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"The Impact of COVID 19 to the Economy of Indigenous People"

In the late 2019, COVID-19 spread like wildfire globally. COVID-19 is

a deadly virus that can be transmitted person-to-person. As we all know, the
economy was greatly damaged because of this virus. Quarantines were
implemented, many establishments was forced to shut down for every
individuals safety and with that many families lost their jobs and unable to
attend to their daily needs. People in the whole world were greatly affected due
to COVID-19. Indigenous people were also one of them, due to their position
in the society, government aid may not reach them to give them the necessities
they needed in this time of pandemic. The information and the health care
assistance do not usually reach them. And because of lack in education, many
of them does not have stable jobs, and literally their employers are suffering as
well in this time of pandemic.
Many restrictions in this time limits their income source in life. They
were greatly at a disadvantage, another reason is they have less access to
relevant information and healthcare and experienced discrimination in availing
health services. They also lack access to safe water and sanitation that are
crucial in preventing the spread of the disease. They were also part of the
workers in which we gather raw materials and then sell it to the market, unable
to go outside due to restrictions, they were unable to collect these and can
cause the shortage of stocks in the market. And due to lack of income resources,
problems in surviving their daily life must be hard on their part. Because of
lack in resources, good’s prices increases while income of each family
decreases. It was also a problem that financial assistance from the government
do not reach them due to many discrimination. Job loss and unemployment
greatly decrease due to shutting down of businesses. In conclusion, the
economic condition of the indigenous people were as bad as the world
especially in lack of government assistance.

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