Final Eng 28

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Port City International University

Final Term Examination, Summer-2022

Course Code: ENG 101 Course Title: Composition
Department: English Batch: ENG 28
Time: 2.00 hours Full Marks: 40

[N.B.: Answer any Five (5) Questions including Q.N. 8. Write the answers in full sentences.
Figures in the right margin indicate full marks]

1. Construct a dialogue between you and your friend describing how he can reach nearby
railway station. ( Use following modal verbs: will, would, can, have to, must, mustn’t, 8
need, be able to)

2. Combine the following sentences by using suitable connectors: 8

a) Bill loves hiking and camping. Bill loves canoeing best.
b) Tim was shy. He usually refused invitations
c) I moved to Chicago. I first applied for a job. I looked for an apartment.
d) Joshua pleaded with his mother. She would not give him any money.
e) The governor decided to pardon the criminal. The criminal had not been proven
f) I know the person. He is a sportsman
g) It is rainy season. He moved out without an umbrella.
h) The singer came on the stage. the audience applauded
i) They had arrived at the station. The rain started.
j) you called me yesterday. I was watching cricket at that time.
k) This is the book. I need it.
l) I always write words down in my notebook. I don’t forget them
m) Firstly, the police arrested the criminal. They sent him to prison.
n) Study hard. you have to face difficulty in the examination
o) I don’t know. she is crying.
p) Hasan obtained GPA 5. Habib obtained the same grade.

3. Make necessary corrections regarding Capitalization and Punctuation marks: 8

at the start of the 20th century a revival of Surfing began duke kahanamoku,
ambassador of aloha olympic medalist and avid waterman helped expose surfing to the
world author jack London wrote about the sport in his book the cruise of the snarkUp
until the 1960s it had only a small following of dedicated participants the film gadget
helped popularize the sport B-movies based on surfing and southern california beach
culture formed most americans idea of surfing and surfers surfing would soon spread to
the east coast surfing continued to evolve as a sport and as a way of life to many the
evolution of board design techniques and the presence of competitive surfing have kept
surf culture vibrant and intact.

4. Identify which letters should be and shouldn’t be capitalized and make corrections : 8
a) september and october are the prettiest months of Autumn.
b) the federal bureau of investigations (f.b.i.) looks into crimes, and the bureau
also protects america.

c) the book, "the big red dog" is a hit among children: they enjoy reading about the
dogs adventures.

d) i visitied mr. smith, the chairman of the board, on september 10.

e) i am originally from the south but now i live in the north.

f) my courses this semester include english, science, and math 100.
g) may i visit the oval office, president?
h) The u.s. airforse academy is in colorado.
i) mississippi is called the magnolia state
j) I like to sleep late on saturday
k) sacramento is the capital of california.
l) Have you seen the sears tower in chicago
m) we went to see the Lincon memorial
n) mrs. Linda speaks english.
o) Every year we make a trip on the atlantic ocean during our summer vacation.
p) George Washington was born on february 22 , 1732.

5. Fill in the gaps with suitable connectors: 8

__________for mimicking teen-idols is personal insecurity.   Preteens are in between

child and adult stages. On the one hand, they are no longer children,     ____________
the ways they behaved in the past are no longer appropriate.     _________ they are not
yet adults __________ they do not know the ways of the adult world. This conflict
can  _________feelings of insecurity.  ______ when they were younger, they could
whine and cry to get attention from their parents and other children_________ that kind
of behavior would be "uncool" around their teenage peers. Often ____________ the
preteen does not know how to act his or her age.  ___________ Preteens do not know
what to do, they often turn to copy-cat behavior as a way to fit in and be more secure.

6. Fill in the gaps using appropriate modals: 8

a) Do you think he ------------- make a good result in the upcoming examination?
b) You -------------- lock your door when you go out.
c) Every child -------------- respect their elders.
d) How---------you talk to me like that!
e) I ------------ play Violin.
f) ---------- I come in?
g) If you press the doorbell, ---------------------------.
h) If I had a lot of money, --------------------.

7. Suppose you are unable to pay the fees and remaining dues of final term examination 8
of Summer Trimester-2022. Write a formal letter to the Chairman of your department
seeking permission to sit for the final examination.

8. Write a formal letter to the councilor of your area to take necessary steps to repair the 8
broken streets of your locality.

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