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Anda on

Anda u a ed on
Real World opens the door to a fasc nat ng world of Engl sh
language knowledge and sk lls Real World helps teenage
learners develop the ab l ty to commun cate well n Engl sh and
also the sk lls and confidence to part c pate as educated c t zens

n the global commun ty
The comb nat on of authent c v deos from the BBC w th
EXPERIENCE ENGLISH, Pearson s ELT expert se g ves learners the tools they need
EXPERIENCE THE REAL WORLD to ach eve the r goals n the real world

Students’ Book Real World opens the door to a fascinating world of English Workbook
Andalusia Edition

d opens the door to a fascinating world of English

language knowledge and skills. Real World helps teenage
knowledge and skills. Real World helps teenage

with Online Area
learners develop the ability to communicate well in English

develop the ability to communicate well in English and
and also the skills and confidence to participate as educated

Extra language

kills and confidence to participate as educated citizens
citizens in the global 21st century community.

bal 21st century community.
The combination of authentic videos from the BBC with
bination of authentic videos from the BBC with
EXPERIENCE ENGLISH, Pearson’s ELT expertise gives learners the tools they need

and skills practice

ELT expertise gives learners the tools they need
to achieve their goals in the real world.

Authentic videos from the BBC

e their goals in the real world. EXPERIENCE THE REAL WORLD


inspire students to use real

to consolidate and
Real World • Students’ Book 1

extend course

Real World • Workbook 1


ia e
d i t io n English.


Real World • Workbook 1

lu s
1 1

Bob Hastings, Lynda Edwards
Stuart McKinlay Lynda Edwards with

Online practice with scores
with Tim Roberts




ed i
Students’ Book with Online Area Workbook MyEnglishLab eText
yEnglishLab eText Authentic videos from the BBC inspire Extra language and Includes all the workbook Complete digital
ludes all the workbook students to use real English. skills practice to activities, remediation exercises version of the

recorded in the gradebook helps

Complete digital
ivities, remediation exercises
grammar practice and
version of the
Students' Book
Online practice helps students review
and recycle what they have learned.
consolidate and extend
course content.
for grammar practice and
language learning tips.
Students’ Book
and the Workbook.
guage learning tips. and the Workbook.

students review and recycle

Year Test
End of USE OF
Year Test Language ENGLISH Name:
Test: Unit 31 entry.
the correct Name:
USE OF to complete Class:
ENGLISH Name: Today 2 Complete
uage Test: Unit 1 Choose
Review Test 3: Units 1–6
Madeleine. to tell you Class:
the blog
There the
3 entry. the correct
Name: 1 Reorder
the letters
makes She 1
me laugh. 6 born
all 0 ___
my little
sister, don’t
are threeshort dialogues
expressions with
sentences. Class: in brackets and complete
Class: Luke eight agree these
Name: Today to complete
2 Complete know! In fact, ___ the years
___ in the evening course either you do
not need.
I want theI help her to I think before he goesplease

the blog and I’m
RY Madeleine. to tell you the 0 I often go very 6 to 4 ___ bed. she’s 3 ___ she Pleased using it no

a lu
There When he stands on the ___ homework, A her
She 1 all 0 ___ are threeshort dialogues VOCABULARY 3 Nigel is an amazing to theactor.
cinema – I go three Madeleine homework
browses person 1 What to Thanks problem
makes ___ my little expressions with (netfo) times B– prefers I would for What of
letters in brackets me laugh. 6 born Luke eight sister, don’t
agree these in the theatre, you can’t takea week.loves 7 notMylike me. she 5 eat? you like
know! In fact, ___ the years
internet you do words. 1 Complete the sentences with the correct word. 1 I like to go moment, helping parents sometimes ___ get to a

what they have learned.

and complete 2
___ in the evening course either not need. Mum ask me and 2 I can’t A burger,
theI help her to I think and before he goesplease I’m your eyes off the gym they 7
___ a help them my brother stand
very 6 to 4 ___ bed. she’s 3 ___ she Pleased using it no 1 Some people like to eat chips with (sxcieree)
and do e I 8 ___
be fifteen cake
in the
___ the housework.
kitchen. to Maths. please
o to the
azing actor. When he stands on the ___ homework, A her
cinema homework
browses person 1 What to Thanks problem 4 Santiago a goal in nearly
my friends
tomorrow.A maketogether At the 3 Let’s I don’t
– I go three Madeleine B– prefers I would m , while others prefer ketchup. 2 I wake for myB do go like it,
in the theatre, you can’t takea week.loves 7 not she 5 eat? you like for What of every matchupheearly birthday. 4 I think to the cinema.
Mylike me. plays!in the m at my I 9 ___
moment, helping parents sometimes ___ get 2 I can’t
to a 2 I need to find something to do – I’m really I really like breakfast! family house, a party we
om. to the gym they 7 Mum ask me and A burger, 5 We our match 3–0 last .– there are but I 10 with some we can need to .
and do e I 8 ___ ___ a help them in the
___ the housework.
my brother
Maths. please
. b ! 3 Most (nomring) GRAMMAR
too many
___ invite of to
5 Can /7 help animals.
do all
good Bob Hastings,
be fifteen cake Saturday.peopleLet’s hope havewe do better of them! the rest Sorry, idea!
a goal in nearly
my friends
A make
for myB do
At the 3 Let’s
I don’t
like it, 3 Our teacher takes the r every e
dinner at sixnext Saturday.
o’clock 0 A about of my 6 This
I borrow
your book? I
Stuart McKinlay
in the 3 Choose

plays!in the m at my I 9 ___ birthday. 4 I think to the cinema. . (negvein) 1 A is /5
is my
family house, a party we morning to check who’s at school. 4 I’m b B around the correct form of the friend
Sorry, . with Tim Roberts
breakfast!our match 3–0 last .– there are but I 10 with some we can need to .
0 present simple.
(nomring) GRAMMAR
too ___ invite of to do all – this film isn’t2 A B were Danny’s mum C of makes .
many the rest 5 Can /7 help animals. Sorry, good
idea! 4 I love country music – it’s b . (drobe) old
interesting. / make bread you.
ehopehavewe do better of them!
at sixnext Saturday.
dinner I borrow but GRAMMAR 3 A the meet
o’clock 0 A about of my 6 This your book? I 5 Marcela plays the cello in an o . 5 My sister B ago weekend.C was every
in the 3 Choose is very e funnier

is my 1 Katriona C
. (negvein) 1 A is /5 B around the correct form of the friend
Sorry, .
6 My uncle is a professional c , 4 Complete a newthe
4 A do B funnier meetpast/ meets 3 Complete
present simple. cat!sentences
(dtecixe) with the correct affirmative. She has than her friends
– this film isn’t2 A 0 5 A doesn’tif 2 What every weekend. the definitions.
interesting. B were Danny’s mum C of makes . so he has a really expensive racing bike. or6negative
Hans n form of these verbs. Use contractions B make timeC dotheyou
wake up / wake 0
/ make bread you. meet you upThese Some /5
3 A the B ago weekend.C was every possible. 6 A many
goes shopping B don’t Saturdays? C know on are the words letters
funnier 7 Each person in the winning team receives a friends – he
hates (renve) with his know are given.
ery e 1 Katriona C 3 Carlos isn’t in a language. that
4 A do B funnier meetpast/ meets 3 Complete be
7 I’ve be enjoy hateit. meet see try 7 Awatch
‘s making B much C didn’t
like / doesn’t 1 A meal you
tences with the correct affirmative. She has her friends m . got a really like omelette. other
tecixe) 5 A doesn’tif 2 Whatthan every weekend. the definitions. difficult Maths 8 A ‘m 4 David usuallyC any finish
made voca
of these verbs. Use contractions B make timeC dotheyou exam B make with cheese bula
wake up / wake 0 /7 1 We I feel
very w tomorrow,going
a film
so / finishes work food
of bread. between or ry
you upThese Some /5 to B
6 A many
goes shopping B don’t Saturdays? C know on are the words
know letters 8 right
I now, but I 2
9 A have
about it. (drewiro) it. ‘m go5 My parents C ‘redon’t
at 6 p.m.
listen / not listen 2 The time
two pieces
ates it. (renve)
hate meet see try 7 Awatch with his
B much 3 Carlos isn’tC didn’t 1 A meal
in a language. that
are given.
do my homework 10 A doesn’t 6 toDo / Does
B ’m having C goyour to the radio. between
s d
‘s making like / doesn’t 2 Saturdays,
There 3 on any food to dad sometimes the evening. the morning
2 Complete the mini-dialogues with ONE word in each

y difficult Maths 8 A ‘m 4 David usually like omelette. other made but I usually evening? watch
exam B make C any finish with cheese voca do it on Sundays. B don’t C go in the
a film / finishes work food
of bread. between
bula gap. (essimotem)
that I liked at the party last night, but there to have
soto B or ry 7 EstherCdon’t uses this a
‘m go5 My parents
9 A have C ‘redon’t at 6 p.m. two pieces things
about didn’t plays / doesn’t to to
it. (drewiro)
( it. making listen / not listen 2 The time 1 A: What 1 4
lots of people I knew. 4 A place all the pupils. show o
do my homework10 A doesn’t 6 toDo / Does
B ’m having C goyour to the radio. between s d
do people
morning. play with her dogwhere
on any food to dad sometimes and the evening. the morning in Japan speak? 3 Jade usually 5 bus or in theyou p

usually do it evening?
C go watch
3 ATV 2 Choose /8 8 How do you train. can catch j c
on Sundays. B don’t to have in the
teacher the correct usually relax 5 A competition, a
he party last night, but there uses this a B: Oh, they speak 2 . her boyfriend onoption. Saturdays, but she /10 / you do relax
7 EstherCdon’tdidn’t
to to 0 Lauren the weekend? of matches
usually at usually s t
lots of people I knew. plays / doesn’t 4 A place all the pupils. show o
2 A: I want to 3 friends
6 ___ in a café him today in it. with lots n
morning. play with every Saturday
her dogwhere A works morning.
bus or in theyou p j c with my new classmates. What can I do? – she’s on holiday. B does t u
/8 8 How do you train. can catch 1 Ursula 7___ m
5 A competition,
Saturdays, but she usually relax
/10 / you do relax
B: Why don’t you 4 a 4 He to the radio
every morning. noodles 4 Order the words /8
the weekend? of matches
usually at usually s t n
A chats with the brackets to make
afé every Saturday him today in it. with lots party and invite them all? at the Chinese restaurant yesterday, but he
B listens questions to
morning. 2 My grandad go /5
does t u 3 A: I’d love to play the electric 5 8 ___ breakfast them. 0 I live in London.
m A goes in bed every
noodles 4 Order the words /8 day. (you / live /
adio every
restaurant yesterday, but he
with the brackets to make
questions to
like some of those great rock musicians.
B: Yes, but I definitely prefer to 6
3 Pablo and
B has
Sebastián quite
1 I get up at
do / Where)
7 o’clock.
Where do you
go /5 their friends often ___ cards
0 I live in London. with
reakfast in
bed every day.
them. to music than to play it. 5A Complete –the they love it! with ONE or TWO
sentences words in (up / get / What
/ time / you
(you / live / play / do)
each gap. BUse
as /8 do / Where) 4 A: Do you do any 7 , docontractions if possible.
Where do you 4 I ___ and
1 I get up at 1 I cando mythe 2 I watch TV

n quite often live? such as aerobics or cycling?. play homework
guitar but fornot
___ cards with 7 o’clock.
school every an the piano – it isn’t
hour after
in the evening.
tences (up / get / What B: No, but there’s a new running 8 as day. as the guitar! (TV / do / watch
it! with ONE or TWO words in

/ time / you A study / When / you)
ntractions if possible. / do)
near the sports centre that I might try.
5 Laura2 There isn’tB get up milk in the fridge – we

guitar but
2 I watch TV ___ every day 3 My best friend
an the piano – it isn’t
hour after
in the evening. /8 park.
need to buy some – shemore.
goes running comes from
(TV / do / watch in the (Where / your Italy.
as the guitar! / When / you) 3 I judo every day last week.
© Pearson / from / best
A works Educación, friend / come
up milk in the fridge – we 4 I think hip-hopB exercises
is much interesting / does)
3 Complete the sentences with a suitable noun or verb. S.A., 2019
3 My best friend 4 My sister
goes running comes from than pop. goes to school
in the (Where Italy. 1 I remember when I my best by bus.
judo every day last week.
© Pearson / your / from
/ best friend
Rod Fricker Rod Fricker 5 Ruby Libro Real £10 in the street yesterday – (to / your sister / go /
Educación, / come / does) friend for the first time – we were four! World 169 school / does
is much
cises interesting lucky girl!
01 Spain / How)
S.A., 2019 2 My favourite subject at school is Information 9788420569901.indb
4 My sister
• PHOTOCOPIABLE © Pearson Educación,
goes to school by 6 Laura had an argument with Mark so she169
(to / your sister bus. . S.A., 2019
£10 in the street yesterday – / go talking to him at the moment. 1 • End
169/ school / does
rld TEST
/ How) 22 of Year
01 Spain
Real World
argument with Mark so she169 1 • Language
Libro Real Test

World TEST
PHOTOCOPIABLE Real World 01 Spain 9788420569901.indb
talking to him at the moment. 1 • End © Pearson Educación, S.A., 2019 • PHOTOCOPIABLE 146 22 Real World 1 • Review Test
22 of Year
Test 07/12/2018
Real World 12:30:48
Bob Hastings, Stuart McKinlay with Tim Roberts

1 • Language
Real World 1 • Review Test
Libro Real World TEST 01 Spain 9788420569901.indb 146 07/12/2018 12:30:42


Vocabulary App
07/12/2018 12:30:42

Teacher’s Book Teacher’s Resource File Tests Active Teach

Active Teach
Interleaved teacher’s Photocopiable resources for Downloadable unit, review and Complete interactive version of the
nit, review and Complete interactive version of the notes, scripts, answer every unit. end-of-year tests at three grades Students’ Book and Workbook, with
ts at three grades of Students’ Book and Workbook, with keys and activities for of difficulty, plus Grammar and audio, video, interactive activities
rammar and Vocabulary audio, video, interactive activities mixed-level classes. Vocabulary checks. and photocopiable resources.
and photocopiable resources.

Lynda Edwards


Fun and motivating

lue in the

1 1 1 1
es come

The Real World series covers


1 1 1 1
otels in flag
he blue

out, they




the text





A1 A1+ A2 A2+ B1 B1+

of the
e the names





lusia? of foreign
e in number
nal visitors? in the
With a complete andalusian section
els or restaurants
stay in

Lynda Edwards
rs usually

fancy restaurant,

to a very

activities to practise
you got?

22-29 30-42 43-55

Bob Hastings,
ns have


with approximateto help

the table numerical
Class CDs
Learn about the Global Scale of English at
Use the

Stuart McKinlay
of coast
ent by
er year

of hotel
n Andalusia with Tim Roberts
f sunshine

course can be used as part of the preparation
he Pearson Test of English General.
This course can be used as part of the preparation
for the Pearson Test of English General.

the vocabulary of

the units.
CVR Real World WB1 Spain 69840 CVR.indd 1 2/4/19 11:04


Test: Un
it 3
End of Year
1 Reo
rder the
0 I often rs to
make Name:
go to
the cine
words. Class:
(netfo) ma – 7 My
I go thre pare
USE OF ENGLISH 1 I like to e time help them sometimes
go to sName:
a wee ask me
(sxc the gym k. ___ the
Review Test
3 Choose
correct 1–6
2 I wak
e to
and do
e 4 Complete the
dialogues with B short
A mak
e housew
and my
I really
in the blog
and expressio
ns. There are thesedo
like brea the m Class: !
expressio three extra words
Today I want 3 you ns. GRAM and
to tell Mos all
t peo
___ kfast! MAR


Madeleine. She 1 plemy little sister, ring don’t agree
VOCABULARY ___e born eight have dinn 2 My) favourite subject . at school3 isCho
either I’m using ___.

of course ose the it no problem
makes me laugh.4 years 2 ___ erand at she
six please Pleased
InI’m b I think she’s 3 . (negvein A o’clo
fact, Chemistry B Technology 0 to ect form
for What a
1 Choose the correct ck in Danny’s
I help her ___ person ) I the of the
to 4(dro
her 3 0 aWhat
We went to see great ___ yesterday. mum
would 1 like Pres
very 6 ___ homework – – this
she 5 ___
you Katr toiona A burger, makes ent Sim
0 Monika’s wearing a really nice
homewor 5 trainers
My / skirt today. filmget eat? / mak
please ple.
k, not
sistelike Aisn’t interestin B flute
concert 2 Wha meet . e brea
Madelein r is me.
very e / / mee d ever
1 Some people like to eat chips awith
t time ts her
e loves helping Mum in the kitchen.
cat! 4 Santiago ___1 ag.Igoal can’tfor his team in nearly
stand Maths. Saturday do you wak
every friends y wee
cereal. moment, they 6 (dtecixe At the every
___ Han
a scake
n together for ) game he plays!
. She 3 Car s? I don’t like it, e up / wak weekend
I 8 ___ has e you .
2 I need to find something
be fifteen to tomorrow
I’m really excited /my birthday. los isn’t . up on
– he. I 9 ___ a party A scores 2 Let’s B does 4 Dav like /
my friends at 7 I’ve hates withgoe go to the cinema. id usua doesn’t
bored. some
my house, got but it. (ren 5s shop
Weof ___ our match 3-0 last 5 Saturday. lly finis like
3 Our teacher family
takes the register
a real I 10 ___ invite
ly diffic ve)
the rest of my
with My pare h / finisgood ome idea!lettes.
– there are too/very
I feel poster
ult Maths A watched
3 his
I think
B lost 6
we need to
nts don
’t liste
hes work
8 at w of them! exam we can to helpDo /do Doe all Sorry, butn / not at 6 p.m
morning to check who’s I school. animals. s your .
tomorro I dad /5 listen
evening? to the
0 Amusic sometim.
di t i
4 I love country about– it’sSatu brilliant / terrible. abo w, so radi
B around do ut it. (dre 4 Can I borrow7 Esth es watc o.
1 A isthe cello (ess s, but C of my hom yourer book? h TV in
5 Marcela plays in an audience I/usua
orchestra. wiro) don’t Sorry,
B were
tem lly do on morning plays . the
a lu
it 5 This is my / doe
6 My uncle2is aA professional swimming) / cyclist.C was on Sunday
ia e

old friend
8 How Hattie. . sn’t play with
B ago
d s.
An lus
7 Each person3 A in C past do you you. meet her dog
winning team receives a medal 4 Choose the correct optionthe to complete the
usua in the
Choose B funnier than lly rela
C the funniest sentences. weekend
/ league.4 A do the corr x / you
0 B makeect opti ? do rela
5 A doesn’t Lauren ___ C know
on. 0 Carmen/8 loves / is loving living in England, but x usua
B don’tin a café /7 0
lly at
6 A many A works C didn’t 4 Ord /5
ever she 00 5isn’t
Read the/ with
liking doesn’ter thelike the weather there.
1 Ursu B much B doe C y Saturday definition s wor
7 A ‘s making la ___ s any mor1ning We 1 watch / ’re watching theaansw film right innow,
bracbut the words.
2 Complete the missing A letters Binmake
to the
the dialogues. . 0 These0areI live ers. kets to /8
8 A ‘m going chats radio C ‘re making make
to B ‘mthe every I 2 ’m not enjoying the words
/ don’t inenjoy
Lond it. you
that question
0 A: What 2 want goonions mor know in a language.
9 do you
A have
to cook
My gran
Btoliste in?
ns C go to ning. 2 There 3 wasn’t / didn’t (you be/ any
food that I liked v oatcabulary s to go
B: A 10f r y i n g pan. B ’m ___
having live /
A breakfasC go to have 1 I get do / Whe
A doesn’tgoes t in bed the party 1 last
A meal
night, madebutup there 4
was / were lots of
re) Whe
1 A: What 1 l 3n Pablo a e Bdodon’t people
B hasin Japan C didn’t every other food
(upbetween 7
atcheese o’cloor re do you
and ck.
speak? their frien Sebastián
day. people I knew. of bread. / get / Wha two pieces
s d
ds – they quite
often 3 Jade usually 5 is seeing / sees hert boyfriend / time
/ youon
B: Oh, they speak A play a n s love . 2 The2time / do)
___ card I watc
4 3m B do
it! /10
s with Saturdays, but she between
h meeting
TV in morning / doesn’t meet
2 A: I want to
I ___ e friends with my new and the the (TVevening.
and do him today – she’s on / doholiday. evening. a
/ watc o
classmates. scho
What can I my
ol ever do?homewo h Whe
y day rk for 3 A/ tried
4 He 7 tries noodles at the /Chinese
teacher restaurant
n / you)
B: Why don’tAyou stud4yh .
e a party and inviteanthem
hour 3 Myto alluses this to show
5 Laur after yesterday, but hebest 8 the pupils.
frien/dis hating them.p
hated j c
all? a ___ B get (Where comes
every up 4 A place where from
park / your Italy /8
3 A: Can you . the g i day
play a – she
or any other you can
/ from
goes bus or train. / best s .
catch a
musicalA work
instrument? running 4 My friendt n
s in the sister / com
6 Luke 5 Choose5the A competitio goes to complete the e / doe
B: No, I prefer to 6 l
___ t B exer
n tocise
music than to play correct
(to / youroption to scho
n, usually with lots s)
the inter s sentences.of matches insiste ol by
it. to bed. net in it. r / bus.
t u
the even go / scho m
A brow 0 There5aren’t ol
4 A: Do you any 7 e e c s , suching
do ses as before I havemany / some sweets left/indoe the bag –
s / How
he goe a part )

aerobics or cycling? prefers s only two.
(party y for my
© Pear / have birth /5
B: No,sonbut there’s a new running 8 t a k near the 1 I never go to the / do / pool –day
swimming I don’t
. can /
Educ a / Whe

ación, n / you)
sports centre, soS.A.,
I might
2020 try that. can’t swim!
BLE /8
Spain 22
Rod Fricker 22
3 Choose the correct option.
0 Pearson
© Do youEducación
want some salt and ___ on your food? Real Worl
, S.A., 2020 • d 1 • Lang
A pepper B celery Test
1 I remember when I ___ my best friend for the first Real World 1
• End of Year
Libro RW-AND time – we were four!. Test
TES1 Spain
23450 .indb
A knew B met
TEACHER'S BOOK © Pearson Educación, S.A., 2020 • PHOTOCOPIABLE 140
Real World 1 • Review Test
19 11:14

11/12/19 11:14

Teacher’s Book Teacher’s Resource File Tests Active Teach PLUS

Interleaved teacher’s Photocopiable resources for Unit, review and end-of-year Active Teach PLUS provides all the resources
notes, scripts, answer every unit. tests at three grades of needed to support and extend your classes,
keys and activities for difficulty, plus Grammar and including:
mixed-level classes. Vocabulary Essential practice. Active Teach, complete interactive version
of the Students' Book and Workbook plus
additional classroom material: audio, videos,

and photocopiable resources.
WORLDWORLDWORLDWORLD Online Gradebook, a tool to help you see where
1 1 1 1 students need improvement and personalise
1 1 1 1
their learning journey.
Lynda Edwards

Test Generator, an extensive bank of

customizable tests.
Lynda Edwards
C ass CDs

This course can be used as part of the preparation
for the Pearson Test of English General.

CVR RW AND WB1 Spa n 69055 CVR ndd 1 29 1 20 12 31

WORLD i a ed i t
io n
d alu

Pearson Educación S.A. Photo acknowledgements
Ribera del Loira 16-18 The publishers would like to thank the following for their kind permission
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Starter unit My world Unit 7 A question of time

0.1 4 7.1 Vocabulary 44
0.2 5 7.2 Grammar 46
0.3 6 7.3 Reading 47
0.4 7 7.4 Grammar 48
7.7 Writing 49
Unit 1 Fantastic people
Unit 8 Talking to the world
1.1 Vocabulary 8
1.2 Grammar 10 8.1 Vocabulary 50
1.3 Reading 11 8.2 Grammar 52
1.4 Grammar 12 8.3 Reading 53
1.7 Writing 13 8.4 Grammar 54
8.7 Writing 55
Unit 2 It’s delicious!
Unit 9 Getting around
2.1 Vocabulary 14
2.2 Grammar 16 9.1 VocVocabulary 56
2.3 Reading 17 9.2 Grammar 58
2.4 Grammar 18 9.3 Reading 59
2.7 Writing 19 9.4 Grammar 60
9.7 Writing 61
Unit 3 Every day
3.1 Vocabulary 20
3.2 Grammar 22 Check Time
3.3 Reading 23 Unit 1 62
3.4 Grammar 24 Unit 2 63
3.7 Writing 25 Unit 3 64
Unit 4 Love to learn Unit 4 65
Unit 5 66
4.1 Vocabulary 26
Unit 6 67
4.2 Grammar 28
Unit 7 68
4.3 Reading 29
Unit 8 69
4.4 Grammar 30
Unit 9 70
4.7 Writing 31

Unit 5 Let’s make music

Check Time Answer Key 71 - 72
5.1 Vocabulary 32
5.2 Grammar 34
5.3 Reading 35
5.4 Grammar 36
5.7 Writing 37

Unit 6 Crazy about sport

6.1 Vocabulary 38
6.2 Grammar 40
6.3 Reading 41
6.4 Grammar 42
6.7 Writing 43
0.1 Subject pronouns; to be; possessive adjectives; the alphabet 0.2 Possessions; plural nouns; demonstrative pronouns; possessive pronouns

0 1 Match pictures A–F with subject pronouns 1–6. 1 Match photos A–L with words 1–12.
2 Look at the pictures and write the plurals.

1 books 2

My world C D

D E F 3 4

VOCABULARY 1 you 3 we 5 A I
The alphabet | Possessions |
Classroom language | Cardinal and 2 they 4 he 6 she
ordinal numbers | Days of the week |
Months and seasons | Dates | Telling 2 Choose the correct option.
the time | Saying phone numbers 1 He are / is a teacher. 4 I are / am fifteen. E F 5 6
2 They am / are good friends. 5 We are / is English students.
GRAMMAR 3 She is / am a doctor. 6 You are / is from Paris.
Subject pronouns | to be | Possessive
adjectives | Plural nouns | Demonstrative 3 Make the sentences in Exercise 2 negative.
pronouns | Possessive pronouns | 1 He isn’t a teacher.
Imperatives | Object pronouns | 7 8
wh- questions 3 G H
4 3 Complete the sentences with this, these,
5 that or those.
6 1 ⇓ This book is interesting.
2 That book isn’t interesting.
4 Change the sentences in Exercise 2 into questions. Write short
3 ⇓ laptops are old.
4 ⇓ T-shirt is big.
1 Is he a teacher? ✗ No, he isn’t.
I J 5 bag is new.
2 ✓
6 ⇓ watch is very small.
3 ✗
7 skateboard is cheap.
4 ✓
8 TVs are good.
5 ✓
6 ✗ 4 Rewrite the sentences with possessive
5 Complete the sentences with possessive adjectives.
1 This is my key.
1 Miss Jones is my (I) teacher. She’s great. K L This key is mine.
2 Pedro isn’t in (we) class. He’s fifteen. 2 That is his skateboard.
3 Is Jacky (you) friend?
4 Jo and Ann are sisters. Coco is (they) dog. 3 These are our books.
5 My brother is ten. (he) name is Ricky.
4 Those are your bags.
6 02 Listen and write down the names.
1 Brian Banks is my English friend. 1 D bag 5 laptop 9 TV
5 These are her teddies.
2 My friend is from . 2 bike 6 skateboard 10 watch
3 Her first name is . 3 computer 7 teddy 11 wallet 6 That is their computer.
4 My French friend is .
4 guitar 8 book 12 key
5 My town is .
4 Starter unit 5
0.3 Imperatives; classroom language; object pronouns 0.4 Days of the week; months and seasons; cardinal and ordinal numbers;
dates; phone numbers; telling the time; wh- questions

1 Order the words to make sentences. 3 Match 1–4 with a–d to make 1 Find the days, months and seasons below in 5 Match pictures A–H with times 1–8.
1 in / books / your / write / exercise questions. the word search. Look ⇑, ⇓, ⇗ and ↘.
Write in your exercise books. 1 d ii What’s the English word
Monday March spring
2 in / books / your / put / bags / your 2 Which page Tuesday April summer
3 What’s the spelling Wednesday July
3 page / to / fifteen / turn 4 What’s Thursday August
Friday November
a are we on?
4 five / at / exercise / look Saturday
b the homework? C D
c of coursebook?
5 books / your / open
d for ‘taxi’? S Q Q I A S L F T T S E
6 partner / question / a / your / ask 4 Match the questions in Exercise 3 T I O J U L Y R U C U P
with these answers (i–iv). Z S E S G A G I E T M Y
i C-O-U-R-S-E-B-O-O-K. Q N M I U N I D S H M S E F
2 Look at the pictures and make negative imperatives.
ii It’s the same: ‘taxi’! B A O U S N A A D U E A
Use these phrases.
iii Exercises 1 and 2 on page 22. R N N V T S D Y A R R T
ask a question open your books sit down stand up iv Page 175. W E D N E S D A Y S C U
talk to your partner write the answers
5 Complete the sentences with L A A V A M H P Y D P R
1 2 object pronouns. I I Y D P C B A S A T D
1 Danny and Sue are happy. Look L S R C R T L E R Y S A
at them (they)! R K N A I F D A R H C Y
2 This is her phone number. Phone R L M B L Q S P R I N G
3 These are your books. Put 2 Write the numbers in words.
(they) on the desk.
1 600 six hundred 1 E nine o’clock 5 quarter past three
4 My English is good. Ask
(I) a question! 2 7,584 2 ten to nine 6 quarter to eight
3 4
5 Tom’s answers are correct. Listen 3 259 3 half past six 7 twenty to one
to (he). 4 354 4 five past two 8 eleven o’clock
6 We’re at home. Visit (we) 5 22nd
soon. 6 53rd 6 Complete the questions with who, what, where,
7 11th when or how.
8 99th 1 Who are your teachers?
2 is your surname?
3 03 Listen and write the dates. 3 old is he?
5 6 1 1st November 4 time is the lesson?
2 5 are you from?
3 6 is his birthday?
4 7 is your favourite music?
6 7 Match questions 1–7 in Exercise 6 with answers
4 04 Listen and write the phone numbers. a 1 Mr Hands and Mrs Turner.
1 Don’t talk to your partner. 1 07825541923 b Pop.
2 2 c Seventeen.
3 3 d Smith.
4 4 e London.
5 5 f 9.30.
6 6 g 4th November.

6 Starter unit Starter unit 7

4 Look at the diagram and complete the 8 Complete the word puzzle. What’s
1.1 VOCABULARY Talk about family and nationalities sentences with the correct words. the hidden word?
1d a u g h t e r
Jim Tina

1 Complete the names of the countries.

3 c t n Sue Mark Gemma David Kate 6

2 r a d
1 the USA 4 r ny 7

Fantastic 5 ol d
Gary Helen Pam Jack Mike

people 1 Jack is Mike’s brother .

1 Gary is Sonia’s dad. Sonia is Gary’s
2 Tina is Pam’s .
2 I’m from France. I’m .
VOCABULARY 3 Helen is sister.
3 My grandpa's hair isn’t long and dark.
Countries and nationalities | Family | 6 a n 4 David is husband. It’s short and .
Adjectives of appearance | Personality 5 Gemma is Mike’s .
adjectives | Clothes and footwear 4 They’re Irish. They’re from .
6 Gary is Jack’s . 5 My hair isn’t short. It’s .
7 Jim is Gary’s . 6 My sister is Katy and my
GRAMMAR 8 Gemma is Tina’s . is Dan.
Possessive 's | can for ability |
7 t y 7 My aunt is my uncle’s .
Adverbs of manner | have got 5 Read the sentences. Add ’s or an apostrophe (’).
8 Yumiko is from Japan. She’s .
9 n l n 1 My cousin’s friend is English. 9 Helena isn’t short. She’s .
READING 2 Jack dad car is Japanese.
The hidden word is: .
An article about appearance 3 James dog is black.
10 r n i a 8 r n e
and personality 4 Ella mum is Rita. 9 Choose the correct option.
5 My brothers names are Pete and Mark.
2 Write the nationalities for the countries in Exercise 1. My 1friend’s / friends name is Eva. She’s fifteen
WRITING 6 WORD FRIENDS Choose the correct option.
1 American 6 years 2young / old and she’s 3France / French.
A short description of a person
2 7 1 Dan’s hair is young / long. She’s 4from / of Paris. Her brother’s name
5is / are Christophe and he’s ten. Her
3 8 2 The girl’s hair is blonde / big.
6daughter / sister, Marie, is a baby. She’s six
4 9 3 Tom’s eyes are blue / tall.
5 10 4 My sister is slim / green. months old. Eva is 7tall / long and her hair is
8blonde / big. She’s a good friend.
5 The teacher is long / short.
3 Find eight family members in the wordsearch.
Look ⇐, ⇓, ⇗ and ↘. 7 Find and correct the mistakes in the sentences.
Z N R T E A M H T I E R 1 Jack is my friend brother.
O Z N S N S U N I U R E Jack is my friend’s brother.
2 Hans is Germany.
3 My granny is young. She’s ninety-four.
B I S S B U E N S G T R 4 Lukes car is from the USA.
Z W I F E A O B O T S A 5 Your hair is small.
6 My sister husband is Charlie.
7 Eva is from Argentinian.

8 Unit 1 9
1.2 GRAMMAR Use can and adverbs to talk about abilities 1.3 READING F ind detail in an article about appearance and personality

1 Write the adverb form of the adjectives.

1 quick quickly
5 Write short answers for questions 1–6 in
2 fluent
Exercise 4.
1 ✓ Yes, I can.
The Hemsworths
3 fast
4 good 2 ✗
3 ✗
2 Make sentences using can. 4 ✓ 1 Chris and Liam Hemsworth are brothers. They’re 3 Liam is Gale in the three Hunger Games films. 10

5 ✗ from Australia. Their grandfather is Dutch, from the He’s Katniss’s friend. He can fight and hunt and he
1 Jack / speak / Japanese
6 ✓ Netherlands, and there is also English, Irish, Scottish can shoot arrows, like Katniss. In the film his hair
Jack can speak Japanese.
and German in their family – it’s very international! is short and dark. He’s very brave and strong. He’s
2 I / swim / a kilometre
6 Match questions 1–5 with answers a–e. 5 Chris and Liam are young, tall and handsome. They also an angry young man.
1 b Can Daisy walk? are also famous. They are very good actors.
3 Keiko / write / a letter in English
2 How many languages can you speak? 4 Chris is Thor, the superhero, in the Thor and 15

3 Can you stay under water? 2 In family photographs their hair is short, their Avengers films. He’s big and strong. His hair is
4 Jim / drive / a car eyes are blue and they aren’t very different. But in the long and blonde. He can shoot lightning. Gale
4 Can Dan sing?
films that isn’t true! They are completely different. can’t do that!
5 Pat’s brothers / fly / a plane 5 Can Jack and Natasha drive?

a Yes, I can – two minutes. A B C

6 Gemma’s baby / say / ‘mama’ and ‘dada’ b No, she can’t. She’s six months old.
c No, he can’t.
d Yes, they can. They’ve got a nice car.
3 Make the sentences in Exercise 2 negative.
e Two – Polish and Spanish.
1 Jack can’t speak Japanese.
2 7 Complete the dialogue with
3 can or can’t.
4 A: That’s a nice photo. Who is it?
5 B: It’s my brother. He’s in France now. He’s at
6 an international school.
A: Oh. 1Can he speak French?
4 Order the words to make questions. B: Yes, he 2 . He 3 speak
1 speak / you / German / can / ? French and he 4 read French.
Can you speak German? He 5 also play tennis. It’s an
2 Mark / car / can / a / drive / ? international tennis school!
A: That’s good. I 6 speak French and
1 Read the text. Match photos A–C with paragraphs 2–4. 4 Choose the correct option.
3 French / they / at / can / school / learn / ?
I play tennis. Maybe he
8 teach me! 1 Tommy is clever / brave. He’s a
2 Read the text again. Match headings a–d with university teacher.
4 sister / Italian / your / understand / can / ? paragraphs 1–4. 2 Gemma is friendly / nervous. Her exams
a Not a man, a god are soon.
5 Tina’s / walk / baby / can / ? 3 Terry is funny / quiet. He’s always in his
b A good friend and a brave hunter
c Similar or different? room.
6 play / can / brother / your / football / ? 4 Tim can fight anybody. He’s strong and
d Acting brothers
nice / brave.
7 kilometres / swim / many / you / how / can / ? 3 Read the text again. Mark the sentences ✓ (right),
✗ (wrong) or ? (doesn’t say).
1 Chris and Liam are from Scotland.
2 Their father is an actor.
3 Chris and Liam’s hair is long and blonde.
4 Chris and Liam are in different films.
5 They are the same age.
6 Gale and Thor can do the same things.

10 Unit 1 Unit 1 11
1.4 GRAMMAR Use have got to talk about possession 1.7 WRITING Write a short description of a person

1 Complete the sentences with have got or 5 Complete the dialogues with one or 1 Complete the description with these words. 4 Join the sentences with and or but.
has got. two words in each gap. 1 He’s got a brother. He’s got a sister.
but cousin different famous friendly long
1 Pete has got a dictionary. 1 A: Have you got a brother? sixteen speak style He’s got a brother and a sister.
2 I a blog. B: , I have. His name’s Tom. 2 Annie can’t walk. She isn’t sad.
3 Jim and Dave a dog. 2 A: Have we French today?
My mum
a wonderful teacher.
two sisters.
B: No, we
French on Friday.
. We’ve got My famous friend 3 Tim can sing. He can’t dance.

6 Our dad a red car. 3 A: our teacher got a car? 4 She can speak French. She can’t speak
7 Jack a big family. B: No. He got a car. He’s German.
got a bicycle. Annie Parker is my 1cousin . She’s also my best friend.
2 Make the sentences negative.
4: A: How sisters has Dave got? Annie is 2 years old and she’s great. She’s 5 She’s clever. She’s funny.
1 I’ve got red hair. pretty. She’s got 3 , blonde hair and blue
B: got one sister.
I haven’t got red hair. eyes. Annie’s got great 4 ! She’s always got 6 She can play the guitar. She can play
5 A: you got your camera
2 We’ve got a small house. and selfie stick? lovely clothes. the piano.
B: got my camera but
3 My cousin’s got a selfie stick. Annie is funny and 5 , and she’s clever
I got my selfie stick.
It’s at home. too. She can 6 four languages. She’s also
4 The students have got homework today. 6 A: Thor got dark hair? brave. Annie can’t walk 7 she isn’t sad.
B: , he hasn’t. He’s got She’s got a special electric chair so she can move. She
5 Katy’s dad has got a job. blonde hair. can sing. In our town Annie is 8 . She’s
often on the radio! Now she’s a student but her dream
6 Ella’s got a baby brother. 6 Complete the email with these job is to be a singer, like Taylor Swift. Perhaps she can
sing in 9 languages and everyone in the
7 I’ve got a laptop. can’t from got hasn’t have he’s world can know about her! Yes, she can do it!
I’ve you

3 Make questions using have got.

1 Eddie / a German friend / ? 2 Read the description again. Answer the questions. 5 Write notes about a friend.

Has Eddie got a German friend? 1 What has Annie got?

Hi Ricky, Age:
2 we / an Art lesson today / ?
My name’s Bess and I’m 1from London. I’ve got a 2 What can Annie do?
3 Paul and Helen / a big house / ? big family. 2 got three sisters and one Family:
brother. My brother’s twenty and 3 got 3 What can’t Annie do?
4 your brother / an interesting job / ? a car. My sisters 4 got blonde hair but Personality:
my brother 5 . He’s got short dark hair. Positive things about the person:
5 you / a good dictionary / ? My mum’s 6 a job in my school. She’s a 3 Match sentences 1–6 with the parts of the
teacher. I’ve got a lot of hobbies – art, films, music description a–f.
6 your teacher / children / ? and books. But I 7 do sports. 1 f Her dream job is to be a singer.
Why this person is important to you:
8 2 Annie Parker is my cousin.
And you? Have got a big family?
7 your laptop / a camera / ? 3 She’s also very brave.
Have you got a cat or dog? I haven’t. What are
4 Annie’s got great style.
your hobbies?
5 Yes, she can do it.
4 Write short answers for the questions in Exercise 3. Write soon, 6 Annie is sixteen years old. 6 Write a description of 70-100 words of
1 ✓ Yes, he has. Bess your friend. Remember to follow these
2 ✗ a appearance instructions.
3 ✓ b personality
• Use the model description and your
4 c ending
✓ notes from Exercise 5.
5 d age
✗ • Join some sentences with and or but.
6 e introduction
✓ • Start with a simple introduction and
7 ✗ f plan finish with a simple ending.

12 Unit 1 Unit 1 13
4 Find eight words from Exercises 1–3 in 7 Order the letters and write
2.1 VOCABULARY Talk about food and drink the wordsearch. Look , ⇓, ⇗ and ↘. the words in the sentences.

V E L A L L E C N T S G 1 Our lunch (nuclh) is usually
at 12.30.
2 I’ve got a
X I D E R T B U T T E R (swidchan) but I haven’t got
1 Write these words in the correct column.
D S C E G C H I C K E N an (leppa).
apples bacon butter carrots celery cheeseburger R J S P S G U T C S X I 3 There’s (klim) and
crisps grapes milk orange juice (olac) in the fridge.
4 What’s your favourite
R T Y Y F T B P M R V C (fetrabsak)?
Fruit Vegetables Meat Drinks Other
It’s delicious! apples
5 My brother can cook. Tonight
we’ve got (heknicc)
F D E K G Y O C O E A N for (rindne).
VOCABULARY 6 (sifnumf) are
Food and drink | Meals | delicious but they aren’t good
Places to eat | Cooking | 2 Match these words with photos 1-9. for you!
Popular supermarket foods | 7 Let’s have something to drink.
bananas biscuits chicken cola eggs 5 Complete the sentences with words from Exercise 4. An orange (ejiuc)
milkshake muffin potatoes yoghurt 1 My sister’s got a chicken in her garden. for me and a chocolate
We have for breakfast when we visit. (msilkhkae) for
GRAMMAR 2 I can’t make toast – there’s no . you!
there is /there are + some /any |
3 Crisps are from . 8 Vegetables like
Countable and uncountable nouns |
4 I always have in my coffee. (rcrtaso) and
5 People make wine from . (crleey) are very good for you.
6 Our dog can’t eat like apples or grapes;
READING it’s bad for him. Meat and vegetables are OK.
8 Complete the words in
A blog entry about preparing food the dialogue.
7 I love with bits of fruit in it.
A: What’s your favourite 1 meal?
WRITING 1 biscuits O 2 3 6 Complete the words for meals 1–3. Match them with B: That’s 2 b :
3e and 4 b , toast
A recipe photos A–C.
1 In the morning: b and 5 c l.
2 In the middle of the day: l A: That’s hundreds of
6c s!
3 In the evening: d 7
B: Yes, but it’s d l !
And 8 l at school is only
A an 9 a and a
10 c sandwich. What
about you?
A: Oh, easy – 11 d !
4 5 6 12 C k or fish, lots of
13 v ,
14 y and water. It’s all
good for me.
B: No muffins or
15 b u ?
A: Never!
B C B: That’s boring.
A: No, it’s good!

7 8 9

3 Mark the words in Exercise 2 F (fruit), V (vegetables),

M (meat) or O (other).

14 Unit 2 15
2.2 GRAMMAR Use there is/there are to talk about places to eat 2.3 READING Find detail in a blog entry about preparing food

1 Complete the words for places to eat. 5 Make sentences. 1 Look at the photos and complete the words. 3 Read the blog. Look at the pictures below and
1 burger bar 1 there / not / apples / on the table write the verbs.
2 c f There aren’t any apples on the table.
3 f st f d r st r nt 2 there / not / biscuits / in the box
4 s ndw ch b r I can cook potatoes!
5 v g t r n c f 3 there / a vegetarian café / in the town
6 r st r nt centre / ? I can’t cook difficult meals with lots of ingredients. But
7 p zz r 1 bo w l I can cook potatoes! Potatoes are a fantastic vegetable.
4 there / a pizza / in the fridge / ? They’re easy to cook and there are lots of ways to cook
2 Complete the sentences with is or are. them. You can boil them and put butter on them. You
1 There is an expensive restaurant. 5 there / not / a burger bar / near our can cut them up and fry them to make chips. You can 5
2 There some cheap cafés. school bake them and eat them with cheese. Very easy!
3 There a nice pizzeria. English people eat a lot of potatoes but my favourite
4 There some fast food restaurants. 6 there / not / potatoes / in the kitchen potato recipe is from Switzerland. It’s called rosti. It’s
5 There some Chinese restaurants. easy and very quick – ten minutes! The ingredients are
6 There a big burger bar. 7 there / not / Italian restaurants in my town 2 p 3 f two potatoes and half an onion. Grate the potatoes and 10
7 There a vegetarian restaurant. onion and mix in a bowl. Add salt and pepper. Squeeze
8 there / eggs / in the fridge / ? out some water. Then put some oil in a frying pan.
8 There some French restaurants.
Add the potatoes and onion to the hot oil. After a few
3 Make the sentences in Exercise 2 negative. minutes, turn over the rosti and continue to cook.
6 Complete the dialogue with these
1 There isn’t an expensive restaurant. words. You can eat rosti with meat, eggs or salad. You can put 15
2 cheese in it too! Delicious! Thank you, Switzerland!
any are is isn’t it’s some there there’s
4 A: 1 There’s a new restaurant in our town.
5 B: Really? 2 it a Chinese
6 restaurant? Chinese meals are my 4 f p
7 favourite.
8 A: No, it 3 . It’s French. It’s very nice
and the menu’s great. 1
4 Write questions and short answers for the B: Are there 4 vegetarian meals?
sentences in Exercise 3. A: Yes, there 5 . They’ve got
1 ? Is there an expensive restaurant? lots of salads. Oh and there are 6
✗ No, there isn’t. delicious cakes!
2 ? B: Are 7 any pizzas on the menu?
✓ A: No, there aren’t! 8 a French
2 3
restaurant – it’s not Italian!
3 ?

4 ? 5 s 6 p 4 Read the blog again. Answer the questions.
✓ 1 How many ideas for cooking potatoes are there
5 ? 2 WORD FRIENDS Complete the sentences in the text?
✗ with these verbs.
6 ? add bake beat boil cut fry 2 Where is rosti from?

1 Beat two eggs in a bowl.
7 ? 3 What are the ingredients for rosti?
2 some salt and pepper.

3 the cake for twenty minutes.
8 ? 4 How long is it to cook rosti?
4 the water and then add the
✗ pasta.
5 up the onion and it 5 How many things can you eat with rosti?
in the oil.

16 Unit 2 Unit 2 17
2.4 GRAMMAR Use countable and uncountable nouns and quantifiers 2.7 WRITING Write a recipe

1 Write the words below in the correct column. 4 Choose the correct response. 1 Complete the recipe with these words. 3 Match the sentences 1-8 from different
recipes to the sections of a recipe a-d.
bacon banana biscuit bread burger 1 How much milk is there? add finally first leave next serve
carrot cheese cola crisp egg juice a There’s a lot. suggestion then 1 b Two tablespoons of sugar and three
ketchup milk omelette onion yoghurt eggs.
b There isn’t many.

Countable nouns Uncountable nouns

c There are lots. Summer Relish! 2 This dish goes well with boiled
2 How many biscuits are there? 3 It’s easy to make.
banana bacon a There isn’t much. 4 Next, fry the onions in olive oil.
b There aren’t any. 5 One tin of chopped tomatoes.
c There is a lot. 6 Serve with potatoes or pasta.
3 How much cheese is there? 7 Finally, put in the fridge for 3 hours.
a There aren’t many. 8 Everyone in my family loves this dish.
b There isn’t much.
a Introduction and personal comment
c There aren’t any. b Ingredients
4 How much butter is there? This is my family’s favourite summer snack. c Instructions
a There isn’t many. It’s simple to make and it’s always tasty! This d Serving suggestion
b There isn’t any. recipe serves four people.
c There are lots. Emily
4 Number the instructions for the recipe for
cheese on toast and add these sequencers.
5 How many bananas are there?
a There aren’t much. finally first next second then
• ½ onion • 1 small tin of cooked
b There isn’t many. • 1 small green pepper white beans a put the mixture on toast and
c There aren’t many. • 1 small red pepper • 2 tbsp olive oil grill for 10 minutes.
6 How many eggs are there? • 2 tomatoes • 1 tbsp vinegar b mix the cheese and onion with
2 Complete the sentences with a/an, some or any.
a There isn’t any. • 8 black olives • salt and pepper a tablespoon of cream.
1 There are some eggs in the bowl. • toast (4 large slices) c 1 First, grate cheese into a mixing bowl.
b There are six.
2 There isn’t milk in my coffee. d chop half an onion into small
c There are much. Instructions
3 There’s banana on the table. pieces.
7 How much oil is there? 1 First, cut up the onion and peppers into small pieces.
4 There aren’t crisps for lunch. e add salt and pepper before
a There’s some. 2 , peel the tomatoes and cut into large
5 There is butter in the fridge. you grill.
b There are many. pieces.
6 There is onion for the omelette.
7 There are biscuits on the plate. c There aren’t much. 3 salt, pepper and a tablespoon of vinegar. 5 Write notes about a recipe for a summer
8 There isn’t bread for the sandwiches. 8 How many onions are there? , mix the cooked white beans with the snack.
a There is a lot. other ingredients.
3 Choose the correct option. b There isn’t any.
5 , add the black olives and two Introduction:
tablespoons of olive oil.
1 How much / many oil is / are there? c There are many.
6 to cool in the fridge for an hour before Ingredients:
2 How much / many biscuits is / are there?
3 How much / many burgers is / are there?
Serving 7 Instructions:
4 How much / many ketchup is / are there?
8 on toast.
5 How much / many cola is / are there?
Serving suggestion:
6 How much / many sandwiches is / are there?
7 How much / many eggs is / are there? 2 Read the recipe again. Answer the questions.
8 How much / many juice is / are there? 1 How many portions does this recipe make?
6 Write a recipe for a summer snack.
2 Which time of year can you eat this dish? Remember to follow these instructions.
• Use the model recipe and your notes from
3 Is the dish hot or cold? Exercise 5.
• Use sequencers and verbs for instructions.
4 How many sections has the recipe text got? • Start with an introduction and end with a
serving suggestion.

18 Unit 2 Unit 2 19
4 Look at the table. Complete the sentences 8 Complete the crossword.
3.1 VOCABULARY Talk about daily routines below with sometimes, often or never. 1r
eggs and 2e
toast cereal
bacon 3
Monday ✗ ✗ ✓
1 Complete the time phrases with in or at. a
Tuesday ✗ ✗ ✓ 4 5
1 in the morning 4 night x
Wednesday ✗ ✗ ✓ 6
2 the afternoon 5 8 p.m.
3 the evening Thursday ✗ ✗ ✓ 7
Friday ✗ ✗ ✓
Every day
Look at the pictures and complete the phrases. Saturday ✗ ✓ ✗
Sunday ✗ ✓ ✗ 8 9

1 I have toast for breakfast.

VOCABULARY 2 I have eggs and bacon for 10
Daily routines | Free-time activities | breakfast. 11
3 I have cereal for breakfast. 12
1 ex e r c i s e 2 r 3 g u
GRAMMAR 5 Match verbs 1–5 with
Adverbs of frequency | Present Simple words/phrases a–e. 2 Not in the morning – in the .
(affirmative, negative and interrogative) 1 go a friends 4 You can do this at the gym.
2 meet/text b karate 7 Help your parents with this.
READING 3 check c homework/housework 8 Not sometimes but .
A text about daily activities 4 do d to the cinema 0 Do this exercise to relax.
4 w u 5 g h 6 s
5 do e my emails 1 I my friends on my phone.
2 I’ve got an alarm clock to help me up.
Myself and my daily routine 6 Complete the sentences with word
friends from Exercise 5.
1 It’s important to before you go to
1 I like films. I often go to the cinema with bed, e.g. read a book.
my friends.
3 I my emails every hour.
7 h 8 w 9 h a s 2 My friends write a lot of emails.
5 I a lot. I want to go to university.
b I after every lesson.
6 Not often but .
3 I exercise a lot. I often
7 Our teacher gives us a lot of .
after school.
9 I often my friends to go to the
4 After school I sometimes
in the park.
5 After dinner I in 9 Complete the text with one word in each gap.
my room.
10 g t b 11 g t s 12 h d
7 Complete sentences to make them I’m Jenny Middleton. I’m a teacher. I 1 wake up at 7.30 and
3 Complete the sentences with phrases from Exercise 2. true for you. Use phrases from Exercise 2 I2 up five minutes later. I 3
1 Every morning I wake up at 7.30. and Exercise 5. a shower and then I 4 breakfast with my
2 I at 7.35. 1 I rarely . family. I 5 to work by car at 8.30. Lessons
3 I at 7.45. Then I get dressed and go downstairs. start at 9.15. I 6 lunch with the other teachers
2 I never .
4 I with my parents at 8.00. Maybe toast or an egg. at 12.30. I 7 home at 4.30. I sometimes
5 I by bus at 8.30. My lessons start at 9.00. 3 I often .
8 after school at the gym – it’s good for me!
6 My parents at my school – they’re teachers! 4 I always .
I have dinner at 6.30. I sometimes 9 some
7 Lessons finish at 4.00. I by bus at 4.30. 5 I sometimes . housework after dinner and then I 10 watch
8 I at home before dinner. I read a book or watch TV. TV or read a book. I read my students’ homework and
9 I sometimes at the gym after school. 11 my emails before bed. I 12
0 I with my family at 6.30. go to bed before 12.00 – I’m a night owl!
1 I after dinner. We have lots of homework.
2 By 9.30 I’m very tired and I .

20 Unit 3 21
3.2 GRAMMAR Use the Present Simple to talk about habits 3.3 READING Find detail in a text about daily activities

1 Match photos A–E with words 1–5. 4 Make the sentences in Exercise 3 negative. 1 WORD FRIENDS Choose the correct option. myblog

A B 1 I don’t have breakfast at 8.30. 1 I always listen to / for music in the car.

Life at a language
2 2 I sometimes write / chat with my friend
3 in Australia online.
4 3 My dad usually browses the internet /

school in England
5 the TV when he gets home from work.
6 4 My sister and I do / play cards a lot
7 when we’re on holiday.
5 We always watch / look sport on TV at
5 Make sentences in the Present Simple. the weekend.
1 I / like / pop music
C D 2 Read the text. Match paragraphs 1–3 with
I like pop music. headings a–d. There is one extra heading.
2 we / not have / English / on Mondays
a Free time with friends
b Lesson time
3 my sister / not help / my parents / with the
c Home time
d Holiday time
4 our cat / not sleep / a lot 3 Read the text again. Mark the sentences
T (true) or F (false).
5 Mike / often / watch / TV / in the evening
1 Nari sometimes speaks Korean to
her English family.
6 you / never / eat / crisps 2 Nari goes to school two days a
7 my friends / go / to yoga / on Thursdays I’m Nari. I’m Korean, but English is an important
3 All students at the language school
language for me. I want to be a translator and I’m
are Korean.
in England for six months at a language school. It’s
4 Nari only has lessons in the
6 Complete the blog with the Present morning.
fantastic! I’m in a lovely town by the sea and I have
1 D hamster 3 tortoise 5 guinea pig Simple form of these verbs. 5 a room with a very nice family. They speak English
5 In class, Nari studies grammar.
2 pony 4 budgie to me all the time. It’s hard but very good for me.
give go (x2) have (x2) like meet 6 The lessons are fun.
When I have breakfast, we speak English. When
2 Look at the endings of the verbs below. Write not eat not finish not see sleep visit 7 Nari does sports in the afternoons.
I watch TV, we speak English. I think I speak English
them in the correct category. 8 Nari meets other students at the
myblog in my dreams!
checks cries does exercises finishes gets
10 Every day I go to a language school and study
goes has makes meets relaxes studies My pets, Tickle and Maxi 4 Find words in the text that have these English with students from different countries. We
1 /s/: sleeps, checks , , , meanings. never speak our own language – only English. We
2 /z/: stays, , , , , We 1 have two cats, Tickle and Maxi. 1 You have this at night: dr e a m s have five lessons every day, from 9.30 to 4.30. We
3 /ɪz/: misses, , , Tickle is old and she 2 a lot, sometimes 2 This is a journey where you go and study difficult things like grammar but the teachers
for hours and hours! She 3 much – come back in a short time: t 15 are cool and sometimes we sing English songs
3 Complete the sentences with the Present she leaves nearly all her food – and never 3 You find the meaning of words in this: and play games in class. There’s a lot of talking
Simple form of the verbs in brackets. 4 out. Maxi is young and she d too. It isn’t only books, books and books! But my
1 I have (have) breakfast at 8.30. out every night. Sometimes 4 This person tells you the meaning of dictionary is very useful! At the end of the course
2 We (go) shopping at the weekend. we 6 her all day. I think she something in another language: we get a certificate.
7 her friends in the garden! She
3 My brother (spend) a lot of time t
20 After lessons we often do sports or watch films at
on his computer in the evening. 8 dinner every evening at 5.30. She 5 You get this when you pass a test or
4 Eva (go) to the cinema every Saturday. 9 fish and cat biscuits very much. finish a course: c school, and at the weekends I sometimes go on
Sometimes she starts but 10 trips to interesting places with other students.
5 You (get) good marks in English! her 6 This tells you about the ideas and the
dinner. I think she 11 different houses way of life in a country: c I love this school. I have friends here from all over
6 The teachers (give) us lots of
homework on Fridays. and the people 12 her food too! the world and learn about their cultures too. My
25 best friend here is from Spain. It’s a great life!
7 My cousin (have) a big lunch every She’s a BIG cat!

22 Unit 3 Unit 3 23
3.4 GRAMMAR Use the Present Simple to ask and answer questions about routines 3.7 WRITING Write about myself and my daily routine

1 Make questions in the Present Simple. 4 Find and correct the mistakes in the 1 Complete the blog with these words. 3 Rewrite the sentences with the words in brackets.
1 you / live / in London / ? sentences. One sentence is correct. Sometimes you need to join the sentences.
after (x2) at because (x2) do
1 Do James like celery? Sometimes you need to change the order of
Do you live in London? don’t finish it lot so then (x2)
the sentences.
2 Pete / like / pop music / ? Does James like celery?
2 Where does Mike plays football? 1 I get up. I have a shower.
3 we / have / a History test / every week / ?
My day a (then) I get up. Then I have a shower.
3 Does you have lunch at school? b (after that) I get up. After that, I have a shower.
I’m a swimmer. I love 1it ! A swimmer needs
c (after) After I get up, I have a shower.
4 Jo and Lee / go / to the cinema / on Saturday / ? to do a 2 of practice and my
4 A: Do you have any Spanish friends? 3 2 We have Maths. We have English.
days are very busy, every
B: No, I doesn’t. a (then)
5 Jenny / always / watch / TV / in the evening / ? morning I get up at 5.00 – yes, 5.00!
I4 have a big breakfast but
5 How do you usually cook eggs? b (after that)
6 you / understand / German / ? I drink a cup of tea. 5 my dad
takes me to the swimming pool. I get there
c (after)
6 What time do we finishes school on 6 5.30 exactly. I train for two
2 Write short answers for the questions in Monday? and a half hours. Then I have a shower
Exercise 1. 3 I have dinner. I play on my computer.
and dad takes me home again. I have
a (then)
1 ✓ Yes, I do. a big breakfast with the family at 8.30.
2 ✗ 5 Complete the dialogue with these 7 that, I cycle to school. Lessons
words. 8
b (after that)
3 ✗ at 4.30. 9 I go
4 ✓ do (x2) does don’t I no speak want swimming again for an hour and a half,
c (after)
5 ✓ when where yes from 4.45 to 6.15. 10 swimming
6 ✗ I go home and have dinner. I 11 4 I want to pass my exams. I work hard.
A: Hi! You’re a new student, aren’t you? I’m
my homework in my room and then, at
Jenny. I’m in your class. Do you 1want to a (so) I want to pass my exams, so I work hard.
3 Write questions for the answers. Use question
ask me any questions? about 8.00, I watch some TV or play some
b (because) I work hard because I want to
words (where, what, when, how, etc.). computer games. I go to bed early, at 9.00,
B: Oh hi! Thanks, I’ve got lots! First, 2 pass my exams.
1 A: What time do you go to school? do lessons stop for lunch? I’m tired and I have to get
5 I help my friend with her English homework.
B: I go to school at 8.30. A: Good question! We finish for lunch at 12.15 up again at 5.00 the next morning! I swim She isn’t very good at English.
2 A: and start again at 1.00. a lot 13 I want to be a famous a (so)
B: I watch music programmes and films. B: OK. 3 we have Maths lessons swimmer!
3 A: every day? b (because)
B: I travel to town by bus. A: No, we 4 . Only on Mondays,
4 A: Wednesdays and Fridays. 6 I live near my school. I walk to school in the
B: She goes swimming at the leisure centre. B: That’s good! 5 do we do sports? morning.
5 A: A: We do exercises in the gym and play team a (so)
B: My mum and dad get up at 7.15. sports on the field.
6 A: B: And what about the teacher, Miss 2 Read the blog again. Complete the table. b (because)
B: In my free time I do lots of sports. Masters? 6 she give a lot
7 A:
of homework? Time Activity
A: 7 , she does! Loads! 5.00 1getup 4 Think of someone you know who has a different
B: My brother works in Manchester. daily routine from you. Copy the table from
B: Oh, dear! Thank you. By the way, I’m Emilio. 2 arrive at swimming pool Exercise 2 and complete it with information
A: That’s an Italian name. Are you Italian?
3 about him/her.
B: My dad’s Italian and my mum’s English. finish training
Do you 8 Italian? 4 5 Write about the person’s daily routine. Remember
A: , I don’t. But I can understand to follow these instructions.
4.30 5
a little.
10 • Use the model blog and your table
B: you want to learn? I can 4.45 6
from Exercise 4.
teach you some.
7 finish swimming • Order the activities with then, after that and after.
A: Yes 11 do, Emilio. Thanks!
8 • Give reasons with so and because.
9.00 9

24 Unit 3 Unit 3 25
4 Complete the school subjects. 8 Choose the correct answer.
4.1 VOCABULARY Talk about school
1 Are there any on your classroom wall?
1 Art 6 a hs
2 G g h 7 P y c a rulers b posters c projectors
3 B l g 8 M i 2 In our Geography book there are some pictures
4 i t r 9 Dr a of rivers in Africa.
1 Match photos A–H with words 1–8. 5 gl h 10 C m s y a text b exercise c art
3 In we sometimes copy songs into our exercise
5 Find eight school subjects from books and sing them.
Exercise 4 in the wordsearch. a Physics b History c Music
Look ⇓, ⇗ and ↘. 4 The teacher shows us how to use in our
Presentation Skills class.
Love to learn O
a a poster
I like using
b a projector c an eraser
in Art classes because I can correct
F H D M O L S Q E E D my mistakes.
VOCABULARY F M R B U C H Y R N M a pencils b pens c a calculator
Classroom objects | School subjects | 6 I forgot my sports . It’s in my bedroom at home!
Making friends | Learning a bag b case c ruler
7 If you use the wrong pen on the , you can’t clean it!
GRAMMAR a projector b textbook c whiteboard
Present Continuous | Present Simple X H A S H A N O I S N
and Present Continuous | G H P M I M I K I O G H N 9 Complete the email with these words.
Prepositions of place I H N D A E N D S Y E
Art breaks calculator erasers lessons
M N U N Q I S Q H T Z Music PE pencil case subject timetable
A short story about a friend 6 Match 1-4 with a-d to make school
WRITING 1 d Information a Education
1 G pencil 4 whiteboard 7 calculator
2 Religious b Skills
A description of a room Hi Mia,
2 ruler 5 pen 8 poster
3 Presentation c E
3 eraser 6 projector My new school is great and this term’s 1timetable isn’t
4 P d Technology
bad. 2 start at 9.00 and the first lesson on
2 Complete the classroom objects with these words.
7 Choose the correct option. a Monday is 3 ! Fantastic! You know I love
painting. We’ve got 4 on Tuesday morning and
book case sports text 1 In Geography / Maths we look at maps
we learn to play the guitar – amazing! Wednesday isn’t
of different countries.
1 pencil case 3 book very good – we’ve got 5 all afternoon. I hate
2 IT / PE is fun because I love computers.
2 exercise 4 bag sports and it always rains on Wednesdays! We have three
3 We learn about kings and queens in 6 every day – not two like our old school. It’s
3 Complete the sentences with words from Exercises 1 and 2. History / Biology and that’s boring.
good to chat to friends then.
4 I’d like to be an actor, so Drama /
1 Write in pencil . Then you can use an
Physics is my favourite subject. Thanks for my present. It’s a really pretty 7 and
if you want to change something. 8
5 We often go on holiday to different I keep all my pens and in it. I’ve got
2 Can we use a in our Maths test?
countries, so Chemistry / English is a new 9 too, to help with my Maths – not my
3 I’ve got a T-shirt and trainers in my .
useful for me. favourite 10 !
4 Don’t write in the book! Copy the
6 I can’t paint or draw, so Music / Art is
questions into your book. Write soon,
very difficult for me!
5 Harry often cleans the for the teacher Steph
7 My dad’s a doctor and he helps me
after the lesson.
with my Religious Education / Biology
6 There’s a on our classroom wall, with homework.
a map of the world on it.
7 I forgot my with all my pens and pencils.
Can I borrow a pen?
8 Our teacher sometimes uses a in class.
She shows us pictures and texts.

26 Unit 4 27
4.2 GRAMMAR Use the Present Continuous to talk about things happening now 4.3 READING Find detail in a short story about a friend

1 Look at the pictures and complete the 3 Make the sentences in Exercise 1 negative. 1 WORD FRIENDS Choose the correct option. 4 Find words in the story that have these
sentences. Use the Present Continuous form 1 They aren’t reading. meanings.
1 My first / best friend is called Alice.
of these verbs. Use full forms. 2 1 You do this when you are happy or
2 It’s difficult to get / go to know people when you
cry do yoga laugh listen to music 3 when you like something: s
move to a new town.
read sleep smile walk 4 2 Two students that are in the same class:
3 I’m always shy when I meet someone on / for the
5 c
first time.
6 3 If something is not open, it is c .
4 It’s good to make / do friends with people who
7 like the same things as you. 4 A place in a house with flowers and
trees: g
2 Read the story below. Choose the best title. 5 You sleep in this at night: b
4 Order the words to make questions. a A night at Robby’s house 6 When something makes us feel
surprised or when we can’t explain it,
1 it / raining / is / ? b Robby’s garden
we say that it is s .
1 They are reading . 2I . Is it raining? c Tom’s homework
2 TV / what / watching / are / you / on / ? 5 Read the story again. Mark the sentences
3 Read the story again. Complete gaps 1–4 with ✓ (right), ✗ (wrong) or ? (doesn’t say).
sentences a–e. There is one extra sentence.
3 working / is / today / dad / your / ? 1 Tom and Robby live in the same
a Who is he speaking to?
4 a / students / are / doing / test / the / ? b Now I understand.
2 Tom and Robby are in different
c We’ve got homework every evening. bedrooms.
5 Hannah / is / running / why / ? d Don’t smile, boy. 3 It’s nearly morning.
e Tonight I’m staying with him but something 4 Tom is surprised.
3 We . 4 She . strange is happening.
6 is / at / subject / sister / which / university / your / 5 Robby is talking to Tom.
studying / ? 6 Robby is still sleeping.

5 Match the questions in Exercise 4 with

answers a–f.
a 5 Because she’s late.
b No, it isn’t.
5 He . 6 She . c Yes, they are.
d A new film.
e Maths.
f Yes, he is.

6 Complete the phone conversation with the

Present Continuous form of the verbs in brackets.
Andy: Hi! What 1 are you doing (you/do)?
2 (you/watch) TV?
7 You . 8 It .
Ben: No, 3 (I/not).
2 Write the short forms of the verbs in I 4 (do) my Geography
Exercise 1. homework. It’s horrible! How about you?
1 They are = They’re Andy: I 5 (not do) any homework. I’m Tom Stirling, and Robby Jones is my best friend. We’re in the kitchen and Robby’s sitting at the table. His eyes
I 6 (listen) to some music.
2 We’re at the same school – we’re classmates. I sometimes 10 are closed but he’s talking again. ‘Where’s your homework,
My mum 7 (cook) dinner. stay with Robby and I sleep in a bed in his room. 1 It’s Robby Jones? 3 I’m not laughing. I want your homework.
I’m very hungry!
4 one o’clock in the morning but Robby isn’t sleeping. He’s Now!’ Robby is speaking but the words are our teacher’s!
Ben: What 8 (she/cook)?
5 5 standing by the window. The moon is shining. Robby is
Andy: Sausages. Lovely! I can smell them. And
6 my dad 9 (make) dessert: looking into the garden and he’s speaking. What is he Robby’s standing up and going back to his room. He’s
7 pancakes! doing? 2 Now he’s walking out of the room and I’m walking past me but he can’t see me. 4 He’s walking
8 Ben: I 10 (feel) hungry now! following him. Where’s he going? 15 and talking in his sleep!

28 Unit 4 Unit 4 29
4.4 GRAMMAR Talk about what usually happens and what is happening now 4.7 WRITING Write a description of a room

1 Mark the sentences N (now) or R (regular). 3 Make questions in the Present 1 Complete the description with these words. 4 Circle the prepositions of place in the description
Simple or Present Continuous. in Exercise 1. Which ones aren’t in Exercise 3?
1 R I usually have a shower before breakfast. also areas finally got
2 My dad always drives to work. 1 A: Where do you live? light next on there ,
3 Katy is swimming at the moment. (where / you / live / ?)
B: In Baker Street. 5 Rewrite the sentences with also or too.
Pete is waiting for me at the bus stop.
We don’t have dinner at 6.30 at the weekend. 2 A: My Bedroom 1 There’s a fridge in the room. There’s a
washing machine. (also)
6 My sister sometimes plays games on her computer. (what / you / read / ?) by Jim Baldwin
B: My new book. There’s a fridge in the room. There’s also a
2 Complete the sentences with the Present Simple 3 A: washing machine.
or Present Continuous form of the verbs in brackets. (Kenny / like / Chinese food / ?) My bedroom has got a lot of space and 2 There are a lot of posters. There are some
1 I usually have cereal for breakfast but today
1 light . The walls are blue and the furniture is photos. (too)
B: Oh, yes!
I ’m having eggs and toast. (have) 4 A: white. There are two main
2 . One has got my wardrobe
2 Lindy usually black clothes but today (where / Jim / go / ?)
she a yellow dress. (wear) and study desk, and the other has 3 There are two armchairs. There’s a sofa. (also)
B: To his French class. He’s late.
3 My dad usually in town but today 5 A: my bed and a night table.
he at home. (work) (what / the teacher / write / ?) There are 4 lots of posters
4 My friends usually for me outside and photos on the wall. 5 to 4 There is a shower. There is a bath. (too)
B: Some sentences in the Present
school but today they for me in the Simple. the desk there is a comfortable chair and
park. (wait) there‘s an orange carpet 6 the
6 A:
5 Mum usually films on TV but today floor. 7 are some books on
(Mark and Angela / study / French /
she a music competition. (watch)
on Fridays / ?) the shelves above my desk and some speakers 6 Make notes about a room you like in a relative’s
6 We usually English from a textbook too. 8 , there’s a big window house. E.g. your aunt’s house.
B: No, on Thursdays.
but today we an English song. (learn) in front of my bed. I can see the garden from
4 Find and correct seven mistakes the window. Light/space
in the dialogue.
Sam: Hi, Liz. Do you come shopping with
us? We want to buy some T-shirts. 2 Tick the things Jim writes about in Exercice 1. Decoration
Liz: Oh, yes! I don’t often go clothes 1 Devices 6 Decoration
shopping. And I’m not having got
2 ✓ Carpet 7 Light
many T-shirts. Different areas
3 Doors 8 Space
Sam: We’re usually going to the shopping
4 Furniture 9 Areas
mall but today we’re going to the
new shop in the High Street. 5 Ceiling 0 Windows Furniture
Liz: Cool! My sister is buying all her
3 Look at the pictures and write the
clothes there. She is working there
every Saturday. She’s saying that it’s Other features
really good.
Sam: Does she work many hours there?
Liz: No, only mornings. Today’s Friday, so
she doesn’t work now. 1 in 4
1 Are you coming shopping with us?
7 Write a description of a room you like in a
relative’s house. Remember to follow these
• Use the model description and your notes
4 from Exercise 6.
5 2 5 • Use prepositions of place.
6 • Use also and too to join similar ideas.
7 • Give your description a heading:
e.g. My grandmother’s kitchen.

3 6

30 Unit 4 Unit 4 31
3 Match pictures A–H with words 1–8. 4 Find eight types of music in the
5.1 VOCABULARY Talk about music wordsearch. Look ⇓, ⇗ and ↘.
1 Look at the photos and complete the word puzzle.
What’s the hidden word? D H S W W F Z I E R T
1 2 3

Let's make C D A
music! 4 5 6 M Y

VOCABULARY 5 Order the letters and write the

Musical instruments | Types of music | words in the sentences.
Opinion adjectives | Live music 1 My brother’s got a lot of rock (cokr)
music. It’s very loud and he plays it on
GRAMMAR his guitar too.
Comparative adjectives | 2 (hotcen) music is a type
? of electronic music and it often repeats
(not) as ... as | Superlative adjectives
E F the same beat again and again.
3 I like (laslacics) music
because it’s soft and I can relax.
A review of a show
READING 4 There’s a dance to
? (ctroynu) music. You stand in a long line
WRITING 1s a x o p h o n e and do the same moves.
Texts and tweets 2 5 I think (ergage) music
LISTENING 3 comes from countries like Jamaica.
? 4
6 My sister loves
(riattanolid) Irish music with accordions
and guitars.
? 7 G H 6 Complete the words in the dialogue.
8 Liz: Do you play any 1 in s t r u m e n t s ?
WRITING 9 Jim: Yes I play the 2 g in a band.
? Liz: Really? What sort of g 3 ?
The hidden word is: . Jim: It’s a 4 b . It’s great fun. Our
CULTURE band is very loud!
? 2 Choose the correct option. Liz: What 5 k of music do you play?
1 My brother has got some drums / keyboards but he plays Jim: We play r 6 . Do you like 7 r
them in the garage because they’re very loud! music?
2 I’ve got a guitar / harmonica. It’s great because I can carry it Liz: It’s OK but I prefer 8 c or
in my pocket. 9j . I play the 10 v and
3 I’ve got a flute / cello. I can carry it but it’s very big and very the 11 s . How many
1 F traditional 5 reggae
heavy! people are in your band?
2 country 6 jazz
4 I like playing the accordion / drums but you need strong Jim: There are three of us, but we’re
3 classical 7 techno
arms to push it in and out. looking for more people. We can’t
4 pop 8 hip-hop play 12 d or 13 k .
5 The trumpet / piano is a lovely instrument but it’s expensive
and you can’t carry it. Liz: My brother plays 14 k .
6 My sister is trying to learn the piano / violin. It’s really difficult Jim: Great! Ask him to call me!
and the noise is like a cat!
32 Unit 5 33
5.2 GRAMMAR Use comparative adjectives and (not) as ... as to make comparisons 5.3 READING Find detail in a review of a show

1 Write the comparative form of these adjectives 3 Order the words to make sentences. 1 Complete the opinion adjectives in the 3 Complete the words.
in the correct column. 1 as / tall / sister / Janet / is / as / her sentences. 1 This person fights: bo x e r
big cheap cute dark difficult easy excited Janet is as tall as her sister. 1 Their new album is wond e rfu l. 2 This person usually dances to classical music:
expensive friendly funny nice pretty slim 2 as / are / friendly / cats / as / not / dogs I love it! b d
successful thin Cats . 2 The show’s a r g . But parts of it are 3 This is a play with music: m
3 expensive / as / tablets / as / phones / are a bit b n . 4 This person loves a band or artist: f
braver/ sadder happier more Tablets . 3 The film is b l n ! The story is 5 A person who is good at something is t .
richer interesting 4 as / as / Jack / is / Joe / cute very f n and the main actors are 6 The series of steps and moves in a dance is
cheaper Joe . f t i ! ar .
5 successful / Ben / as / Tony / as / isn’t 4 I can’t stand this programme. My friend
Ben . thinks it’s g a but for me it’s 4 Read reviews A–B below. Match them with
t r . I never watch it. opinions 1–2.
4 Write comparative sentences about 5 The music for the new crime drama on 1 ‘I love this programme! It’s fantastic!’
Anna and Brian. Use better or worse. TV is really c o ! Who is singing it?
2 ‘Don’t watch this programme. It isn’t very
6 At school we’re reading a book in good.’
Anna Brian
2 Write two comparative sentences about each English. It’s O but it isn’t really very
picture. 1 violin player i r t . 5 Read the reviews again. Choose the correct answer.
Tim Tony 2 cook 1 On the show,
2 Order the words to make sentences.
3 artist a the singers answer their fans’ questions.
1 show / love / I / this
b singers play music live on TV.
4 student I love this show.
c a presenter interviews the singers.
2 a / big / of / music / fan / hip-hop / I’m
5 driver 2 AmySays2 likes it because
6 dancer a it’s on Thursdays.
Max Ben 3 it / recommend / I / 100 percent
b there are different kinds of music.
1 Brian is a better violin player than Anna. c the videos are funny.
1 tall / short 2 rich / poor 4 bit / a / it’s / boring
2 3 Musicmanbart3 doesn’t like it because
Tim is taller than Max.
3 a the singers aren’t new.
Max is shorter than Tim. 5 honest, / be / think / terrible / I / it’s / to
4 b the singers talk about boring things.
5 c the music isn’t very good.

Check it out!
5 Complete the text with the
comparative form of these adjectives.
bad busy expensive fast friendly
funny high intelligent tall thin
Eddie Trent Grace Barb
My best friend Jade and I are the same
AmySays2: Musicmanbart3:
3 long / short 4 young / old
age but we’re very different! Jade has lots A There’s a new music video show on B The new video show on Thursdays 15

of hobbies and her life is 1busier than Channel 4 on Thursday evenings and I’m is SO boring! I love music and I really
mine. She’s also 2 – six already a big fan of it! It’s called MusicMe! enjoy watching video shows, but not this
£600 £300 Question 1 centimetres – and 3 – three There are lots of videos for new music 5 one! It’s always the same singers and
kilos. I think she’s 4 than me and there are interviews with singers and bands, and the same music – rock and
because her grades are always bands. I think it’s great because there pop. Why can’t we have some new faces 20
5 than mine! I’m good at are all different kinds of music. My favourite is pop but I can also and different music? The interview idea is good but perhaps the
tennis and I always win – she’s a learn about other kinds of music. Some of the interviews are really singers can answer questions from their fans and not questions
6 player than I am but funny – like the one last week with One Direction! At the moment 10 from boring presenters. This can make the show more interesting.
she’s a 7 swimmer. I wear
Question 2 I’m watching James Bay’s new video – it’s really cool. And later it’s Today it’s James Bay and Ellie Goulding again … TV people, are
8 clothes than Jade does Ellie Goulding and an interview with the Vamps. Amazing! Watch you listening? We don’t want yesterday’s singers and music. We 25
5 expensive / cheap 6 easy / difficult and my jokes are 9 than this show, everyone. I recommend it 100 percent. want tomorrow’s!
hers! We’ve both got dogs. Her dog, Josh, is
definitely 10 than my dog,
Chubby. Josh is very scared of Chubby!
34 Unit 5 Unit 5 35
5.4 GRAMMAR Use comparative and superlative adjectives to make comparison 5.7 WRITING Write short messages (texts and tweets)

1 Complete the table. 4 Complete the email with the 1 Read the messages. Which words can you leave 5 Write out the texts with all the words.
superlative form of these adjectives. out? The number is in brackets. 1
Comparative Superlative 1 Cu 2moro @ concert. Can’t w8!
bad beautiful big cheap expensive I love the new album. (2)
nice nicer the nicest near new quiet small See you tomorrow at the concert. I can’t wait!
I’m back home. I’ll ring you in 15 minutes! (2) 2
fit fitter R u OK? Come round l8r. Bfn

cute cuter I’m going swimming later. Do you want to come? (3)

Hi Rosie, 4
funny funnier This homework is terrible. I can’t do it! (3) 3
I want to tell you a few things about my town. Got test results 2day. Gr8. So
It’s the 1smallest town in the area – only 10,000 5
important more important The new film is fantastic! (2)
people – but I love it. The 2 part
of the town is Green Park. It’s lovely. It’s the
long longer 3 place too and I go there to 2 Match symbols and abbreviations 1–8 with 4
read my book or do homework. words a–h. Y r u not @ school? Call me.
interesting more interesting
1 c @ 3 4 5 C 7 R
There are also some great shops. The
4 shops, only six months
2 2 4 B 6 U 8 Y
intelligent more intelligent
old, are in a shopping centre called Wenton’s a why c at e to g for 5
easy easier Shopping Centre. The 5 shop b are d see f be h you Gr8 present! Thx.
there is called Benny’s (nothing under £20!).
The 6 shop is called Pound 3 Match the abbreviations with their meanings.
2 Complete the sentences with the superlative
form of the adjectives in brackets. Store. There you can buy everything for under a bye for now great later laughing out loud
pound! please thanks tomorrow tonight wait 6
1 Jen is the tallest (tall) girl in our class. Can u get ticket 4 me 4 concert plz?
2 Tom is (young) person in There are lots of places to go in the evening.
1 bfn bye for now 6 thx
our family. My friends and I go to a great café called
2 lol 7 plz
3 Jo is (intelligent) student in Marco’s or the leisure centre. That’s got the
3 gr8 8 2nite
7 swimming pool in the
my class. 4 w8 9 2moro
4 My dad’s Mercedes is area – it’s Olympic size! 5 l8r 6 Make the text shorter. Use symbols,
(expensive) car in our road. The 8 thing about my town is abbreviations and emojis from this page.
5 Mrs Fox is (good) teacher that it hasn’t got a theatre or place for concerts,
4 What do the emojis mean? Complete the words/
phrases. Great to see you today. Thanks for your
I know. and I love music. The 9 concerts help with my homework! I’m happy! Can
6 My room is (small) room in are an hour away! 1 I’m sad . 4 Il it!
you come to my party at Benny’s café
our house. 2 I’m h . 5 K !
Tell me something about your town! tomorrow? See you there! Love and kisses.
7 The English dictionary is 3 I’m s .
(big) book on the shelf. Evie
8 This is (busy) café in our
9 This is (bad) show on TV! 7 Write a text to a friend and his/her reply. Use
symbols, abbreviations and emojis from this
3 Choose the correct option. page. Remember to follow these instructions.
1 Penny is a better / best singer than me. In your text:
2 The new series is more / most interesting than • give some good, bad or surprising news.
the one before.
• make a suggestion.
3 Carrie is the prettier / prettiest actor in the film.
• arrange a time to meet.
4 Jade is my better / best friend.
In the reply:
5 The harder / hardest thing for me in English is
• respond to the news.
the grammar!
• respond to the suggestion.
6 My emails are always longer / longest than yours.
• agree with or suggest another time.

36 Unit 5 Unit 5 37
3 What do we call the people who do these sports? Across
6.1 VOCABULARY Talk about sports and sportspeople
1 football a player
3 A rides a bike.
5 We need one more to win the
2 running
table tennis game.
3 cycling
7 Baseball isn’t an sport.
4 tennis
0 On Saturday there’s a football
1 Match pictures A–J with words 1–10. 5 ice hockey
between our school and yours.
6 basketball
A B 3 In , you stand very still and
7 swimming use your arms.
8 baseball 4 You need special shoes for
on roads.
4 WORD FRIENDS Choose the correct option.
Crazy 1 win / score / play a goal
5 is frozen water and people
can do sports on it.

about sport C D
win / score / play a sport
win / score / play a race
1 We can the match today! I’m
4 win / score / play a medal sure!
5 win / score / play a point 2 When there’s a in a football
Sports | Sportspeople | match, everyone shouts!
5 WORD FRIENDS Choose the correct option.
4 I love in the sea but we don’t
Collocations | Places to play sport |
Sports competitions E F 1 How many sports do you score / play ? live near the seaside.
2 Tom usually plays a football point / match on 6 Ice is a popular sport in cold
GRAMMAR Saturdays. countries.
? 3 I love this photo. It’s the 100 metres and Tom is 8 The is only ten seconds – you
was/were | Past simple affirmative
scoring / winning his race. must run very fast!
(regular and irregular verbs) | ago
4 The USA always play / win a lot of medals at the 9 In judo, you a point when you
Olympic Games. throw your opponent to the floor.
READING 5 This is a really strange sport! How do you score 1 There are eleven players in a football
A text about a sports star a race / point ? .
6 Anna regularly plays / scores goals for her 2 Wimbledon is a very famous
WRITING football team. competition.
A report about a sports event 7 We hope to win / score lots of matches this year
LISTENING and go into the national competition. 7 Complete the dialogue with one
? I J word in each gap.
6 Complete the crossword. Angie: Do you still 1play football?
SPEAKING 1w Brian: Yes, I’m in the school 2 .
? We have a 3 every week.
2 i
3 4 5
Angie: Great! Do you usually 4 ?
Brian: Yes, we’re good! But I don’t usually
1 E basketball 6 baseball 6 5 goals because my
2 ice hockey 7 running 7 job is to stop the other team! Why
3 football 8 tennis don’t you come to practice?
4 archery 9 swimming You can play too.
? 9 10 11
5 judo 0 cycling Angie: No, thanks. I prefer 6
12 sports because I can choose my
2 Read the descriptions and write the sports. 13 time to practise. And I’m not very
1 You stand a long way from a circle and try to hit it. archery 14 good at playing with other people!
2 You can do this in the sea or in a pool. I love 7 , but at the
3 You ice-skate and push a disc around with a stick. moment my bike’s broken.
4 You wear a white jacket and trousers and different coloured
15 Brian: So, you’re a 8 . Do you
belts. do competitions?
5 People who are very tall are good at this because you need Angie: Sometimes. There’s a
9 across the hills and
to jump high.
6 You do this sport in the town or the country and wear a through the town every summer. I
special hat. do that. It’s fun – and I usually win!

38 Unit 6 39
6.2 GRAMMAR   Use was/were to talk about events in the past 6.3 READING    Find detail in a text about a sports star

1   Choose the correct option. 4 Order the words to make questions. 1 Look at the photos and complete the words. 3 Read the text and complete the information below.
I was / were born in 2000. 1 match / the / Friday / football / was /

2 You was / were in Canada in 2015. exciting / on / ?
3 Tim was / were in a hockey team last year. Was the football match on Friday exciting?
4 The film was / were very boring. 2 you / where / yesterday / were / ? Gymnastics is a very popular sport.
5 We was / were tired.  Millions of people watch it on TV and
3 your / Year 9 / teacher / was / in / who / ? lots of children do gymnastics at school
6 The basketball players was / were tall and fast.
 1 basketball co u r t and in clubs. One of the most famous
7 My mum was / were very good at sports. 5 gymnasts ever is a young gymnast from
4 you / team / were / in / last / year / the / ?
Romania: Nadia Comaneci.
2   Complete the sentences with was or were. 
1 Jack was the best player in the team last month. 5 dad / was / good / student / a / your / ? Nadia was born in 1961. Today Nadia

 is a wife and mother but when she

2 My friends, Susie and Mike, in London
was only fourteen years old, she was
last weekend. 6 was / favourite / which / year / film / last /
10 the best gymnast in the world. At the
3 1D’s music popular last year. your / ?
Summer Olympic Games in Montreal, Canada, in 1976, she was
4 I know you! You at Luke’s party on Friday.  2 football f        / football p        really amazing. She was the first Romanian gymnast to win the
5 Katy and I were in the park today and Izzy all-round title, for all the different gymnastic events. She was
there with her boyfriend. 5   Complete the email with the correct
also the youngest in the world. Now the age rules are different
6 Bruno’s café the cheapest café in town form of was or were. 15 and gymnasts can’t compete under the age of sixteen. So the
last year but it isn’t now. record is Nadia’s forever!
7 Our teacher in the classroom before
To: She was also amazing in 1976 for another reason. She was the
us today.
first gymnast to score a perfect 10.00. It was her first event, the
8 I at home all day yesterday. Hi David, 3 tennis c        uneven bars. On the scoreboard after her thirty-second routine,
20 the score was 1.00. Everyone was confused. Why was it only 1.00?
3 Correct the sentences. Make the underlined Our holiday 1was fantastic. We 2 in a
She was fantastic! It was because the scoreboard only had three
parts negative. small town in Spain and the sea 3 very
numbers. For example, 9.75 was possible, but not 10.00! After
near. Our hotel 4 very big – only ten
1 I was at school yesterday because I was at this, at the same Olympics, Nadia’s score was 10.00 for six more
the dentist’s. rooms – so there 5 crowds of people events. She was a real star. Perfect Nadia!
I wasn’t at school at meal times and the beach 6 nice
2 There was some milk in the fridge this morning, and quiet. The weather 7 lovely and
so no breakfast! very hot! I 8 in the water a lot of the 4 swimming p     
Name: 1Nadia Comaneci
 time. But some of the staff 9 very
10 Nationality: 2
3 There were many people at the match yesterday friendly and they always too busy
to answer our questions. Year she was born: 3
and it was very quiet.
Year, country, town
 How about you? How 11 your exams? of Summer Olympics: 4 ,5 ,6
4 My answers were correct and the teacher was 12 you pleased with the results? And First event: 7
happy! She was very angry. 13 there lots of people at your birthday Score on scoreboard: 8
 party? I’m sorry I 14 there! 5 running t        Real score: 9
5 Jim’s birthday party was on Saturday. It was Number of perfect scores: 10
on Friday. See you soon, 2 Complete the sentences with words
 Lara from Exercise 1.
1 We can’t play football today because
4 Read the text again. Mark the sentences ✓ (right),
6 Last time the coffee here was very good and the
✗ (wrong) or ? (doesn’t say).
biscuits were dry. Let’s try something else. the field is too wet!
 2 I really want to play basketball but the 1  Nadia is married today.
7 The football players were very fit and the result is closed. 2  She was sixteen at the Montreal Olympics.
was very good. In fact, it was terrible! 3 I’m at the leisure centre but the 3  In 1976 the age limit for gymnasts was lower
 is full. I don’t like swimming than today.
8 My brother and I were at home yesterday when there are too many people. 4  Her first routine was one minute long.
morning. We were at the sports centre. 4 Come to the after school 5  The scoreboard was wrong because it
 and we can do some running training. was broken.
5 Andy is playing tennis on 6  Nadia has gold medals from two Olympic
number 2. We can watch him. Games.

40 Unit 6 Unit 6 41
6.4 GRAMMAR Use the Past Simple to talk about events in the past 6.7 WRITING Write a report about a sports event

1 Look at the pictures and complete the sentences. 3 Complete the blog with the Past 1 Complete the report with these words. 3 Order the words to make sentences.
Use the Past Simple form of these verbs. Simple form of these verbs. 1 was / the day / the / the / prize / of / ceremony /
all but example great highlight last
call email jog kiss paint play cook do eat get up go have listen there took very was highlight
play relax see take watch The highlight of the day was the prize ceremony.
2 competition / won / my / the / team
myblog Harry Cole reporting ...

3 match / boring / quite / was / a / it

What an excellent weekend! On Saturday
morning I 1got up very late because I was so
tired. Then, after breakfast – my favourite full
1 He called me at 11.30 2 We along the 4 really / was / bad / weather / the
English – Tony and I 2 to the leisure
last night. road this morning. centre. It’s amazing! There’s a big pool and lots
of courts. We 3 tennis and then we
4 5 was / event / an / it / enjoyable
a volleyball match for half an hour.
The players were very fast and very good. Too
energetic for me! And in the evening Tony
5 me to the cinema and we 6 the / at / the / place / stadium / football /
6 final / took
the new Jennifer Lawrence film.
It was brilliant! On Sunday I 7 in the
3 They cards 4 She me on morning and then, in the afternoon, Mum and
Dad 8 a barbecue in the garden. 7 were / for / children / lots / there / of / activities
after dinner. the train. 1 Last Friday I went on a sponsored walk to
They 9 sausages and burgers. They
raise money for charity. It 2 place
were delicious and I 10 too many!
on the Shropshire Union Canal and we walked 8 music / was / live / food / and / also / there
On Sunday evening I some
for six miles. 3 were over
homework and 12 to
100 students and 20 teachers from my school
some music.
on the walk. It was tiring 4 fun.
How was your weekend? For 5 , there were different 4 Make notes about a sports event you went to or
places to rest on the walk. At each place one which you saw on TV.
there were snacks and drinks and a live band!
5 I my baby 6 Erin a picture
sister before school. of flowers at school. 4 Write sentences with time expressions The snacks were 6 good and the Type of event:
and ago to say when you did these things. music was 7 . When:
The 8 of the day was the Where:
2 Find and correct the mistakes in the go to a supermarket look at your phone
sentences. One sentence is correct. watch a music video go on holiday have a test ceremony after the walk. Our teachers gave
us certificates. 9 in all, we Highlight:
1 Paul runned a marathon last weekend. 1 I went to a supermarket three days ago.
raised 8,000 pounds for charity. Overall opinion:
Paul ran a marathon last weekend. 2
2 I tryed to make an omelette but it was terrible. It 10 an enjoyable day and
3 everybody was very happy.

3 In class yesterday we made a poster for the 4

2 Read the report again. Mark the sentences 5 Write about a sports event you went to or one
school play.
which you saw on TV. Remember to follow these
5 ✓ (right), ✗ (wrong) or ? (doesn’t say).
1 People gave the students money to walk.
6 • Use the model report and your notes from
4 Janine walkd to school this morning. 2 The students walked along a river.
Exercise 4.
3 Adults also walked.
• Use the Past Simple to describe the event.
4 There were five places to rest on the walk.
• Use adverbs of degree and adjectives to give
5 We went to the park after school and 5 There was another event after the walk. opinions.
I taked some photographs on my phone. 6 Some students were disappointed with • Use phrases to give the report structure;
the money they raised. e.g. The highlight of the day was ...

42 Unit 6 Unit 6 43
7.1 VOCABULARY Talk about technology and great ideas 3 Complete the sentences with the Past Simple 6 Find words in the word search to
form of these verbs. complete the sentences.
Look ⇓, ⇗ and .

become begin buy can eat sell
understand write 1 Albert Einstein’s theory of relativity is
1 When did these things happen? Look at the pictures and 1 Last week my dad sold his car for a lot of money.
very important.
complete the sentences. 2 The Past Simple of sell is .
2 I everything the teacher said.
3 I use a web to surf the
5th-15th century 3 We an essay in class yesterday.
4 James a big piece of cake and was
4 YouTube is my favourite .
ill on his birthday.
5 My parents a new computer
A question 5
swim when I was eight years old.
a good dictionary last week.
last year.
I can message you on Skype but I haven’t
of time 7 The concert
at 11.00.
at 8.00 and finished
got a
I use my
, so I can’t see you.
to check my email
8 My sister Katy a teacher in 2016. and play games.
VOCABULARY 4 Complete the word puzzle with technology
Talking about history | D B O U G H T S K J S
1 Life was hard in the Middle 2 My sister was born words. What’s the hidden word?
Computers and Information Technology |
Ages . ago. I M S W I T P N T C M
Everyday technology 1n e t w o r k i n g B J M O L E A R G A A
19th century
e T K H I T H E O R Y R
Past Simple (negative) | Past Simple 3
(interrogative and short answers) E T A I I U H V F P P
An article about living e W E B C A M D R N I N
without technology 1 You can use this site to post photos, read friends’
20th century W L B R O W S E R S E
news and chat with friends: social site
WRITING 3 I went to England 4 Fashion changed a lot 2 A video camera on your computer; you can use 7 Complete the blog with one word
An informal email with news . . it to have video calls with friends: in each gap.
3 This is the program that shows the internet on
1990-1999 myblog
your screen: web
4 This is a website that helps you find information
on the internet: search
5 You can use this to call your friends. It usually has
a camera for photos and videos and you can
also get on the internet with it: It was my gran’s birthday three days 1ago .
She was born in 2 1950s. When
The hidden word is: .
she was young, there weren’t any personal
1900-1999 5 Complete the sentences with words from
3 , so she wrote letters, not
Exercise 4 in the correct form. emails or texts. Now she loves technology.
5 Our town changed 6 Phones looked very
1 I’m on several social networking sites and check She's very interested in Greek myths, and
a lot . different .
them all the time. her favourite 4 is
2 Complete the words in the sentences. 2 My favourite is Google. My present for her birthday was a
5 so that she can see her sister
1 The bicycle was a very important in v ent i on. 3 With my , I can see my friends
2 Darwin’s t r of evolution wasn’t popular at first. when we chat online. in Australia when they chat online. My
4 I often use the Wikipedia parents’ present was a new 6 !
3 Scientists believe that the u r e started with the Big
Bang, thirteen billion years ago. to get information for school. It’s really cool and the battery lasts forever!
4 IBM sold the first p l c r. 5 I’ve got a new and I love it! It’s Now she can text and send messages easily.
The monitor was like a television and the keyboard was so thin and the battery lasts a long time. I tried to explain social 7 sites to
very, very big. 6 My dad uses Firefox but my favourite her but it was hard!
5 Thanks to the h d people began to wash their hair is Google Chrome.
more often.
44 Unit 7 45
7.2 GRAMMAR Use the Past Simple negative to talk about events in the past 7.3 READING Find detail in an article about living without technology

1 Match pictures A–F with sentences 1–6. 3 Write sentences about Pete using the 1 Complete the words. 3 Read the article again. Mark the
Past Simple form of the verbs in brackets. 1 This keeps food and drinks cold: fr i d g e sentences ✓ (right), ✗ (wrong) or
A B ? (doesn’t say).
1 (get up late ✓) 2 You can boil water in this: k
On Saturday Pete got up late. 3 You use this so your mobile phone keeps 1 Carly lost her phone at a café
2 (have eggs for breakfast ✗) working: c in London.
He didn’t have eggs for breakfast. 4 This cleans your teeth very well: 2 She travelled to London with
3 (do his homework ✗) e t classmates.
5 You prepare hot meals on this: c 3 Someone took her phone from
6 You clean clothes in this: w m her pocket.
4 (go shopping ✓)
4 She didn’t use her phone that
5 (hang out with his friends ✗)
2 Read the article. Choose the best title. day.
C D a A day in London without a phone 5 Her dad is buying her the newest
phone for her birthday.
6 (play a computer game ✓) b Why we love our phones
6 She missed her phone a lot.
c A silly mistake on a train
7 (have dinner with his parents ✗)

8 (stay up late ✗)

4 Complete the text with the Past

A reader, Carly, OK, Carly, tell us about your
smartphone. What happened?
E F Simple form of these verbs.
be buy eat go have like not go
tells us about It was the worst thing! I lost my smartphone
a month ago when I went to London with

losing her
10 school. We went by train and I used it on the
not have not like not see not spend
journey – to check emails and texts. I didn’t
see stay take walk watch
use it a lot – only three or four times. Then

When I 1was in England, I 2 smartphone and when we were at a café in London, I wanted
to send a message to my friend; my phone
with my English friend Jenny and she 15 wasn’t in my bag and it wasn’t in my pocket!
3 me to London for a 5 how it felt! Disaster! I remembered I put it on a seat on
the train and didn’t put it back in my bag. Oops!
1 C I didn’t understand the question. weekend. We 4 shopping
but we 5 to some
2 I didn’t watch the film. So, you checked with the train
3 I didn’t have a shower. interesting museums. One was very big and I company, right?
6 some amazing things
4 I didn’t win the cup.
there. They 7 lots of 20 Of course! But they didn’t have it. No,
5 I didn’t sleep.
things from Egypt. We 8 someone saw it and thought, ‘What a nice
6 I didn’t pass the test. phone!’ and put it in their bag or pocket! It
everything because it was so big and we
was expensive and I didn’t have the money
2 Make the sentences negative.
9 much time. There was a to buy another one. I waited for a week
small shop there and I 10 25 and then asked my dad. He bought me
1 I played tennis yesterday.
some postcards, but I 11 a cheap one, but it’s my birthday next month,
I didn’t play tennis yesterday.
a lot of money. Then we 12 so I’m hoping!
2 Jack went to the USA on holiday.
through a lovely park and 13
Was that week hard?
the boats on the River Thames. There was
3 My parents bought an expensive TV last week.
a food market and we 14 It was terrible. I talked to my friends on my
some fish and chips. I 15 30 mum’s phone and used my computer for
4 We had a test in class this morning.
the fish but I 16 the emails but I hated it. I didn’t sleep, lessons
chips – they were cold. were hard at school – it was very strange.
5 I chatted to my friends on a social networking People say we use our phones too much –
site last night. I think they’re right. Your phone becomes
35 a part of you and that isn’t right! It shouldn't
6 Tanya lost her smartphone at the weekend. be hard to live without them.

46 Unit 7 Unit 7 47
7.4 GRAMMAR Use the Past Simple to ask and answer questions about the past 7.7 WRITING Write an informal email with news

1 Complete the sentences with the Past Simple 5 Complete the dialogue with the Past 3 Match phrases 1-12 with categories a-e.
form of these verbs. Simple form of the verbs in brackets. 1 c After that we went to town.
From: Claire;
arrive get up have (x2) sleep walk Liam: Hi! Are you a new student here? To: Mason; 2 Guess what!
Molly: Yes, very new! 3 Hi Katya!
1 I had toast and an apple for breakfast this 1Hi Mason,
Liam: When 1did you start (you/start)? 4 How are you?
Molly: My first lesson was three days ago. We 2 are you? Did your birthday party 5 Kisses,
2 Max at 7 o’clock yesterday.
moved here from France. 3 OK? Sorry I was away! 6 Phone me!
3 Dan very well tonight.
Liam: When 2 (you/move)? 7 Lots of love,
4 Did Jane late at school? 4 the weekend we stayed with my aunt
Molly: Last month. It’s very different here. 8 Write back soon!
5 We home after school. and cousins in Scotland. They’ve got a great house
Liam: I’m sure! Are you French? You haven’t 9 Then we went round a museum.
6 They a shower last evening. by a lake. On Saturday we 5 for a long
got an accent. 10 See you soon.
walk with their dogs. 6 , on Sunday,
2 Write questions. Molly: No, my dad had a job in France. 11 Did your test go OK?
we visited an art gallery with lots of old pictures of
Liam: Really? What 3 (he/do) 12 I stayed with my friend.
1 He lived in Scotland when he was young. Scotland. It was really interesting.
in France?
Did he live in Scotland when he was young? a Greetings d Give some
Molly: He taught English at the university. 7 what! I’ve got a new dog! When we
2 All the students passed the test. b Ask for news surprising news
Liam: Interesting! 4 (you/like) got home last night, my dad took me to his friend’s
France? house. Their dog had puppies and they gave me c Give your news e Endings
3 Maria found her essay. Molly: Oh yes. We were in Paris – it’s a one! He’s so cute!
fantastic city. 8
4 Read the writing task and the questions.
you soon! Make some notes.
4 They made a lot of noise last night. Liam: We went there on holiday. It’s
Lots of 9 ,
beautiful. Your friend was recently in a competition.
5 Mick woke his parents up when he got home. Molly: 5 (you/enjoy) the food? Write an email to him/her asking about the
Liam: I loved it! So, where 6 competition. Give your own news and add
6 Chris and Sandy bought a new computer at (you/live) in Paris? Was it near the Eiffel something surprising or interesting.
the weekend. Tower? Oh I’m sorry – I always ask too
many questions!
7 Gary lost his smartphone at the concert. Molly: That’s OK! What sort of competition?

3 Write short answers for the questions in

Exercise 2.
1 ✓ Yes, he did. 5 ✓
2 ✗ 6 ✓
What did you do last week?
3 ✓ 7 ✗
4 ✗

4 Read the answers. Write questions about the

parts in bold. 1 Read the email and tick the things Claire What’s your surprising news?
1 The party finished at midnight. writes about.
When did the party finish? 1 a party
2 Sarah went shopping after school yesterday. 2 a present
3 a short holiday
3 They built this house in 2012. 4 the weather
5 activities on the holiday
4 I lived in Paris in 2015. 6 food on holiday 5 Write your email. Remember to follow
7 a new pet these instructions.
5 I emailed John this morning. • Use Claire’s email and your notes in
2 Complete the email with these words. Exercise 4.
6 Jenna watched a comedy on TV last night. at go guess hi how love see • Use the phrases for asking for and giving
then went news in Exercise 3.
• Use time expressions and the Past Simple.
48 Unit 7 Unit 7 49
4 Look at the picture and complete the words. 8 Write the words in the sentences.
8.1 VOCABULARY Talk about different countries 1 The Nile is the longest r i v e r in Africa.
2 is the opposite point on the
compass from south.
3 The of Spain is over
1 Order the letters and write the words. Match them with 1–4 forty-five million.
on the compass. 4 The UK is red, white and blue.
3 5 There are some strange fish in the very
a 2 east (stae)
1 2 deep parts of the .
b (husot)
c (tronh) 6 is a big continent.
Penguins live there.
Talking to
d (tsew)

4 2 9 Complete the text with these

the world 4
5 words.
capital country Europe lake
mountains population river sea south
VOCABULARY 3 1 mo u n t a i n 4 i
Geography | Learning languages | 2 r 5 s
Types of communication | Collocations
2 Complete the instructions with words from Exercise 1.
3 l
You go 1west , then you go
2 , then you go 5 Complete the word puzzle with words from PREVIOUS POST NEXT POST ➜
3 , then you go Exercise 4. What’s the hidden word?
Modal verbs: have to /don’t have to,
mustn’t, should/shouldn’t |
4 , then you go 1m o u n t a i n My 1country , England, is part of
2 . I live in the 3
Articles: first and second mention 5 , then you go c
6 , then you go of England and my house is only five
7 , then you go minutes from the 4 . We go
8 , then you go there at the weekend and sit on the beach
An article about Makaton
4 in the summer. On a clear day you can see
9 , then you go
10 – and you’re France across the water. There aren’t any
WRITING 1 We can go up this. It’s very high. 5
there! in my area – it’s very flat.
Write ‘how to’ tips 2 We can cross this on a bridge.
But my house is near a long
3 We can swim here. 6 – my dad goes fishing
4 There’s water all round this.
there quite often! There’s a
3 Match A–G on the map with continents 1–7. The hidden word is: . 7 near here too. We
sometimes swim there and you can walk
6 Match words 1–5 with examples a–e.
all round it – it takes about an hour.
1 c capital city a $
We live about an hour and a half from
B 2 language b 150,000
A C London, the 8 city. It’s a
3 flag c Paris really big city – the 9 is
4 money d Italian more than 8.5 million!
5 population e
7 Complete the sentences with words 1-5 from
Exercise 6.
1 We changed our money at the airport and I’ve
now got lots and lots of euros to spend
on holiday.
2 The of the UK is bigger now
G than ten years ago. It’s over sixty-five million.
3 What do they speak in Brazil?
1 E Africa 4 Europe 6 South America
4 The of Australia is Canberra.
2 Australia 5 North America 7 Antarctica
I always thought it was Sydney.
3 Asia
5 There are fifty stars on the American .

50 Unit 8 51
8.2 GRAMMAR Use modal verbs to talk about cultural rules and to give advice 8.3 READING Find detail in an article about Makaton

1 Match pictures A–F with sentences 1–6. 4 Choose the correct option. 1 Complete the words in the sentences.
A B C 1 You mustn’t / should / don’t have to

touch that. It’s hot!
You mustn’t / have to / don’t have to buy
1 My English vo c a b u l a r y is not very

good. I need to learn more words.
At school my dad didn’t learn
the tickets online. There isn’t a phone af language, but my mum Did you use Makaton when you were a child? Many
number. learned French. people did. Today over 100,000 people, children and
3 You mustn’t / have to / don’t have to put 3 My cousin learned Spanish from María, adults, use it in more than forty countries! So, what is
the knife in your mouth when you eat. an speaker. Maria moved to Makaton? And which country speaks it?
It’s dangerous and rude! England from Spain four years ago.
4 We mustn’t / should / don’t have to 4 My aunt is German and my uncle is 5 In fact, it isn’t a normal language. There isn’t a country
D E F get the early train. The lessons start Australian. Their two children are where people speak Makaton because it’s an invented
later today. b , but they speak German language. But it is very useful to a lot of people. In 1970
5 In the race, first they mustn’t / have to / better than English. three researchers at the Royal College for Deaf People
don’t have to swim a long way, then run, 5 My dream is to speak English invented the language for people who had problems
then cycle! f and then work in England. 10 communicating. It was for people who couldn’t hear,
6 We mustn’t / have to / don’t have to 6 Finnish g is very difficult. people who had learning problems, people who had
bring dictionaries to school. There are I always confuse my tenses. problems communicating, and especially for young
lots in the classroom. children who were slow learning to speak.
7 You should / mustn’t / don’t have to try 2 Read the article and mark the sentences
1 C You mustn’t use mobile phones here. T (true) or F (false).
to speak English in English class. Makaton uses movements of the hand and body, and
2 You mustn’t use this bridge.
8 You must / shouldn’t / have to give 1 Only British people use Makaton. 15 expressions on the face together with spoken words to
3 You mustn’t park on the grass.
someone you don’t know your 2 Three college students invented the communicate. It’s possible to communicate more than
4 You mustn’t swim in this lake. telephone number. language. 7,000 ideas! When the speaker starts to use spoken
5 You mustn’t open this before your birthday.
3 Makaton is for people who have language (like a young child) he uses Makaton and
6 You mustn’t drive fast here. 5 Complete the dialogue with mustn’t problems communicating. words and then stops using Makaton completely. For
or the correct form of have to or should.
2 Complete the sentences with the correct form 4 Many people use Makaton for 20 other people with bigger problems, Makaton helps them
Tim: How’s your summer job at the fast a short time and then stop. ‘talk’ to other people. For example, it can help them take
of have to.
food restaurant? 5 The name of the language is from part in games, read and tell stories, and show how they
1 a ✓ You have to be quiet in exams. Eve: It’s OK. But there are so many rules! the names of the researchers’ are feeling.
b ✗ You don’t have to be quiet at break time. Tim: Like what? children.
2 a ✓ I do homework every evening. Eve: You 1have to wear a silly hat Margaret Walker, Katherine Johnstone and Tony Cornforth
b ✗ I do English homework when you’re in the kitchen. You 3 Read the article again. Answer the 25 created the language and their wonderful idea helps a
every evening. 2 touch the food with questions. lot of people today. The name of the language is the first
3 a ✓ My sister tidy her room your fingers. 1 How many people use Makaton? letters of their names.
on Saturdays. Tim: Those aren’t silly. They’re important!
b ✗ My sister go shopping with Eve: Mmm … We 3 have a 2 When did the three researchers invent
my parents. Sister Mother
break for longer than fifteen minutes. Makaton? Tap middle of Tap twice
4 a ✓ We do Maths tests every week. We 4 chat too long nose twice
b ✗ We go to school in the holidays. with the customers. And we 3 Where did they work?
5 start work at 7.30 in
3 Complete the sentences with have to or the morning! That’s crazy!
don’t have to. 4 How many ideas can Makaton show?
Tim: But you 6 do the job
1 I don’t have to get up early on Saturdays. I can if you don’t like it.
5 What was the name of the male
stay in bed until 11.00! Eve: I7 earn some money,
2 We give our homework to the so yes, I do!
teacher on Tuesday mornings or she gets angry. Tim: Well, I think you 8 try Brother Father
to learn something from this job. 6 Where did the letters in the name
3 My friends help with the Rub knuckles Tap twice
You 9 make it into a Makaton come from?
housework. My mum says they’re very lazy.
4 At our school you wear a uniform. negative experience.
That’s good – I like choosing my own clothes. Eve: You’re right. Thanks for your advice!
5 At my friend’s school they stand We 10 speak more
up when the teacher comes in. We don’t. often.

52 Unit 8 Unit 8 53
8.4 GRAMMAR Use a/an and the to talk about places in town 8.7 WRITING Write ‘how to’ tips

1 Write a or an before the words. 3 Choose the correct option. 1 Complete the tips with these words. 3 Complete the sentences with prepositions.
1 an electric kettle 1 There’s a / the new girl in our class. A / The about capital for have mustn’t 1 Talk to a friend when you have a problem.
2 holiday girl’s brother is in Dan’s class. should shouldn’t to think worry 2 Think how to improve your English.
3 orange 2 We went to Paris last month and we stayed 3 Look a book about Italian history.
Top t
4 artist at a / the hotel. A / The hotel had 4 You shouldn’t worry the weather.
5 river a / the big swimming pool and a / 5 Don’t shout your brothers and sisters.
6 ocean
the lovely restaurant. We ate in a / the How to enjoy a visit to a foreign country 6 Learn the local culture.
restaurant every evening.
7 X 7 Ask information at the local tourist
3 Do you want a / the biscuit? A / The
8 flag office.
chocolate ones are delicious! Or there’s
8 Look me. Smile!
a / the cake. I can cut you a / the piece.
2 Find and correct the mistakes in the
sentences. 4 I bought a / the new smartphone and 4 Choose a topic for ‘how to’ tips from the list
a / the new bag yesterday. A / The below or write one of your own. Make notes for
1 My brother’s got a new laptop. A laptop was smartphone was expensive but a / the
very cheap. the sentences 1-10.
bag was cheap. B
The laptop was very cheap. A How to pre
5 Peter is a / the student. He lives in a / the enjoy yo ur co untry pare for exa
How to ms
2 I got a card from Ronny for my birthday. The flat with two friends. A / The flat is small
card has a picture of the mountain. I think the but he likes it. D
1 Prepare well. How to make something How to keep your friends
mountain is in Japan. C
Learn 1about the country before you
4 Complete the dialogue with
go, for example, the 2 city, E How to use the internet
3 Jacky’s dad works in a big office. An office has a, an or the.
population and geography. Look 3
a big window and you can see a lovely garden. Sam: Did you have 1a good day yesterday? 1 Speak
fascinating facts about the country’s culture
The garden has lots of trees and flowers. Alex: Yes, thanks. My friend Mason came and history. Buy a good tourist guide.
down from London by train. 2 train 2 Talk
2 Learn words.
4 We’re having the test in class today. The test is was late as usual, but then Dad drove
about vocabulary! us to 3 You don’t 4 to speak the local
beach near Branksome.
4 beach is very small but very language fluently. You 5 learn 3 Ask
5 A: There’s a car outside our gate. quiet. It was empty and we had 5 some key vocabulary so that you can
great time. We took 6 boat out to communicate and read signs. 4 Learn
B: Who’s in the car?
7 6 about the words you need to
A: I can see a man and a woman. I know the island and back, and then we
man – it’s my friend’s dad but I don’t know had 8 barbecue on 9 beach. buy food or to ask for directions.
10 5 Think
a woman. On island there are lots of birds 3 Be confident.
and we took a lot of photos. You 7 be shy. Look at people and
Sam: Oh, can I see 11 photos? smile when you enter a shop or hotel. Speak 6 Don’t
6 My best friend lives in a small town. The town is in
Alex: Yes. Here’s my dad with 12 bird on slowly and calmly. You 8 shout!
Greece and it has the long and strange name.
his head! 13 bird made a terrible Find out about local customs, such as 7 You should
The name means ‘city of the sun’ in Greek.
noise and it frightened Lily, my sister.
greetings and shaking hands.
Sam: Have you got 14 photo of Lily with
7 I bought a pair of jeans yesterday but there 15 4 Don’t panic. 8 You shouldn’t
was a mark on them. I tried to clean a mark A new foreign country can make you feel
Alex: No, she was too scared!
but it was impossible. I took the jeans back this nervous. Don’t 9 about it. Ask for 9 You mustn’t
morning and they gave me a refund. help. Talk 10 the locals and believe
in yourself! A visit to a foreign country is a
8 I found a pencil case and the calculator at 0 Look
positive experience. Enjoy!
school yesterday. The pencil case was red and it
had a picture of a dog on it. The dog looked like 5 Write 4-5 ‘How to’ tips on the topic you chose
Bruno, my dog! in Exercise 4. Remember to follow these
2 Read the tips again. Tick the things the author
writes about. instructions.

1 Transport 5 History • Use the model text and your notes from
Exercise 4.
2 Feelings 6 Hospitals
• Use verbs with prepositions.
3 Communication 7 Customs
• Use imperatives and modal verbs to give advice.
4 Geography 8 Language
• Number your tips and give them headings.
54 Unit 8 Unit 8 55
3 Complete the sentences with words 6 Choose the correct answer.
9.1 VOCABULARY Talk about means of transport and travel from Exercise 2. 1 Get a home after the cinema. It only
1 The new bus station in the town centre is costs £5.00.
great. I use it a lot to visit my grandma. a car b bike c taxi
I can’t afford trains. 2 My sister’s boyfriend rides a . My mum
1 Find eight means of transport in the wordsearch. 2 Cycling in town is very dangerous. There thinks it’s dangerous.
Look ⇓, ⇗ and . aren’t any and there are lots a train b coach c motorbike

of accidents. 3 I’m meeting Tom at the bus in five minutes.
S L E Q N M T E E P D A 3 When we go to the cinema, you can leave a park b stop c lane
D J P U T M A S E D E H your car in the big in the town 4 How long did you have to wait the bus?
O T J N D X X A S K J E centre.
a for b at c to
Getting H I U D C O I V I S I D 4 There’s a very small near our
house, but it’s very busy. People go to
5 The car was full and we had to leave the

around W F A E E N P B U S Z P car in the road.

London for work from here every day. It’s
A W O R I W R I S I T C a station b park c stop
more expensive than the bus but it’s faster!
5 I’m at the outside the library. 6 I usually a bike to school.
I’m waiting for number 10. See you soon. a drive b go c ride
6 Oxford and Cambridge are the most 7 Riding a bike isn’t dangerous if there’s a good
Means of transport | Places in town | T E A O C G E C F E Z L bike .
famous in the UK.
Travel | Holiday activities | Weather A I M U I A A L S R A T a stop b lane c park
E O E N E O P E A X M M 4 WORD FRIENDS Choose the correct
GRAMMAR option. 7 Complete the email with one word in
Present Continuous for future each gap.
1 Are you travelling to the airport in / by car?
arrangements | going to for future 2 Look at the photos and complete the words. 2 I learned to drive / ride a bike when I was
plans | will for predictions
five years old.
A B To:
3 We waited on / at the bus stop for half
READING an hour in the rain!
Adverts about day trip activities Hi Jack,
4 Can we go to the shops on / by foot?
I need the exercise. How are you? Do you remember Stonemill
WRITING 5 Can you help me get on / at the train Town? I went to stay with a friend there at the
An invitation email please? These bags are very heavy. weekend. It’s very different now. In the town centre
6 Don’t catch the number 11 bus. Wait for / they’ve got bike 1lanes everywhere and there’s a
at the number 15. It’s quicker. big new bus 2 .
1 bu s st a t i o n 2 u 7 In our country you have to be seventeen 3
There’s also a station, but I went
years old to ride / drive a car. 4 coach because it’s cheaper
than the train. But there were a lot of cars on the
5 Match 1–6 with a–f to make sentences.
motorway, so we were late. Then I had to wait
1 c I fell when I got 5 a bus to my friend’s house. It was
2 My brother’s learning to drive a long journey.
3 There was a long queue of people
Guess what! I’m learning to 6 a car!
My instructor thinks I’m a good driver but I’m not
4 The concert was near our house, so we
3 b l 4 t s went very good in a busy car 7 . I can’t
get between two cars! Do you remember when we
E F 5 My dad’s work is thirty kilometres away,
so he always goes had to 8 our bikes to school? We
6 Which bus is Charlie waiting always had races. And you always won!
I saw Ron at the bus 9 last week.
a for?
He said to say hi to you.
b on foot.
c off the train. Write soon!
d a car. Love,
e by train. Ella
5 c p 6 b s f at the bus stop.

56 Unit 9 57
9.2 GRAMMAR Use the Present Continuous to talk about definite future arrangements 9.3 READING Find detail in adverts about day trip activities

1 Complete the sentences with the Present Continuous 4 Make questions in the Present 1 Match photos A–F with these activities. 4 Read the adverts (A–D) for things to
form of the verbs in brackets. Continuous. Then write short answers. do on a day trip to a village called
hiking sailing sightseeing skiing sunbathing surfing
1 I ’m swimming (swim) in a competition on Saturday. 1 we / have / a test / on Monday / ? Beaulieu. Match them with the
A B C people in Exercise 3 (1–3). There is
2 My friend (fly) to France tomorrow. A: Are we having a test on Monday?
one extra advert.
3 We (go) to London by train to see the B: Yes, we are.
concert next week. 2 Hannah / go / on holiday / soon / ?
4 Bob (come) round this evening to play A:
video games. A Are you coming to the Beaulieu area
B: Yes, .
and looking for something interesting to
5 Stuart (play) tennis every day next week. 3 you / play / football / on Saturday / ?
do? You have to come to the Beaulieu
6 I (cook) dinner tonight for my parents. A: 1 sunbathing 2 3 Motor Museum. We have cars, bikes
7 Katy’s mum and dad (plan) a surprise B: No, .
D E F 5 and motorbikes from 100 years ago. We
party for her birthday next month. 4 Mike and Sue / leave / next week / ?
also have the Donald Campbell’s famous
2 Make the sentences in Exercise 1 negative. Bluebird boat. It broke the world speed
B: No, . record! Why not look round the Palace
1 I’m not swimming in a competition on Saturday. 5 you / have / dinner with Jen / tonight / ? House as well? It’s a wonderful old building
2 A: 10 with lovely gardens where you can have
3 B: Yes, . a picnic too.
4 4 5 6
5 5 Complete the email with the 2 Match the comments with the activities in Exercise 1. B Beaulieu Village is an almost perfect
6 Present Continuous form of these verbs.
1 ‘I’ve only got a small boat but I love being out on the English village and very beautiful. There are
7 fly go (x2) have not go water.’ sailing lots of small shops where you can buy local
not stay play stay take
3 Look at Kim’s diary and write sentences about her 2 ‘My perfect holiday is lying on a beach.’ 15 art and jewellery, and of course, there is

arrangements. Use the Present Continuous. 3 ‘When we were in Madrid, we saw some really also the famous Beaulieu Chocolate Shop.
interesting places.’ The smell in there is amazing! There’s a
Calendar To:
4 ‘Sometimes it’s difficult to stand up, but the feeling is tea shop for traditional cakes and a small

WEEK 16 cool when you’re on top of the waves!’ garden centre with lots of flowers to look
Hi Eva, 5 ‘Moving on snow is great!’ 20 at or buy.
Monday: 4.30 – meet John at café 6 ‘My friend and I always put too many things in our
Have you got any plans for the
bags and after a day our backs hurt.’ C Do you sometimes want life to be
Tuesday: 5.30 – play tennis with Leo weekend? 1Are you going (you) to
slower? Come on a boat trip along the
town with Nick tomorrow? There’s a
7.30 – go to art club 3 Read the descriptions of people looking for an activity to Beaulieu river! Sit down and watch the
concert in the park in the afternoon do on a day trip. Tick the things they like.
Wednesday: 8.45 – have dinner at Gary’s English countryside go past. Feel the cool
and I think the Pink Elephants
2 25 wind on your face. Then when the boat
Thursday: Morning, 8.15 – go to Salford Museum . Would you like to go? 1 John and Maya have two sons, who are eight and nine
3 turns to come back, we stop at the lovely
with class I to the cinema with years old. They all love being outside. John and Maya are
village Buckler’s Hard for a coffee and a
Jason in the evening because I have to keen gardeners.
Afternoon: 5.00 – arrive back at school snack. You can go for a long walk around
pack. We 4 to New York
Evening: Mum and Dad – go to cinema the village or just sit and enjoy the view
from Gatwick Airport on Sunday! Jason 2 Brenda and her daughter Maggie enjoy relaxing when
5 30 in the café.
a barbecue for his they’re on holiday. They like the sea and the countryside.
Friday: 4.30: Mike – take part in
hockey competition birthday on Sunday afternoon. Brenda has a bad leg and can’t walk a long way.
6 (you)? D If you’re a fan of flowers and beautiful
3 Tony and his French friend Charles are both interested gardens, then you need to spend some time
Do you know New York? It’s my first in history and visiting old places. Tony loves driving his at Exbury Gardens. It’s near Beaulieu and it’s
1 She’s meeting John at the café on Monday afternoon. visit. We 7 at a hotel – it’s very popular with tourists. There’s a small
dad’s old Rolls Royce. Charles prefers cycling through
2 too expensive. We 8 with 35 train that takes visitors round the gardens.
the countryside.
3 my uncle. He 9 us to a The children love it! We also have a café and
4 Broadway show next week. I can’t wait! 1 gardening 6 sunbathing restaurant, and lots of activities for younger
5 2 relaxing 7 driving children. Come and see us!
6 Have a good weekend and speak soon!
3 walking 8 sailing
7 Lily
4 buying things 9 cycling
8 5 visiting old places

58 Unit 9 Unit 9 59
9.4 GRAMMAR   Use going to for future plans and will for predictions 9.7 WRITING    Write an invitation email

1   Complete the sentences with the correct form 3   Complete the dialogue with the 1 Complete the email with one word in each 3 Order the words to make sentences for
of going to and the verbs in brackets. correct form of going to and these verbs. gap. greeting, giving news, inviting and making
1 On holidays, I’m going to get up (get up) late arrangements.
come  do drive go (x2) look
every morning! not stay  show  visit (x2) 1 a / having / we’re / barbecue
2 We (leave) really
We’re having a barbecue.
early, just to be safe. Jade: So, what 1are you going to do (you) 2 are / you / how / ?
when your American friend comes 1Hi Dave,
3 What (you / do) 
after school tomorrow? to stay? 2 are you? I hope your 3 on / my / birthday / Sunday / it’s
Paul: Oh, I’ve got lots of plans. We
4 (she / go) to the 2
swimming competition was good last Saturday. 
party on Friday? here in
Did you win? Did you 3 the 4 to / invite / I’d / you / like / to / party / my
Barchester all the time!
5 They (visit) London news? My sister Wendy is 4 
We 3 my
in summer. to get married! She’s marrying Jake. She met 5 come / you / can / ?
cousins in Wales for a few days.
6 He says he (tell) him at university. The wedding’s next year. 
Jade: Wonderful! 4
anyone. 6 news / the / hear / did / you / ?
(you) up Mount Snowdon? My parents are planning a party to
Paul: No, we aren’t. 5 
2   Look at the pictures and write sentences. Use the their engagement. They’re
correct form of going to and these phrases. We 5 round going to 6 lots of Wendy 7 at / starts / the / 7.30 / party
the countryside in my cousins’ car. and Jake’s friends. I 7 invite 
buy some books online  chat to my friends 8 my / passed / I / exams
So, we 6 at some friends too, so I’d 8 to
play with my brother  relax in the garden
Snowdon, but that’s it! invite you! I’m also going to invite Mandy and 
tidy my bedroom  wash my hair
Jade: And then? Sasha. It’s 9 Saturday 11 July 9 the / outside / meet / let’s / café
A B Paul: OK, after Wales 10 our house. It’s going to 
I7 him around start 11 7.30. Can you
London. We 8 12 ?I 13 so. 4 You are planning a surprise birthday party for
to some museums, I think. How your friend. You are going to email another
Write 14 soon. friend to invite them. Make some notes.
about you? 9
(your German friend) this summer? Love,
Jade: No. I 10 her Sara • Person you are inviting
this year but I don’t know the dates 
1 I’m going to chat to 2  yet. 
2 Read the email again. Answer the questions.
my friends.  • Reason for the party
4   Order the words to make sentences. 1 Who wrote the email? 
C D Sara. 
1 10 years / home / I / in the / leave / next /
will / . 2 What did Dave do last weekend? • Type of party
I will leave home in the next 10 years.  
2 study / university / Jackie / at / music / 3 What is the news? 
won’t / .  • Date, time and place of the party
 4 Where did Wendy and Jake meet? 
3 band / will / future / a / be / famous /  
in / the / they / . 5 Who is planning the party? • Any other information?
3  4    
  6 When is the party? 
4 country / move / you / will / to / another / ?
E F  
5 fifty years time / any / there / be / won’t / 7 Where is the party?
cars / in / . 
5 Write your email. Remember to follow these
 8 What time is the party?
 • Use Sara’s email and your notes in Exercise 4.
5   Write three predictions about you 9 Who else is coming to the party? • Use the right phrases for news, invitations
and your friends next year. and arrangements.

I think we … • Start and end your email with appropriate
5  6  phrases.
60 Unit 9 Unit 9 61

Vocabulary 5 Write negative sentences and questions. Vocabulary Grammar

1 Gina’s got a nice dress for the party.
1 Write the countries and nationalities. ✗ 1 Complete the words. 4 Choose the correct option.
1 My friend Pat is from Ireland. She’s . ? 1 Put this on your toast or bread: b          1 There’s / There are a cake on the table for Gary.
2 My cousin Jake is from the USA. He’s . 2 You’ve got two brothers. 2 Use these to make an omelette: e      2 Is / Are there any biscuits for me?
3 My grandad is Italian. He’s from . ✗ 3 This red sauce is good on chips: k            3 There isn’t a / any frying pan, so we can’t have
4 My aunt is from Poland. She’s . ? 4 You can make wine from these: g          fried eggs.
5 Our teacher is French. She’s from . 3 Pete and Tom have got a new car. 5 Put this in coffee: m      4 There are some / any glasses on the table and
6 My uncle is German. He’s from . ✗ 6 This is a nice and cold dessert: i    c        there’s some / any juice in the fridge.
? 7 Buy these in a tin: b        b        5 Is / Are there a good website for vegetarian
2 Write the family words. 4 We’ve got an English test today. 8 Use this to fry food: o    recipes?
1 My father’s sister is my . ✗ 6 There isn’t / aren’t any sausages.
2 My sister is my mother’s . ? 2 Match words 1–8 with words a–h.
5 I’ve got a problem with my computer. 1 a cheese a cereal 5 Complete the sentences with one or two words in
3 My mother is my father’s .
each gap.
4 My father’s mother is my . ✗ 2 a frying b food
? 3 orange c fingers 1 How money have you got?
5 My brother is my mother’s .
6 Grant’s got a black jacket. 4 breakfast d milkshake 2 There isn’t cola in this glass.
6 My mother’s husband is my .
✗ 5 a chocolate e pan 3 How people are at Tom’s party?
3 Choose the odd one out. ? 6 a hot f juice 4 Are there cheese sandwiches?
7 Ian’s sister’s got long hair. 7 fast g dog I can only see chicken ones.
1 pink red green slim
✗ 8 fish h sandwich 5 There’s bottle of milk in the
2 boots shoes hat trainers
? fridge. Can you get it, please?
3 sunglasses T-shirt sweater shirt
4 jeans dress trousers shorts
3 Choose the correct answer. 6 There many restaurants in our
town – only two.
5 small tall blonde brave Writing 1 Where’s the for my cereal?
7 There are bottles of cola – two,
6 friendly grey funny clever a fork b plate c bowl
6 Join and rewrite the sentences with and or I think, but there isn’t lemonade.
2 First, the eggs in some water.
but. 8 There’s much ketchup on my
Grammar a boil b beat c fry
chips. I can’t eat them.
1 We’re from Spain. We can’t speak Spanish. 3 Don’t put a lot of on your food – it isn’t
4 Make sentences using can. We’re from Spain but we can’t speak good for you.
9 I haven’t got oil in the pan to fry
three eggs.
1 you / speak / German / ? Spanish. a milk b brownies c salt
10 There are a of sausages to cook!
2 I’ve got white hair. I’ve got blue eyes. 4 the bacon with the eggs.
2 my sister / not / walk / ten kilometres  a Boil b Fry c Cut
3 They can dance. They can’t sing. Writing
5 Can you help me up the potatoes?
3 we / learn / Spanish / at my school  a cut b add c beat 6 Join the sentences in the recipe with a word from
4 You can’t speak Dutch. You can speak 6 Find some big . There’s a lot of food! the box. Sometimes more than one option is
4 A: your brother / play / football / ? English. a forks b pepper c plates possible.
B: yes / he  7 We can a cake for Jack’s birthday.
5 He’s got two brothers. He's got one sister. after finally first then next
a bake b fry c beat
 8 Let’s drink some . The perfect cup of tea
5 where / we / buy / new trainers / ? 6 She's my hero. She's my best friend. a crisps b cola c celery 1 , boil water then leave for 3 minutes.
 9 Chocolate cookies are my favourite. 2 , pour the water into a teapot.
6 our teacher / not / find / our homework a crisp b oil c chip Add a teaspoon of tea for each person.

3 , pour the tea into a tea cup.
7 A: you / do / this excercise / ?
4 , add milk and sugar.
B: no / I
5 , drink with a biscuit or a cucumber

8 they / not / help / us

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62 Check Time Check Time 63


4 (Harry and Pete) to town

Vocabulary Grammar Vocabulary
on the bus?
1 Choose the correct option. 3 Complete the sentences with the Present Simple form 1 Complete the words for classroom objects. 5 (Tom) new trainers?
of the verbs in brackets. I really like them.
1 I never get / go up early on Saturday. 1 The teacher writes on this: w
1 He never (have) eggs 6 Ann a driving lesson at
2 After football Liam has / does a shower 2 You can do Maths on this: c
for breakfast. the moment.
and then goes / gets home. 3 You keep things for writing in this:
3 We watch / look TV every evening. 2 They (not like) reading books. p c 5 Choose the correct option.
4 What time do you wake out / up in the 3 I often (exercise) in the gym after 4 You learn subjects from this book: t b
school. 1 We have / are having three Geography
morning? 5 You put this on the wall in your classroom:
lessons every week. Today we look /
5 Some people look / check their emails 4 My sister (not relax) in the evening. p are looking at mountains in France.
every hour. She (do) lots of homework. 6 You use this to make lines: r
2 You don’t need / aren’t needing an
6 My friends do / make yoga after school. 5 We always (speak) English
umbrella. It doesn’t rain / isn’t raining
7 What kind of music do you listen to / at? in class. 2 Match the comments with these subjects. at the moment.
8 I often chat at / with my friends in the 6 I (not go) to the cinema
Art Biology English Geography 3 I usually work / am working in London but
evening. on Mondays.
History IT Maths PE today I work / am working on my computer
4 Make questions in the Present Simple. at home.
2 Complete the sentences with these 1 ‘Where is Japan?’
4 My sister often paints / is painting pictures
words. 1 you / often / chat / with your friends online / ? 2 ‘I haven’t got enough paint.’ of our family. Right now she paints /
bored excited relaxed sad tired 3 ‘What’s 156 x 72?’ is painting a picture of my mum.
unhappy worried 2 how much homework / your teacher / give / you / ? 4 ‘Why is Henry VIII famous?’ 5 Hi! No, I don’t do / am not doing my
5 ‘We’re learning to write a program.’ homework. I talk / am talking to you on the
1 It’s my birthday and there’s a party 3 when / your dad / go / to work / ? phone!
tonight. I’m very . 6 ‘This part of the eye is called the iris.’
2 This is a long walk! I’m .
4 where / you / have / lunch / at school / ? Writing
Can we stop for a moment? 7 ‘We use the Present Simple for routines.’
3 I’ve got bad test results and
5 what languages / your brother / speak / ? 6 Complete the sentences with prepositions.
I’m with them. 8 ‘Oh! I haven’t got my football shorts.’
4 This song is very . 1 The pens are my pencil
I always cry when I listen to it! 6 how / your mum / get / to work / ?
case. And my pencil case is
5 No school today! No homework! Cool! 3 Complete the sentences with one verb in each gap. my desk so I can use it in this lesson.
I’m very ! 2 Hannah sits me in class.
1 I never my homework before dinner.
6 I’ve got a test tomorrow. I can’t Writing I can’t see her, but I can hear her!
2 My friends to school by train.
remember my English verbs. 3 We always sit in pairs in class. Paul
5 Join the sentences in the post with these words. 3 We classes from 9.30 to 4.30.
I’m very . sits Grant and Jacky sits
Sometimes more than one option is possible. 4 My brother and his best friend for
7 When there’s nothing on TV and everyone me.
their exams together.
is busy, I get . So, I chat and after that because so then 4 The teacher is usually us so we
with my friends online. 5 In my country, children school when
can see her.
they’re five years old.
5 We’ve got three posters on the wall.
In the evening I usually do my homework. The one of the moon is
, I have dinner. 2 , I usually Grammar a poster of the stars and a poster of the
do some exercise in the garden 3 I don’t planet Jupiter.
go to the gym. I do yoga, 4 I feel relaxed. 4 Complete the sentences with the Present
At 10 o’clock, I go to bed 5 read a book. Continuous form of these verbs.
go have laugh not work talk wear
1 I because this story is very
2 Who (you) to on the phone? Is it
3 Dad’s worried because my brother
very hard at school at the
moment. Check Time Answer Key pages 71 - 72
Check Time Answer Key pages 71 - 72

64 Check Time Check Time 65


Vocabulary Grammar Vocabulary 4 Complete the sentences with the Past Simple form
of these verbs.
1 Look at the photos and write the musical 4 Complete the sentences with the 1 Complete the sentences with these words.
end go play run score see
instruments. comparative form of these adjectives.
cup cyclist medals pitch  shout wait watch win
bad cheap difficult
excited good happy points score team 1 I was in town yesterday and I
1 Our national football team always takes part Lyn with her new boyfriend.
1 My grades are than my
in the World . 2 We the match on TV and everyone
best friend’s. I’m a good student!
2 A: What was the ? when Rooney a goal!
2 Let’s go by bus. It’s than
1 2 the train. B: 2–2. 3 We for a walk after lunch.
3 Jimmy is than his sister 3 How many do you need 4 At sports day Bill faster than
about the party. to win a table tennis game? everyone and he the race.
4 It’s to learn the violin than 5 The teacher us some English
4 I’m angry because I’m not in the school
the guitar. songs in class. They were cool.
basketball . I’m too
5 This song is than the short! 6 When the film , we
group’s last song. I don’t like it.
3 4 5 Sometimes spectators come onto the for a bus for half an hour.
6 In this photo you are than
at the end of the match. 5 Order the words to make sentences.
in that one.
6 Chris Hoy is a famous 1 half / he / hour / ago / arrived / an
5 Choose the correct answer. who won lots of gold at

1 Rain is song on the album. the Olympic Games.
2 years / ten / built / house / ago / they / this
a worse than b the worst 2 Choose the correct option. 
2 Is David the person in your family?
5 6 1 The tennis courts / pitches were all busy, so
His room is always really untidy! 3 test / the / ago / minutes / we / started / fifteen
we went swimming.
a lazier than b laziest 
2 Do you do / go jogging every morning?
3 Jane is I am! She always gets top 4 months / two / Ed / Sue / and / holiday / on /
marks in tests. 3 I haven’t got my trainers. I think they’re still by went / ago
a more intelligent than the swimming / running track. 
b the most intelligent 4 Andy played in the semi-final but 5 teacher / we / ago / weeks / got / three /
4 The person in my class is Rowan. unfortunately, he lost / failed the match. new / a
7 8
a fitter b fittest 5 My sister really wants to go / do judo but my 
5 The French restaurant the Italian dad doesn’t think it’s a good idea.
2 Complete the words in the review. restaurant.
6 At school we run round the football field / Writing
Don’t miss the new film Charlie. It’s 1 f                ! a is as good as b is better court at the beginning of every sports lesson.
It’s got some very funny jokes, the actors are 6 My father’s my mother. 6 Order the words to make sentences. You are
b                and the directing is 3 g        . There’s a the oldest b not as old as Grammar given the first word.
another new film on at the moment, Cry of the Dark,
1 day / the / the / race / highlight / of / was
but don’t go! Everything about it is 4  t              – 3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of
the acting, the story, the photography … It’s a very Writing The 
was or were.
b          film. Night in Cape Cod is a little better. 2 was / in / enjoyable / all / it / an / event
The photography is 6 c      and the story is 6 Write the symbols, abbreviations or 1 Jim the worst runner in my class
acronyms for the words. at primary school. He always lost races.
a            . 3 over / people / the / stadium / were / at / 80,000
But if you can only see one film, it’s got to be Charlie! 1 tonight 5 bye for now 2 We at home at the weekend.
2 at 6 laughing out loud We went to the seaside.
4 game / ice hockey / Saturday / to / went / I / an
3 Complete the words. 3 see 7 are you ok? 3 you at Donna’s party on Last 
1 This is a group of people who sing and play 4 tomorrow Friday?
5 really / ceremony / was / disappointing / prize
music: b      4 Who your first teacher? The 
2 These people watch a concert: a             
5 the weather good when 6 minutes / five / in / team / the / scored / first
3 Singers and actors go on this to perform: s        you on holiday last week? My 
4 This person plays an instrument: m             
6 I interested in sports
5 This is a type of music: r      Check Time Answer Key pages 71 - 72
Check Time Answer Key pages 71 - 72 when I young. But I am now.

66 Check Time Check Time 67


Vocabulary Grammar Vocabulary 4 Complete the sentences about learning

languages with should or shouldn’t.
1 Complete the words. 4 Make sentences in the Past Simple. 1 Match questions 1–6 with answers a–f. 1 You be afraid of making
1 Use this to boil water: k          1 I / not do / my English homework but I / do / 1  What’s the capital city of the USA? mistakes. You learn from errors.
2 Use this to see people when you chat online: my Maths homework 2  What colours are on the French flag? 2 You be patient. It takes a
w           3  What’s the highest mountain in the world? long time to learn a language.
3 Use this to clean your teeth: e              2 I / eat / the meat but I / not eat / the 4  Where do penguins live? 3 You keep a notebook of
t                  vegetables 5  Which is the biggest ocean? new vocabulary.
4 Use these to play music for yourself so other  6  Which direction is the Arctic? 4 You try to listen to as
people can’t hear: e                3 Ella / go / to Mike’s party but she / not much of the language as you can.
5 Use this to store and listen to music: M    go to Henry’s party a Mount Everest. d Antarctica. 5 You panic when a native
p           b Red, white and blue. e North. speaker speaks to you. Everybody can
6 Use this to call your friends and to go on the 4 we / have / Biology today but we / not have / c Washington DC. f Pacific. communicate!
internet: s                  History
2 Complete the words in the sentences. 5 Complete the sentences with a/an or the.

2 Order the letters and write the words in the 1 My cousin speaks Italian f              because 1 Carl bought new car yesterday.
5 my parents / not learn / French at school but
sentences. he lived in Italy when he was younger. car is red.
they / learn / English
1 My (treginno) is the  2 I m      five phone calls but all my friends 2 There’s new cinema and
same as yours – every time your phone rings, were out. old cinema in town. new cinema
I think it’s mine. 5 Read the answers. Write questions about the 3 Jack p          a really funny message on is big and old cinema is small.
2 Do you like the first parts in bold. Facebook yesterday. 3 man is walking down the road.
(catkr) on the band’s new album? 4 English isn’t Katya’s n          language but she There’s dog with man.
1 We got home from London at midnight.
3 My clothes are dirty – I need to put them in speaks it really well. 4 There’s bicycle outside the house.

the (gwnaish emcahin). 5 The c            city of Scotland is Edinburgh. I think bicycle is Helen’s.
2 In London we stayed at the Grand Hotel.
4 My dad bought me a new games 6 I s      a text to Jodie to say that we’re in the 5 They built new road in town.
(sloceon) for my 
café. I think she’s coming. You can take road to get to the
birthday. Come and try it with me. 3 We met Jack in Trafalgar Square. country quicker.
5 Facebook is my favourite social 
(tneogwrikn) site. 4 I had fish and chips for dinner. Grammar
6 I always use a search 
5 We travelled to London and back
3 Complete the note with the correct form of
(eening) like Google to find what I need.
have to, don’t have to or mustn’t. 6 Complete the ‘how to’ tips with these
by train. prepositions.
3 Complete the sentences with these verbs.  Mark,
about at for to
became could sold thought  I’m out until 7.30, remember? Your dinner’s
understood wrote Writing in the fridge; you 1 do much – just How to visit an art gallery
put it in the microwave. It 2 heat for 1 Learn        the main artists and
1 I fifteen emails and ten 6 Order the phrases and sentences a-g from an five minutes. paintings before you go.
texts this morning. informal email.
Jim phoned – you 3 miss football 2 Ask        an audio guide with
2 The teacher explained the new word and a  Guess what! Dad ate three double cheese earphones when you arrive.
practice tonight. It’s important!
I easily. burgers!
3 Don’t shout        your friends when
3 My uncle first ill a year b   Did you have a good weekend? You 4 take the dog for a walk
you are wearing the earphones.
ago. c   Lots of love, because Sue took him this afternoon, but you
4 Talk        a gallery assistant if
4 My brother speak d   After that, we went to a burger bar.
tidy your room. It’s a mess!
you want more information about a
Italian very well when we lived in Italy but he e 1   How are you? Oh yes, and you 6 finish your particular painting.
can’t now. f   Write back soon! History project. It’s nearly Friday!
5 I the meeting was at g   Last weekend we went to the zoo. And you 7 forget to feed the dog
4.00. Sorry I’m late.
at 6.30.
6 Jan’s parents their
house in London and moved to Scotland. See you later!
Dad x

Check Time Answer Key pages 71 - 72

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68 Check Time Check Time 69


Vocabulary 5 Read Mike’s notes and write sentences about

his arrangements. Use the Present Continuous.
1 Complete the words.
1 Meet Jack: train station – 8.30
1 A big place where people can leave their
2 Have History test: Friday morning
cars: c      p     
3 Swim in competition: Saturday afternoon
2 This means of transport goes under houses
and roads: u                    4 Go to art club: today – 4.15
3 This is like a bicycle but it goes very fast and 5 Catch 9.15 train to London: tomorrow morning
you don’t need to pedal: 6 Have barbecue : Sunday afternoon – 2.30
4 You wait here for a bus: b      s      1 He’s  .
5 People on bikes use this when they’re cycling 2 He’s  .
in towns: b        l      3 He’s  .
6 This is like a bus but people use it for longer 4 He  .
journeys: c        5 He  .
6 He  .
2 Match activities 1–5 with places a–e.
1  skiing a on the water 6 Complete the sentences with the correct form
of will for predictions and these verbs.
2  sunbathing b on the snow
3  hiking c through the mountains be learn live move study
4  sightseeing d on the beach
1 James loves numbers. He
5  surfing e in the city Maths at university.
2 Today, there are electric cars on the road. All
3 Read the comments. What weather conditions
cars electric in the future.
are they talking about?
3 I’m 13 and I live in a boarding school.
1 ‘We’re going to get wet!’ I a boarding school in 2050.
2 ‘The garden is so quiet and white.’ 4 Kelly doesn’t like travelling. She
to another country in 10 years.
3 ‘You mustn’t drive. You can’t see anything 5 John and Sally are 11 years old. They
outside!’ to drive in the next 2 years.
4 ‘Great weather for sunbathing.’

5 ‘The tops of the trees are moving!’ Writing

7 Complete the sentences from an invitation email

with one word in each gap.
Did you hear the 1 ?
4 Complete the sentences with the correct form I’m 2 my birthday and I want to invite
of going to and these verbs. you to a concert. We’re 3 to a Chinese
buy call correct go visit work rock concert at Liverpool Odeon. My dad can give us
a4 to the station.
1 I to bed early tonight
The train is 5 at 5.30 pm,so we’ll
because I’m tired.
arrive early. You don’t have to 6 very
2 Mum her friend Lindsay later
this evening on her new smartphone. much money. I’m going to buy the tickets online.
3 My sister her friend in What do you 7 of my plan? Send me
Germany next summer. a text this afternoon.
4 I harder at school next year!
5 Jan and Eva a new car next year.
6 Our teacher our tests before
Friday. Check Time Answer Key pages 71 - 72

70 Check Time

Unit 1 Unit 3 Unit 6

Exercise 1 Exercise 1 Exercise 1
1 Irish 2 American 3 Italy 1 get 2 has, goes 3 watch 4 up 1 Cup 2 score 3 points 4 team 5 pitch
4 Polish 5 France 6 Germany 5 check 6 do 7 to 8 with 6 cyclist, medals
Exercise 2 Exercise 2 Exercise 2
1 aunt 2 daughter 3 wife 1 excited 2 tired 3 unhappy 4 sad 1 courts 2 go 3 running
4 grandmother 5 son 6 father 5 relaxed 6 worried 7 bored 4 lost 5 do 6 field
Exercise 3 Exercise 3 Exercise 3
1 slim 2 hat 3 sunglasses 1 has 2 don’t like 3 exercise 1 was 2 weren’t 3 Were
4 dress 5 brave 6 grey 4 doesn’t relax, does 5 speak 6 don’t go 4 was 5 Was, were 6 wasn’t, was
Exercise 4 Exercise 4 Exercise 4
1 Can you speak German? 1 Do you often chat with your friends online? 1 saw 2 watched, shouted, scored 3 went
2 My sister can’t walk ten kilometres. 2 How much homework does your teacher give you? 4 ran, won 5 played 6 ended, waited
3 We can learn Spanish at my school. 3 When does your dad go to work? Exercise 5
4 Can your brother play football? Yes, he can. 4 Where do you have lunch at school?
1 He arrived half an hour ago.
5 Where can we buy new trainers? 5 What languages does your brother speak?
2 They built this house ten years ago.
6 Our teacher can’t find our homework. 6 How does your mum get to work?
3 We started the test fifteen minutes ago.
7 Can you do this exercise? No, I can’t. Exercise 5 4 Sue and Ed/Ed and Sue went on holiday two months ago.
8 They can’t help us.
1 After that/Then 2 After that/ 5 We got a new teacher three weeks ago
Exercise 5 Then 3 because 4 so 5 and Exercise 6
1 Gina hasn’t got a nice dress for the party.
Has Gina got a nice dress for the party? Unit 4 1 The highlight of the day was the race.
2 All in all it was an enjoyable event.
2 You haven’t got two brothers. Exercise 1 3 There were over 80,000 people at the stadium.
Have you got two brothers?
1 whiteboard 2 calculator 3 pencil case 4 Last Saturday I went to an ice hockey game.
3 Pete and Tom haven’t got a new car.
4 text book 5 poster 6 ruler 5 The prize ceremony was really disappointing.
Have Pete and Tom got a new car?
4 We haven’t got an English test today. Exercise 2 6 My team scored in the first five minutes.
Have we got an English test today?
5 I haven’t got a problem with my computer.
1 Geography 2 Art 3 Maths 4 History
5 IT 6 Biology 7 English 8 PE
Unit 7
Have I got a problem with my computer? Exercise 1
Exercise 3
6 Grant hasn’t got a black jacket.
1 kettle 2 webcam 3 electric toothbrush
Has Grant got a black jacket? 1 do 2 go 3 have 4 revise 5 start
4 earphones 5 MP3 player 6 smartphone
7 Ian’s sister hasn’t got long hair. Exercise 4
Has Ian’s sister got long hair? Exercise 2
1 am laughing 2 are you talking 3 isn’t working
Exercise 6 1 ringtone 2 track 3 washing machine
4 Are Harry and Pete going 5 Is Tom wearing
4 console 5 networking 6 engine
1 We’re from Spain but we can’t speak Spanish. 6 is having
Exercise 3
2 I’ve got white hair and (I’ve got) blue eyes. Exercise 5
3 They can dance but they can’t sing. 1 wrote 2 understood 3 became
1 have, are looking 2 don’t need, isn’t raining
4 You can’t speak Dutch but you can speak English. 4 could 5 thought 6 sold
3 work, am working 4 paints, is painting
5 He’s got two brothers and (he’s got) one sister. 5 am not doing, am talking Exercise 4
6 She is my hero and (she’s) my best friend.
Exercise 6 1 I didn’t do my English homework but I did my Maths
Unit 2 1 in, on 2 behind 3 next to, next to
2 I ate the meat but I didn’t eat the vegetables.
4 in front of 5 under 6 between
Exercise 1 3 Ella went to Mike’s party but she didn’t go to Henry’s party.
1 butter 2 eggs 3 ketchup 4 grapes 5 milk Unit 5 4 We had Biology today but we didn’t have History.
6 ice cream 7 baked beans 8 oil 5 My parents didn’t learn French at school but they learned
Exercise 1 English.
Exercise 2
1 piano 2 accordion 3 flute 4 violin
Exercise 5
1 h 2 e 3 f 4 a 5 d 6 g 7 b 8 c 5 guitar 6 keyboards 7 saxophone 8 trumpet
1 When did you get home from London?
Exercise 3 Exercise 2
2 Where did you stay in London?
1 c 2 a 3 c 4 b 5 a 6 c 7 a 1 fantastic 2 brilliant 3 great 4 terrible 3 Who did you meet in Trafalgar Square?
8 b 9c 5 boring 6 cool 7 alright 4 What did you have for dinner?
Exercise 4 Exercise 3 5 How did you travel to London and back?
1 There’s 2 Are 3 a 4 some, some 1 band 2 audience 3 stage Exercise 6
5 Is 6 aren’t 4 musician 5 rock
1e How are you?
Exercise 5 Exercise 4 2b Did you have a good weekend?
1 much 2 any 3 many 4 any 5 a 6 aren’t 1 better 2 cheaper 3 more excited 3g Last weekend we went to the zoo.
7 some, any 8 too 9 enough 10 lot 4 more difficult 5 worse 6 happier 4d After that, we went to a burger bar.
5a Guess what! Dad ate three double cheese burgers!
Exercise 6 Exercise 5
6f Write back soon!
1 First 2 Next/After/Then 3 Next/After/Then 1 b 2 b 3 a 4 b 5 a 6 b
7c Lots of love,
4 Next/After/Then 5 Finally
Exercise 6
1 2nite 2 @ 3 c 4 2moro 5 bfn 6 lol 7 ru ok?

Check Time Answer Key 71


Unit 8
Exercise 1
1  c   2  b   3  a   4  d   5  f   6  e
Exercise 2
1  fluently   2  made   3  posted  
4  native   5  capital   6  sent
Exercise 3
1  don’t have to   2  has to   3  mustn’t  
4  don’t have to   5  have to   6  have to   7  mustn’t
Exercise 4
1  shouldn’t  2  should  3  should  4  should 
5  shouldn’t
Exercise 5
1  a, The   2  a, an, The, the   3  A, a, the  
4  a, the   5  a, the
Exercise 6
1  about  2  for  3  at  4  to

Unit 9
Exercise 1
1  car park   2  underground   3  motorbike  
4  bus stop   5  bike lane   6  coach
Exercise 2
1  b   2  d   3  c   4  e   5  a
Exercise 3
1  rainy   2  snowy   3  foggy   4  sunny   5  windy
Exercise 4
1  am going to go  2  is going to call 
3  is going to visit  4  am going to work 
5  are going to buy  6  is going to correct
Exercise 5
1  He’s meeting Jack at the train station at 8.30.
2  He’s having a History test on Friday morning.
3  He’s swimming in a competition on Saturday afternoon.
4  He’s going to art club at 4.15  today.
5  He’s catching the 9.15 train to London tomorrow morning.
6  He’s having a barbecue on Sunday afternoon at 2.30.
Exercise 6
1  will study  2  will be  3  won’t live 
4  won’t move  5  won’t learn
Exercise 7
1  news  2  celebrating  3  going  4  lift  5  leaving 
6  bring  7  think

72 Check Time Answer Key

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