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Business skills for E-commerce

BAC International


ID: 2015341002
Course: Business Skills for E-commerce
Submitted to: Rukshana Akter
Submitted by: Maruf Ahmed Siddique

(LO1+LO2) Assignment


Business skills for E-commerce

Table of contents
Business aims………………………………………………………………..Page3
Relation between aims & stakeholders…………………………..Page4
Core business functions…………………………………………………Page5
Impacts of e-commerce on society including risks………….Page8
SWOT Analysis………………………………………………………………Page10
Risk minimization procedures……………………………………….Page11
Global impacts of e-commerce………………………………………Page14


Business skills for E-commerce

As a business analyst of I have been recently appointed to work in the newly
developed IT & communication team of Nondon Mega Shop to bring the shop
on-line & into the digital age. As part of my job I have to write a written report for
the shop. 


Business skills for E-commerce

Business aims
•Profit and profit maximization-The exclusive organizations go for making
benefits as do those openly possession. Most expect to build benefits each year.
Some need to accomplish benefit augmentation, which implies making however
much benefit as could reasonably be expected.
•Survival-Some organizations make irrelevant benefit when exchanging is
troublesome and concentrate on attempting to remain in the business until time
•Break-even-One technique for surviving is to concentrate on earning back the
original investment over a specific period which implies profiting to take care of
the aggregate costs required in delivering and offering the merchandise or
administrations, and maintaining the business. In spite of the fact that there is no
benefit, no cash is lost.
•Growth-There are numerous organizations who want to sell more every year
and concentrate on growing the business. They may plan to open more branches,
begin exchanging abroad or purchase out a contender.
•Market share-Many organizations expect to build their piece of the overall
industry every year by winning clients far from their adversaries.
•Service provision-It identifies with offering new services or improving current
services to pull in more clients e.g. numerous general stores empower clients to
shop online with conveyance of items as per their preferred season.
•Develop association with different organizations–It may include joint activities
to accomplish different points.


Business skills for E-commerce

Relation between business aims and stakeholders

Proprietor: They put capital in the business and gets benefit from the business.
Their point is benefit, business development and achievement.
Laborers: They are representatives of the business who give time and push to
make the business effective, profit than different organizations around the group,
acquire great wages in time. Their point is employer stability and fulfillment,
agreeable installment.
Managers: They lead and control the specialists to accomplish hierarchical
Their point is high pay rates and reward, employer stability, status and business
Government: It deals with the economy by charging a tax from the business and
screens the working organizations in the nation.
Their point is more occupation, more duties, take after laws and so forth.
Community: These are individuals who are straightforwardly or in a roundabout
way influenced by business activities. They would need quality and esteem for
cash amid purchasing items from the business, likewise they will need the
business to live up to their principles and desires about sustenance things and
others with no inconveniences.
Their point is more occupations, natural assurance, socially dependable items.
Customers: These are individuals who purchase products and administrations
from the business. They decide the practicality and benefit of an association in
light of the fact that the shops must react to changing client inclinations. This
includes growing new item bringing in thoughts, altering publicizing costs in select
markets, putting resources into client benefit and specialized support.
Suppliers: They give conveyance of items and administrations. The basic need
shop may suspend operations if suppliers are encountering budgetary or
fabricating challenges.

Task2(Core business functions)


Business skills for E-commerce

• Administration: The routine managerial assignments incorporate opening,

circulating and dispatching messages. Others require more innovativeness and
adaptability, for example, altering travel game plans, vital occasions, meetings,
interviews, gatherings and so on. They additionally plan records utilizing word
handling, spreadsheets, presentation bundles e.g. PowerPoint and so forth.
Other duties include sending and getting messages by phone, fax, email. Dealing
with complains and answering to client enquiries is likewise included. Some
others are obtaining office stationery and gear supplies and so on.

• Sales: The occupation of the business staff shifts relying on the business. For
basic fundamental items not much help is required but rather for unpredictable
or costly things, for example, portable workstation, PC or an auto it is essential.
Educated deals staff are required to have the capacity to show their items and
connection them to client's particular needs. The basic summary of sales
functions are organising sales promotion, preparing estimates & negotiating
discounts, selling the product over telephone or face-to-face, providing technical
advice, keeping customer records up-to-date etc.

• Marketing: Marketing is about distinguishing and addressing client needs. It is

along these lines in charge of the special exercises that tell the client what is
accessible, by publicizing, doing deals advancements or openly crusades. The list
of marketing functions are doing statistical surveying to acquire input on existing
items, examining statistical surveying reactions and prompting senior supervisors
about results and suggestions, advancement of items and administrations
through an assortment of promoting techniques, for example squeeze, TV, regular
postal mail, sponsorship, shows. Acquiring, planning and redesigning an
organization profile of existing clients for fitting advancements, delivering and
circulating freely materials, such as catalogue etc.

 Customer service: The client benefit capacities include noting enquiries of

clients about items and administrations, giving uncommon data to address


Business skills for E-commerce

the issues of clients, managing and taking care of client issues as per
organization methodology, analyzing records of complains to resolve
problem areas, using feedback to improve customer service.

 ICT: Most associations have a PC system where staff PCs are connected
through servers. Keeping up the servers, purchasing and putting in new
programming and extra hardware(printers, scanners etc.),providing
suitable preparing is all part of the ICT. Different capacities incorporate
introducing a security framework that limits access to approved clients and
ensures against programmers and infections, specialized upkeep of the
organization site, working a move down framework for basic information so
this can be recovered rapidly in a crisis, helping clients with PC issues and
repairing the framework when important and so on.

 Purchasing: Purchasing functions include the following such as requesting

crude materials, stock and consumable things from providers, taking care of
supply issues, for example evolving providers. Others are concurring stock
levels with supervisors and controllers, reordering as important, checking
new sources to accomplish cost investment funds and alluding issues on
conveyance e.g. quality or amount, keeping up great associations with
providers etc.

 Finance: Finance staffs record all the cash earned and spent. The
fundamental capacities incorporate creating solicitations, checking
installments and pursuing up past due installments, recording cash got,
setting up the finance and paying staff pay rates. Different undertakings
incorporate checking departmental spending plans to abstain from
overspending, issuing standard spending reports to every departmental
supervisor, informing senior directors on sources with respect to back for
capital consumption.

 Human resources(HR): The outline of HR capacities are as per the following

which are publicizing opening and telling staff of advancement openings,


Business skills for E-commerce

getting and recording all occupation applications, masterminding interviews

and telling hopefuls of the outcome. Others are organizing staff preparing
and empowering consistent expert advancement, screen the working states
of the staff, recording explanations behind nonappearance, checking
wellbeing and security and so on completing organization welfare
approaches etc.

Task3(Impacts of e-business on society including risks)



Business skills for E-commerce

•Global commercial center: Business products will be accessible for shoppers

overall which could expand the quantity of clients. Therefore the income will be
expanded too. The business could extend if more clients purchase their items. For
instance a business that offers PC equipment could be the main organization in
one nation however it will be troublesome for that organization to seek different
organizations in different ranges or nations.

•24/7 Trading: Online exchanging implies no store staffs are required to run the
online shop and exchanges can be completed at whatever time. All business,
orders, exchanges can be taken and recognized naturally without staffs.

•Relatively low start-up and running costs: Setting up an online store does not
require high beginning costs contrasted with a conventional store. A conventional
store set up includes purchasing or leasing an area, obtaining stock, contracting
staff and paying for utility expenses.

•Time sparing: A decreased preparing time can be seen with electronic

conveyance of merchandise and ventures. The time required to do the
authoritative customs related while conveying an item globally has likewise
lessened hugely.

•Pricing: Generally there is a value contrast between online and customary

stores. Online markdown and costs will urge customers to purchase merchandise
from an online store in light of the fact that here an item being less expensive the
stores don't have to pay for leasing shop space, service bills and utilizing staff.
Online stores spare cash from these parts of business passing it on to clients by
lessening their costs.
Online stores follow fluid pricing which is a strategy for expanding or diminishing
costs rapidly as indicated by conditions. It is more hard to increment or lessening
costs rapidly in customary stores. For instance when a particular thing is sold
rapidly and few are accessible, this thing could be more costly as the interest for it
Business skills for E-commerce

rises. This could make benefit for the business. Again if a thing is not sold at its
present cost, the cost is brought down to ensure it is sold.

• Customer trust: One disadvantage of acquainting an e-trade framework with a
business is the absence of trust by clients. A few clients imagine that a business
won't keep up protection in regards to individual points of interest. A few clients
likewise get irritated when locales customize their experience by recommending
items in light of their beforehand acquired item.

• Lack of Human contact: Another inconvenience is the absence of human

contact since clients are disheartened from purchasing items online since there
are no discussion from the business along these lines it is indifferent for some to
shop on the web.

• Security issues: Another downside is security issues which is one of the greatest
stress of purchasers. The reason is their own and money related points of interest
won't be protected from programmers and hoodlums to confer data fraud. They
think a business may be hazardous or not sufficiently reliable for them to hand
over their points of interest to an e-trade site.

• International legislation: A potential hindrance for an e-trade business is the

global enactment or laws from various nation. For instance, if an e-trade business
situated in the UK is offering liquor, one must be 18 years old to purchase their
items yet in America one must be 21 to purchase liquor. It would be workable for
a 18 year old to purchase liquor in a business situated in the UK.
SWOT Analysis
SWOT investigation are regularly a superior decision before beginning any
business which brings the qualities, shortcomings, openings and dangers. It is
regularly utilized amid vital arranging, for example, settling on choices about new
Business skills for E-commerce

approaches, recognizing conceivable ranges for change and so forth. Hence it

might be said I have chosen to have a SWOT investigation for Nandon Mega Shop
business underneath
1)There will be low overhead cost and low hindrance to passage
2)There is an ability to contend with different organizations locally
1)The communication issue is an important factor
2)There will be Search Engine Unpredictability
1)Global Exposure is present
2)There will be high accessibility (day in and day out business)
1)There will be competition
2)There are privacy concerns

Risk minimization procedures of presenting ecommerce

1.Educating and preparing staff on e-trade chance. The degree of hazard
presentation to a great extent relies on upon business approaches, operational
practices, the misrepresentation discovery and avoidance apparatuses we have
executed, security controls, and the sorts of items and administrations that we


Business skills for E-commerce

give. Everybody in our association ought to comprehend the dangers connected

with online exchanges and have the capacity to take after our set up hazard
administration systems.

2.Finding the right installment processor. The right charge card handling
organization will give successful hazard administration support and help us
comprehend the particular e-trade extortion hazard and obligation. Satisfactory
client information insurance capacities are additionally something we will need to
consider when making our determination.

3.Creating key site content. Our site must incorporate and unmistakably show
our protection, transporting, return and discount arrangements. It must be
dependable and to furnish clients with simple and basic route. Putting
connections to these strategies in the footer of site will make them exhibit on
each page.
4.Focusing on hazard decrease. A very much planned deals arrange process will
help us address various hazard concerns. We ought to show or highlight required
exchange fields in our online installment acknowledgment shape and check card
and cardholder data that we get from our clients over the web.

5.Developing inner extortion counteractive action structure. The benefit of our

e-trade association relies on upon our inner methodologies and controls for
minimizing extortion. A hazard administration structure, consolidated with
sufficient exchange controls, will help us keep away from extortion related
6.Using misrepresentation counteractive action apparatuses. There are various
misrepresentation anticipation devices to lessen our hazard introduction. The
most broadly utilized among them are the Address Verification Service (AVS), the
Card Security Codes (CVV2, CVC 2 and CID), Verified by Visa and MasterCard


Business skills for E-commerce

7.Building an extortion screening process. At the point when satisfactorily

actualized, the screening of online card exchanges can help us minimize extortion
for extensive ticket things and for high-chance exchanges.

8.Protecting our trader account from interruption. Actualizing proactive

measures can minimize the danger of offenders accessing our shopping basket or
installment entryway and making false reserve stores.

9.Participation in Verified by Visa and MasterCard SecureCode. The two

misrepresentation counteractive action devices improve security by obliging
cardholders to validate themselves by entering a watchword amid the checkout.
The secret word is checked by the card guarantor and, if rectify, the exchange is
permitted to be finished. Executing Verified by Visa and MasterCard SecureCode
shields traders from extortion related chargebacks.

10.Secure the way towards directing our approvals. We should guarantee that
our approval solicitations are submitted in a protected and effective way, before
we can begin tolerating card installments once again the web.

11.Establish a procedure for taking care of exchange post-approvals. We have to

set up a compelling procedure for managing endorsed and declined approvals
before satisfying a request.

12.Ensure PCI consistence. The Payment Card Industry (PCI) Data Security
Standards (DSS) furnish electronic dealers with gauges, systems and devices for
ensuring delicate record data. We will require solid encryption abilities for
information transmission and compelling inside controls for securing put away
card and cardholder data. We will likewise need to audit our efforts to establish
safety all the time.


Business skills for E-commerce

13.Minimize pointless chargebacks. Chargebacks result in additional handling

time and expenses, while harming our benefits and may bring about lost income.
Via precisely following and overseeing chargebacks, we will have the capacity to
set up solid systems for maintaining a strategic distance from future chargebacks.
We will likewise need to know our re-presentment rights.

14.Monitor chargebacks. Compelling chargeback observing components will help

us distinguish extreme chargeback action, recognize the causes, and apply
remedial measures to cut chargeback levels down. We can build up our own
particular observing procedure or actualize an outsider arrangement.

15.Use accumulation endeavors to minimize misfortunes. We can use an

outsider accumulation administration or fabricate our own particular to recoup
ridiculous chargeback misfortunes.

Task4 (Global effects of e-business on society)

• Strengthening the social framework: Computer and data innovation have

begun to make basic responsibility by strengthening overall social establishments
through changes in instruction, wellbeing and diverse parts of human resource
headway. For instance robotized portion systems, electronic information,


Business skills for E-commerce

advancements and arrangements associated with electronic exchange assume a

key part in relationship of such organizations.
General society and private sections use these gadgets for upgrading and growing

• A sense of community: A noteworthy number of movements about electronic

business and ICTs are keeping close relations with removed ones and making new
associations with people in online gatherings with potentially overall enlistment.
There are potential costs too and passing of urban life for new developments. In
short innovation diminishes the propensity to have quick physical association
between people. Factual examinations are important to discover what level of
people are prepared to forego such association.

• Changing customer perspective: The web shopping has given increased the
value of clients since they can purchase items from anyplace on the planet and
contrast costs in the worldwide market with get the best manages best items.

• Economic and Social effect due to speed change: The general public and
economy being influenced by e-exchange has a quick energy change on the web.
Various things are accessible online contrasted with street stores. The other rate
of advance that influences online clients is the methods by which easily expenses
can change and time required to dispatch the things which offers worth to

• Employment opportunities: Internet and e-business have a noteworthy effect

on work, specialists and working environment. Examines uncovered that e-trade
add to produce better business openings in creating nations by immense
potential. In exercises, for example, site plan in associations specialists are
profited a great deal.


Business skills for E-commerce

• Global Marketplace: The web spreads over the world and anybody with access
to it can see what is up there. In this manner in the event that one have a site up
and running anybody around the globe can access his site. This gives him a
worldwide commercial center however it additionally brings a much more
prominent rivalry as he is contending with other people who has an
indistinguishable reason from his with an online nearness.

In the whole report above all else I have specified the business aims and the
relationship between it with the stakeholders. At that point I depicted the core
business functions. At long last I broke down the great and terrible effects of
ecommerce including the hazard minimization procedures, alongside the
worldwide effects of e-trade on society. At the very end just a couple of things are
to be said as electronic business develops there will be critical financial reactions.
My research recommends that e-trade advancements are helping associations,
social orders and countries to quicken the financial development and giving more
chances to organizations to develop, however it has additionally made numerous
difficulties and impacts over various areas of society and stances numerous
difficulties for strategy creators.

Assignment plan
SL Task Date

1 Business aims, 19/10/2016

relation between aims
& stakeholders


Business skills for E-commerce

2 Core business 25/10/2016


3 Good & bad impacts 1/11/2016

of e-commerce, SWOT
analysis, risk
4 Global impacts of e- 2/11/2016
commerce on society


Business skills for E-commerce

 (No Date) Available at:
ecommerce-have-made-business-lia-morgan (Accessed: 2 November 2016).
 Lupton, J. and profile, V. my complete (2014) ‘The global impact of e-
commerce on society’, Available at:
(Accessed: 2 November 2016).
 (No Date) Available at:
analysis.html (Accessed: 2 November 2016).
 (No Date) Available at:
to-managing-e-commerce-risk/ (Accessed: 2 November 2016).
 Aims and objectives of a business (GCSE) | business (2015) Available at:
business (Accessed: 2 November 2016).
 Stakeholders - business aims, objectives, and values - Michelin (1995)
Available at:
objectives-and-values/stakeholders.html#axzz4OpFoSfX1 (Accessed: 2
November 2016).


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