 To record payment of accounts J-1 ₱7,200 ₱97,800
14 To record payment of salaries J-1 ₱6,000 ₱91,800
20 To record services rendered J-1 ₱20,000 ₱111,800
31 To record withdrawals J-1 ₱12,000 ₱99,800

Account Name: Account Receivable Account No: 102

Date Account Title and Explanations J.R. Debit Credit Balance

Dec-28 To record services rendered on J-1 ₱48,000 ₱48,000

Account Name: Supplies Account No: 103

Date Account Title and Explanations J.R. Debit Credit Balance

Dec-2 To record supplies bought J-1 ₱7,200 ₱7,200

Account Name: Office Equipment Account No: 104

Date Account Title and Explanations J.R. Debit Credit Balance

Dec-3 To record equipment bought J-1 ₱75,00 ₱75,000

Account Name: Accounts Payable Account No: 201

Date Account Title and Explanations J.R. Debit Credit Balance

Dec-2 To record supplies bought J-1 ₱7,200 ₱7,200
3 To record purchase of office J-1 ₱38,000 ₱45,200
8 To record payment of accounts J-1 ₱7,200 ₱38,000

Account Name: Matapang, Capital Account No: 301

Date Account Title and Explanations J.R. Debit Credit Balance

Dec-1 To record initial invested cash J-1 ₱150,000 ₱150,000

Account Name: Matapang, Drawings Account No: 302

Date Account Title and Explanations J.R. Debit Credit Balance

Dec-31 To record withdrawals J-1 ₱12,000 ₱12,000

Account Name: Service Revenue Account No: 401

Date Account Title and Explanations J.R. Debit Credit Balance

Dec-20 To record services rendered J-1 ₱20,000 ₱20,000
28 To record services rendered J-1 ₱48,000 ₱68,000

Account Name: Salaries Expense Account No: 501

Date Account Title Explanation J.R. Debit Credit Balance

Dec-14 To record payment of salaries J-1 ₱6,000 ₱6,000

Account Name: Rent Expense Account No: 502

Date Account Title Explanation J.R. Debit Credit Balance

Dec-2 To record payment of rent J-1 ₱8,000 ₱8,000

Matapang Company
Trial Balance
December 31, 2019
Account No. Account Name Debit Credit
101 Cash ₱99,800
102 Account Receivable ₱48,000
103 Supplies ₱7,200
104 Office Equipment ₱75,00
201 Accounts Payable ₱38,000
301 Matapang Capital ₱150,000
302 Matapang Drawing ₱12,000
401 Service Revenue ₱68,000
501 Salaries Expense ₱6,000
502 Rent Expense ₱8,000
Total ₱256,000 ₱256,000

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