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Technology decreases creativity

In this era of highly developed technology, everyone can get the information very easily. The
Internet isn’t stranger anymore to all people. Currently, the internet has become everyone's
daily needs, as if one cannot live without the internet. Everyone, including students, clearly
feels greatly helped by the increasingly advanced technology. On the other hand, this digital era
can also have negative impacts that you may not be aware. In particular, students will be easily
affected by digitalization if they don’t have a strong stance. Digitalization can reduce student

For example, currently there are many free lessons on the internet that contain answers about
school assignments so that students tend to complete assignments by taking answers from the
internet. This makes students not work independently and are lazy to think innovatively. this
over time can turn off creative and critical thinking patterns so that students think only as long
as they graduate but actually don't understand the material being studied.

Other examples such as online jockey services make students lazy to pay attention and
understand the material provided by lecturers. they are willing to spend money to pay for
online jockey services to complete assignments given by their lecturers. now there are lots of
students who are lazy to work in groups because they are lazy to think creatively to combine
their ideas. This also has a big impact on student creativity with online jockey services for
students so they are lazy to think so that student creativity will also decrease because they are
not sharpened.

Next, In this era of digitization there are many online game applications available that make
students addicted. playing online games can take up a lot of time so that students will not have
time to complete assignments and study. Students will also always feel they have less time to
do everything and become lazy. Playing online games will take up a lot of time, so students
cannot hone their creativity.

Creativity will decrease if the wrong use of technological advances such as plagiarism, online
jockey services and addiction to playing online games. All these technological advances will
reduce creativity if you don’t have a responsibility. Therefore we must use the technology

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