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Assalamualaikum and a very good morning, today I would like to share you about a topic of

obesity in malaysia.
Obesity is a self destructive illness, in which this disease could provide a huge damage to the
Nowadays the amount of obesity in Malaysia seems to be increasing over the year.
Now, lets take a look at the graph, Based on the graph, it shows that Malaysia has the highest
rate of obesity among other asean country.
This show how serious and severe the obesity case in Malaysia can be
Therefore, today I would like to talk about the cause of the obesity and the impact of obesity
towards people's health in malaysia. Now talking about physical health, the normalizing of
obesity through prolonged unhealthy eating habit could detoriate physical health among the
people in malaysia
Now that I have already mention a bit about the obesity, let me share you about the cause behind
the obesity in malaysia
There are two things including the causes and consequences of obesity that I would like to point
Firstly the common cause behind obesity in malaysia is the poor diet in the daily food routine
The poor diet and unhealthy eating habit is the most common factor of obesity, the prolonged
excessive sugar intake can cause changes in hormones and biochemicald process in body leading
to obesity. Which is why, the amount of obesity in malaysia is higher than any other asean


Now take a look at this a graph, this shows that Malaysia has the highest amount of daily
surmgar consumption compared to the other ASEAN countries in 2017. Related to the previous

In addition, the lack of a healthy lifestyle among Malaysians can exacerbate the situation.
According to the pie chart shown in the picture, that in 2019 as many as 25.1 percent of
Malaysians are physically inactive
People nowadays lead an inactive lifestyle where they tend to eat more calories than they burn,
this leads to an increase in the number of obesity in Malaysia every year.
Now, I hope to be able to clarify that people who are now leading very unhealthy lifestyles with
poor diets have prevented the amount of obesity from declining over the years.
Recently I have already shared with you about the cause of the obesity malaysian people, now
lets move on to the effect or the consequencses of obesity among the people in malaysia
Now moving to the second point, previously I the obesity have cause the physical health of
people in malaysia to decline.
Obesity can increase the risk of diabetes and high blood pressure, and this condition is also
associated with heart disease, which indicates that an obese person is at risk for heart attack

Based on this picture, this shows that this is the effect of obesity on the health of the body,
however I would like to emphasize on diabetes as well as heart disease
Obesity occurs due to excessive sugar intake makes the body reject insulin, therefore the body
can not break down sugar causing high blood sugar into the body which leads to type 2 diabetes.
High blood sugar amounts as I mentioned now can also cause heart attacks in addition to
cholesterol and high blood pressure. Cholesterol, high blood sugar will accumulate in the arteries
causing the arteries to harden leading to a heart attack.
Now that I have mention the effect of the obesity, we could see that obesity is  a destructive
illmess, it could promotes other health issues such as diabetes and heart attack.

Since we already mention how obesity has affected the health and causing life-risk disease, lets
comclude our speech for today
Previously, we already discuss about the cause and the consequences of obesity, from that we
could conclude that prolonged unhealthy lifestyle improper diet could make the problem of
obesity worse, hence may resulted to the disease with a risk of death
Therefore, we shouldnt normalize obesity among the society, we all know that body shame is
wrong but fat pride is equally dangerous, Lastly I want all of us to spread the obessity awarness
and together we could help people with obessity feel confidence about themselve while helping
them to become a better version of themselves.

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