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I. Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence.
1. There should be an international law encouraging_____
A. afforestation B. deforestation C. forestry D. reforestation
2.. Jo was shocked when I disagreed with her. She’s so used to getting her own _______.
A. mind B. way C. opinion D. views
3. Why do you say the project should be changed even more? Personally, I cannot see the __________of
introducing so many alternations.
A. point B. reason C. clue D. ground
4. In the United States, __________ the most is New Orleans.
A. French influence the city B. the city where French influences
C. where the city influences French D. where the French influence the city
5. They showed a total __________for the local wildlife.
A. danger B. ignorance C. destruction D. disregard
6. Hopefully more diseases will be __________in the near future.
A. eradicated B. cleared C. extinguished D. wiped
7. It’s a shame they didn’t pick you, but it doesn’t ________out the possibility that you might get a job in a different
A. cancel B. strike C. rule D. draw
8. He sat there with his arms __________doing nothing, waiting for us.
A. flapped B. folded C. turned D. twisted
9. British Leyland is aiming to push ____its share of UK car sales to 25% over the next two years.
A. on B. out C. up D. through
10. ______that increasing numbers of compact-disc players will be bought by consumers in the years to come.
A. They are anticipated B. In anticipation C. Anticipating D. It is anticipated
11. -“Should we bring a lot of money on the trip?” ` -“Yes. ____we decide to stay longer.”
A. So that B. Though C. Because D. In case
12. He opened the letter without __________to read the address on the envelope.
A. worrying B. caring C. fearing D. bothering
13.. ___________owe much of their success as a group to their unusual powers of migration.
A. That birds B. A bird C. The bird D. Birds
14. - “How lovely your pets are!” – “____________”.
A. I love them, too B. Thank you, it’s nice of you to say so
C. Can you say that again D. Really? They are
15. It is interesting to take _______ a new hobby such as collecting stamps or going fishing.
A. over B. on C. in D. up

16. Jogging every day will_______ you good.

A. do B. keep C. help D. make
17. Over the last few months garages _______ the price of petrol three times.
A. raised B. have gone up C. have risen D. have put up
18. His emotional problems _____from the attitudes he encountered as a child, I think
A. stem B. flourish C. root D. sprout
19. In my _______, freedom of the press must be maintained.
A. sight B. thought C. view D. mind
20. “Why didn’t you pay the telephone bill?” – “_______.”
A. Yes. It was true B. Thank you for all that C. Well, it’s too thick D. I did
II Each of the following sentences has one mistake. Identify and correct it.
1. The most visible remind of the close relationship between the United States and France is the famous
Areminder B C
Statue of Liberty, which stands in New York harbor.
2.. Every year, tornadoes cause a lot of damages to property and a tremendous loss of human and
A Bbỏ s C
animal life.
3. I hadn’t understood his directions. However, I asked him to repeat what he’d said.
A Btherefore/hence C D
4. With the development of the Internet and the World Wide Web, businessmen do not hardly have as
A B Chave
much traveling as they used to.
5. The first domesticated bird in earth was probably the goose .
A Bon C D

II. Provide the correct form of the words in brackets.

1 - I'm looking for a ______gift for an old lady. (SUITable)
2. Heavy smoking makes him_____. (BREATHless)
3 - He claimed that his______ had caused him to become a criminal. (BRING UP)upbringing
4 - They celebrate their ______on 4th July. (DEPEND)independece
5 - He is a very ______ carpenter. (SKILL)full led

I. Read the text in each question. What does it say? Choose the best explanation for each text. On
the answer sheet, circle A, B, C or D.

A. Elena and Tim have discovered another

good restaurant.
B. Elena and Tim think the restaurant’s prices
are reasonable.
C. Elena and Tim will have to try the restaurant
on their next visit.

A All City Bus journeys cost exactly the same.

Please have ready the exact fare B You need to have the correct money when
for your journey you board the bus.
C You must keep your ticket ready for checking.

Why did the record shop phone?

A to apologise for a mistake with Frank’s order
B to suggest Frank comes in later this week
C to say that Frank’s CD is ready for collection
A You can buy a meal for only £3 at lunchtime.
B A charge of £3 is added to each bill at
C Each customer will have to pay at least £3 at

A Students should check when this Thursday’s

lecture begins.
B Dr Hatton had forgotten to announce the change
on Thursday.
C The location of Thursday’s lecture will be different
from usual.

II. Read the passage below and decide which option A, B, C or D best fits each space
Technology is used for the (1)___ of human needs and production is increased by technology. Science and
technology, the (2)___ concerned with know-what and the latter with know-how, are continuously conditioning man's
world view and have (3)___ material standards beyond any earlier vision of man's potential. However, in this
science and technology are too much concerned with quantity at the expense of (4)___ . Technology has made
(5)___ the mass production of articles and mass production seems to have reduced the quality of goods. If a motor-
car in the past was made to last, today it is made to be thrown away and (6)___. While the quality in terms of new
features has improved, (7)___ is of little concern to manufacturers. In their drive to expand markets and be
competitive, manufacturers ignore quality and are concerned with quantity or the number of products that can be
Evolving technology encourages the economy of transience which is fast replacing the economy of
permanence of the old world. Medical technology prolongs life and reduces the mortality rate, but the quality of life
(8)___. Genetics has increased agricultural productivity, and the Green Revolution that it set in motion has resulted
in high-yielding variety of wheat, rice paddy, etc., but they (9)___ the quality which the traditional variety, though
low-yielding, had. Alvin Toffler in his Future Shock considers the lowering of costs of manufacture and increased
demand as factors (10)___ for the sacrifice of quality. Science and technology should be concerned equally with
quality and quantity. This concern is of great importance since science and technology are to make further strides.
1. A. satisfaction B. requirement C. disappointment D. demand
2. A. before B. older C. former D. first
3. A. raised B. risen C. lifted D. aroused
4. A. number B. value C. evaluation D. quality
5. A. it possible B. possible C. available D. impossible
6. A. replaced B. refunded C. repaired D. refilled
7. A. endurance B. strength C. duration D. durability
8. A. deteriorates B. diminishes C. loosens D. devastates
9. A. insufficient B. shortage C. lack D. miss
10. A. used B. responsible C. asking D. explaining
III. Read the text and decide if each sentence is True or False
Gallery News
Easter quiz for children
During the Easter holidays young visitors can take part in a quiz on the subject of Surprises. The free quiz sheets can
be picked up from the desk at the Orange Street entrance. Children will be directed to 14 surprising paintings and
asked a variety of questions about them.
The quiz sheets will be available during normal gallery hours from 25 March until 9 April.
New picture
The Gallery now has a fine still life by the Dutch 18th century painter Jan van Os. This large picture (89.1 x 71 cm)
of flowers and fruit is painted in light, bright colours on wood. It is one of the first pictures of this type in the Gallery.
The picture is signed and dated 1777 and 1778. It is not unusual for a picture like this to be dated in two years: the
artist waited for particular flowers to bloom in their different seasons in order to paint them. The picture was
generously given to the Gallery by Miss Violet Churchman in memory of her sister Ida Nancy. It is now on display in
Room 25.
Special exhibition
The exhibition ‘Painting in Spain during the late 18th century’ opened in the Sunley Room on 15 March. Recently
the Gallery has bought works by three Spanish painters of this period: Paret, Melendez and Francisco Bayeu, who
are the focus of the exhibition. These three artists are joined by Francisco’s brother Ramon, by Antonio Gonzalez,
and by two Italians who worked in Spain during these years - Corrado Giaquinto and Giovanni Battista Tiepolo. The
exhibition runs until 31 May.
Lecture news
The series of lectures arranged to go with the special exhibition continues every Wednesday. On 5 April Lizzie
Barker will discuss the work of Melendez, while on 12 April Sarah Symmons will lecture on Luis Paret. On 19 and 26
April Juliet Wilson will talk about Francisco Bayeu.
On Tuesdays in April, Erika Langmuir will explain how artists often ‘tell a story’ through theừ pictures.
Gallery restaurant improvements
The Gallery is delighted to announce that an improved and expanded service is now available in the Gallery
restaurant. With its new kitchens the restaurant offers a wide choice of hot and cold dishes at reasonable prices.
Information for visitors
Free guided tours of the Gallery take place every day at 11.00 am and 3.00 pm (except Sundays). These tours
introduce some of the Gallery’s greatest pictures, and show the whole range of the Gallery’s collection of some of
the most important European paintings from the 13th to the early 20th centuries.
1. Children can answer quiz questions about some specially chosen pictures.
2. The Gallery has few pictures like their new one by Jan van Os.
3. It took Jan van Os a lot of time to complete his picture.
4. The Gallery had to pay a lot for the new picture.
5. The special exhibition has pictures by Spanish artists and by other artists who worked in Spain.
6. The Easter quiz is on for longer than the special exhibition.
7. In the Gallery on any Wednesday in April you can learn about 18th century Spanish painters.
8. The Gallery has just opened a restaurant for visitors.
9. A guide takes visitors round the Gallery twice every day.
10. You can see paintings from all over the world in the Gallery.

IV. Read the following passages and choose the best answer.
Discovering Australia
Australia is the smallest continent of the world. It was first found by a Spanish monk. His name was Andres de
Urdaneta. Andres de Urdaneta crossed the Pacific Ocean in 1565. He told everyone he believed there was a
continent lying there. This continent must be somewhere on the western tip of South America. A few years later, the
King of Spain asked a ship captain to go toii find that continent. He needed this new land to become more powerful
and rich. Thus, captain Pedro Fernandes de Quiros left in search of the continent. Pedro was Portuguese, but he
worked for the Spanish king. He reached the New Hebrides Islands in 1606. He thought he had found what he was
looking for. So he named the islands “Australia” after the King of Spain who also was Archduke of Austria.
In those times, Spain and the Netherlands were the most powerful nations in the world. Spain had colonies in
South America, while the Dutch occupied countries in South East Asia. When they heard about Spain’s discoveries,
they quickly sent their own ships there. The Dutch captain Willem Jantzsoon was the first to actually set foot in
Australia. He sailed into the Gulf of Carpentaria on the northern part of Australia in 1606 as well. Another Dutchman,
Abel Tasman, sighted the island Tasmania in 1642. He saw it from his ship, landed there and called it Van Diemen’s
Land. This was the name of the person he worked for. Tasman also found New Zealand, Tonga and Fiji. To reward
him for his discoveries, the Dutch renamed Van Diemen’s Land Tasmania.
In the 18th century, the British Empire was facing trouble. There were many thieves and criminals in England.
The British planned to ship them off to some faraway place. They hoped the country would be safer if they sent
these criminals away. They also thought a new colony would make the Empire richer and more powerful. The British
asked Captain James Cook to sail to Australia.
Cook was a very skilled navigator. He knew how to sail ships and he was also disciplined and organized. Cook
made his sailors bathe every day and eat a lot of fresh fruit to stay healthy. In 1769, he left for Tahiti together with a
botanist and two artists. They were supposed to find new plants. But actually their secret mission was to set up new
British colonies in Australia. Cook landed on the east coast of Australia in April 1770. He named the place Botany
Bay after the many plants the scientists found there. But the voyage was very eventful. Cook had to fight against a
group of Maori native warriors. Later, his ship ran into a coral reef and was badly damaged. In 1779, a storm forced
him to land in Hawaii. The Hawaiians hated Cook because he was violent and cruel. They used their knives and
stabbed him to death.
In January 1778, a French ship landed in Australia. But it was too late. The British had already colonized the new
1. What can be inferred about James Cook?
A. He cared about his crew. B. He was a healthy person.
C. He liked fresh fruits. D. He was interested in science.
2. Who was the first person to land in Australia?
A. A Spanish monk B. A Spanish captain
C. A Portuguese captain D. A Dutch captain
3. Why was the continent named Australia?
A. This was the name of the King of Spain. B. This was the title of the King of Spain.
C. This was the nationality of the King of Spain. D. This was the wish of the King of Spain.
4. Abel Tasman did not discover
A. Northern Australia B. Van Diemen’s Land C. New Zealand D. Tonga and Fiji
5. What is the main idea of paragraph 3?
A. The British discovered Australia. B. The British colonized Australia.
C. The British wanted to colonize Australia. D. The British faced trouble in England.
6. How is Hawaii mainly described in paragraph 4?
A. As a place that Cook was stranded and killed
B. As one of the territories Cook discovered
C. As an example to show how brutal Maori natives were
D. As a place the ship was destroyed
7. What does the author mean when he says “But it was too late” in paragraph 5?
A. It was too late for Britain to colonize Australia. B. It was too late for France to colonize Australia.
C. It was too late for France to land in Australia. D. It was too late for Britain to save James Cook.
Part 1. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the
sentence printed before it.
1. She listens more sympathetically than anyone else I know.
- She is a …………………………………………………………………………………………………..
2. The only thing that kept us out of prison was the way he spoke the local dialect.
- But for his command …………………………………………………………………………………….
3. They think that Helen’s brother stole the money.
- Helen’s brother was suspected …………………………………………….………..…………………….
4. The members of the council expressed their approval of the plans for the new hotel complex.
- The members of the council were not ……………………………………………………………………
5. I was surprised at how easy he was to talk to.
- I hadn’t expected ……………………………………………………………………………….…

Part 2. This is part of a letter you received from an English friend:

I know you often go to the cinema. Tell me about the last film you saw and whether you enjoyed it.
Write a letter to him and answer his questions. You should write about 100 words


Part 3. Write paragraph of about 140 words on the following topic:

What are the disadvantages of living in the big city?

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