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‫ إعادة ترتيب أسئلة يزيد و عباس _ بنفس ترقيم اسئلتهم‬#

‫ األسئلة مصنفة _كل قسم لحالة نخترص الوقت‬#
01-08-2022 #
Up Date No.1 _ TAHANI #
‫باإلجابتي‬ ‫ بعض األسئلة عليها نقاش احتفظ الملف‬#
‫ مرحب فيها‬... ‫ األفكار‬#
LEXI _ BMJ Best Practice -Rx.Prep_Accp_ ‫البفسور عبد المتعال فوده يوتيوب اضغط‬ ‫ ر‬:‫ نصائح‬#

.... ‫ دعواتكم‬#

38- What database do insurance companies use?

1 ADM A- C.L.U.E.” database
Comprehensive Loss Underwriting Exchange
39- Sources of data in insurance companies?
2 ADM b- Health data
C- Information collection
49- Which of the following error detection strategies result in limiting detection ?
A- bar-coding
B- trigger tools
3 ADM C- voluntary reporting
D- mandatory reporting

55- Mid goal to long term future goal?
A- Mission
4 ADM B- Vision
A- Plan
77- Preventive and curative institution is ?
A. primary
B. secondary
5 ADM C. tertiary
D. specialty
177- Mission and vision can be present in which strategy ?
A. Planning
6 ADM B. Organization
C. Strategic
183- Long term plan use all aspects in organization
A- strategy
B- operation
C- organization


Update no. 1 01 august 2022

184- pharmacist wrote email to another pharmacist to ask add medication to the
formulary in the hospital this is consider as ?
A. Inter institutional
8 ADM B. Intra institutional
C. Written communication
D. Non Verbal communication
206-Head of pharmacy decide to make group to arrange formulary drugs in hospital?
A. organizing
B. planning
9 ADM C. Leading

252- who's responsible for accreditation of health care system?
360- You received a prescription on a plain paper what to do ?
A. Tell the manager
11 ADM B. Talk to the prescriber and don't dispense

409- pharmacist manager screemed on one of the pharmacist who dispensed wrong
medication in front of all the staff what is the good response ?
A. he should punish him in separate area
B. ask for a meeting with the staff
12 ADM C. cut from his salary
D. try to find the cause of the error and set solutions

14) Which of the following is the function of the pharmacy and therapeutic committee in a
A. Responsible for poison management
13 ADM
B. Monitor the adverse reaction reporting
C. Monitor the medication error reporting
D. Responsible for drug formulary management D
70- Which of the following distribution systems works better for medicine requiring a higher
level of control?
A. Bulk ward stock
14 ADM
B. Direct procurement
C. Automated dispensing
D. Individual medication order C
77- Which of the following committees is dedicated to developing and maintaining a list of
approved medicine for the hospital medicines for the hospital use ?
15 ADM
A. Medical records
B. Medication audit D

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

C. Quality assurance
D. Pharmacy and therapeutics

66- Which of the following is the definition of management?

A) The art of maximizing profitability
16 ADM B) The art of maximizing productivity
C)The art of maximizing possibilities
D)The art of maximizing predictability B
72- A 65-year-old man presents to the pharmacy for a refill his medications. On review of his
refill history, the pharmacist noticed that he does not refill his medications regularly. Upon asking
him, the patient started that he has multiple medications that require complex administration.
Which of the following non adherence factors affecting above patient?
17 ADM
A. Patient related factors
B. Provider related factors
C. Health care system factors
D. Medication and condition factor D
24- which of the following need to be considered first by a pharmacist in order to rationalize drug
therapy decisions?
18 ADM A. Care plan
B. Follow-up evaluations
C. Pharmacotherapy workup C
75- It is the broad range of health care services provided by in order to optimize therapeutic
outcomes for individual patients
Which of the following is the term used to describe the above- mentioned definition?
19 ADM A. Pharmaceutical care
B. Medication counseling
C. Medication reconciliation
D. Medication therapy management D
91- Free medical sample drugs (formulary or non-formulary) are provided by pharmaceutical
sales representatives to physicians or members of the health care team.
Which of the following is the most appropriate recommended policy for dealing with sample
20 ADM A. Dispense them directly to the patient
B. Keep them with the rest of original items
C. Keep in outpatient clinics or nursing units
D. Exclude them from in-patient pharmacy, drug store or doctors' offices
The hierarchy is showing Hospital X organizational chart. A pharmacist assigned as a clinical
pharmacist in neuroscience ward (see image)
21 ADM
Which of the following managerial position will the coworker re submitting a complaint?
A) Pharmacy Director D

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

B) Medical affair Director

C) Neuroscience ward director
D) Clinical pharmacy department Head

157- Most on prescription?

A- Patient name - mrn- date
B- Phystion name - numeber - signature
22 ADMIN C- Pateint name - age - sex - daignosis
D- all above
36-which of the following medication has a side effect metalic taste ?
A) cefuroxime
23 B) azithromycin
C) ciprofloxacin
D) metronidazole D
118- What is the type of anemia Lack of intrinsic factor?
A- Megaloblastic anemia
B- Pernicious anemia
24 ANEMI C- Hemolytic anemia
D- Aplastic anemia

42- which of the following anesthetics drug has a higher risk of causing hepatic toxicity?
A) propofol
25 ANES B) ketamine
C) isoflurane
D) nitrous oxide C
16- Which of the following is the advantage of using intravenous anesthetic drug?
A. Produce fast onset of anesthesia
26 ANESTH B. Helps in maintaining anesthesia
C. Increases the minimum alveolar concentration (MAC) of the anesthetic drugs
D. Produce less cardiovascular and respiratory suppression A
84- Which of the following is the mode of action of Phentolamine?
A. beta-adrenergic blocker
27 ANS B. beta-adrenergic agonist
C. alpha-adrenergic agonist
D. alpha-adrenergic blocker (non selective alpha blocker) D
22- Which of the following is a consequence of stimulation of ꭤ1-Adrenoceptors?
A. A flushing Adrenergic Receptors
28 ANS B. increased heart rate
C. constricted bronchioles
D. elevated blood pressure D

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

24- which drug is used to treat an anaphylactic reaction?

A. Atropine
29 ANS B. Adrenaline
C. Isoprinosine
D. Phentolamine B
30- Which of the following is a property of amphetamine?
A. It does not cross the blood brain barrier
30 ANS B. It stimulates the release of stored acetylcholine
C. It stimulates the release of stored norepinephrine
D. It stimulates the release of five hydroxytryptophan (5-HT) C
50-A 25-year-old driver was held for reckless driving and confronting a policeman. He is too
confident, talkatiye.restless and continuously walking around the hall.
Which of the following is the drug that the driver is abusing?
31 ANS A. Diazepam
B. Theophylline
C. Amphetamine
D. Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) C
72- What is the pharmacological classification of Ipratropium bromide?
A. Beta agonist
32 ANS B. Alpha agonist
C. Cholinergic agonist
D. Antimuscarinic agent D
14- Which of the following is a consequence of stimulation of ꭤ1 - adrenoceptors?
A. flushing
33 ANS B. increased heart rate
C. constricted bronchioles
D. elevated blood pressure D
77- Which of the following describes the mechanism of action of rivastigmine?
A. cholinesterase inhibitor
34 ANS B. alpha-a receptor inhibitor
C. serotonin reuptake inhibitor
D. angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor A

106- Drug to reverse action of Atropine?

A. Physostigmine
B. Benztropine
35 ANS C. Disulfiram
D. Propranolol
301-Catechol amine with COMT ?
36 ans A- rapid metabolism
B- slow metabolism

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

55- A 21-year-old patient went through respiratory depression after receiving anesthetic agent.
Which of the following agents will counteract post-anesthetic respiratory depression?
A. morphine
B. picrotoxin
C. diazepam
D. thiopental B
76- Which of the following drugs would decrease the amount of minimum alveolar
concentration (MAC) for an anesthetic drug?
A. diazepam
B. buspirone
C. ephedrine
D. loratadine A
83- Which of the following anesthetics drugs has a higher risk of causing anemia?
A. propofol
39 ANSE B. ketamine
C. isoflurane
D. nitrous oxide D
71- Which depolarizing neuromuscular blocker is less potent than tubocurarine?
A. succinylcholine (Anectine)
40 ANSE B. rocuronium (Zemuron)
C. pipecuronium (Arduan)
D. doxacurium (Nuromax) A

100- Which of the following is heparin antidote?

A. Protamine Sulphate
B. Octreotide
41 ANTIDO C. N-Acetylcysteine
D. Naloxone Hydrochloride
32- What is the antidote for heparin toxicity?
A. Protamine sulfate
42 antidote B. Sodium salicylate
C. Naloxone
D. Glucagon A
9- Which of the following situation is most likely to be controlled by administering parenteral
calcium as an antidote?
A. Hypokalemia
B. Verapamil overdose
C. Heroine intoxication
D. Cocaine intoxication B
11-A 55-year-old man presents with an excessive bronchial and oconasal secretions. History
ANTIDOT revealed, is exposed to an organophosphate insecticide. Which of the following is the best
E management?
A. Atropine IV A

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

B. Diphenhydramine orally
C. Pralidoxime intramuscularly
D. Physostigmine intramuscularly

40- In case a patient develops toxicity from midazolam. Which of the following medications
can be given as an antidote?
A. Atropine
B. Flumazenil
C. Amifostine
D. Acetylcysteine B
(3) Which of the following is the precursor for 5_hydroxytryptamine?
A) proline
46 BIOch B) alanine
C) glutamine
D) tryptophan D
30- Which of the following enzymes regulate supercoiling of DNA?
A) Helicases
47 BIOch B) Primases
C) Topoisomerases
D) Reverse transcriptase C
83- Where dose the electron transport chain reaction pathway take?
A) Cell cytoplasm
48 BIOch B) Golgi apparatus
C) Outer mitochondrial membrane
D) Inner mitochondrial membrane D
99. Which of the following vitamin deficiency can cause scurvy?
A. vitamin A
49 BIOch B. vitamin B6
C. vitamin C
D. Vitamin D C

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

The diagram shows the role of a vitamin as coenzyme for cystathionine synthase and
cystathionase enzymes which catalyze the transsulfuration of methionine to cysteine (see image).
Which of the following is the vitamin indicated by the star* in the figure?

50 BIOch

A. B2
B. B3
C. B5
D. B6 D

2- pH difference between extracellular and intracellular fluid is

A. Nil
B. 0.2
51 BIOch C. 0.4
D. 0.8
3- Role of ATP ?
A. Energy carrier
52 BIOch B. Oxygen carrier
C. Amino acid carrier
5- which is cytokine
A. Leukotriene
53 BIOch B. Adrenaline
C. Gonadotropin
7- Which process does Insulin work on or increase ?
A. Glycogenolysis
B. Glyconeogenesis
54 BIOch C. Glucogensis
D. Ketogenesis
13-The synthesis of glycogen from glucose called?
55 BIOch A- Glycogenesis
42- How much molecule ATP molecules are produced for every glucose.
A- 12
B- 24
56 BIOch C- 34

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

61- Which Amino acid we give for anorexia?

A. Alanine
57 BIOch B. arginine
C. valine
62- starch is digested in saliva by ?
58 BIOch A. Amylase
B. lipase
A- Glucose
59 BIOch b- glycogen
c- glucagon
73- Which of the following is the precursor for 5- hydrotryptamine (serotonin)?
A. Proline
60 bioch B. Alanine
C. Glutamine
D. Tryptophan D
79- How much ATP molecules are produced for every glucose molecule?
A. 12
B. 24
61 BIOCH C. 34

101- Which process does Insulin work on increase?
A- Glycogenolysis
B- Glyconeogenesis
62 BIOCH C- Glucogensis
D- Ketogenesis
131- krebs cycle for production of ?
134- DNA ligase enzyme for ligation of ?
A. mRNA with TRNA
B. 2mRNA molecules
64 BIOCH C. 2tRNA molecules
D. 2DNA strands
138- use Glucosamine for uses ??
A- Osteoporosis
65 BIOCH B- Osteomyelitis
C- Osteoarthritis
155- Where dose the electron transport chain reaction
A. pathway take
B. Cell cytoplasm
66 BIOCH C. Golgi apparatus
D. Outer mitochondrial membrane
E. Inner mitochondrial membrane

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

163- How many amino acid in the human body ?

A. 20
67 BIOCH B. 30
C. 40
181- Which parameter used when we give statin and there is rhatdomyolysis ?
A- Creatine kinase
68 BIOCH B- Crcl

210- Purpose of mitochondria ?
A- Synthesis of DNA
B- Synthesis of RNA
69 BIOCH C- Produce ATP

270- Which is complex protein ?
A. Pr
B. Sec
70 BIOCH C. Tri
D. Quaternary in structure
356- acetyl-CoA to form malonyl- coA which vitamine is used ?
A. biotin (B7)
B. riboflavin
71 BIOCH C. pyridoxine
D. nicotinamide
357- coenzyme for cystathionine synthase and cystathionase enzymes which catalyze the
transfiguration of methionine to cysteine ?
A- B2
B- B3
72 BIOCH C- B5
D- B6

358- Acetyl coA and cetric acid cycle which vitamine is used ?
A. B6
B. B12
73 BIOCH C. B2
D. B9
365-Which the carrier in Krebs Cycle?
A. Carrier in cryps cycle
74 BIOCH B. oxaloacetat
C. citric acid
403- Number of ATP in glycolysis ?
A- 1
B- 22
75 BIOCH C- 24
D- 2

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

12) What the function of small nuclear (snRNAs) in protein synthesis?

A. Act as catalyst
76 BIOCHE B. Modifies mRNA molecules
C. Genetic blueprint for the protein
D. Translates genetic code to amino acid B
25) Which of the following pairs represents the purines nitrogenous bases?
A. Adenine (A) and Uracil (U)
77 BIOCHE B. Cytosine (C) and Uracil (U)
C. C)Adenine (A) and guanine (G)
D. D)Cytosine (C) and guanine (G) C
30) Which of the following is the process of breaking down of glycogen ?
A. Glycolysis
78 BIOCHE B. Glycogenesis
C. Glycogenolysis
D. Gluconeogenesis C
40) Which of the following inhibits gluconeogenesis?
A. Insulin
79 bioche B. Glucagon
C. Epinephrine
D. Glucocorticodes A
73- Which of the following is a non-essential amino acid?
A) Lysine
B) Valine
80 BIOCHE C) Cysteine
D) Isoleucine
N.B:-The 9 essential amino acids are: histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine,
phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan, and valine. C
154- which of the following inhibits gluconeogenesis
A- insulin
B- glucagon
81 BIOCHE C- epinephrine
D- glucocorticoids
197- which the Carbohydrates produce more energy
A. glucose
82 BIOCHE B. maltose
C. sucrose
48) Which of the following compounds is urea cycle a biochemical reaction that produce urea
A. Sucrose
83 biochem
B. Glucose
C. Glycogen
D. Ammonia (NH3) D

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

86-Click image to enlarge

A water-soluble vitamin catalyzes the carboxylation of acetyl-COA to form malonyl-CoA, which
is required for the synthesis of fatty acids (see image) Which of the following vitamins plays this
A. biotin (b7)
B. riboflavin
C. pyridoxine
D. nicotinamide A
28) Which of the following is a function of alcohol dehydrogenase enzyme?
A. Accelerates the reduction of ethanol
B. Accelerate the addition of hydrogen to ethanol
C. Accelerates the addition of phosphate to ethanol
D. Accelerates the removal of hydrogen from ethanol
86- Which of the following enzymes is responsible for forming DNA copy from RNA?
A. Reverse transcriptase
86 BIOCHEM B. DNA polymerase
C. Helicase
D. Primase A
46- Which of the following is a potential serious side effect that is common among all
anticoagulant agents?
A. Hypokalemia.
87 blood
B. Major Bleeding
C. Liver Dysfunction
D. Renal Dysfunction B
6) Which of the following is an example of a parenteral direct thrombin inhibitor?
A) enoxaparin
88 blood B) argatroban
C) fondaparinux
D) unfractionated heparin B
11- which of the following anti platelets is contraindicated patients with transient ischemic
attack (TIA) or stroke?
89 blood A. Prasugrel
B. Ticagrelor
C. Clopidogrel A

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

D. Dipyridamole

26- which of the following antiplatelet agents the highest risk of causing dyspnea ?
A. Prasugrel
90 BLOOD B. Ticagrelor
C. Clopidogrel
D. Dipyridamole B
(34) Which of the following is the recommended anti-coagulation strategy for atrial fibrillation
patient with a CHA2DS2-VACS score of 5?
A. aspirin
B. dabigatran
C. clopidogrel
D. no anticoagulation B
(47) Which of the following could lead to decrease in international normalization ratio (INR) in a
patient of warfarin therapy?
A. decrease the consumption of dietary vitamin K
B. carbamazepine therapy
C. cotrimoxazole therapy
D. metronidazole therapy B
64- Which of the following is the preferred anticoagulant therapy during hemodialysis
A. Enoxaparin
B. Dabigatran
C. Rivaroxaban
D. Unfractionated heparin (UFH) D
71- A 51-year-old man diagnosed with pulmonary embolism. The patient planned for warfarin
and started combination with warfarin until INR is therapeutic (see lab result).
Weight 80kg

Hight 160cm

Test Result Normal value

Creatinine 85 44-115 umol/L


Which of the following enoxaparin dose regimen should the patient receive?
A. Enoxaparin 30 mg SC every 24h
B. Enoxaparin 40 mg SC every 24h
C. Enoxaparin 80 mg SC every 12h
D. Enoxaparin 160 mg SC every 12h C

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

2- Which of the following medications is an anticoagulant agent?

A. Aspirin
95 BLOOD B. Warfain
C. Clopidogrel
D. D. Streptokinase B
(16) Which of the following is the mechanism of action of apixaban?
A. an indirect inhibitor of thrombin
96 BLOOD B. an indirect inhibitor of factor Xa
C. a direct inhibitor of thrombin
D. a direct inhibitor of factor Xa D
45- Which of the following can decrease the effect of warfarin?
A. Antibiotics
97 BLOOD B. Paracetamol
C. Multivitamins (contain vit k)
D. Calcium supplement C
73- Which of the following best represents the activity of dipyridamole?
A. It has fibrinolytic activity
98 BLOOD B. It has antifibrinolytic activity
C. It is a platelet aggregation inhibitor
D. It is a phosphodiesterase enzyme inducer C
25- What is the route of administration of Enoxaparin?
A. Intrathecal bolus
99 BLOOD B. Transdermal injection
C. Subcutaneous injection
D. Intramuscular injection C
97- Which of the following drugs can be used to lyse fibrin clots?
A. heparin
100 BLOOD B. warfarin
C. enoxaparin
D. streptokinase D
18- Which of the following can decrease the effect of warfarin?
A. antibiotics
101 BLOOD B. paracetamol
C. multivitamins
D. calcium supplement C
41- Which of the following medications produces antiplatelet effect by inhibiting Adenosine
Diphosphate (ADP) receptors?
A. aspirin
B. abciximab
C. clopidogrel
D. streptokinase C

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

63- Which of the following is recommended regarding air bubble in the syringe for a patient
starting on enoxaparin subcutaneous Injection?
A. inject the dose with the air bubble
B. Inject the air bubble if the volume is small
C. remove the air bubble to avoid wastage of the dose
D. remove air bubble and adjust volume before injection A
74- Which of the following is a potential serious side effect that is common among all
anticoagulant agents?
A. hypokalemia
B. major bleeding
C. liver dysfunction
D. renal dysfunction B
75- Which of the following statements describes unfractionated heparin?
A. enolic acid derivative
105 BLOOD B. propionic acid derivative
C. acetyl ester of salicylic acid
D. mucopolysaccharide polymers D
71- Which of the following is recommended regarding air bubble in the syringe for a patient
starting on enoxaparin subcutaneous injection?

A. Inject the dose with the air bubble

B. inject the air bubble if the volume is small
C. remove air bubble to avoid wastage of the dose
D. remove air bubble and adjust volume before injection A

22- Risk factor cause DVT?

A. Age
107 blood B. food rich of VK
C. surgery
59- The recommended DVT prophylaxis dose for postpartum in women with heigh risk of
DVT is?
A. 3 weeks
108 BLOOD B. 6 weeks
C. 3 months
D. 6 months
92- Which of the following is parenteral direct thrombin inhibitor?
A. Argatroban
B. Dabigatran (ORAL )
109 BLOOD C. Heparin
D. Warfarin

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

96- Which of the following antiplatelet working by inhibition of adenosine diphosphate

A. Aspirin
110 BLOOD B. Abciximab
C. Clopidogrel
D. Streptokinase
113- Which direct anticoagulant needs premedication 5-10 days
with anticoagulant ?
111 BLOOD endoxaban > Apixaban Note: Dabigatran >

136- how ibuprofen inhibit antiplatelet effect of aspirin ?

112 BLOOD A- Ibuprofen bind to cox1 and hinder it's acetylation by aspirin ✅
141- patient on warfarin and has mechanical valve and INR 3.5, what should you do ?
A- No management
113 BLOOD b- decrease warfarin dose

146- Neonate with coagulopathy which vit K route will you use ?
A. Suppository
B. Iv
C. Sc
114 BLOOD D. Im
child is IM
Coagulopathy.. IV

239- antiplatelet C.I. in patients with transient ischemic attack ?
A- dipyradimole
B- clopidogrel
115 BLOOD C- prasugrel
D- ticagrelor
253- INR monitoring after initiation as outpatient ?
A- next day
B- 2-5 days
116 BLOOD C- 1 month
D- 3 months
318- treatments of pulmonary embolism?
A- Enoxaparin 40 mg sc once daily
B- Rivaroxaban
117 BLOOD C- Enoxaparin 1 mg/ kg twice daily
Or 2 mg/ kg once daily
334- patient is taking warfarin 4.5 mg PO daily came to the clinic with INR of 5.1 without
any signs of active bleeding, what is the appropriate management for her ?
A. Hold warfarin and give vit K IV
118 BLOOD B. Hold warfarin and resume with lower dose
C. Hold warfarin and give platelet

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

345- in pregnancy what the trimester can be use warfarin ?

A. first
B. second
119 BLOOD C. third trimester
D. avoided use in pregnancy
397- Pt use Warfarin 10mg and INR low why ?
A. Low dose
120 BLOOD B. Dite
C. Low bioavailability of warfarin
425- which the fallowing uses in prophylaxis strock
A. anticoagulant
121 blood B. thrombolytic drug
C. antipletalate
427- Which the fallowing drugs inducing thrombocytopenia
A- UFH heparin
122 blood C- warfarin
D- Aspirin
428- Which the fallowing drugs treatment thrombocytopenia
123 blood C- warfarin
D- Argatroban
110- Medication for osteoporosis in menopausal women given monthly?
A. Zoledronic acid
B. ibandronate
124 BONE C. raloxifene

119- Medication for osteoporosis in women given once per a year ?
A- Zoledronic acid
B- ibandronate
125 BONE C-raloxifene

120- Medication for osteoporosis in women given weekly ?
A- Zoledronic acid
B- ibandronate
126 BONE C- raloxifene
D- Alendronate

202- gold standard test for Osteoporosis ?
127 BONE A- (DEXA) ✅
dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

285- Patient with Osteoporosis which need for Diagnosis?

A- X-ray
(39) Which of the following osteoporosis drugs can cause esophageal ulcers?
A. denosumab
129 BONE B. teriparatide
C. alendronate
D. zelodronic acid C
73- Which of the following medications for osteoporosis will significantly reduce the risk of hip
A. Phosphate
130 BONE
B. Risedronate
C. Raloxifene
D. Calcitonin B
14-A 65-year patient suffered from Osteomalacia with finger numbness, tingling and burning of
extremities. The doctor prescribed vitamin D and an IV calcium supplement. Which of the following
calcium salts did the physician most likely prescribed ?
A. Calcium citrate (21%calcium)
B. Calcium lactate(13%calcium)
131 BONE
C. Calcium gluconate (9%calcium)
D. Calcium phosphate (39% calcium)

N.B:-Ca phosphate no more effective — and may in fact be less effective — than calcium citrate
or calcium carbonate. C
36- A 6-year-old child weighing 28 kg came to the clinic with viral infection. The physician
prescribed acyclovir at a dose of 20 mg/kg four times a day. Acyclovir is available as 200 mg/5 ml
oral suspension. How many milliliters would be administered per day?
132 CAL A. 10
B. 14
C. 44
D. 56 D
97- A physician prescribed heparin at a dose of 75 units/Kg every six hours for a child weighing
15 kg, heparin is available in 2.5 ml vial containing 12,500 units. How many milliliters of heparin
solution would be administered every day?
133 CAL A. 0.5
B. 0.9
C. 1.5
D. 1.8 B

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

93- The following formula was prescribed by a dermatologist for a patient with dermatitis.
Hydrocortisone 1.5% w/w
Cream base to make 50g
the pharmacist has two strengths of hydrocortisone creams in his hand, 2.5% and 1%.
Therefore, in order to compound this prescription, the pharmacist is going to add these two
134 cal creams strength together in certain proportions to fulfill this formulation.
Which of the following is the weight ratio of the two strengths of hydrocortisone needed?
A. 1:2
B. 1:1
C. 0.5:1
D. 2:1 c
56- The pharmacist received a prescription to extemporaneously prepare moxifloxacin oral
suspension from the 400 mg tablet in a concentration of 20 mg/ml with total volume of 60 mL
Which of the following is the number of tablets of moxiflaxacin 400 mg needed to prepare the
above prescription?
135 CAL
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 6 B
66- Drug X has an infusion rate of 0.95 mg/kg/hr. Which of the following is the amount of drug
X (in mg) needed for a 12- hr infusion if patient weight is 70 kg?
A. 66.5 mg
136 CAL
B. 84 mg
C. 665 mg
D. 798 mg D
67) A 6-year-old child weighing 28 kg came to the clinic with viral infection. The physician
prescribed acyclovir at a dose of 20 mg/kg four times a day. Acyclovir is available as 200 mg/5 ml oral
How many milliliters would be administered per day?
137 CAL
A. 10
B. 14
C. 44
D. 56 D
68- A patient is to receive one mg of hydromorphine hydrochloride injection for pain.
Hydromrophine hydrochloride is available as 500 mg in a 50 ml vial. How many milliliters would be
138 CAL A. 0.1
B. 0.5
C. 1.0
D. 2.0 A

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

69- A solution contains 2.5 mg of a drug per milliliter. administered at a rate of 50 mg/hr. (1 ml =
30 drops).
Which of the following Is the most appropriate infusion rate?
139 CAL A) 5 drops/min
B) 10 drops/min
C) 20 drops/min
D) 40 drops/min B
71-A 2.5% intravenous drug is infused at a rate of 1.5 ml/min. Which of the amount of the drug
(in mg) that is infused in each hour?
A) 25
140 CAL
B) 225
C) 2000
D) 2250 D
73-A technician is preparing 250 ml of 70% (w/v) dextrose solution.
Which of the following is the total amount of dextrose (in grams) in the final preparation?
A) 125 g
141 CAL
B) 150 g
C) 175g
D) 200 g C
74- How many milliliters of paracetamol syrup of 120 mg/5 ml strength would be prepared
using 1.8 kg of paracetamol?
A) 15,000 mL
142 CAL
B) 30,000 mL
C) 50,000 mL
D) 75,000 mL D
76- What is the percentage w/v of 10 ml vial that contains 50 mEq of ammonium chloride per 10
ml if 1 mEq of ammonium chloride = 0.0535g?
A) 0.535
143 CAL
B) 2.675
C) 5.350
D) 26.750 B
77- One folic acid tablet contains 400 mcg of folic acid as an active ingredient. How many tablets
would be required for the preparation of 30 grams of folic acid?
A) 5000 tablets
144 CAL
B) 7500 tablets
C) 50000 tablets
Đ) 75000 tablets D
90) A 6-year-old HIV infected boy measuring 0.9 m2 is to receive nevirapine 140 mg/m' two times
daily. Nevirapine is available as 50 mg/5 ml suspension. How many millilters of nevirapine
145 CAL
suspension would be administered per dose?
A) 6.3 B

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

B) 12.6
D) 16.5

98) A drug has a clearance value of 4.75 L/hour and 65% is cleared by renal excretion.
Which of the following would be the non-renal clearance value?
A) 1.25 L/hrs
146 CAL
B) 1.66 L/hrs
C) 1.90 L/hrs
D) 2.05 L/hrs B
39- A patient is to receive 400 ml intravenous infusion of a 1% drug that will be over 10 hours
Which of the following is the amount (milligrams)of the drug that will be delivered in 15
minutes ?
147 cal A) 100 mg
B) 150 mg
C) 200 mg
D) 400 mg A
51- Penicillin-G potassium Is available in 50 ml vial containing 20 gram. Each milligram of
penicillin-G potasslum is equal to 1500 units.
How many units of penicillin G potassium are there in each vial?
148 CAL A) 15,000,000
B) 20,000,000
C) 25,000,000
D) 30,000,000 D
17 -A physician prescribes, for a 6-year-old child 10 mg, omeprazole daily for seven days as a
syrup formulation. Omeprazóle capsules strength are available in the pharmacy is 10 mg
Which of the following is the number of capsules required to make to suffice the total doses in
the prescription if the final concentration syrup should be 2 mg/mL?
149 CAL
A) 2
B) 3
C) 5
D) 7 D
42-A 35-year-old individual is receiving 20 mg of propranolol hydro four times daily as a
prophylaxis to migraine attacks. The drug 25% bioavailability due to extensive first pass effect.
What amount of the drug reaches the systemic circulation after dosing?
150 CAL A) 2.5 mg
B) 5.0 mg
C) 7.5 mg
D)10mg B

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

(33) A 55-year-old man with a history of recurrent back pain is admitted to the hospital, he was
prescribed paracetamol 1000 mg P.O Q6hr PRN for 1-month available tablet is 500mg. What is the
maximum quantity given for a refill?
151 CAL A. 8 tablets
B. 24 tablets
C. 42 tablets
D. 240 tablets D
7-A child weighing 25 kg is prescribed acetazolamide 2.5 mg/kg every 12 hours. Acetazolamide
is available in a liquid dosage form with strength of 25 mg/ml.
How many milliliters would the patient be administered per dose?
152 CAL A. 2.5
B. 5.0
C. 7.5
D. 10 A
10 -The diclophenac sodium suppository is prepared according to the following formula:
Diclophenac sodium 2.5%
Triglyceride base to make 1g
How many grams of diclophenac sodium should be used to prepare 24000 suppositories?
153 CAL
A. 120
B. 240
C. 480
D. 600 D
(15) Which of the following is the amount of dextrose (in grams) that is present in 100 ml of 10%
dextrose solution?
A. 1
154 CAL
B. 10
C. 100
D. 1000 B
25- a 4-year-old boy is admitted with dehydration. he is started on dextrose 5% and normal
saline with 40 milliequivalent potassium chloride per liter at a rate of 40 ml per hour weight is 16
How much potassium chloride (in milliequivalent per kilograms per day) is her receiving?
155 CAL
A. 2.4
B. 3
C. 4.5
D. 6 A
26- which of the following is the percentage (%) strength of ketorolac tromethamine in an
ophthalmic solution if 200 micrograms of the drug are present in 50 microliters of the solution?
156 CAL A. 0.25
B. 0.40
C. 0.50 B

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

D. 0.80

27-10 ml vial contains 1 gm of clindamycin hydrochloride. each milligram of clindamycin

hydrochloride is equivalent to 800 micrograms (mcg) of clindamycin.
How much clindamycin in micrograms (mcg) is present in 3 ml solution?
157 CAL A. 240
B. 2,400
C. 24,000
D. 240,000 D
39-A solution contains 27 mg of antipyrine per 500 microliter. How many grams of antipyrine
are there in 3 ml of the solution?
A. 0.162 gm
158 CAL
B. 0.270 gm
C. 162 gm
D. 270 gm A
41-A 5-years-old girl weights 16 kilograms and is 95 centimeters tall. Which of the following is
her body surface area in squared meter (m)?
A. 0.1
159 CAL
B. 0.4
C. 0.6
D. 0.9 C
42- The following prescription is received in a hospital pharmacy: Losartan 25 mg
S: Take 1 tab BID M: 3 weeks
Which of the following instructions will be on the prescription label?
160 CAL A. Take 1 tablet once daily (21 tablets)
B. Take 2 tablets once daily (42 tablets)
C. Take 1 tablet twice daily (42 tablets)
D. Take 2 tablets twice daily (48 tablets) C
49- How many milliliters are there in one table spoonful in a metric system?
A. 2.5 ml
161 CAL B. 5.0 ml
C. 10 ml
D. 15 ml D
52-A solution contains 2.5 mg of a drug per milliliter. The drug is to be administered at a rate of
50 mg/hr. (1 mL= 30 drops). Which of the following is the most appropriate infusion rate?
A. 5 drops/min
162 CAL
B. 10 drops/min
C. 20 drops/min
D. 40 drops/min B

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

54-A patient is to receive two drops of dexamethasone four times daily. The dexamethasone is
available as 0.1% solution in a 5 ml bottle with a dropper calibrated to deliver 16 drop per ml.
How many days will the bottle last?
163 CAL A. 4
B. 6
C. 8
D. 10 D
55-What is the specific gravity of a liquid if 121.92 ml of its weight is 107.56 g?
A. 0.882 s.g.
164 CAL B. 1.88 s.g.
C. 2.88 s.g.
D. 8.822 s.g. A
63- A physician prescribed 5000 units of heparin two times daily for five days. Heparin is
available in a vial containing 20,000 units/ml.
How many milliliters should be given for each dose?
165 CAL A. 0.25
B. 0.50
C. 0.75
D. 1.50 A
77- A solution contains 5 gm of drug per 25 ml.
Which of the following is the concentration, in mg/ml, of the drug?
A. 50 mg/ml
166 CAL
B. 100 mg/ml
C. 200 mg/ml
D. 400 mg/ml C
78-A 20-year-old boy who weighs 10 kg is prescribed Drug x as 1 mg/kg/hour infusion, The
pharmacy prepared the prescription by diluting 5 ml of 25 mg/ml concentration via to100 ml with
normal saline. Which of the following is the rate of infusion (in ml/hour)
167 CAL A. 2
B. 4
C. 6
D. 8 D
80- A drug has a total body clearance of 2.5 L/hr. Its hepatic metabolism accounts for 25%
during less blood perfusion and 40 % when blood perfusion is higher to the liver.
What will be the hepatic clearance value in fed state of stomach?
168 CAL A. 0.50 L/hr
B. 0.75 L/hr
C. 1.00 L/hr
D. 1.50 L/hr C

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

82-A physician ordered Labetalol hydrochloride intravenous infusion at a close of 500

micrograms/min over an hour for a hypertensive patient. Labetalol hydrochloride is available in a
20 ml vial containing 5 mg/ml of the drug.
Which of the following is the amount in (milliliters) of labetalol hydrochloride solution that
169 CAL should be administered?
A. 4.5
B. 6
C. 7.5
D. 10 B
83- An ointment was prepared by incorporating 15 g of a drug into 150 g of petrolatum.
What would be the concentration of the drug in the ointment?
A. 0.91%
170 CAL
B. 1.00%
C. 0.10%
D. 10.00% D
84- A 2.5%intravenous drug is infused at a rate of 1.5 m/min Which of the amount of the drug
(in mg) that is infused in each hour?
A. 25
171 CAL
B. 225
C. 2000
D. 2250 D
89- If a pharmacist has a stock solution of D5W and D50W
How many milliliters form each solution will need in order to prepare a 450 ml of D15W
172 CAL A. D50w/ D5w=100/350
B. D50w/D5w=350/100
C. D50w/D5W=200/250
D. D50w/D5w= 250/200 A
95- How much of 5% w/v solution would be required to prepare 60 ml of 5mg/ml solution?
A. 6 ml
173 CAL B. 10 ml
C. 15 ml
D. 18 ml A
96- The pharmacy receives a prescription for labetalol 800 mg twice daily for three days. The
available strength of labetalol in the pharmacy is 200 mg. Which of the following is the number of
200 mg labetalol tablet needed to prepare the above prescriptions for the total duration?
174 CAL A. 8
B. 12
C. 16
D. 24 D

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

99-A drug vial contains 0.2% of drug x.

Which of the following is the amount of the drug x (in mg) in a 5ml dose?
A. 0.1
175 CAL
B. 1
C. 10
D. 100 C
8- A patient is to receive 25 mg of dextromethorphan four times daily for cough. The pharmacist
dispensed two 125 ml bottles containing 10 mg of dextromethorphan per 5 ml.
How many days will the two bottles last?
176 CAL A. 3
B. 5
C. 7
D. 9 B
11-A hospitalized patient with hypertension is prescribed nicardipine hydrochloride intravenous
infusion at a dose of 5 mg per hour for four hours. Nicardipine hydrochloride is available as a 10
ml vial containing 25 mg of nicardipine hydrochloride. How many milliliters of nicardipine should
be used?
177 CAL
A. 2.5
B. 4.0
C. 8.0
D. 10.0 C
13- A 100 mL infusion bottle contains 2 g of potassium chloride (KCI). (Mol.wt.kcl= 74.6). Which
of the following is the most likely amount of KCL present in the infusion bottle?
A. 12.7 mEq
178 CAL
B. 20 mEq
C. 26.8 mEq
D. 78.5 mEg C
20- Heparin is prepared in a piggy-bag which contains 25,000 units in 250 ml. How many
milliliters of heparin per hour must be given to a 70-kilogram male patient if infusion rate is 10
179 CAL A. 5 ml
B.7 ml
C. 10 ml
D. 20 ml B
24- What is the weight of 60 ml olive oil (density: 0.92 g\ml)?
A. 36.66 gm
180 CAL B. 49.60 gm
C. 55.20 gm
D. 65.86 gm C

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

27- How many grams of water are needed to make 100grams of 5% (W\W) solution of
potassium acetate?
A. 57 g
181 CAL
B. 95g
C. 115 g
D. 140 g C
31-A patient is prescribed 0.25% alcaftadine ophthalmic solution, one drop for each eye per
day. Alcaftadine is available in a 3 ml bottle and one ml contains 14 drops.
How many days will the bottle last?
182 CAL A. 6
B. 13
C. 17
D. 21 D
33-A500 infusion bottle contains 11.72 g of potassium chloride (kCI). The molecular weight of
KCI= 74.6 grams. Which of the following is the amount of KCI, in milliequivalent (mEq), present in
the bottle?
183 CAL A. 0.637 mEq
B. 6.37 mEq
C. 11.72mEq
D. 157.1 mEq D
43-A 65-year-old man (weight=70 kg) with acute decompensated heart failure is to be started
on dobutamine 5 mcg\kg\ minute. The infusion bag contains dobutamine 150 mg in 100 ml of
0.9% sodium chloride. He has normal renal function.
Which of the following is the rate of infusion of dobutamine?
184 CAL
A. 0.25 mL\hour
B. 1.3 mL\hour
C. 14 mL\hour
D. 26 mL\hour C
47-A 6-year-old HIV infected boy measuring o.9 m2 is to receive nevirapine 140 mg\m2 two
times daily. Nevirapine is available as 50 mg\5 ml suspension. How many milliliters of nevirapine
suspension would be administered per dose?
185 CAL A. 6.3
B. 12.6
C. 14.0
D. 16.5 B
49-A patient is to receive 750 ml 5% dextrose over five hours. The intravenous infusion set
delivers 10 drops\ ml. Which of the following is the flow rate in ml\min to deliver the prescribed
186 CAL
A. 1.5
B. 2.0
C. 2.5 C

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

D. 3.0

54- A pharmacist calculates a dose of 500 µg/min for continuous infusion of dopamine based on
weight of the patient. The concentration of a premixed dopamine infusion is 400 mg/250 ml. What
is the most likely amount of dopamine in ml received by the patient in the first hour of treatment?
187 CAL A. 10 ml
B. 19 ml
C. 24 ml
D. 28 ml B
62- A drug was given to a patient with a constant intravenous infusion rate of 10 mg/hour. The
half-life of the drug is three hours. Which of the following is the time in hours to reach steady state
plasma concentration?
188 CAL A. 10
B. 15
C. 20
D. 30 B
69- A syrup is 70% w/v solution of sucrose in water.
How much of sucrose is required to prepare 500 ml of this syrup?
A. 250 g
189 CAL
B. 300 g
C. 350 g
D. 400 g C
72- Lidocaine is commonly administered for patient exhibiting cardiac arrhythmias. Lidocaine
pharmacokinetic parameters are as follows half- life = 2 hours, clearance = 9 mL/min/kg and
volume of distribution = 70 L. Which of the following is the time (in hours) needed to achieve 87.5%
of the steady state concentration in a 70-kg individual?
190 CAL
A. 2
B. 4
C. 6
D. 8
79- A 9-year-old child weighing 36 kg came to the clinic with chickenpox. The physician
prescribed acyclovir at a dose of 20 mg/kg four times a day for five days. Acyclovir is available as
200 mg/5ml oral suspension. How many milliliters of suspension should be dispensed?
191 CAL A. 240
B. 320
C. 360
D. 540 C

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

80- How many grams of dextrose are in a 250 ml bag of 10% dextrose?
A. 12.5
192 CAL B. 25
C. 50
D. 100 B
82- A water sample contains 9 ppm of magnesium. Which of the following is the percentage of
magnesium in this sample?
A. 0.9%
193 CAL
B. 0.09%
C. 0.009%
D. 0.0009% D
84- Results data from a bioavailability study of four different dosage forms of an antibiotic drug
is shown (see table).
194 CAL
The volunteers fasted for 12 hours prior to taking the drug products. Urine samples were
collected up to 72 hours after the administration of the drug to obtain the maximum urinary drug
Which of the following is the absolute bioavailability of the tablet dosage form?
A. 80%
B. 85%
C. 90%
D. 95% B
92- Which of the following is the expected bioavailability (F) of drugs given by intravenous
A. less than 25%
195 CAL
B. 25%-50%
C. 75% -100%
D. 100% D
94- A patient presents a prescription with the following antiviral regimen. Start with 50 mg then
decrease by 10 mg every 2 days until finished. Which of the following quantities of 5 mg tablets is
needed to fill this prescription?
196 CAL A. 20
B. 30
C. 40
D. 60 D

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

12- Which of the following is the calculation of the apparent volume of distribution if the
patient received 400 mg of intravenous medication that produced immediate blood concentration
of 10 microgram/ml?
197 CAL A. 0.025 L
B. 0.4 L
C. 25 L
D. 40L D
17-A solution contains 2.5 mg of a drug per milliliter. The drug is to be administered at a rate of
50 mg/hr. (1 mL=30 drops). Which of the following is the most appropriate infusion rate?
A. 5 drops/min
198 CAL
B. 10 drops/min
C. 20 drops/min
D. 40 drops/min B
24-A 20 ml vial of penicillin-G potassium containing 2,000,000 units is available. Each mg of the
drug is equivalent to 1600 units. How many milligrams of penicillin-G potassium are there in one
ml of the solution?
199 CAL A. 12.50
B. 62.50
C. 160
D. 1250 D
25-A drug vial contains 0.2% of drug X. Which of the following is the amount of the drug X (in
mg) in a 10 ml dose?
A. 0.1
200 CAL
B. 1
C. 10
D.20 D
28- The vitamin-D solution is available in a 2.5 ml bottle containing 36,000 international units.
The recommended daily dose for children is 400 international units. Each ml of vitamin D solution
contains 36 drops.
How many drops should be administered to a child per day?
201 CAL
C. 4
D. 12 A
34- A pharmacist adds 2 g of potassium chloride to 1L of D5W/1/2 normal saline. Atomic
welghts (see table).
Sodium 23
202 cal Potassium 39
Chloride 35.5
Dextrose 198

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

Which of the following is the most likely osmolality of solution assuming the final volume as 1
A. 54 mosm/L
B. 300 mosm/L
C. 405 mosm/L
D. 460 mosm/L
39- A budesonide inhaler delivers 200 puffs and each puff contains 100 micrograms of the drug.
Which of the following is the amount (in milligrams) of total budesonide present in the inhaler?
A. 10 mg
203 CAL
B. 20 mg
C. 10,000 mg
D. 20,000 mg B
40. A 5OO infusion bottle contains 11.72g of potassium chloride (KCI). The molecular weight of
KCL 74.6 grams.
Which of the following is the amount of KCL in milliequivalent (mEq). present in the bottle?
204 CAL A. 0. 637 mEq
B. 6.37 mEq
C. 11.72 mEq
D. 157.1 mEq D
42-A 500-mg dose of aspirin was given Intravenously to a patient produced an initial plasma
concentration of 100 mg/L. If the half-life of the drug is 6.93 hours, what would be the total body
205 CAL A. 50 Liters/hour
B. 10Liters/hour
C. 5Liters/hour
D. 0.5 Liters/hour D
46- How many grams of 5% diclofenac cream should be mixed with 100 g of 1% cream to make a
2.5% diclofenac cream?
A. 30 g
206 CAL
B. 60 g
C. 90 g
D. 120 g B
52- If multivitamin syrup contains 1501U of vitamin A in each milliliter. Which of the following
quantities of international units of vitamin A would be provided by 1 teaspoonful?
A. 500
207 CAL
B. 750
C. 1000
D. 2250 B
53- Penicillin-G potassium is available in 50 ml vial containing 20 grams. Each milligram of

208 CAL penicillin-G potassium is equal to 1500 units. How many units of penicillin G potassium are there in
each vial?

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

A. 15,000,000
B. 20,000,000
C. 25,000,000
D. 30,000,000
58- A physician ordered Labetalol hydrochloride intravenous infusion at a dose of 500
micrograms/min over an hour for a hypertensive patient. Labetalol hydrochloride is available in a
20 ml vial containing 5 mg/ml of the drug. Which of the following is the amount in (milliliters) of
labetalol hydrochloride solution that should be administered?
209 CAL
A. 4.5
B. 6
C. 7.5
D. 10 B
61- A solution contains 448 mg of KCI (MW=74.5) and 468 mg of NaCl (MW=58.5) in 500 ml.
Which of the following is the osmolar concentration of this solution?
A. 0.056
210 CAL
B. 0.065
C. 1.556
D. 1.256 A
66- A 10 ml ampule of 0.25% nicardipine hydrochloride is given to a patient after prepared
diluted with 5% dextrose to get the drug concentration of
.1mg/ml. How many milliliters of 5% dextrose should be used?
211 CAL A. 25
B. 100
C. 240
D. 250 C
76- A drug vial contains 0.4% of drug X.
Which of the following is the amount of the drug X (in mg) in a 5 ml dose?
A. 0.2
212 CAL
B. 2
C. 20
D. 200 C
77-A patient is prescribed 15 mg of paclitaxel by intravenous infusion. Paclitaxel is added to 150
ml 5% dextrose solution. The infusion was given over two hours. Which of the following is the
infusion rate?
213 CAL A. 0.75 ml/min
B. 1.25 ml/min
C. 1.75 ml/min
D. 2.50 ml/min B
79- An elixir contains 5 mg of drug X per ml. Which of the following is the amount of the elixir

214 CAL (in micrograms) in one teaspoon dose?

A. 0.5

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

B. 1000
C. 1500
D. 25000

80- A patient is receiving an intravenous infusion of theophylline at a rate of 0.48 mg/min. The
average population pharmacokinetic parameters of theophylline are as follow: volume of
distribution=95 Liter, renal clearance 48 mL/min, and elimination half-life= 8 hours Which of the
following is the time (in hours) needed to achieve 93.75% of the final steady-state concentration?
215 CAL
A. 8
B. 12
C. 24
D. 32
84- A 4-year-old boy is admitted with dehydration. He is started on Dextrose 5% and normal
saline with 40 milliequivalents potassium chloride per liter at a rate of 40 ml per hour. His weight
is 16 kilograms. How much potassium chloride (in milli equivalent per kilogram per day) is her
216 CAL
A. 2.4
B. 3
C. 4.5
D. 6 A
85- Voltarol tablets contain 25 mg of Diclofenac Sodium. Molecular formula of Diclofenac
Sodium: C14H10Cl2NO2.NA (see table).
Relative atomic mass
Carbone 12.1
Hydrogen 1.008
Chloride 34.45
Nitrogen 14.01

217 CAL Sodium 22.99

Oxygen 16.00

What is the amount of diclofenac per tablet of Voltarol?

A. 20.99
B. 21.98
C. 23.19
D. 24.27 C
94- A drug X is available in 100 mg/5 ml bottle. A prescription calls for: Drug X 200 mg three
times daily for 7 days. How many (ml) are needed for the five days?
A. 7.5
218 CAL
B. 15
C. 75
D. 150 D

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

97- A drug was given to a patient with a constant intravenous infusion rate of 10 mg /hour. The
half-life of the drug is three hours. Which of the following is the time in hours to reach steady state
plasma concentration?
219 CAL A. 10
B. 15
C. 20
D. 30 B
2- A pharmacy intern is preparing a solution containing 8.4 g of drug from an available stock
solution labeled as 20% w/v. Which of the following is the volume he must take from 20% w/v
220 CAL A. 4.2 mL
B. 8.4 mL
C. 42 mL
D. 84 mL C
6- The pharmacy receives a prescription for labetalol 800 mg twice daily for three days. The
available strength of labetalol in the pharmacy is 200 mg. Which of the following is the number of
200 mg labetalol tablet needed to prepare the above prescriptions for the total duration?
221 CAL A. 8
B. 12
C. 16
D. 24 D
14- A prescription order asks for compounding dimenhydrinate syrup of strength of 12.5 mg/5
How many 50 mg tablets of dimenhydrinate is needed to prepare a 60 mL of the syrup?
222 CAL A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 6 C
24- The weekly dose of docetaxel is 40 mg/m2. How milliliters of docetaxel solution, 160 mg/16
ml would a patient measuring 1.5 m2 need every week?
A. 4 ml
223 CAL
B. 6 ml
C. 8 ml
D. 10 ml B
25- A drug vial contains 0.2% of drug X.
Which of the following is the amount of the drug X (in mg) in a 5 ml dose?
A. 0.1
224 CAL
B. 1
C. 10
D. 100 C

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

33- A 1 milliequivalent of calcium chloride =0.0735 g. How many milliequivalents (Eq) of

calcium chloride are there In a 10 ml vail containing 10 % calcium gluconate?
A. 1.36 mEq
225 CAL
B. 13.6 mEq
C. 73.5 mEq
D. 136.0 mEq B
44- A 1 milli equivalent (1 mEq) of calcium gluconate = 0.215 g. How many milli equivalents
(mEq) per ml of calcium gluconate are there in a 50 ml vial containing 5 g of calcium gluconate?
A. 0.465 mEq/ml
226 CAL
B. 2.320 mEq/ml
C. 23.250 mEq/ml
D. 46.500 mEq/ml A
47- A 10 ml ampule of 0.25 % nicardipine hydrochloride is given to a patient after proper
diluted with 5 % dextrose to get the drug concentration of 0.1 mg/ml.
How many milliliters of 5 % dextrose should be used?
227 CAL A. 25
B. 100
C. 240
D. 250 C
51- A preparation used 0.06 grams of drug X to prepare 120 tablets. Which of the following is
the amount of the drug (in micrograms) in each tablet?
A. 0.5
228 CAL
B. 5
C. 50
D. 500 D
54- A 50 year-old girl weighing 20 kg is brought to the clinic with Lyme disease. The physician
prescribed cefuroxime 12.5 mg/ kg twice daily for 14 days. The pharmacist has cefuroxime powder
for suspension which after reconstitution with water forms 100 ml suspension with conce ntration
of 125 mg 5 ml. How many bottles would the pharmacist dispense?
229 CAL
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4 C
56- A child weighing 25 kg is prescribed acetazolamide 2.5 mg/kg every 12 hours.
Acetazolamide is available in a liquid dosage form with strength of 25 mg/ ml. How many

milliliters would the patient be administered per dose?

230 CAL A. 2.5
B. 5.0
C. 7.5
D. 10 A

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

60- Which of the following is the amount of a drug (in gm) that is needed to make 150 ml of a
solution if each teaspoonful must contain 7.5 mg of the drug?
A. 0.225
231 CAL
B. 0.75
C. 2.25
D. 7.50 A
62-A Young child weight =30 kg) diagnosed with pharyngitis has been prescribed Augmentin
suspension (125 mg amoxicillin/31.25 mg clavulanate/ 5 ml) days. to be given as two teaspoons
three times daily for five .
Which of the following is the minimum suspension volume that should dispense?
232 CAL
A. 60 mL
B. 90 mL
C. 120 ml
D. 150 mL D
68- A25 ml solution contains 5 grams of the drug.
Which of the following is the drug concentration in mg/ml in the solution?
A. 50 mg/ml
233 CAL
B. 100 mg/ml
C. 200 mg/ml
D. 400 mg /ml C
73- A 1000-mg dose of a drug was given intravenously to a 25-year-old male patient weighing 60
Kg. the initial plasma concentration of the drug was found to be 10 mg/L, and the elimination rate
constant was 0.1 h. Assuming linear kinetics, what would be the total body clearance?
234 CAL A. 10 litres/hour
B. B.100 liters/hour
C. 150 liters/ hour
D. 250 litres/hour A
51- 1g dextrose kcal ?
A- 3
235 CAL B- 3.4
B- 4
105- A manufacturer wishes to produce a batch of compressed tablets each containing
800 mg active ingredient, with a mean table weight of 1.2 g. Which of the following is the
weight of active ingredient that will be required for a total batch size of 720 kg ?
A. 600 Kg
B. 480 Kg
236 CAL C. 250 Kg
720 * 800 ÷ 1200 = 480

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

223- 10 ml ampule of 0.25% nicardipine hydrochloride is given to a patient after proper

diluted with 5% dextrose to get the drug concentration of 0.1 mg/ml.
How many milliliter of $% dextrose
should be used?
A- 25
237 CAL
B- 100
c- 240

275-The pharmacy receive a prescription for 7% Beclomethasone ointment 100g in the
pharmacy you have 2% ointment, and 10% ointment. Using the alligation method,
calculate how much you need of the 2% ointment, and 10% ointment to make the 7%
ointment required.
238 CAL A- How much 10% ointment (in grams)
b- How much 2% ointment (in grams)

423- drug has volume of distribution 15 liter and oral bioavailability 0.6 What is the
loading dose in mg required to reach 0.8mg/ml steady state concentration?
A. 20
B. 12
239 cal
C. 2
D. 0.2

65-A 500 ml intravenous infusion solution was prepared by adding 10 ML of 10

% Of anticancer drug to 490 ml of 5 % dextrose. Which of the following is the percentage
strength of the drug in the Infusion solution?
240 CaL A. 0.2 %
B. 0.4 %
C. 0.5 %
D. 1.0 % A
100- A 5-year-old girl admitted to the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) with severe
hypotension. The physician prescribed dopamine infusion at a rate of 5mcg/kilogram/minute. The
child weights 15 kilograms. How many milliliters are needed from an 80 mg/ml dopamine vial to
prepare the 24-hour infusion?
241 cal
A. 1 ml
B. 1.4 ml
C. 2 ml
D. 2.5 ml B
56- A 25-year-old man with leukemia admitted to hematology oncology center. Who is allowed
to read the patient file without additional permission?
A) Patient's cousin who is working as out-patient nurse in the hospital
242 CANC
B) Medical resident in pediatric who wants to explore the risk leukemia
C) Clinical nutritionist who is assigned to calculate the requires for the patient
D) Pharmacy resident who is planning to do a research cell transplant C

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

57 -Which of the following anti-neoplastic medications is known to cause bone marrow

A. bleomycin
B. vincristine
C. doxorubicin
D. l-asparaginase C
59- Which of the following is an alkylating anticancer agent?
A. cyclophosphamide
244 CANCER B. fluorouracil
C. doxorubicin
D. etoposide A
(11) 42-year-old woman, a mother of 2 boys is diagnosed with cancer, treatment options
includes either hysterectomy or chemotherapy The patient refused the surgery because she still
wants to daughter, and do not want to receive any chemotherapy in protect her hair and beauty.
What will be the most appropriate suggestion for her?
A-To starts chemotherapy with very low doses and less frequency
B- To go with the option of surgery immediately because it is
C-To discuss the risk and benefit with the patient and take the decision
D-To force the patient to receive chemotherapy and wear syn hair extensions C
67- Which of the following anti-cancer alkaloids act by stabilizing the microtubule polymer and
protecting it from disassembly?
A. Paclitaxel
B. Colchicine
C. Vinblastine
D. Camptothesin A
26. Which of the following is a recommendation to reduce the inadvertent intrathecal
administration of vincristine?
A. dispense the syringe without needle
B. dispense vincristine in 60-ml syringe
C. dispense vincristine in mini bag instead of syringe
D. dispense the vial for the nurse to prepare at the bedside C
8- What is the most common adverse reaction of doxorubicin?
A. Bone marrow depression
B. Hepatic toxicity
248 CANCER C. Cardiac toxicity
D. Skin necrosis
BELOMYCIN _ pulmonary fibrosis
MITOMYCIN _nephrotoxicity C
35- What is the therapeutic indication for nilotinib?

249 CANCER A. Ulcerative colitis

B. Familial hyperlipidemia

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

C. Highly active and relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis

D. Philadelphia chromosome positive chronic myelogenous leukemia

29- 40 years old women with breast cancer, topoisomerase is elevated, which drug should
be used
A- Cyclophosphamide
250 CANCER B- Melphalan
C- Irinotican
D- Methotrexate
129- Immune system works an important role in cancer treatment by ?
A. Macrophage
251 CANCER B. cytotoxic
C. complex
173- prevention breast cancer ?
A. Vit A 100
B. Vit D 200
252 CANCER C. None of them
D. Vit A + vit d

Secondary prevention B
196- prevention breast cancer ?
A. Vit A 100
B. Vit D 200
253 CANCER C. None of them
D. Vit A + vit d
265- Immune system works an important role in cancer treatment by ?
A. Macrophage
B. cytotoxic
254 CANCER C. complex

267-Cysteine in chemotherapy agent benefit ?
A- Increase Target
B- Increase effects
255 CANCER C- increase solubility
D- More information need
90-Click image to enlarge
Acetaminophen is an antipyretic and an analgesic drug. It binds to a cytosolic protein (see
image). Which of the following types of bonds is formed between the protonated amine of the
acetaminophen and the cytosolic acid of the aspartate residue of the protein?
256 CHEM
A. ionic bond
B. covalent bond
C. hydrogen bond
D. VAN_der walls interaction C

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

63- Which of the following molecules contains double bond?

A. CH3
C. C2H2
D. C2H4 D
65) Quinine is an important antimalarial drug with very complicated structure and is very
sensitive stereochemistry (see image).

258 chem

Which pharmacological activity the drug will possess stereochemistry at the arrow has changed
from R to S?
A. anticancer
B. antimalarial
C. anticoagulant
D. antiarrhythmic D
80) Click image to enlarge
Acetaminophen is an anti pyretic and an analgesic drug. It binds to a cytosolic protein (see
image). Which of the following types of bonds is formed between the protonated amine of the
acetaminophen and the carboxylic acid of the aspartate residue of the protein?
259 chem
A) lonic bond
B) covalent bond
C) hydrogen bond
D) van-der walls interaction C
(14) Which of the following can be used safely in a patient with sulfa allergy?
A) gliclazide
260 CHEM B) furosemide (‫)مرشح‬
C) sulfamethoxazole
D) sodium thiosulfate B
13) The structure of norepinephrine-serotonin reuptake
inhibitor (NSRI) (see image)
Which of the following structure modifications can
transform this drug into a selective norepinephrine re-
261 CHEM uptake inhibitor (SNRI) analogue?
A. quaternization of the side chain amino group
B. transformation of the side chain amino group into a primary amine
C. replacement of the side chain N.N-dimethylamino group with a hydroxyl group
D. demethylation of the side chain tertiary amino group to yield a secondary amino group D

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

23- Thalidomide is a potent immunomodulatory drug used to treat leprosy Thalidomide exist in
two conformation structures with different pharmacological
and toxicological activates teratogenicity is believed to be
caused on conformational structure (see image ).

262 CHEM Which of the following is the most appropriate term used to
call the two conformations of the thalidomide?
A. Isomers
B. Epimers
C. Enatntimomers
D. diasteriomers C
28) A structure of the glibenclamide (glyburide)(see image)

263 chem
Which of the following pharmacophore does Glibenclamide (glyburide) contain?
A. Benzenesulfate urea
B. Benzenesulfinyl urea
C. Benzenesulfhydryl urea
D. Benzenesulphonyl urea d
29- Aspirin is well-known antiplatelet aggregating agent (see image)

264 chem

What is the role of the acetyle group in its antiplatelet activity?

A. it represents a good leaving group to form the active salicylic acid
B. it provides hydrogen binding with tyrosine moiety on COX binding
C. it provides covalent binding with serine moiety found on COX binding site
D. it provides hydrophobic binding with a tryptophan moiety on COX binding site C
Examine the drug in the figure (see image).

265 CHEM

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

What is the effect of replacement of the methoxyl group (boxed) with a hydroxyl group?
A. Decrease in analgesic activity
B. Decrease in addition activity
C. Reduction in the antitussive activity
D. Lower affinity to morphine receptors
N.B:-structure in pic is codeine (anti tussive) convert into morphine(analgesic)
40- The structure of erythromycin (see image)

266 CHEM

Which of the following is the reason why erythromycin is sensitive to acidic pH?
A. The presence of lactone group in the ring
B. The presence of two basic sugars at position 3 and 5
C. The presence of 6 months methyl groups at alternate positions of the macrolide ring
D. Ketal fomation between hydroxyl group (6 and 12) and ketone at position 9 D
35- Which of the following polymorphic enzyme is responsible for the conversion of codeine to
267 CHEM
C. CCR5 corecptor
D. N-Acetyltransferase A
38- Structures of four antidepressant drugs (see image)

268 CHEM
Which of the following antidepressant structure undergoes a photo- oxidation reaction upon
exposure to the light?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4 A
39- The chemical structure of four non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents (NSAIDs) (see image).

269 CHEM

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

Which of the following NSAIDs has minimal possible gastric side effects?
A. (ibuprofen)
B. (celecoxib) selective cox-2
C. (indomethacin)
D. (diclofenac)
8-Click image to enlarge
The antiviral oseltamivir (Tamiflu) is a prodrug that is metabolized by esterase to the active
compound (see image ‫) اجتهاد‬.

270 CHEM

Which of the following?

A. a
B. b
C. c
D. d
10- Which of the following is the most common cause of drug instability?
A. oxidation
271 CHEM B. racemization
C. epimerization
D. decarboxylation A
30- Which of the following molecules contains double bond?
A. CH3
C. C2H2
D. C2H4 D
50- Structure of ciprofloxacin (SEE IMAGE )

273 CHEM

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

Which of the following is the benefit of the piperazine group at position?

A. Increases drug resistance to β-lactamase
B. improves the oral bioavailability of the drug
C. Increases lipophilicity and hence penetration of the bacterial cell wall
D. Improves the spectrum of antibacterial activity (especially Gram-
51- Which one of the following is the effect to alkaline buffers that have in commercial
formulations of aspirin?
A. they have one effect on the rate of absorption
B. they increase the rate of its absorption by alkalinizing the pH of the stomach
274 CHEM
C. they reduce the rate of absorption of aspirin by converting it to the less readily
absorbed lonic form
D. they Increase the rate of absorption by increasing the PH immediately around the
disintegrating aspirin particles and accelerating their dissolution D
73-Examine the chemical structure of diclofenac (see image ‫)تقريب‬.

275 CHEM
Which of the following structures best represents a major active metabolite of diclofenac?
D.4 C
78-Click image to enlarge
The presented structure belongs to the proton pump inhibitor tenatoprazol (see image).

276 CHEM

Which of the following metabolic reactions can occur at the pointed arrow on the structure?
A. sulfation
B. oxidation
C. demethylation
D. glucoronidation B

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

Click image to enlarge

Which of the following medications contains triazole moiety? (see image)

277 CHEM

‫الصورة ماه واضحة فهذي ر‬

‫سب ر‬
‫كشات تحتوي عل‬

98-Click image to enlarge

Histamine (pKa=9.4) is endogenous chemical release when allergic reaction happened. As a
pharmacist you are responsible to understand the mechanism and the conformation of this
chemical in the blood (see image).

278 CHEM

Which of the following is the least dominant tautomer of the histamine? C

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

at the physiological pH?

A. a
B. b
C. c
D. d
80- Click image to enlarge
D-Galactose and D-Mannose are monosaccharide sugar. They have the same number of carbons
and the same functional group, but they differ in their configurations. This reflects their
pharmacoceutical uses (see image)

279 CHEM

Which of the following types of stereo-isomerization do these sugars represent?

A. isomers
B. epimers
C. anomers D
D. diasteromers ?
8) - Ropivancaine is an important local anesthetic. The figure shows the chemical structures of
ropivacaine and 4 other local anesthetics (see image). Which of the following is the bioisoster for
280 CHEM A. Etidocaine
B. Bupvicaine
C. Mepvicaine
D. Levobupvicaine D
60- Amphotericin undergo which reaction?
A. Hydrolysis
B. Alkylation
281 CHEM C. Reduction
D. Oxidation

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

63- epimor of glucose?

A. Ribose
282 CHEM B. galactose
C. deoxyribose
66- two chemical configurations for the same drug, one is R and
283 CHEM the other is S what it is called ?
A- Isomers

74- Morphine to heroine?

284 CHEM A. Carboxylation
B. Estrefication
124- Morphine to heroine??
285 CHEM A- Carboxylation
B- estrefication
135- type of bond between amino acids ?
A. amide bond
B. disulfide bond
286 CHEM C. Ionic bond
D. Van der vals bond
145- Aspirin metabolism ?
A- Methylation
287 CHEM b- Hydroxylation
c- Conjugation
169- Bond between Carboxyl and amine ?
A. hydrogen bond
288 CHEM B. b- ionic bond
C. vander wal
246-Banzimidazole and pyridine connected together with ?
289 CHEM A- disulphide bond

295-Structures of zidovudine antivirals, marked 4 area on structure and asked about

which part to remove that make the antiviral drug not effective ?
A. N3
B. CH3
290 CHEM C. C=O

364- Which element is not involve in heterocyclic compounds ?
A. N
B. H
291 CHEM C. Se
D. Fe
367- which the least dominant Tautomerism of the histamine at
292 CHEM the physiological ph ?
A- NH3

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

375- ephedrine phenylephrine additional of hydroxyl group what do to activity ?

A. increase alpha 1
B. decrease alpha 1
293 CHEM C. increase alpha 2
D. decrease alpha 2

82- Which of the following is the active metabolite of primidone?
A. phenytoin
294 CNS B. dopamine
C. phenobarbital
D. methsuximide C
85- Which of the following is the therapeutic indication for methylphenidate?
A. eczema
295 CNS B. insomnia
C. anorexia nervous
D. attention deficit disorder in children D
96- A 6-year-old boy is brought with complaint of uncontrollable spasm-like movements and
excessive eye blinking for four months. Chronic motor disorder was diagnosed.Which of the
following is the best management?
296 CNS A. pregabalin
B. Haloperidol (‫)ارشح‬
C. Methadone
D. Chlorzoxazone B
Which of the following is an inhibitory neurotransmitter?
A. Aspartate
297 CNS B. Serotonin D
C. Glutamate +
D. Gama aminobutyric acid (GABA) B
44) 67-year-old man presents with complaints of tremors trouble waiding and masked face
Parkinson’s disease is suspected levodopa is prescribed along with a compound to lower required
dose of levodopa and to achieve an effective brain dopamine concentration
which of the following is that most likely compound?
298 CNS
A. pergolide
B. selegiline
C. carbidopa
D. entacapone C
64) Which of the following is a potential side effect of using chlorpromazine in an elderly person?
A. dyskinesia
299 CNS B. constipation
C. urinary retention
D. tardive dyskinesia D

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

40) 14 years-old man expressed withdrawal symptoms from using benzodiazepine drug which
included Irritability and aggression
which of the following types of benzodiazepines is more likely associated with these
300 CNS
A) long-acting benzodiazepines
B) ultra-short acting benzodiazepines
D) benzodiazepines with high plasma protein binding B
21) A 38-year-old man is using citalopram 20mg po daily for depression which he has been
taking for 1 year. A week ago, he had an infection and was prescribed linezolid 600 mg PO q12h
for a total of 14 days. The patient began to get confused and easily agitated like he was breathing
rapidly and started to sweat and developed. He was noticeably shaking.
301 CNS Which of the following is name of this drug-drug interact happened to this patient?
A) Hepatotoxicity
B) Seizure activity
C) Serotonin syndrome
D) Stevens Johnson syndrome C
60- An elderly man presented to the emergency room with dizziness consciousness, and
respiratory depression. He was recently medication for inability to sleep.
Which of the following medications is the most likely drug involve toxicity?
302 CNS A) Aspirin
B) Naproxen
C) Diazepam
D) Acetaminophen C
6- An 18-year-old boy with a history of illicit drug use is suspected to have an overdose of
benzodiazepines and is experiencing ataxia, drowsiness and nystagmus.
Which of the following would be the best antidote?
303 CNS A. Activated charcoal 50grams
B. Flumazenil 300 mcg intravenously
C. Naloxone 400 mcg intramuscularly
D. Haloperidol 10 mg intramuscularly B
28- which of the following is considered first line therapy for the management of partial
A. Carbamazepine
304 CNS
B. Phenobarbital
C. Gabapentin
D. Primidone A
(49) Which of the following electrolyte imbalances predispose to lithium toxicity?
A. magnesium
305 CNS
B. potassium
C. calcium D

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

D. sodium

68- Which of the following anticonvulsants needs serum level monitoring for optimize safety
and efficacy?
A. Phenytoin
306 CNS
B. Locosamide
C. Topiramate
D. Levetiracetam A
76- Which of the following dosage regimen is approved for severe Alzheimer's disease?
A. Donepezil 23 mg daily
307 CNS B. Memantine 5 mg daily
C. Rivastigmine 6 mg twice daily
D. Galantamine 12 mg twice daily A
94- Which of the following counseling points is most important to discuss with a patient who is
taking carbidopa/levodopa?
A. Should be taken on an empty stomach
308 CNS
B. High-fat meal may increase the absorption
C. Should not be taken with calcium supplements
D. High-protein meal may decrease the absorption D
(11) Which of the following is the most likely reason for increased risk of falls in geriatric patients
using tricyclic antidepressants?
A. palpitations
309 CNS
B. weak muscles
C. orthostatic hypotension
D. difficulty in concentration C
(17) Which of the following medications is the most appropriate for nausea induced by the anti-
Parkinson’s drug bromocriptine?
A. itopride
310 CNS
B. Domperidone
C. Metoclopramide
D. Chlorpheniramine B
43- Which of the following is the mechanism of action of entacapone?
A. Inhibition of nicotinic receptors
311 CNS B. Inhibition on dopamine-D2 receptors
C. Inhibition of monoamine oxidases (MAO)
D. Inhibition of catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT) D
64- Which of the following drugs causes oligohydrosis?
A. Phenytoin
312 CNS B. Topiramate
C. Zonisamide
D. Oxcarbazepine B

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

90- Which of the following does mechanisms Carbidopa act as an anti-parkinsonian agent?
A. Blocking dopamine receptors
313 CNS B. Activating serotonin reuptake
C. Binding to alpha-7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors
D. Decreasing the decarboxylation of levodopa in peripheral tissues D
91- Which of the following is the therapeutic use of the dietary supplement Valerian?
A. Improve urinary flow
314 CNS B. Reduce severity of a cold or virus infection
C. Improve memory
D. Mild sedative D
30-A 61-year-old was recently diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease He was prescribed an anti-
Parkinson medication. Later, he was presented to the clinic with mydriasis and narrow angle
glaucoma. Which of the following medication was prescribed?
315 CNS A. Amantadine
B. Bromocriptine
C. Trihexyphenidyl
D. Levodopa (L-DOPA) C
58- Which of the following is the active metabolite of primidone?
A. phenytoin
316 CNS B. dopamine
C. phenobarbital
D. methsuximide C
59- A 45-year-old woman was prescribed a sedative for anxiety to be taken at night. Three days
later, she presented complaining of drowsiness, dysphoria and motor depression every morning.
Which of the following medications was most likely prescribed?
317 CNS A. zolpidem
B. diazepam
C. ramelteon
D. midazolam C
64- Which of the following medications is used to treat Alzheimer's disease?
A. donepezil
318 CNS B. amantadine
C. trihexyphenidyl
D. carbidopa-levodopa A
89- Which of the following receptors is the target for morphine action?
A. glutamate receptor
319 CNS B. interleukin-2 receptor
C. mu (µ)opioid receptor
D. acetylcholine receptor C

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

2- Which of the following side effects is common with short half-life hypnotics?
A. rebound insomnia
320 CNS B. development of tolerance
C. induction of liver metabolic enzymes
D. retrograde amnesia during the next day A
4- A 67-year-old man presents with complaints of tremors, trouble walking and masked face,
Parkinson's disease is suspected Levodopa is prescribed along with a compound to lower the
required dose of levodopa and to achieve an effective brain-dopamine concentration.Which of the
following is the most likely compound?
321 CNS
A. pergolide
B. selegiline
D. entacapone C
38- Which anxiolytic drug has a slow onset of action?
A. diazepam
322 CNS B. buspirone (onset 2-4 week for anxiolytic effect)
C. alprazolam
D. phenobarbital B
69- Which of the following is the therapeutic use of the dietary supplement valerian?
A. improve urinary flow
323 B. reduce severity of a cold or virus infection
C. improve memory
D. mild sedative D

81- Which of the following statements best describes L-DOPA

A. it is absorbed and converted to carbidopa
324 CNS B. it activates nicotinic acetylcholine receptors
C. it is the drug of choice in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease
D. it crosses the blood brain barrier and is converted to dopamine D
12- Which of the following adverse effects is associated with the use of barbiturates in elderly?
A. Ataxia
325 CNS B. Agitation
C. Dementia
D. Hypotension D
21- Which of the following mechanism of actions most appropriately describes
A. Inhibit GABA's actions at the GABA receptor
326 CNS
B. Potentiate 5-HT's actions at the 5-HT receptor
C. Potentiate GABA's actions at the GABA receptor
D. Potentiate glutamate's actions at the NMDA receptor C

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

67- Which of the following is a therapeutic use of lorazepam?

A. Antihistamine
327 CNS B. Analgesic
C. Hypnotic
D. Diuretic C

40- Case Epilepsy patient and positive HLA-B (1502) Which

the following antiepileptic can be use?
A. Levetiracetam
328 CNS B. Lamotrigine
C. Phenytoin
D. Carbamazepine
56- Drug of choice for patient has focal seizure with HLA-B 1502 positive?
A. levetiracetam
B. Carbamazepine
C. Lamotrigine
329 CNS D. Phenobarbital
Note: Lamotrigine Or gabapentin if present

Which of the following is the First line drug for Alzheimer ?
A- Amantadine
B- Donepezil
330 CNS C- Levodopa
D- Dopamine
98- which is the following is the active metabolite of primidone?
A. Phenytoin
B. Dopamine
331 CNS C. Phenobarbital
D. Methsuximide
126- Which of the following drugs causes oligohydrosis ?
A- phenytoin
B- topiramate ‫صحيح‬
332 CNS C- zonisamide ‫االقرب‬
D- oxcarbazepine
132- PTN with DM and neuropathy and Depression use ?
333 CNS A- duloxetine
143- Memantine mechanism of action in alzeheimer ?
A. affinity uncompetitive N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor
B. Memantine also blocks the 5-hydroxytryptamine-3 receptor (at
334 CNS a potency similar to the NMDA receptor
C. And thus preventing loss of neurons


Update no. 1 01 august 2022

148- Which of the following mood stabilizers would be most appropriate in a patient with
liver disease?
A. lithium
B. valproic acid
335 CNS C. carbamazepine
D. none of the above

149 -Which of the following medications would be first-line monotherapy for an acute
episode of mania ?
A. gabapentin
336 CNS B. lithium
C. lamotrigine
D. haloperidol
171- Pregnant with tonic-colonic seizure ?
A. Valproic acid + folic acid
B. lamotrigine
337 CNS C. cyclizine
D. metformin
‫ارشح‬B A
188- Side effects of short half-life hypnotics ?
338 CNS A- Rebound insomnia
B- Develpment of tolerance
198- Stevens-Johnson syndrome?
A. Valproic acid
B. Quinidine
339 CNS C. Isoniazid
D. Ethosuximide
212-Common side effect of chlorpromazine ?
A. Headach
340 CNS B. Dru cough
C. Akathisia or Tardive dyskinesia
Note: Pigmentary on retina and corneal ?
300- Breastfeeding + epilepsy ??
A- Keppra (Levetiracetam )
B- Phenytoin
341 cns C- Carbamazepine
D- topiramate
302-Phenytoin metabolism reaction is ?
A- Oxidation
B- decarboxylation
342 CNS C- 4-hydroxyphenyl
D- methylation

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

314- Parkinson patient has dry cough he was using Selegline MAOI but stopped it before 3
weeks what to do ?
A. It is reasonable to give
343 CNS B. Dextromethorphan
C. give Guaifenecin
D. Don’t give
349- which the following Increase lithium concentration ?
A- caffeine
B- diuretic (Thiazide)
D- fluid intake
384- 45year old man who has been injured in a car accident is brought into the emergency
room. His blood alcohol level on admission is 275 mg/dL. Hospital records show a prior
wife confirms hospitalization for alcohol related seizures. His 3 weeks. What treatment
that he has been drinking heavily for into withdrawal should be provided to the patient if
345 CNS he goes
A. Lorazepam
B. Pentobarbital
C. Phenytoin
D. Buspirone
386-Another patient also on BZD for anxiety and she had car accident due to drowsiness.
She mentioned that she took cimetidine for heart burn. What happened ?
A) Cimetidine increase the anxiolytic metabolism
346 CNS B) Cimetidine decreased the anxiolytic metabolism

388- Case of status epilepsy already got lorazepam IV. what drug next ?
A- phenytoin IV
B- diazepam orally
347 CNS C- phenobarbital iv

88- A colleague of yours asked you to identify the content of green leaves herbal supplement,
he's been using for the past two weeks (as tea drink) to help him lose weight and boost his energy.
He mentioned that he is starting to have the following symptoms: tremors, palpitation and lack of
sleep (insomnia). You prepared aqueous and organic solutions from the leaves and performed
phytochemical screening tests to identify the plant (see label result)
Phytochemical screening tests Test result

348 COG Fehing test Negative

Dragondorff's test positive (red-orange ppt)
Foam test Negative
Lead acetate test Negative
Ninhydrin test Negative
Salkowski's test Negative
Keller-killani test Negative

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

Which of the following is the most likely active ingredient in the above plant?
A. alkaloid
B. saponin
C. reducing sugar
D. cardiac glycoside
50) 49-year-old-woman is regularly drinking an herbal made from dry senna fruit she
developede severe hepatotoxicity.
which of the following is the active glycoside of the senna that is associated with hepatotoxic
349 COG
A) flavonoid
B) saponine
C) triterpene
D) anthraquinone D
60- Which of the following is an alkaloid isolated from the autumn crocus plant and is useful in
the treatment of the symptoms of gouty arthritis?
A. Celecoxib
350 COG
B. Ibuprofen
C. Colchicine
D. Rasburicase C
4- Which of the following herbal medicines may cause oral carcinoma if chewed daily?
A. Areca nut
351 COG B. Clove buds
C. Mentha leaf
D. Saffron flower A
15- Which of the following herbal products can potentiate the effects of oral antidiabetic?
A. Garlic
352 COG B. Ginseng
C. Green tea
D. Echinacea B
36- Which of the following herbal medicines may cause oral carcinoma if chewed daily?
A. areca nut
353 COG B. clove bunds
C. menthe leaf
D. saffron flower A
49- Which of the following plants has a sedative effect?
A. Catha edulis (Khat)
354 COG B. atropa belladonna
C. pilocarpus jaborandi
D. valeriana officinalis (valerian) D

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

83-Sennoside B is an anthranoid derivative present in Senna leaves used as a treatment for

constipation. It is characterized by O-glycosides linkage. Its potential activity arises from its
aglycon form. Which of the following types of aglycon is the active metabolite Sennoside B ?
355 COG A. dianthrone
B. oxanthrone
C. rheinanthrone
D. anthraquinone D
20- click image to enlarge
A spot of strychnine and brucine mixture (S+B) has been applied on TLC (Thin Layer
Chromatography) plate together with their standards in order to identify each alkaloid. The TLC
plate has been developed in jar using chloroform: methanol (9:1) as mobile phase (see image).

356 COG

Which of the following is the retention factor (Rf) for strychnine and brucine, respectively?
A. 0.36, 0.4
B. 2.76, 2.35
C. 3, 2.7
D. 6.4, 6.7 A
37- A patient was admitted to the hospital due to poisoning symptoms after ingesting an
unknown herbal remedy from unknown source. The herbal drug has been submitted to the
analytical lab for analysis. The laboratory phytochemical screening shows the following results:
Fecl3 + ve

Dragndrof’s - ve

saponin -ve
357 COG Baljet test +++++ve

Which of the following substances is the most likely main content of the unknown herb?
A. Quinine
B. Digitalis
C. Morphine
D. Belladonna B

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

45- Which dietary supplement can be suggested to overcome jetlag?

A. Melatonin
358 COG B. Echinacea
C. Yohimbine
D. S-adenosyl-L- mwthionine (SAMe) A

25- plant use in peripheral arterial disease?

359 COG A- ginger
b- ginkgo
26- Which plant is 5Ht3 activity
A- ginger
B- Gingseng
360 COG C- Liqurice
D- Black peper
31- plant Using for cough ?
361 COG A- eucalyptus oil
68- alkaloid cause skeletal muscle relaxant
A. ephedrine
B. theophylline
362 COG C. Curare
Note: Skeletal muscle contraction (Ephedrine)
226- What is the active ingredient in plant leaves ?
363 COG A- chlorophyll

306- What is the benefit of grape seeds ?

364 COG A- antioxidant ✅

369- best way to collect volatile oil ?

365 COG A- gas chromatography
B- liquid chromatography
371- FDA approved that it induces sleep ?
366 COG A- Lavandula
399- Cough with viral infection and green septum
A. guaifensin
367 COG B. Dextromethorphan
C. Codeine
95- An order for amoxicillin 500 mg three times daily for 7 days is prescribed. The pharmacy only
stocks amoxicillin 250 mg capsules. Which of the following is the number of capsules the
pharmacist should dispense?
368 COM A. 21
C. 64
D. 80 B

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

160- A pharmacist showed a patient how to use injection by pictures ?

A. Verbal
B. Non verbal
369 COMM C. Physical
D. Visual

361- which of the following situation allow for accepting verbal order ?
A. in a code status
B. to start chemotherapy
370 COMM

54- Cleaning is a very important step when working with laminar flow hoods. Which of the
following disinfectants is most suitable for cleaning the hood before compounding a sterile
371 COMP A. 70% Ethanol
B. 90% Ethanol
C. 70% isopropanol
D. 90% isopropanol C
16- Itraconazole capsules require acidic pH optimal dissolution and absorption. Which of the
following is an appropriate advice to optimize the oral absorption of the drug?
A. take it with food
372 CONS
B. take it on an empty stomach
C. take it with full glass of water
D. take it with a proton pump inhibitor A

114- corticosteroids are given in sepsis for ?

A. Mortality
B. decrease pain scale
373 CORT C. decrease staying in ICU
D. decrease need for fluids
315- A 32-year-old female with an acute flare of her Crohn's disease. She was started on
methylprednisolone 4 mg once daily. The medical team is now ready to transition her to
hydrocortisone once daily. What is the equivalent daily dose ?
Anonymous Poll
A- 20mg
374 CORTI B- 5 mg
C- 8 mg
D-10 mg

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

316- 59-year-old male is currently taking prednisolone 10 mg. His

physician would like to switch to an equivalent methylprednisolone dose. What is the
correct dose ?
Anonymous Poll
A- 5 mg
B- 8 mg
C- 10 mg
D- 20 mg

46- Medication order is given to the pharmacist (see table)
VITAMIN A 60.000 iu
An emulsion (contain oil and water) 120ml
sig 15ml tid

What is likely to be the final form of preparation?
A. A solution
B. A liniment
C. An emulsion (contain oil and water)
D. A suspension
N.B:-An emulsion is a mixture of two or more liquids that are normally immiscible c
57- Which of the following is the basis of the biopharmaceutics classification system of drugs?
A. permeability and solubility
377 CUTI B. solubility and molecular weight
C. solubility and partition coefficient
D. permeability and molecular weight A
71- Which of the following techniques will hinder tablet dissolution?
A. adding surfactant agent
378 CUTI B. use of drugs crystalline state
C. micronization of drug powder
D. increasing tablet compression D
86- Which of the following is another name for a true solution?
A. Heterogeneous mixture
379 CUTI B. homogeneous mixture
C. suspension
D. colloid B
93- Which of the following is the calculation of the apparent volume of distribution if the
patient received 400 mg of intravenous medication that produced immediate blood concentration
of 10 microgram/ml?
380 CUTI A. 0.025 L
B. 0.4 L
C. 25 L
D. 40 L D

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

95- Which of the following is another term for the ability of a liquid to dissolve in another?
A. solubility equilibrium
381 CUTI B. solvation energy
C. hydrophilicity
D. miscibility D
100- Which of the following physicochemical characteristics of a drug decreases its transdermal
A. nonionic from
382 CUTI
B. high melting point
C. high concentration
D. molecular weight below 500 B
29- Which of the following is the main purpose of levigating a suspension during
extemporaneous compounding?
A. improve flowability
383 CUTI
B. reduce particle size
C. reduce the zeta potential
D. prevent microbial growth B

8- suspension character?
A. Hydrophobic to prevent aggregation
B. Hydrophilic to prevent aggregation (‫)مرشح‬
384 CUTI C. Hydrophobic to increase gastric empty
D. hydrphilic to increase gastric empty
16- vit c add as
A- preservative
385 CUTI B- coloring agent
C- flavoring agent
21- Rate limiting step in oral dosage forms?
A. diffusion
386 cuti B. disintegration
C. dissolution
93- which of the following is the ratio of mass to the volume of object determined at a
specific temp?
A. Specific Gravity
387 CUTI B. Density
C. Absolute Density
D. Apparent Density
112- bentonite is ?
A. Preservative
B. emulsifying agent
388 CUTI C. suspending agent
D. vehicle

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

116- he ratio of the density of the substance or mass to the volume at a specified
condition of temperature What is this ?
A. Specific gravity
389 CUTI B. Relative density
C. Absolute density
D. Something density
187- Vagum IS ?
390 CUTI A- Suspending agent
B- Emulsifying agent
293- Uniformity test applied to determine the content of the ingredient in tablets ?
A- Bioequivalence
B- Dissolution
391 CUTI C- Purity
D- Potency

310- Expiry of Compounded syrup contain water is ?
A- 7 days
B- 9 days
392 CUTI C- 14 days
D- 1 month
330- Role of boric acid in eye prescription ?
393 CUTI A- Thinking
B- Stable
344- route of administration Highest bioavailability ?
394 CUTI C. inhalation
D. tablets
373-Which of the following is a component added as a binder ?
A. Lactose
B. starch
395 CUTI C. previnlphenyl

62- Observing evidence of instability during compounding is an important step.
Which of the following is happened should have discarded the product and not dispense it?
A. Color intensity
396 cuti
B. Weight Changing
C. Size of the holder
D. Chemical potency A
62- Which of the following is the ratio of the mass to the volume of object determined at a
specified temperature?
397 cuti
A. specific gravity
B. relative density C

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

C. absolute density
D. apparent density

35- Which routes of administration result in faster absorption?

A. oral
398 cuti B. rectal
C. topical
D. subcutaneous B
46- which of the following products is an oleaginous ointment base?
Oleaginous base consists of oil+fat
399 CUTI 1. Soft paraffin (Petroleum)
2. Polysorb
3. Aquabase
4. Anhydrous lanolin A
55- Which of the following is the benefit from adding a conjugate of polyethylene glycol (PEG) in
some medications like Peg-interferon?
A. to extend the half-life of medications
400 CUTI
B. B, to extend the shelf-life of medications
C. to enhance the effect of the medications
D. to enhance the elimination of the medications A
62- Which of the following resources is best to use for common compounding techniques and
A. Red book
401 CUTI
B. Drug facts and comparison
C. Martindale: the complete drug reference
D. Remington: the science and practice of pharmacy D
3) Which of the following is the most appropriate source for information on compounding
A. Micromedex
B. Orange book
C. A drug information website
402 CUTI
D. United states pharmacopeia (USP)
USP Compounding Compendium
USP 795 : Non-sterille preparation
USP 797 : Sterille preparation
USP 800: Hazardous Drugs -Handling in healthcare D

133- Oleaginous base for ointment ?

403 cutic A - linoline
B - White petroleum

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

100- Which of the following capsules sizes has the largest size suitable for human patient?
A. no. 0
404 CUTIC B. no. 1
C. no. 5
D. no. 000 D
71- Which of the following is the term used to describe the pharmaceutical technique of
grinding an insoluble substance to fine powder while wet ?
A. Trituration
B. Levigation
C. Attrition
D. Milling B
23- Sterile preparation is a very complex manufacturing procedure that requires attention to
the ingredients added in it. Which of the following ingredients can be added when preparing a
sterile drug?
406 CUTIC A. Antioxidants
B. 2% Benzyl alcohol
C. Bactericidal agents
D. 1.9% Sodium Chloride A
75- Special techniques are required during compounding of emulsion. Which of the following
techniques is used for compounding of emulsion?
A. dry gum
B. fusion mold
C. compression
D. heat technique A
19- Which of the following is the term used to describe the pharmaceutical technique of
grinding an insoluble substance to fine powder while wet?
A. trituration
B. levigation
C. attrition
D. milling B
3- Which of the following pharmaceutical activities should follow the USP chapter 797 standards?
A. Compounding ophthalmic preparations
409 CUTIC B. Compounding of sterile preparations
C. Dispensing of non-hazardous preparation
D. Compounding of extemporaneous preparations B
203- Boric acid in preparation ?
A. puffer
410 CUTIC B. stabilizes
C. preservative

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

204- What dosage form should store at refrigerated even if it not opened ?
A. eye drops
B. oral solutions
411 CUTIC C. suppository
D. tablets

211-Which of the following is the most practical method for sterilizing ophthalmic solution
A- autoclaving for 15 minutes
412 CUTIC B- autoclaving for 30 minutes
C- membrane filtration through 0.2-um filter
D- membrane filtration through 5-um filter
213- Which product enhance powder flow while using automatic filling tablet machine ?
A- Gelatin
B- Cellulose
413 CUTIC C- Lubricant

247-prepration oil with water
414 CUTIC A- suspension
B- emulsion
is a heterogeneous mixture in which the solute particles do not dissolve
A- suspension
415 CUTIC B- emulsion

269-The easiest way to take ear drops ?
A- foam
416 cutic B- solution
C- suspension
326- why is there XL dosage form ?
A. to cover the bitter taste of the tablet
B. slow release
C. to make easier to swallow
417 CUTIC D. sustained release or Extended Release
Note: known as SR, CR, XL. SR (Sustained Release) are those
which sustain the release of drug for a specified time period

333- When adding PEG to a composite?
A- increases clarence
B- Does the size of the distribution increase
‫أتوقع الخيارات ناقصة‬
418 CUTIC 1.increase extended half life
3.Suppositories base
4. Lubricant or Antiadhrent

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

372- what mixture of distributed solid in a liquid ?

A. solution
B. Suspension
C. emulsion B
1-A suspended agent is important for preparing an oral suspension. Which of the following is
the characteristic of this suspending agent?
A. Hydrophilic, to inhibit agglomeration
B. Hydrophobic, to inhibit agglomeration
C. Hydrophilic, to prolong gastric emptying time
D. Hydrophobic, to prolong gastric emptying time

N.B:- emulsifying agent is hydrophobic A

13- What is the usual shelf life for reconstituted and refrigerated antibiotic suspension?
A. 5 days
421 CUTICS B. 7 days
C. 14 days
D. 30 days C
37- Which of the following drugs may decrease heart rate?
A. Hydrochlorothiazide
422 CVS B. Isoproterenol
C. Amlodipine
D. Metoprolol D
87- Which of the following is an indication for the use of streptokinase?
A. tuberculosis
423 CVS B. neoplastic disorders
C. myocardial infarction
D. impaired fat absorption C
The effects of four anti-hypertensive drug classes (A-D) on the Renin-angiotensin system are
shown (see table)

424 CVS

Which class is represented by the drug -C?

A Diuretics (D)
B Direct Renin inhibitors (A)
C Angiotensin II receptor blockers (C)
D Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor (B) C
18) 69-year-oId woman presented with complains of severe dry cough for a has week ,she has

425 CVS been recently prescribed hydrochlorothiazide and captopril for hypertension ,salbutamol and
fexofenadine for allergic asthma

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

Which drug is the most likely reason of the patient’s complaint?

A. Captopril
B. Salbutamol
C. Fexofenadine
D. Hydrochlorothiazide
24) Which of the following best describes the role of colipase in digestion of lipids?
A. It breaks down triglycerides into absorbable free fatty acids
426 CVS B. It hydrolyzes cholesteryl esters into cholesterol and free fatty acids
C. It acts as co-enzyme for the action of lipase in the presence of bile acids
D. It plays an important role in the degradation and excretion of phospholipids C
31) A 37-year-old mother breastfeeding her child has developed consistent high blood preassure.
The physician consults the pharmacy to recommend an antihypertensive to control her blood
Which of the following anti-hypertensive is most hazardous for the child?
427 CVS
A. Atenolol
B. Verapamil
C. Metoprolol
D. Propranolol A
97- Which of the following electrocardiograph (ECG) represents atrial depolarization?

428 CVS

A. P wave
B. PR interval
C. ST segment
D. QRS complex A

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

Which of the following in electrocardiograph (ECG) represent absolute refractory period?

A. P wave
429 cvs B. PR interval
C. ST segment
D. QRS complex D
62- Which of the following medications is a class-IA antiarrhythmic agent?
A. quinidine
430 CVS B. flecainide
C. verapamil
D. amiodarone A
78) Which one of the following conditions is a contraindication for the use of enalapril?
A) pregnancy
431 CVS B) hypertension
C) diabetos mellitus
D) congestive heart failure A
82- which of the following is the best classification for Bisoprolol?
A. beta 1 adrenergic receptor agonist
432 CVS B. beta 1 adrenergic receptor blocker
C. alpha 1 adrenergic receptor blocker
D. non-selective beta-adrenergic receptor blocker B
88) Which of the following is the Vaughan Williams Classification for the antiarrhythmic drug
A) class IV
433 CVS
B) class lll
C) class II
D) class IA D
91- Which medication can cause orthostatic hypotension?
A) prazosin
434 CVS B) donepezil
C) rivastigmine
D) spironolactone A
37) Which of the following can the pharmacological property of hydralazine be directly
responsible for?
A) Relaxation of cardiac muscle
435 CVS
B) Blockade of dopamine receptor
C) Relaxation of vascular smooth muscle
D) Contraction of vascular smooth muscle C
52) A 31-year-old hypertensive man was treated for addiction to amphetamine. He was also
discharged on an antihypertensive drug. Later, he presented with severe depression.
436 CVS Which of the following medications was most likely prescribed?
A) losartan
B) captopril C

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

C) methyldopa
D) hydrochlorothiazide

54)Which of the following is most likely the reason for using amlodipine in the treatment of
A) selective beta 1 blocker
437 CVS
B) selective alpha 1 blocker
C) calcium channel blocker
D) selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor C
7) A 90-year-old man with diabetes mellites, hypertension and congestive heart failure presented
to his cardiology clinic complaining of nausea, anorexia and visual changes. Current home
medications include; metformin, aspirin, lisinopril, atorvastatin and digoxin. (See lab result)
Which of the following most likely explains the patient symptoms?
Test Result Normal values

Serum creatinine 250 44-115 μmol/L

Blood urea nitrogen 15 2.8-8.9 mmol/I
Sodium 140 134-146 mmol/I

438 cvs Potassium 4 3.5-5.1 mmol/I

Chloride 100 97-108 mmol/l
Bicarbonate 23 21-28 mmol/l
calcium 2.5 2.15-2.62 mmol/l
Digoxin (men) 3 0.8-2 ng/l

A) digoxin-lisinopril interaction
B) adverse drug reaction of atrovastatin
C) congestive heart failure exacerbation
D) high serum digoxin level due to renal impairment D
9) Which of the following of the hypertensive therapies is preferred to be used during the acute
phase of ischemic stroke if elevated blood pressure should be treated?
A) lisinopril
439 CVS
B) nicardipine
C) hydrochlorothiazide
D) metoprolol succinate B
(11) Which of the following is the most appropriate time to draw a plasma blood sample for
digoxin monitoring?
A) 2 hours post-dose
440 CVS
B) 4 hours post-dose
C) 5 hours post-dose
D) 6 hours post-dose D

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

(13) Which of the following parenteral anticoagulants require routine monitoring of coagulation
lab parameters?
A) UFH intravenously
441 CVS
B) UFH subcutaneously
C) enoxaparin subcutaneously
D) fondaparinux subcutaneously A
36-year-old woman in her first trimester of pregnancy who is recently diagnosed with
Which of the following is the best and safest therapy?
442 CVS A. Aliskiren
B. Captopril
C. Valsartan
D. Labetalol D
(31) Which of the following anti-arrhythmic drugs can is considered a rate control drug?
A. sotalol
443 CVS B. flecainide
C. amiodarone
D. propofenone C
(36) A 45-year-old lady known case hypertension since one year on the following medications:
Lisinopril 5 mg orally once daily. Amlodipine 10 mg orally once daily. She was doing well and her
blood pressure was controlled. In the last follow up visit, she informed her treating physician that
she is planning to get pregnant.
Which of the following is the most important decision to be taken for this patient before
444 CVS
becoming pregnant?
A. add methyldopa
B. discontinue lisinopril
C. continue same treatment in pregnancy
D. decrease lisinopril dose to 2.5 mg once daily B
(44) A 4-week infant is diagnosed with patient ductus arteriosus. The doctor wants to avoid
performing surgery.
Which drug will be administered to avoid a surgical closure?
445 CVS A. allopurinol
B. indomethacin
C. pseudoephedrine
D. brompheniramine B
(50) Which of the following medications to be used under caution is in patients with ischemic
heart disease?
A. lisinopril
446 CVS
B. celecoxib
C. metoprolol
D. simvastatin B

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

57- A 45-year-old patient with atrial fibrillation is treated with amiodarone 400 mg/day and
rivaroxaban 20 mg/day with the evening meal. He has concern about his drugs routine monitoring.
Which of the following would be the best recommended regarding amiodarone monitoring?
447 CVS A. Slit-lamp examination at baseline and annually
B. Renal function tests at baseline and annually
C. Cardiac enzymes at baseline and annually
D. Liver function tests at baseline and every 6 months D
63-A 28-year-old woman presents with tachycardia and palpitations (ventricular ectopic beats).
History revealed essential hypertension and asthma. Patient wants to conceive (mean become
What is the most likely alternative to the β-blocker in terms of efficacy on pressure, heart rate
448 CVS
and relative safety?
A. Prazosin
B. Enalapril
C. Diltiazem
D. Methyldopa C
66- A 68-year-old woman with a history of type-2 diabetes and dyslipidemia is on atenolol and
lisinopril. The doctor wants to start statin as her estimated 10-year ASCVD risk is 10%
Which of the following would be the recommended station in (mg)?
449 CVS A. Atorvastatin 10 (moderate intensity statin)
B. Atorvastatin 40 (HIGH intensity statin)
C. Simvastatin 10 (low intensity statin)
D. Simvastatin 80 B
69- A 60-year-old man presents with complain of chest pain twice weekly. History revealed,
chronic stable angina with hypertension and is on atenolol 100 mg daily.
BP: 147/93 mmHg
HR : 65/min
450 CVS What is the best management?
A. Add lisinopril 20 mg daily
B. Add amlodipine 5 mg daily
C. Diltiazem 30 mg every 8 hours
D. Add isosorbide dinitrate 20 mg twice daily D
74- Which of the following drugs is contraindicated in heart failure?
A. Captopril
451 CVS B. Celecoxib
C. Furosemide
D. Amiodarone B
80- A 76-year-old cardiac male patient was transferred to the hospital for palpitation with a

452 CVS heart rate of 177 bpm. He is a heavy smoker and his past medical history includes hypertension,

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

hyperlipidemia and coronary artery disease. His medications include aspirin, clopidogrel, carvedilol,
valsartan and atorvastatin. He was diagnosed as having fibrillation
Which of the following is the CHA2DS2-VASC score for this patient?
A. 1
B. 3
C. 4
D. 6
84- Which of the following beta-blockers is indicated for use in heart failure patients?
A. Esmolol
453 CVS B. Atenolol
C. Labetalol
D. Carvedilol D
(19) Which of the following drugs lower esophagus sphincter pressure and delay gastric emptying
A. Lisinopril
454 CVS
B. amoxicilin
C. amlodipine
D. calcium carbonate C
61- Which of the following medication should be prescribed to the patients with angina to treat
an acute attack?
A. Ranolazine
455 CVS
B. Nitroglycerin skin patch
C. Isosorbide dinitrate SR capsules
D. Nitroglycerin sublingual tablets D
68- Which of the following antihypertensive agents is most likely to cause peripheral edema?
A. Atenolol
456 CVS B. Perindopril
C. Amlodipine
D. Candesartan C
70- Which of the following conditions is a contraindication for the use of celecoxib?
A. Ischemic heart disease
457 CVS B. Renal failure
C. Diabetes
D. Asthma A
74- Which of the following medications is a class-IC antiarrhythmic agent?
A. Quinidine
458 CVS B. Flecainide
C. Verapamil
D. Amiodarone B

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

88- Which of the following is an indication for the use of indapamide?

A. Angina pectoris
459 CVS B. Cardiac dysrhythmias
C. Essential hypertension
D. Acute myocardial infarction C
98- Which of the following calcium channel blockers is a non- dihydropyridine drug?
A. Nicardipine
460 CVS B. Amlodipine
C. Nifedipine
D. Diltiazem D
12- Which of the following drugs when given with verapamil can result in a major drug
A. Digoxin
461 CVS
B. Sulindac
C. Naproxen
D. Piroxicam A
53- Which of the following is the pharmacological property of atenolol?
A. nonselective beta-blocker
462 CVS B. cardioselective beta 1-blocker
C. cardioselective beta 2-blocker
D. cardioselective beta 1-agonist B
56- What is the pharmacological property of cardiac glycosides?
A. alpha 1 blocker
463 CVS B. potent bronchodilator
C. positive inotropic effect
D. negative inotropic effect C
60- Which of the following is the reason of using verapamil as an antiarrhythmic drug?
A. it suppresses phase four depolarization
464 CVS B. it stimulates the breakdown of adrenaline
C. it inhibits slow inward current of phase two of action potential
D. it increases the excitability of pyramidal neurons in the amygdala C
88- Which of the following is the best classification for Bisoprolol?
A. beta 1 adrenergic receptor agonist
465 CVS B. beta 1 adrenergic receptor blocker
C. alpha 1 adrenergic receptor blocker
D. non-selective beta-adrenergic receptor blocker B
90- Which of the following is a pharmacological action of dopamine?
A. elevation of blood pressure
466 CVS B. paralysis of skeletal muscle
C. stimulation of gastric secretion
D. activation of cardiac contraction D

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

6- Which of the following medications is a class-IV antiarrhythmnic agent?

A. quinidine
467 CVS B. flecainide
C. verapamil
D. amiodarone C
11- Which of the following antihypertensive agents is most likely to cause peripheral edema?
A. atenolol
468 CVS B. perindopril
C. amlodipine
D. candesartan C
43. Which of the following mechanisms of actions most appropriately describes nifedipine?
A. selective beta blocker
469 CVS B. calcium channel blocker
C. non-selective beta blocker
D. angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor B
59-A 47-year-old man is admitted to hospital with atrial arrhythmia and is prescribed
Which of the following is the most likely side effect to be monitored?
470 CVS A. ptosis
B. tinnitus
C. pulmonary toxicity
D. pseudomembranous enterocolitis C
67- Which one of the following conditions is a contraindication for the use of angiotensin-
converting enzyme inhibitors?
A. hypertension
471 CVS
B. diabetes melitus
C. idiopathic angioedema
D. congestive heart failure C
72- Which of the following is a centrally acting alpha-2 (ꭤ2) adrenergic agonist?
A. enalapril
472 CVS B. labetalol
C. clonidine
D. nifedipine C
26- Which of the following antihypertensive agents is most likely to cause peripheral edema?
A. Atenolol
473 CVS B. Perindopril
C. Amlodipine
D. Candesartan C
28-A 47-year-old man is admitted to hospital with atrial arrhythmia and is prescribed

474 CVS amiodarone.

Which of the following is the most likely side effects to be monitored?

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

A. Ptosis
B. Tinnitus
C. Pulmonary toxicity
D. Pseudomembranous enter colitis
29- Which of the following is a benefit of using dopamine in the treatment of cardiogenic shock?
A. It selectively constricts renal and mesenteric beds
475 CVS B. It increases the force of myocardial contraction
C. It lacks of peripheral vasoconstriction effect
D. It decreases cardiac output B
38- A 75-year-old women with congestive heart failure is prescribed digoxin to improve cardiac
muscle contractility. She has a marked improvement in her
symptoms. What cellular action of digoxin is responsible for its pharmacological action?
476 CVS A. Inhibition of cAMP synthesis
B. Inhibition of Na + /k + ATPase enzyme
C. Inhibition of B adrenergic stimulation
D. Inhibition of mitochondrial calcium release B
41- What is the main advantage of losartan over Lisinopril?
A. Less hyperkalemia
477 CVS B. Safe during pregnancy
C. Less induction of cough
D. Higher oral bioavailability C
75- Which of the following is a selective ꭤ1 blocker?
A. labetalol
478 CVS B. terazosin
C. clonidine
D. captopril B

41- Case: patient has hypertension and Benign prostatic hyperplasia takes Lisinopril,
prazosin another antihypertensive drug but still uncontrol He is having side effect
Orthostatic hypotension?
A- Add finasteride
479 CVS B- Stop prazosin
C- Discontinue prazosin and change to Alfuzosin

78- patient has hypertension and Benign prostatic hyperplasia take Lisinopril , prazosin
another antihypertensive drug but still uncontroll He is have side effect Orthostatic
480 CVS A-Add finasteride
B- Stop prazosin
C- Discontinue prazosin and change to Alfuzosin

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

91- elderly complaining of urine incontinence And many drugs he use for htn . dm and so
on His doctor write him prazosin for his problem but he syncope and asked for
A. Beta blocker
B. Diltiazem
481 CVS
C. Alfuzosin
D. Decrease Dose Of Prazosin

130- How much the heart pump a liter of blood per minute?
A. 0.5 Liters
482 CVS B. 5 litres
C. 50 liters
140- A common form of SVT in teenagers is?
A. Atrial ectopic tachycardia
B. Atrial flutter
483 CVS C. Junctional ectopic tachycardia
161- which drugs used for VA and SVA
A- procainamide
B- sotalol
484 CVS C- dofetilde
D- Flecainide or propafenone
167- Responsible for generate impulse ?
A. SA node (also known sinuatrial node)
485 CVS B. AV node
C. purkinge fibers
175- anti arrhythmia patient with anti-arrhythmic test Hight TSH Low T3 ?
A- phenytoin
B- digoxin
486 CVS D- amiodarone

179- Pt on amlodipine and has HTN Did CBC and found hyperproteinemia what to give ?
B. Alpha blocker
487 CVS C. CCB

229- 76- year-old cardiac male patient was transferred to the hospital for palpitation with
a heart rate of 177 bpm. He is a heavy smoker and his past medical history includes
hypertension, hyperlipidemia and coronary artery disease. His medications include aspirin,
clopidogrel, carvedilol, valsartan and atorvastatin. He was diagnosed as having atrial
fibrillation. Which of the following is the CHA2DS2-VASe score for this patient?
488 CVS
A- 1
B- 3
C- 4
D- 6

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

230- Case patient has difficulty in voiding and he is already on oxybutynin and Lisinopril
what to add ?
A- Prazocin
489 CVS B- Sildenafil
C- Alfuzosin
D - Doxazosin
237-which of the following is an angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor ?
A. enalapril
B. timolol
490 CVS C. doxazosin
D. albuterol

256- Aspirin with inflammatory dose in myocardial infarction
A- anticipated harmful )‫(ارشح‬
B- Anticipated beneficial
491 CVS C- Un anticipated harmful
D- Un anticipated beneficial
272- Acute Heart failure Patient with shortness of breath(SOB) and peripheral edema,
which forrester classification?
A- dry and cold
B- wet and cold
C- dry and warm
492 CVS
D- wet and warm
Stage I : cold &dry
Stage II : cold & wet

273- which of following is a vasopressor that is given in a fixed dose without titration for
patients with Septic shock ?
A- dopamine
B- vasopressin
C- epinephrine
493 cvs
D- norepinephrine
#Note :Norepinephrine with titration

283- septic shock patient unresponsive to Fluid what will you Give ?
A- vasopressin
B- dopamine
494 CVS C- norepinephrine

294- diagnosis of STEMI ?
A- elevated ST segment with increased troponin
495 CVS B- elevated ST segment with increased bnp
C- elevated ST segment with increased CK

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304- Patient has allergic rhinitis doctor prescribe pseudoephedrine you found that he has
history of hypertension what to do ?
A. Don’t dispense the prescription
496 CVS B. use pseudoephedrine with caution if controlled hypertension
C. use pseudoephedrine with caution if not controlled hypertension

321-Patient taken lisinopril and many other medication (He has HTN,Dm ,dyslipidemia
)with mode BPH prescribe prazosin 1mg then he develops orthostatic hypotension and
what the best you will be ?
A. D/C lisinopril
B. D/C prazosin
497 CVS
C. D/C prazosin and give alfazosin
D. start finasterid

341- What heart rate(at rest)for patient use metoprolol and have atrial fibrillation ?
A- 60 beat/min
B- 90 beat/min
498 CVS C- 120 beat/min
D- 200 beat / min
354- what is the main advantage of losartan over lisinopril ?
499 CVS A. less induction of cough
B. higher oral bioavailability
377- Duration of treatment for Aspirin in CV pt ?
A. 1 years
B. 2 years
500 CVS C. 3 years
D. 5 years
378- blood pressure in neonate ?
A. same adult
501 CVS B. Higher than adult
C. Lowed that adult
387- A patient with angina and MI who takes ACEI and many other medicines. What
should we give for high blood pressure?
A. spironolactone
502 CVS B. carvedilol
C. diltiazem
396-Which of the following cause digoxin toxicity
A. Hypomagnesemia
503 CVS B. Hypercalcemia
C. Hypophosphate

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400- Pt with Hypotension with high heart rate give him

A. Hypertonic Nacl
504 CVS B. RL
C. Albumin
402- Patient female with food poisoning and went to hospital with
troponin high NSTMI what is the management
A. aspirin 81 mg + ticagrelor (MINTINANCE DOSE ) + (TIC 90 BID ONE YEAR)
505 CVS B. Aspirin 325 mg + ticagrelor (INITIAL DOSE )+(TIC 160OD)
C. Aspirin 81 mg +Prasugrel
D. Aspirin 325 mg + prasugrel

4- Pt. On furosemide 40 iv change to oral?

506 DUR (2mg po =1 mg iv
65- - Which of the following is a loop diuretic?
A. Furosemide
507 DURI B. Acetazolamide
C. Spironolactone
D. Hydrochlorothiazide A
81- Which of the following is a potential side effect of chlorothiazide?
A. Hyperkalemia
508 DURI B. Hypocalcemia
C. Hypouricemia
D. Hypokalemia D
7. A man patient is placed on a new medication to control his elevated BP. After one month he
noted that his breasts have become enlarged and tender. Which of the following medication is the
most properly prescribed?
509 DURI A. acetazolamide
B. chlorthalodone
C. spironolactone
D. hydrochlorothiazide C
27. Which of the following diuretics is an aldosterone antagonist?
A. furosemide
510 DURI B. acetarolamide
C. spironalactone
D. hydrochlorothiazide C

Which drug from loop Diuretic drug safe in patient with sulpha allergy ?
511 DURI A- Ethacrynic acid

36- Which of the following is a loop diuretic?
A. Furosemide
512 DURIT B. Acetazolamide
C. Spironolactone
D. Hydrochlorothiazide A

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51- Which of the following medications is an osmotic diuretic?

A. mannitol
513 DURIT B. furosemide
C. spironolactone
D. hydrochlorothiazide A
72- A 75-year-old man with NYHA-IV heart failure has been started on furosemide 120 mg
intravenous infusion to improve pulmonary edema. Which of the following is the recommended
duration time for furosemide infusion?
514 DURIT A. 10 minutes
B. 20 minutes
C. 30 minutes
D. 40 minutes C

90- Case of a Patient taking some drugs and he got hyperkaliemia which one of these drug
causes that?
A - Theophylline
515 DURIT B- Spironolactone
C- Gentamicin
Which of the following pharmacoeconomic studies is the simplest because the outcomes are
assumed to be equivalent and only the costs of intervention are compared ?
516 ECO A. Cost-utility analysis
B. Cost-benefit analysis
C. Cost-minimization analysis C
28) Which of the following pharmacoeconomic studies is the simple conducted?
A) Cost-Utility Analysis
517 B) Cost-Benefit Analysis
C) Cost-Minimization Analysis
D) Cost-Effectiveness Analysis C

38) What is the type of costs for traveling from Jeddah to Riyadh to health care from
pharmacoeconomic perspective?
A) Indirect
518 ECO
B) Intangible
C) Direct -non medical
D) Non-direct medical C
45- What kind of outcomes can be determined by cost-minimization?
A) Monetary units (e.g., dollars)
519 ECO B) Quality- adjusted life-years (QALYS)
C) Natural units (e.g., Life-years saved)
D) Comparing the cost of two identical products (e.g. generic brand) D
46- Which of the following statements provides the best described incremental cost-

520 ECO effectiveness ratio?

A) The cost per extra benefit of a new strategy, independent

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

B) The extra cost to obtain an extra benefit when switching alternative to another
C) The cost per quality-adjusted life year gained
D) A summary measurement of efficiency

68) A pharmacist working in inpatient pharmacy received a request pharmacy and therapeutic
(P&T) committee to evaluate a included in e hospital formulary. The request wants to have the value
in a monetary value (dollar value)
Which of the following pharmacoeconomics tools will the pharmacy to answer the request?
521 ECO
A) Cost-utility analysis
B) Cost-benefit analysis
C) Cost-minimization analysis
D) Cost-effectiveness analysis B
84- In pharmacoeconomics and outcomes research, QALYS are used utilities. QALY is the
quality-adjusted life year.
Which of the following is an interpretation of an individual with?
522 ECO A) Death
B) Coma
C) Illness
D) Perfect health D
6- case about one using two drugs of cancer . one with less side
effect to choose.what is cost ?
A. Cost-Effectiveness
523 ECO B. Cost-Minimization
C. Case Study
D. Cohort Study
89- case about one using two drugs of cancer one with less side effect to choose what is
cost ?
A. Cost-Effectiveness
524 ECO B. Cost-Minimization
C. Case Study
D. Cohort Study A
391- Question How to prepare a budget for the new year ?
525 ECO A. Close stock + open stock + seller products
B. Open stock-close stock + Seller product
29) Which of the following perspectives incorporates all the costs and regardless of who incurs or
obtains them?
A) Patient
526 ECO
B) Hospital
C) Societal C
D) Ministry of Health
12- Which of the following studies represent a.cost-effectiveness study?
A) Comparing costs for 2 therapeutically equivalent products
527 ECO
B) Comparing costs and savings of a pharmacokinetic service diabetes clinic
C) Comparing patients achieving control as the outcome for 2 antihyperglycemic drugs C

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

D) Comparison of costs of 2 chemotherapy regimens with the using best supportive care

87- A 34-year-old woman who is still experiencing symptoms of hyperthyroidism despite

treatment with carbimazole.
Which medication can be added to provide additional symptomatic relief?
528 END A. Lisinopril
B. Ibuprofen
C. Propranolol
D. Prednisolone C
Which of following play a role in calcium homeostasis?
A)1,25-dihydrocycholecalciferol and calcitonin
529 endo B)1,25-dihydrocycholecalciferol and insulin
C)Parathyroid hormone and glucagon
D) Insulin and lipase A
(8) Which of the following is the timeline when symptoms start to occur in type- 1 diabetes
A) as early when destruction of the islets of Langerhans of the pancreas is starting
530 ENDO
B) when 50% of the islets of Langerhans of the pancreas are destroyed
C) when 70% of the islets of Langerhans of the pancreas are destroyed
D) when destruction of the islets of Langerhans of the pancreas is complete C
(10) Which of the following conditions use " the plate method" as lifestyle modification?
A) asthma
531 ENDO B) dyslipidemia
C) hypertension
D) diabetes mellitus D
(18) Which of the following conditions use the plate method as a lifestyle modification?
A) hypertension
532 ENDO B) thyroid disorder
C) diabetes mellitus
D) myocardial infraction C
16- Which of the following describe glucose uptake and usage by as compared to other tissues
of the body?
A) Brain cell can uptake and use glucose only in the presence
533 ENDO
B) Brain cells can uptake and use glucose without being stimul insulin
C) Brain cells can uptake and use glucose when glucose is abol 100 mg/dL in the blood
D) Brain cells can uptake and use glucose when the insulin is at high level in the body B
9- which of the following group of drugs can prevent the progression of micro- albuminuria to
macro-albuminuria in patients with diabetic mellitus
534 ENDO
A. Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors
B. B-blockers A

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C. Diuretics
D. Digitalis
14-A 65-year-old man was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes five year ago, maintained on
Which of the following need to be monitored?
535 ENDO A. Vitamin c level
B. Vitamin D level
C. Vitamin B1 level
D. Vitamin B12 level D
15- which of the following insulins has the longest duration of action?
A. Aspart
536 endo B. Detemir
C. Glargine
D. Degludec (42hr) D
20-A 33-year-old woman who presents with complains of fatigue weight gain. She is planning to
become pregnant. She reported that she starts talking multivitamin and supplements her current
medication is levothyroxine 100 mcg daily (see lab result).
TSH (thyroid stimulating harmon) 6 0.4 – 5.0 u/ml
Thyroxine (T4 free serum) 9 8.5-15.2 pmol
537 Endo
Which of the following is the dosage recommendations in (mcg) to take it daily for thyroid
medication when she became pregnant?
A. levothyroxine-50
B. levothyroxine-75
C. levothyroxine-100
D. levothyroxine-125 D
59- A patient with DM type 2, with uncontrolled (high) blood glucose for years. The patient
complains of burning and stabbing pain in his extremities started for years. Which of the following
types of pain this patient is experiencing?
538 ENDO A. Acute pain
B. Costochondritis
C. Neuropathic pain
D. inflammatory pain C
97- A 50-year-old Saudi woman with hypertension and dyslipidemia. She presented today to her
follow up visit with family medicine clinic. Her sister has a type 1 diabetes mellitus. No alcohol or
cigarette use is reported. She is physically active for 2 minutes a week.
539 endo • WEIGHT 51Kg
• height 160cm
Which of the following is a risk factor for developing diabetes type 2 in this patient?
A. Age D

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

C. Gender
D. Family History

6- Which of the following is the mechanism of action of liraglutide?

A. Dipeptidyl peptidase 4 inhibitor
540 ENDO B. Glucagon like peptide-1receptor agonist
C. Sodium /glucose co-transporter 2 inhibitor
D. Activate peroxisme proliferator-activated receptor B
53- Which of the following describes the mechanism of action of sitagliptin?
A. Inhibit alpha glucosidase enzyme
541 ENDO B. Inhibit dipeptidyl peptidase 4 enzyme
C. Activate peroxisome proliferator- activated receptors
D. Closes ATP- dependent potassium channels in the B-cells B
58- Which anti-hyperthyroidism drug could cause agranulocytosis?
A. Xylocaine
542 ENDO B. Metoprolol
C. Sodium lodide
D. Propylthiouracil D
87- Which anti-hyperthyroidism drug could cause agranulocytosis?
A. Xylocaine
543 ENDO B. Metoprolol
C. Sodium iodide
D. Propylthlouracil D
10- Preventing Diabetic Foot Ulcers?
A. Proper Footwear
B. Daily Foot Inspection
544 ENDO C. monitor blood sugar level
D. Weight Losses
111- DM patient on insulin but he is not taking his dose, his HbA1c is 12%, he refuses
taking insulin right dose bc of weight gain what do you do as a pharmacist?
A. Refer to physician to decrease his insulin dose
545 ENDO B. decrease his doses
C. try to change his beliefs on insulin
D. tell him it's ok to not take his dose
Which of the following to be used with caution in renal failure
A. Glipizide
B. Rosiglitazone
546 ENDO C. Sitagliptin
D. Linagliptin

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

159-One of Hyperthyroidism
A. Weight gain
B. Sensitivity to cold
547 ENDO C. Nervousness
D. Depression
195-medication given for hyperthyroidism causes permanent decline in thyroid hormones
548 ENDO B. methimazole
C. RAI radio active iodine
215- to decrease side effects of metformin on GI?
A. Divide doses
B. take dose after two hours of eating
549 ENDO C. take it with antihistamine
D. take it with PPI
240- longest duration of action ?
A. Degludec
B. Glargine
550 ENDO C. Aspart
245- case about a diabetic patient type 2 he takes metformin but
his blood sugar is so high and uncontrolled and hb1ac was very
551 ENDO high .. what to take?
A- insulin glargine + insulin asprt
B- insulin glargine + glyburide (‫)ارشح‬ A?
274- Main features of graves’ disease include:
A. diffuse goiter
B. thyroid eye disease
552 ENDO C. pretibial myxoedema
D. thyroid acropathy
291- DM 1 patient, give what ?
A- Sulfonylurea
B- GLP1 (liraglutide)
D- Pioglitazone
296- Case… Hyperthyroidism ??
A- Elevated TSH, increased T4
B- Increased T4, elevated TSH
554 ENDO C- Elevated TSH, decreased T4
D- Elevated T4, decreased TSH

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325- 49-A 48 woman suffers from fatigue, weakness and polyurination and lab tests
proved that she is diabetic A Doctor prescribed her 850 mg metformin twice a day and so
blood sugar become normal but after sometime she did another lab tests and the result
was hemoglubinated sugar increased by 1% than the last result what will you advise her ?
555 ENDO
A. increase metformin dose
B. decrease metformin dose
C. do nothing
D. shifting to another type insulin A
337- Which of the following is not a secondary cause of dyslipidemia ?
A. Hypothyroidism
B. Hyperthyroidism
556 ENDO C. Diabetes
D. Protease inhibit

339- Why is propylthiouracil (PTU) the antithyroid therapy of choice in pregnant patients
with Graves disease ?
A. It is less hepatotoxic than methimazole (MMI)
B. It may be less teratogenic than MMI
C. It has less risk of causing fetal hypothyroidism than MMI
557 ENDO
D. It causes less agranulocytosis in these patients than MMI
E. A and C
… check RxPrep ‫كثي‬
‫فيه تفاصيل ر‬
PTU : preferred in 1st trimester
MMI: preferred in 2ed -3ed trimester B
340- Untreated hyperthyroidism in the elderly can result in ?
A. Mania
B. Atrial fibrillation
558 ENDO C. Deafness
D. Hirsutism
395- Pt with hypertension, Heart failure, DM what is the first line after metformin
A. pioglitazone
B. Gliclazide
559 ENDO C. Empagliflozin
D. Insulin

421- Patient on TPN and nothing by oral (NOP) and A1C blood glucose is 11 Which drug
add to this patient p ?
A. Gliclazide
560 ENDO B. NPH insulin
C. Glargin
D. Regular insulin
424- Best antipsychotic drug for diabetic patient
A. Clozapine
561 endo B. Aripiprazole
C. quetiapine

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

288- pt DM2 symptoms ..whent to lose weight..HTN ,heart failure life style change
and excirses drug choice for DM 2 ?
A- Insulin
562 ENDO B- liraglutide
C- metformin
D- Glypuride
2) Which of the following lab results support a diagnosis of primary hyperthyroidism?
A) low TSH and a low free T4
563 ENDOCRA B) low TSH and elevated free T4
C)elevated TSH and low free T4
D) elevated TSH and elevated T4 B
45- the prescription of a patient shows xalatan drops 1 drop o.n.m. 1 bottle which of the
following is the most likely condition?
A. cataract
564 EYE
B. glaucoma
C. blepharitis
D. conjuncitivits B
75- The prescription of a patient shows Xalatan drops 1 drop o.n.m, 1 bottle. Which of the
following is the most likely condition?
A. Cataract
565 EYE
B. Glaucoma
C. Blepharitis
D. Conjunctivitis B
32- A 62-year-old woman is noted to have open-angle glaucoma. She accidentally applies
excessive pilocarpine to her eyes. Which of the following is the most likely would be the expected
566 EYE A. Mydriasis
B. Dilation of blood vessels
C. Bronchial smooth muscle dilation
D. Decreased gastrointestinal motility B
96- Which of the following is the most practical method for sterilizing ophthalmic solution?
A. autoclave for 15 minutes
567 EYE B. autoclave for 30 minutes
C. membrane filtration through 0.2-µm filter
D. membrane filtration through 5-µm filter C

47- Which of the following prostaglandin analogs is used specific for the treatment of
A- alprostadil
B- latanoprost
568 EYE C- carboprost
D- dinoprostone
E- epoprostenol

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Xalatan drops used for ?

A. Glaucoma
B. Fungal Infection
569 EYE C. Bacterial Infection
D. Viral Infection
(37) A 45-year-old male is admitted to the hospital for craniotomy Phenytoin has been prescribed
to him after the surgery. Before initiation of the drug the pharmacist suggested to do
pharmacogenetics test and the results revealed that the patient carries the HLA-B*58:01 allele.
Which of the following adverse effects is associated with this patient's allele type?
570 Gen
A. bleeding
B. high blood pressure
C. increased risk of jaundice
D. severe cutaneous reaction D
5) Approximately 415 million people have been diagnosis with diabetes Which of the following
terms is referred to in the mentioned statement ?
A. Endemic
571 GEN
B. Epidemic
C. Incidence
D. Prevalence D
60- What is the Latin abbreviation for "after meals"?
A. A.C.
572 GEN B. A.A.
C. P.C.
D. I.C. C
(8) What is the estimated amount of plasma in a 70-Kg male? (50-55ml/kg)
A)- 3.5 liter
573 GEN B)- 1.1 liter
C)- 35 liter
D)- 11 liter A
79- Which of the following is the abbrevation for drug to be taken by mouth?
A) P.O
574 GEN B) p.R
D) U. D A
(48) An adult female patient with weight 80 kg and 160 cm height
How do you categorize this patient weight based on the following classification?

575 GEN <18.5 Under weight

18.5 – 24.9 Normal
25-29.9 Over weight
>30 obese A

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

A. obese
B. normal
C. overweight
D. underweight
21- Which of the following describes the best patient instruction regarding the proper way to
dispose of needles?
A. Discard the needle in garbage
576 GEN B. Return the needles to their original package
C. Discard the needles in a rigid and resistant container
D. If the needles is for personal use, you can use it for two times to reduce environment
contamination C
34- Which of the following studies could establish the drug shelf-life?
A. Bioavalability
577 GEN B. Bioequivalence
C. Stability studies
D. Pharmacodynamic C
51-What is the age range of a neonate?
A. Birth to one week
578 GEN B. Birth to one month
C. One month to six months
D. One month to twelve months B
69- Which of the following statements best represents the intravenous (IV) medications in the
hospital facilities?
A. IV drugs transmits the highest risk of infection
579 GEN
B. IV drugs are associated with lowest risk of undesirable side effects
C. IV solutions must be hypotonic to ensure compatibility with blood osmolality
D. IV solutions must be hypertonic to ensure compatibility with blood osmolality A
92- Which of the following type of water should be used for reconstitution of parenteral
A. Sterile water
580 GEN
B. Distilled water
C. Sterile water for injection
D. Bacteriostatic water for injection C
34- Which of the following solutions is required for the reconstitution of parenteral
A. USP standard sterile water
581 GEN
B. USP standard purified water
C. USP standard highly purified water
D. USP standard sterile water for injection D

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

81- Which of the following food supplement is rich in omega3 fatty acids?
A. fish oil
582 GEN B. palm oil
C. peanut oil
D. coconut oil A
91- Which of the following is alternative name for vitamin B6?
A. biotin
583 GEN B. thiamine
C. pyridoxine
D. cyanocobalamin C
31- Which of the following routes of drug administration provide 100% bio availability?
A. intradermal injection
584 GEN B. intravenous Injection
C. Intramuscular Injection
D. subcutaneous injection B
33- Which of the following statements best describes drug dependence?
A. discontinuation of the drug will produce withdrawal symptoms
585 GEN B. action of one drug is dependent on the presence of another drug
C. discontinuation of the drug will not produce withdrawal symptoms
D. patients progressively require increasingly larger doses of drug to achieve the same effect A
37. An elderly man with hypothyroidism was started on thyroxin. The drug has a half- life of 72
hours. How long will it take to produce full effect?
A. two days
586 GEN
B. one week
C. two weeks
D. two months C
44- Which of the following studies could establish the drug shelf-life?
A. bioavailability
587 GEN B. bioequivalence
C. stability studies
D. pharmacodynamics C
68- An extemporaneous drug label says to store the drug between 15 and 25 degrees
centigrade. Which of the following is the most appropriate place where this drug should be stored?
A. freezer
588 GEN
B. refrigerator
C. cool room
D. warm room C
5- Which of the following describes the best patient instruction regarding the proper way to
dispose of needles?
589 GEN
A. Discard the needles in garbage
B. Return needles to their original package C

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

C. Discard the needles in a rigid and resistant container

D. If the needle is for personal use, you can use it for two times to reduce environment

27- Cleaning is a very important step when working with laminar flow hoods. Which of the
following disinfectants is most suitable for cleaning the hood before compounding a sterile
590 GEN A. 70% Ethanol
B. 90% Ethanol
C. 70% Isopropanol
D. 90% Isopropanol C
32- Which of the following is the source for standards for compounding sterile preparations to
be followed in the hospital pharmacy?
A. In World Health Organization (WHO) website
591 GEN
B. In Food and Drug Administration (FDA) website.
C. In United States Pharmacopeia (USP) chapter 797
D. In Institute for Safe Medication practices (ISMP) publication C
66- What is the Latin abbreviation for"after meals”?
A. A.C
592 GEN B. A.A
C. P.C
D. I.C C
100- Which following best describes the "bio- psychological approach of health"?
A. Broad view that arrtributes disease outcome to the variable interaction of biological factory
psychological factors, and social factors
B. Health constitutes the freedom from disease, pain, or defect, making the normal human
593 GEN condition "healthy".
C. The scientific measure of health and regards disease as the human body having a
breakdown due to a biological reason
D. The biological component seeks to understand how the cause of the illness stems from the
functioning of the individual’s body A
32- what is the meaning of off-label drug use?
A) use of drug without prescription
594 GEN B) use of drug expiration date
C) use of drug outside the hospital
D) use of drug for unapproved indications D
38)which of the following statements best represents the inter venous (IV)? Medication in the
hospital facilities?
595 GEN A) IV drugs transmits the highest risk of infection
B) IV drugs are associated with lowest risk of undesirability side effects
C) IV solutions must be hypotonic to ensure compatibility with blood osmolality A

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

14) What kind of association between the variables if you want to association between age and
depression pre/post drug (A) use?
A) 2 continuous variables
596 GEN
B) A continuous variable and a binary variable
C) A continuous variable and an ordinal variable
D) A continuous variable and a categorical variable B
4) A 23-year-old man has recently been started on phenytoin for the treatment of epilepsy. He is
taking no other medication he has noted recently swelling and bleeding of the gum and wants to
know if this might be drug related.
597 GEN A) Drug interaction facts
B) The Harriet Lane handbook
C) Meylers side effects of drugs
D) Natural Medicine comprehensive database C

33- Which drug is banned in sport competitions by international Olympics?

A. Furosemide
B. Atenolol
598 GEN C. Celecoxib
D. Diclofenac

35- which one consider as physical examination?
A- Regulatory
B- Precaution

599 GEN Note : Physical examination

• palpation for → bodytemp
• Percussion for → stomach(tapping)
• Auscultation for → heart
70 -patient on internal nutrition came with lab tests, low phosphate low magnesium?
A- Refeeding syndrome
600 GEN

117- Using Schilling test to detect amount of Vit ?

A- B9
B- B12
601 GEN C- B6

128- When the patient at rest the volume of the blood found more in ?
A. vein
B. arterial
602 GEN C. heart
D. pulmonary circulation

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

162- which IV container need filtered needle ?

A- Vial
B- Bag
603 GEN C- Ampoule
D- All IV preparation need filtered needle
185- boxed warning when using for teeth pain in infant lead to seizure and death ?
A. Clove oil
B. Ibuprofen suspension
604 GEN C. Gel

193- What dose mean 2 in 1?
A. Dextrose and amino acids
B. Water and dextrose
605 GEN C. Dextrose and lipoamino acid
D. Dextrose and amino acid and lipid
200- amount of water in adult ?
A. 60%
B. 70%
606 GEN C. 80%
D. 90%
201- amount of water in neonate ?
A. 60%
B. 75%
607 GEN C. 80%
D. 90%
208- intra synovial means ?
A- In spinal
608 GEN B- Muscle
C- Joint
227-A Drug acts on non-receptor mechanism ?
A. Deferoxamine
B. Desloratadine
609 GEN C. Atenolol
D. None of the above
228- The place on the body that gives the most accurate temperature ?
A. front head
B. mouth
610 GEN C. rectal
D. axillary

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

236- which of the following can assist in regulation of sleeping pattern ?

A. eating before sleeping by 10 mins
B. doing aerobic exercises for 10 mins
611 GEN C. taking several naps during the day

249- HIV, TB , AIDS
A- Chronic disease
612 GEN B- Communicable disease
C- Non communicable
250- Carrier of b12 ?
613 GEN A-Intrinsic factor

271- Patient came to pharmacy and taking Orlistat pt counseling?

614 GEN A-Take vitamins before and after Orlistat
284- Women has signs of vitamin A deficiency, what are its natural forms ?
A- Olive oil
615 GEN B- Liver oil
C- Argan oil
287- Iso 7 ?
A -10
616 GEN C-1000
317- Where phase ll found in any location?
A. Mitochondria
B. Endoplasmic reticulum
617 GEN C. Cytoplasmic

Phase1 endoplasmic
Phase2 cytoplasmic
346- larger lymphoid organ?
A. intestine
B. liver
618 GEN C. muscle
D. spleen
There is no choice (Tonsils)
351- which the following use in central vine ?
A. D5w
B. 0.9 normal saline
619 GEN C. 3%normal sline
D. D10w
352- affinty
620 GEN A. How long drug bind to receptors
B. how strongly drug bind to receptor

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

370- best source of essential fatty acids ?

621 GEN A- Seafood
B- Plant
404- Moderate physical activity ?
A- swimming
B- basketball
622 GEN C- brisk walking
D- heavy
413- Gene mutation of UGT1a1?
A. atazanavir
B. Lamivudine
C. Zidovudine
623 GEN Note: glucopyranuronosylthymidine
Najjar syndrome result in reduced or absent function of the

99- Which of the following is the exact date for a drug to be safety taken if its expiration date
December 2018?
A. December 1,2018
624 GEN
B. December 15, 2018
C. December 31, 2018
D. January 1st , 2019 C
88) Which of the following concepts that most of public health strategies are based on?
A. Primary prevention
625 GEN B. Secondary prevention
C. Clean water and food
D. Ideal healthy community A
58) Public health is the science of protecting the health of a community Which population from
the following list is their target?
A) People at risk of being sick
626 GEN
B) Injured and sick people
C) Mothers and children
D) Entire community D

58- What resource should be used when searching for the most current clinical trials on
the use of novel anticoagulants for pulmonary embolism
A. Pharmacotherapy, the pathophysiologic approach
B. PubMed
627 GEN C. UpToDate
D. Micromedex

62) A 55-year-old man brought a prescription for Oxycontin on April year. The script from doctor is
dated December 17 of last year prescription allows five refills. What quantity of fill (s) is\are likely to
628 GEN
be received by the patient?
A) 1 Today+1 Refill A

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

B) 0 Today + 0 Refill
C) 1 Today + 2 Refill
D) 1 Today + 0 Refill

9- How many phase of the clinical trials are required to approve a new drug?
A. 1 phase
629 GEN B. 2 phase
C. 3 phase
D. 4 phase C
(40) A patient was started on codeine 15 mg orally as needed for postoperative pain. One day
after starting codeine, the patient presents to the Emergency Department with confusion, headache
and shortness of breath.
Which of the following most likely describes the patient's gentotype?
A. slow metabolizer of CYP 2D6
B. slow metabolizer of CYP 2C9
C. rapid metabolizer of CYP 2C9
D. rapid metabolizer of CYP 2D6
630 GENE N.B:-CYP2D6 enzyme converts codeine into its active metabolite, morphine, which provides its
analgesic effect. Consequently, pain relief may be inadequate in individuals who have 2 inactive
of CYP2D6 (“poor metabolizers”, PMs), because of reduced morphine levels.
In contrast, individuals who have more than 2 normal-function copies of the CYP2D6 gene
(“ultrarapid metabolizers”, UMs) are able to metabolize
codeine to morphine more rapidly and more completely. As a result, even with therapeutic doses
of codeine, these individuals may experience the symptoms of morphine overdose, which include
extreme sleepiness, confusion, and shallow breathing, D
96- Which of the following genetic testing might derive a potential benefit from Trastuzumab
therapy in a breast cancer patient?
A. TPMT positive activity
631 GENE
B. VKORC1 genotype positive
C. HER2/gene genotype positive
D. HLA-B *5801 genotype positive C

72- Breast cancer. The gene HER2 was negative we can use?
A- Letrozole
632 GENTIC B- Trustuzumb

85- A 3-year-old boy presents with diarrhea. His weight is 13 Kilograms. Which of the following
is the most appropriate maintenance fluid requirement for this patient?
A. 1000 ml
633 git
B. 1050 ml
C. 1150 ml
D. 1250 ml C

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

81- Which of the following is most likely to be associated with heartburn?

A. paracetamol
B. chlorpheniramine
634 git C. potassium chloride
D. magnesium/aluminum hydroxide
N.B:-Potassium chloride supplements are for patients with low potassium levels, from diuretics or
other causes. These supplements are a well-documented cause of medication-related esophagitis C
92- Which of the following medications is the most appropriate for nausea induced by the anti -
parkinson's drug bromocriptine?
A. itopride
B. domperidone
635 GIT C. metoclopramide
D. chlorpheniramine

N.B:-Domperidone (Motilium) is the anti-emetic of choice to prevent and treat nausea and
vomiting. B
Which of the following is the main feature of celiac disease?
A. Malabsorption of proteins
636 GIT B. Increased protein degradation
C. Decreased excretion of proteins
D. Decreased breakdown of protein A
87- A 39-year-old woman presents with complain of epigastria burning and pain for the last 6
month 33 / 272 significant medical history but reports an allergy to beta-lactam antibiotics. An
office based Urea Breath Test is performed to diagnose Helicobacter pylori infection (see lab
Test Result
Urea breath test Positive
637 GIT
Which of the following is the most appropriate treatment regimen?
A. Levofloxacin and lansoprazole for 14 days
B. Omeprazole, clarithromycin, and amoxicillin for 10 days
C. Omeprazole, clarithromycin, and metronidazole for 14 days
D. Omeprazole, bismuth subsalicylate, tetracycline, and azithromycin for 14 days
(17) Which of the following is the most appropriate regimen to prevent constipation in a patient
starting on morphine for pain?
A) docusate and senna
638 GIT
B) bisacodyl and lactulose
C) polyethylene glycol and Metamucil
D) methylnaltrexone and magnesium sulfate A

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26- Which of the following medications can cause pneumonia as a side effect?
A) Lisinopril
639 git B) Metformin
C) Simvastatin
D) Omeprazole D
53- A 7-year-old girl presents with moderate dehydration due to vomiting (see lab results).

SODIUM 134 134-146 mmol/L

POTASSIUM 2.9 3.5-5.1 mmol/L

Chloride 98 97-108 mmol/L

640 git Bicarbonate 30 21-28 mmol/L

What is the most suitable replacement fluid?

A) 0.9% Sodium chloride
B) 5% Dextrose with sodium bicarbonate
C) 0.9% sodium chloride with potassium chloride
D) 5% Dextrose\0.225 % sodium chloride with potassium C
30-which of the following drugs can be safely recommended to a patient that has been
suffering from chronic constipation?
A. Glycerol suppository
641 GIT
B. Ispaghula husk
C. Bisacodyl
D. Senna B
66- Which of the following regimen is the treatment of choice for a patient who develops a
gastric ulcer cause by Helicobacter pylori infection?
A. famotidine and amoxicillin
642 GIT
B. lansoprazole and clarithromycin
C. misoprostol, clarithromycin, amoxicillin
D. clarithromycin, amoxicillin and lansoprazole D
9- Which of the following areas in the brain is the main target for metoclopramide to produce
antiemetic activity?
A. pituitary gland
643 GIT
B. meso-limbic brain area
C. nigro-striatal brain area
D. chemoreceptor trigger zone D
22- Which of the following most likely is the action of histamine?
A. constriction of capillaries
644 GIT B. paralysis of skeletal muscle
C. elevation of blood pressure
D. stimulation of gastric secretion D

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4- Which of the following is the mechanism by which bisacodyl laxative relieves constipation?
A. Causing colon relaxation
645 GIT B. Acting as a surfactant to soften the stool
C. Absorbing water and forming a gelatinous mass
D. Stimulating enteric nerves to increase colonic contractions D
31- Which of the following is the mechanism of action of loperamide antidiarrheal effect?
A. Binding bile acids
646 GIT B. Blocking of cholinergic receptors
C. Activation of the opioid receptors
D. Activation of alpha-2 adrenergic receptors C
27- which drug should be used for both bone and GIT problems?
A- Ca gluconate
B- Ca Carbonate
647 GIT C- Metoclopramide
D- Omeprazole
71 -patient with severe gastric pain radiating to right upper quadrant with vomiting and
pain radiaties to back also and gets worse with fatty meals ?
A- Pancreatic
648 GIT B- gallstones
C- hepatic disease

286- When take Omeprazole ?
A- Morning with meal
B- Night before sleep
649 GIT C- As need
D- stimulate adrenergic
Which of the following tests can be used to confirm eradication of H. pylori q ?
A. Urea breath test
B. Stool antigen assay
C. EGD with biopsies
650 GIT D. Serologic testing
E. Both A and D

19) Which one of the following medication can a gynecologist prescribe to a patient ?
A. Tamoxifen
651 HORM B. Fingolimod
C. Anastrozole
D. Misoprostol D
99- Which the following hormones maintains the concentration of water in the body?
A. Vasopressin (antidiuretic hormone)
652 HORM B. Thyrotropin
C. Adrenocorticotropin
D. Luteinizing hormone A

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54) Which of the following hormones stimulate mammy gland development and milk
A. Prolactin
B. Oxytocin
C. Cortictropin
D. Growth hormone A

50- Type of hypersensitivity for drug induced hemolytic anemia?

654 immu A- Cytotoxic reaction
b- immediate sensitivity reaction
22) Which of the following immunoglobulin activates complement system ?
A. IgM
655 IMMU B. IgE
C. IgA
D. IgG D
82- An 8-year-old child had difficulty in breathing, swelling of tips and tongue, and fainted
following eating a piece of cake containing nuts.
Which of the following types of hypersensitivity reactions the child is exhibiting?
A. Immune-complex
656 IMMU
B. Delayed hypersensitivity
C. Cytotoxic hypersensitivity
D. Immediate hypersensitivity
(10) Which of the following white blood cell types is the target of immunodeficiency virus during
acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS)?
A) CD1 lymphocytes
657 IMMU
B) CD2 lymphocytes
C) CD3 lymphocytes
D) CD4 lymphocytes (T lymphocytes) D
18) Which of the following represents the immunity acquired by give living organism with
attenuated virus?
A) Local immunity
658 IMMU
B) Passive immunity
C) Natural active immunity
D) Artificial active immunity D
40- Which of the following is the first antibody to be produced new infection?
A) IgM
659 IMMU B) IgG
C) IgA
D) IgE A

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

67-A 28-year-old woman was recently diagnosed with Crohn’ was started with high dose
intravenous corticosteroids .she conversion to oral drugs and was started on infliximab, a tumour
factor ꭤ(TNf-ꭤ), inhibitor.
Which of the following tests should be performed prior to infliximab?
660 IMMU
A) HIV screening
B) Influenza screening
C) Hepatitis C screening
D) Tuberculosis screening D
70) To which of the following the major histocompatibility complex unique?
A) Each cell
661 IMMU B) Each organ
C) Each species
D) Each individual D
78-A 27-year-old man suffer from hepatitis C virus infection. His level of alanine
aminotransferase and aspartate aminotransferase are high.
In addition, liver biopsy showed mild fibrosis (see lab results).

Alanine aminotransferase 75 5-40 IU/L

Aspartate aminotransferase 55 12-40 IU/L

662 IMMU

Which of the following drugs should be avoided in his case?

A. Amoxicillin
B. Pregabalin
C. Cephalexin
D. Methotrexate D
31- Which of the following is used for the treatment of neo-vascular age-related muscular
A. Aflibercept
663 immu
B. Latanoprost
C. Muromomab
D. Gemtuzumab A
97- Which of the following drugs is associated with progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy
side effect?
A. Bisoprolol
664 IMMU
B. Pregabalin
C. Doxycycline
D. Natalizumab D
50- Which of the following is the site of action for aflibercept?
A. Fibroblast growth factor
665 IMMU
B. Human chorionic gonadotropin
C. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor D

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

D. Vascular endothelial growth factor-A

32- Which of the following is involved in type 2 hypersensitivity

(Cytotoxic hypersensitivity reaction)
A- IgE
B- IgG
666 IMMU C- T lymphocytes
D- Macrophages
Note : type 1= IgE

109- drug use in organ transplantation?
667 IMMU A- cyclosporine
151- Immune cells have Y shape that antibodies attaches to which part ??
A. Hinge side
B. Consistent h side
C. Variable h side
668 IMMU D. Consistent L side
E. Variable L and h side

152- An 8-year-old child had difficulty in breathing. swelling of lips and tongue, and
fainted following eating a piece of cake containing nuts. Which of the following types of
hypersensitivity reactions the child is exhibiting?
A. Immune-complex
B. Delayed hypersensitivity
669 IMMU
C. Cytotoxic hypersensitivity
D. Immediate hypersensitivity

382- Case with food allergy asking about type of response?
670 IMMU A- Immediate hypersensitivity
B- No immediate hypersensitivity
414- What is the secondary prevention?
A. Vaccination
B. Immunization
671 IMMU C. Do exercise
D. Blood test ✅
6) Which of the following immunoglobulin (Ig) is frequently found to be elevated in asthmatic
patients ?
A. IgA
672 IMU
B. IgE
C. IgM
D. IgD B

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15- which cells had antibody on its surface?

A. B cell
B. T cell
673 IMU C. T helper
D. T killer
17- part of immunoglobin attach to B-cell ?
674 IMU A- Slight chain
B- heavy chain
18- part of immunoglobin attach to antigen ?
675 IMU A. Slight chain
B. heavy chain
79_Which of the following drugs is considered as an enzyme inhibitor that may effect the
metabolism of other drugs?
A. phenytoin
676 INER
B. furosemide
C. cimetidine
D. theophylline C

1- major toxic effect of chloramphenicol in baby due to lack of which enzyme?

A. glucuronyltransferase enzyme
(gray baby syndrome )
677 INFe B. B- Methyltransferase enzyme

52- During prescription verification, a pharmacist identified a drug interaction in a 23-year-old
woman diagnosed with urinary tract and prescribed an antibiotic. Pharmacist contacted the change
to a drug that will not harm the patient.
Which of the following antibiotics is the best option for the patient?
678 INFE
A) Cephalexin
B) Ciprofloxacin
C) Nitrofurantoin
D) Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole D
54- Which of the following antibiotics is used in surgical prophylaxis of colorectal surgeries?
A. Ampicillin
679 INFE B. Cefoxitin
C. Linezolid
D. Augmentin B
82- Which of the following is the first line treatment of malaria can be caused by plasmodium
falciparum in Saudi Arabia?
A. Quinine
680 INFE
B. Primaquine
C. Artesunate
D. Doxycycline C

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

83- A S7-year-old man who presents to an urgent care clinic with complains of 2-day history
of high fever, muscle/bone ache, headache and loss of appetite. He has been in his usual state of
health and reports close contacts of a sick friend with flu recently.
Which of the following would be the best management?
681 INFE
A. Amoxicillin: 500 mg PO q8h for 10 days
B. Azithromycin: 500 mg PO once daily for 3 days
C. Amoxicillin-clavulanic acid: 1 gm PO q12h for 1 week
D. Support treatment.(e.g., fluids, rest, antihistamine, paracetamol) D
4- Which of the following conditions is a serious adverse reaction of fluoroquinolone therapy?
A. Eczema
682 INFE B. Bleeding
C. Depression
D. Q-T interval prolongation D
5- Which of the following is the reason doxycycline should be avoided in children less than 12
A. A High toxicity
683 INFE
B. Low tolerability
C. Risk of bleeding
D. Teeth discoloration D

30- which one cause latent infection?

A. polio
B. measles
684 INFE C. rubella
D. varicella-zoster
Antibiotics can be used topical 44- Case and (ointment ) in MRSA infection
A- vancomycin ointment
B- Mupirocin ointment
685 INFE I don't remember the other options
Answer because can’t use vancomycin topically

48- case E coli with CKD?
A. Ciprofloxacin 400 iv every 12 hrs
B. Ciprofloxacin 400 iv every 24 hrs
686 INFE C. meropenem 500 iv every 8 hrs
D. meropenem 500 iv every 12 hrs
67- patient has severe endocarditis with staphylococcus aureus on vancomycin but
sensitivity test is done and the patient is only sensitive on linezolid but it's not FDA
approved in endocarditis what's the management?
687 INFE Increase vancomycin dose, don't give linezolid, give
A- linezolid as off-label

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

75- Antibiotic inhibit protein synthesis by 30 what effects?

A. Elongation
688 INFE B. initiation
C. termination
76- Antibiotic inhibit protein synthesis by 50 what effect?
A. Elongation
689 INFE B. initiation
C. termination
83- Which one is encapsulated bacteria ?
A - Streptococcus Pneumoniae
B- Lactobacillus Acidophilus
690 INFE C- Mycobacterium Tuberculosis
D - Salmonella Typhi
88- Which of the following can be used for UTI infections ?
A. Garlic
B. Cranberry
691 INFE C. Echinacea
D. Ginko

95- What is the adverse effect of fluoroquinolones?
A. QT Prolongation
B. Rach
692 INFE C. Increase Blood Pressure
D. Constipation
103- case about a child has pin worm infection. Which of the following is the best drug of
choice ?
A- Mefloquine
693 INFE B- Albendazole
C- Doxycycline
D- Metronidazole
104- case about a girl has sore throat (mild) without any infection or other symptoms
what should you advise her ?
A. Gargle With Salt and Water
694 INFE B. Clindamycin
C. Anti-Histamine
D. Ceftriaxone I.v Every 12 Hrs
107- use in the prevention of RSV in neonate?
A. Palivizumab
B. osltumab
695 INFE Note: Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) in neonate

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

108- Months infant have RSV ?

A. supportive
696 INFE B. Palivizumab

31) Which of the following is a characteristic for facultative anaerobic?
A) Only grow anaerobically
697 INFE Z B) Only grow in the presence of oxygen
C) An anaerobe but can grow in the absence of oxygen
D) Require simultaneous presence of aerobic and anaerobic environments for growth C
88- A 36-year-old man not known to have any medical illness diagnosed recently with an
active pulmonary tuberculosis.
Which of the following is the best regimen to start?
698 INFEC A. Rifampin alone
B. Isoniazid alone
C. Isoniazid plus rifampin
D. Isoniazid, rifamnin. ethambutol and pyrazinamide D
89- A 23-month-year-old, 14-kg infant, her mom brought her the hospital with signs and
symptoms of bacterial meningitis. The baby attends day care and has a history of acute otitis
media. A blood and CSF culture were ordered and pending.
Which of the following is the empirical therapy for acute bacterial meningitis?
A. Doxycycline plus linezolid
B. Ampicillin plus genfamicin
C. Cefuroxime plus ciprofloxacin
D. Ceftriaxone or cefotaxime plus vancomycin D
Which of the following micro-organisms causes typhoid fever ?
A) Shigella
700 INFEC B) Flavivirus
C) Salmonella
D) Treponema pallidum C
11) Which of the following describes the transmission mode of coronavirus?
A. Respiratory route
701 INFEC B. Blood-borne route
C. Contaminated food and drinks
D. Direct contact with patient saliva A
44) A 24-year-old male presented to the hospital with a skin infection the microbiology technician
received a sample form this patient the sample in a special media was incubated over 24 hour and
showed Staphylococcus aureus. The microbiologist used disk diffusion method to determine the
702 INFEC susceptibility of different antibiotics (see image)
‫الصورة ماه نفس السؤال‬

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

What is the most sensitive antibiotic?

A. Ampicillin (Amp)
B. Vancomycin (Van)
C. Methicillin (Meth)
D. Penicillin (Control)
52) Which of the following bacteria is involved in the development of dental carries ?
A. Streptococcus mutans
703 B. Listeria monocytogenes
C. Streptococcus
D. Corynebacterium diphtheria A
68- What is the main method transmission of Brucella species?
A. Airborne
704 INFEC B. Blood transfusion
C. Contact with infected person
D. ingestion of unpasteurized milk /milk products D
71-A pregnant woman is travelling to a high risk malarial country which antimalarial
prophylactic agent caries the most fetal risk in pregnant women?
A. Mefloquine
705 infec
B. Doxycycline
C. Chloroquine B
D. Atovaquone-proguanil
94- Which of the following viral infections best describes chronic infection?
A. Infection in which host cell dies due to interference with normal cellular function
706 infec B. Infections in which there is uncontrolled growth or immortalization of the host cell
C. Infection in which virus persists within the host cell but new virions are not synthesized
D. Infection in which virus persists within the host cell and continues to replicate the virions D
98- A 28-year-old pregnant female in labor is admitted to the hospital. She tested positive for
Group B streptococcus colonization at her 36-week appointment. She has a penicillin allergy and
her culture are resistant to both clindamycin and erythromycin.
What is the recommended treatment for this patient?
A. Cefazolin
B. Penicillin G D

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

C. Ceftriaxone
D. Vancomycin

86) A 7-year-old boy presents with complain of itchiness around the anus at night. Lab tests
revealed Enteroblus vermicularis infection (pin worm infection).
Which of the following is the most appropriate management?
708 INFEC A) fluconazole
B) praziquantel
C) pantoprazole
D) mebendazole D
43- drugs may accumulate the tissues as result of their physicochemical characteristics or special
affinity of the tissue for the drug.
which of the following parts of the body dose tetracycline accumulate?
709 INFEC A) liver
B) Bone
C) muscle
D) adipose tissue B
(16) A 55-year-old woman presents with symptoms of helicobacter pylori infections. She was
previously treated with the classical amoxicillin, clarithromycin, omeprazole regimen. The physician
is unable to obtain susceptibility testing for the Helicobacter pylori but the pattern of local
antimicrobial resistance to penicillin's is well known.
What would be the optimal treatment for her?
A) amoxicillin(1g), clarithromycin(500mg) and metronidazole (500 mg) plus omeprazole (20mg)
710 INFEC BID for 14 days
B) amoxicillin(1g), clarithromycin (500 mg) and metronidazole (500 mg) plus omeprazole
(40mg) BID for 14 days
C) bismuth subsalicylate525 QID and tetracycline (500 mg) QID plus metronidazole (500 mg) and
omeprazole (40mg) BID for 14 days
D) bismuth subsalicylate (2) and doxycycline (100 mg) QID plus metronidazole (500 mg) TID and
omeprazole (40 mg) BID for 14 days C
27) A 16-month-old baby with bronchopulmonary dysplasia is admitted Pediatric Intensive Care
Unit with respiratory distress requiring in (see lab results)
TEMP. 38.6°C
711 INFEC Nasal swab Positive for respiratory syncytial virus

What is the best management?

A) Cefuroxime
B) Palivizumab
C) Corticosteroid
D) Intravenous fluids and supportive care D

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

48- What is the description of viruses that live as parasites on bacteria?

A) fungi
712 INFEC B) Lichens
C) Commensals
D) Bacteriophage D
74- Which of the following is a B-lactamse enzyme?
A) Plasmid
713 INFEC B) Pyrogens
C) DNA gyrase
D) Carbapenemase D
77- Which of the following Clostridium spp. Is linked to the develop pseudomembranous
A) C. tetani
B) C. difficile
C) C. botulinum
D) C. Perfringens B
2) Which is the best treatment for staphylococcus aureus positive mastitis?
A) Cephalexin
715 INFEC B) Clindamycin
C) Ciprofloxacin
D) Nitrofurantoin A
10- A nurse has an inquiry about the appropriate time to Withdraw a trough gentamicin level
for a patient.
What is the best answer for her inquiry?
716 INFEC A. 1 hour after gentamicin administration
B. 30 minutes after gentamicin administration
C. 1 hour before the scheduled gentamicin dose
D. 30 minutes before the scheduled gentamicin dose D
17-A 6-year-old boy is diagnosed with a pin-worm infection. Which of the following drugs should
be used for treatment?
A. Mefloquine
B. Doxycycline
C. Albendazole
D. pyrimethamine C
18- what is the recommended prophylactic therapy for pregnant women colonized with group B
streptococcus in labor with penicillin allergies at high risk for anaphylaxis?
A. Cefazoline
B. Linezolid
C. Penicillin G
D. Clindamycin D

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

22- which of the following might develop in association with high serum amikacin?
A. Bleeding
719 INFEC B. Ototoxicity
C. Liver failure
D. Visual changes B
(41) Which of the following infections is prevented with the administration of 0.5% erythromycin
eye ointment in newly born infants?
A. mycoplasmal conjunctivitis
B. adenoviral conjunctivitis
C. gonococcal opthalmia
D. chlamydial Infection C
79- Which of the following is the most appropriate empiric treatment
for a patient with community-acquired pneumonia requiring admission to the hospital?
A. Doxycycline and azithromycin
B. Ceftriaxone and azithromycin
C. Moxifloxacin and ceftriaxone
D. Vancomycin and ceftriaxone B
99- An 18-year-old healthy girl admitted to the hospital with a diagnosis of necrotizing
pneumonia. She received vancomycin 1 gm IV q12h and meropenem 1 gm IV q8h. The trough level
of vancomycin was 16 mcg/ml (normal range: 10- 20 mcg/ml).
Which of the following is the next appropriate step in management of this patient?
A. Continue the same treatment
B. Request a drug level for meropenem
C. Increase the dose of vancomycin to 2 gm IV q12h
D. Decrease the dose of vancomycin to 500 mg IV q12h A
(18) Which of the following medications can cause hemolytic anemia in the newborn when used
by a pregnant woman at full term?
A. amoxicillin
B. ciprofloxacin
C. azithromycin
D. nitrofurantoin D
35- Which of the following classes of medications have been associated with the development of
newborn kernicterus when used by pregnant women at full- term?
A. Penicillin’s
B. Vancomycin
C. Cephalosporins
D. Sulfa containing medications D
13- Which of the following mechanisms, cephalexin exerts antibacterial effects?
A. inhibition of protein synthesis
B. destruction of the bacterial cell nucleus
C. inhibition of bacterial cell wall synthesis C

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D. detergent effect on the bacterial cell membrane

70- Which of the following clinical conditions is treated with zanamivir?

A. cytomegalovirus disease
726 INFEC B. myocardial infraction
C. bacterial infection
D. acute influenza D
89- Which of the following medications would inhibit uncoating of the viral RNA?
A. acyclovir
727 INFEC B. vidarabine
C. didanosine
D. rimantadine D
92- Which of the following has similar antibacterial mechanism of penicillin?
A. neomycin
728 INFEC B. cephalexin
C. tetracycline
D. clindamycin B
7- Which of the following best describes ceftazidime?
A. A third-generation cephalosporin which covers gram negative and gram-positive organisms
729 INFEC B. A second-generation cephalosporin which covers gram negative and gram-positive organisms
C. A first-generation cephalosporin which covers gram positive organisms
D. An amino penicillin A
23-A 60-year-old woman is admitted to the hospital for surgery. Colonization of gram-negative
bacteria occurred after surgery. Which of the following is the best management?
A. Cefprozil
B. Cephalexin
C. Ceftriaxone
D. Phenoxymethyl penicillin C
42- Which of the following is an indication for ciprofloxacin?
A. Fever
731 INFEC B. Arthropathy
C. Tuberculosis
D. Inhalational anthrax D
43- Which of the following drugs has poor oral bioavailability?
A. Cefixime
732 INFEC B. Amoxicillin
C. Vancomycin
D. Ciprofloxacin C

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69- Which of the following is the drug of choice for chlamydia infection?
A. Amikacin
733 INFEC B. Amoxicillin
C. Tetracycline
D. Azithromycin D

97- Which of the following is the best treatment for st.aureus positive mastitis ?
A. Cephalexin
B. Nitrofurantoin
734 INFEC C. Clindamycin
D. Ciprofloxacin

123- case patient take pyrazinamide, ethambutol, rifampicin have problems in vison What
is the drug responsibility for this side effect ?
735 INFEC B- ethambutol

127-pregnant with vaginal discharge Candida diagnostic?

a. fluconazole
b. clotrimazole
736 INFEC c. acyclovir
Nots: Amphotericin B - Topical imidazole - Nystatin
137- lab results HB , glucose, all in the range except high WBC ?
A- Anemia
737 INFEC B- Infection
C- hyperglycemia
139- What are the major constituents of the fungal cell wall ??
A- chitin
738 INFEC Note : glucans and glycoproteins

142- Vancomycin Trough Level?

A- 5_10
739 INFEC B- 10_20 or (10-15)
C- 30-40
target vancomycin trough in severe infection?
A- 5-10
740 INFEC B- 15-25
C- 15-20
150- Your colleagues has been contacted with c.difficile patient and used disinfectant
wipes what to do ?
A- Use alcohol
741 INFEC B- Wash hands
C- Take tetracycline

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

189- Vancomycin optimum trough concentration (mg/L)

A. 5-10
742 INFEC B. 10-15
C. 15-20
190- cyclosporine is given, which medication is safe to give with it ?
A. Azithromycin
B. erythromycin
743 INFEC C. clarithromycin

191-pregnant with HIV and viral load <100 which medication is given in delivery ?
A. Tenofovir
B. lamivudine
744 INFEC C. zidovudine
D. efavirenz

199- Gentamicin peak ?
A. one hour after dose
B. two hour before dose
745 INFEC C. one hour before dose
Note: trough: 30 minutes before 3rd or 4th dose.
218 -mechanism of azole antifungal on fungi ?
A. inhibition of ergosterol of fungi
746 INFEC B. bind to the mermbane of fungi
C. induce in the membrane and destroy it
231- Ciprofloxacin reach first to ?
A. Liver ,adipose tissue ،brain
747 INFEC B. Brain , liver , adipose tissue
C. adipose tissue, liver , brain
232-Tertacycline accumulation ?
A- bone
748 INFEC B- liver
C- tissue
233- What's Endotoxin ?
A. part of garm positive
B. part of gram negative
749 INFEC C. heat liable
Note: outer membrane
234- what’s Exotoxin ?
A. found in both gram+ and gram-
B. part of garm positive
C. part of gram negative
750 INFEC D. heat liable
Note: exotoxins include: botulinum toxin
released during lysis of the cell

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235- best treatment for st.aureus positive mastitis ?

A. cephalexin
B. nitrofurantoin
751 INFEC C. clindamycin
D. ciprofloxacin
238- patient taking vancomycin when nurse can withdraw a trough vancomycin level for
the patient ?
A. 1hour before the scheduled vancomycin dose
752 INFEC B. 30 mins after vancomycin administration
C. 30 mins before the 4th dose
D. 30 mins before vancomycin administration
254- Patient went for tooth extraction and the doctor prescribed antibiotic form as
prophylaxis from endocarditis which of the following patient most need it ?
A- mitral valve
B- kidney transplant
753 INFEC C- Asthma
D- Diabetes

255- Ebola effect ?
A- common cold
B- Hemorrhagic fever
754 INFEC C- Pulmonary edema
D- Atypical pneumonia
#Note: Elbol transmited by Blood and fluid
260- 2 years skin infection with penicillin allergy should take ?
A- Doxycycline
755 INFEC B- Amoxicillin + clavulanic acid
C- Sulfamethoxazole + teimethoprim
266- Bacteria cause milk fermentation ?
A- Lactobacillus
B- Bacteroidetes
756 INFEC C- Chlamydia
D- Cyanobacteria
292- which antibiotic cause hyperkalemia ?
A - ciprofloxacin
B- Norfloxacin
757 INFEC C- Trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole
D- Amoxicillin
297- Pseudomonas aeruginosa in gram stain ?
A - gram positive cocci
B- gram nigative cocci
758 INFEC C- gram positive bacilli
D- gram negative bacilli

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320- Amoglobin analysis, positive IGG and IGM pollination, and the type of infection ?
A- An old infection
B- The condition worsened
C- New condition
759 INFEC D- The earliest new case does not appear with the new infection A

350- which the following treatment Meningitis empiric treatment ?
A. Vancomycin
B. Ceftriaxone 2g 12 h IV 7-14 day
760 INFEC C. Ampicillin
D. Azithromycin
353- Epileptic pt. on phenytoin, which AB is suitable for him ?
A. Ciprofloxacin
B. Erythromycin
761 INFEC C. Azithromycin
D. Clarithomycin
362- transmission of Brucella species ?
762 INFEC A- ingestion of Unpasteurized milk/milk products

363- Most effective infection control in hospital ?

A. Wearing gloves
B. Wearing mask
763 INFEC C. Don’t contact with infected patient
D. Everyone entering hospital most wear PEE
393- Antibiotic which inhibit protein synthesis by binding with 30S at site A inhibit
A. Initiation of protein synthesis
B. Elongation of protein synthesis
764 INFEC C. Termination of protein synthesis

394- Antibiotic which inhibit protein synthesis by binding with 50S at site A inhibit
A. Initiation of protein synthesis
B. Elongation of protein synthesis
765 INFEC C. Termination of protein synthesis

405- Pt with E. coli UTI and given TMP/SMX but it turns out to be
resistant what is the most appropriate alternative?
A. Ciprofloxacin
766 INFEC B. Meropenem
C. TMP/SMX double strength

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

408- clostridium difficile cause ?

A- salmonellosis
B- typhoid fever
767 INFEC C- pseudomembranous colitis
D- cholera
Note: treatment vancomycin or metronidazole
417- What type of cephalosporin has a least effect on pseudomonas aeruginosa ?
A. Cefazolin
B. Cefoxitin
768 INFEC C. Ceftazidime
D. Cefiderocol

81- A 65-year-old. diabetic man admitted to Emergency Department (ED) with a 3-day history
of productive cough, shortness of breath (SOB) and chest pain. Chest X-ray showed bilateral lower
Which conformed the diagnosis of pneumonia? An H1N1 virus was detected in nasal swab.
769 INFEC V Which of the following antivirals is the drug of choice in this case?
A. Ribavirin
B. Acyclovir
C. Oseltamivir
D. Gancyclovir C
1-A drug has a volume of distribution of 35L in a 70 Kg man. Which of the following best
describes Its distribution?
A. it is bound to DNA
770 Kin
B. it is dissolved in lipids
C. it has low bioavailability
D. it is mostly distributed in plasma B
45- Which of the following drugs exhibits dose-dependent pharmacokinetics at normal
therapeutic doses?
A. lithium
771 kin
B. quinidine
C. phenytoin
D. sodium valproate C
91- The ionization of the drug is very important to understand the pharmacodynamic of the
drug. Which of the following forms are absorbed from the stomach?
A. polar-ionized
772 KIN
B. polar-unionized
C. non polar ionized
D. non-polar-unionized D
70- How long does it take for the body to remove 99% of the drug by first order elimination

773 KIN process after a single dose?

A) 2 half-lives

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

B) 4 half-lives
C) 7 half-lives
D) 10 half-lives

23) The graphs represent quantal dose-response curves for the effect and lethality by a drug
(see image). ( ‫)لتوضيح الصورة ماه نفس السؤال‬
ED= 5
TD= 20

774 kin

What is the drug's therapeutic index?

A) 0.9
B) 1.1
C) 4
D) 10 C
1) Which of the following is a common enzyme polymorphism that could potentially alter
clopidogrel efficacy?
A) Cyp2c7
775 KIN
B) Cyp2c9
C) Cyp2c10
D) Cyp2c19 D
86- A 55-year-old man comes to the pharmacy complaining that has acetaminophen with
codeine he started 2 days ago to manage has post- operative pain does not seem any better than
when he uses acetaminophen alone. After the pharmacist reviews his profile, he noticed results
from pharmacogenomics testing performed 3 years ago that shows he is a CYP2D6 poor
776 KIN
Which is the best explanation why this patient does not seem to benefit from codeine?
A. Codeine excretion is rapid
B. Codeine absorption is slower
C. Codeine is metabolized faster
D. Codeine dose should be increased B
12) Which of the following drugs will have decreased absorption when given with dietary
777 KIN A. enalapril
B. propranolol
C. doxycycline C

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

D. acetylsalicylic acid

36- Which of the following drugs is known to have significant variable bioavailability due to its
extensive hepatic metabolism upon oral administration?
A. Amoxicillin
778 KIN
B. Propranolol
C. Ciprofloxacin
D. Acetaminophen B
79- Which of the following drugs complexs with dairy products or with antacids when
administered orally?
A. Enalapril
779 KIN
B. Warfarin
C. Doxycycline
D. Acetylsalicylic acid C
86- Carbamazepine (pKa=13.2) is an antiepileptic drug used in the treatment of status
epilepticus. This condition requires fast intervention with carbamazepine injection.
Which of the following is most likely to describe what will happen if carbamazepine was given
780 KIN
A. Fast intervention because the drug will be ionized in the stomach
B. Slow intervention because the drug will be ionized in the stomach
C. Fast intervention because the drug will be unionized in the stomach
D. Slow intervention because the drug will be unionized in the stomach B
5- A dose of 500 mg of a drug is administrated to a patient, and the concentration results at the
indicated times are shown (see table)

0 40
1 28.3

781 KIN 4 20
6 14.1
Which of the following is the half-life of the drug?
A. 2 hours
B. 3 hours
C. 4 hours
D. 6 hours C
29- A 500-mg dose of aspirin was given intravenously to a patient produced an initial plasma
concentration of 100 mg\L. If the half life of the drug is 6.93 hours, what would be the total body
782 KIN clearance?
A. 50 Liters\ hour
B. 10 Liters\hour D

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

C. 5 Liters\hour
D. 0.5 Liters\hour

70- Which one of the following medications is known to be a powerful enzyme inducer?
A. warfarin
783 KIN B. rifampicin
C. itraconazole
D. metronidazole B
73- Which of the following is the mechanism by which Phenobarbital can decrease the
therapeutic efficacy of tricyclic antidepressants when administered at the same time?
A. increasing the excretion of tricyclic antidepressants
784 KIN
B. decreasing the excretion of tricyclic antidepressants
C. decreasing the metabolism of the drug by induction of microsomal enzymes
D. increasing the metabolism of the drug by induction of microsomal enzymes D
22- A 50-year-old man on warfarin therapy started drinking an herbal tea extra (one gallon
daily). A week later his INR dropped to 1.35 prior to that time, his INR had been in the range of 2.5-
3. Once the herbal tea was discontinued, the patient's INR came back up to 2.50.
Which of the following is the content of the herbal tea extract?
785 KIN
A. Anise
B. Ginger
C. Green tea
D. Chamomile C
83- Which of the following ranges of volume of distribution is deduced for warfarin
(anticoagulant) that is 98% bound to proteins?
A. 3-5 L
786 KIN
B. 40-50 l
C. 50-500 l
D. 5000-10000 l A
9- Elderly patient what happened with absorption?
A. Increase both lipophilic and hydrophilic drugs absorption
B. Decrease both
C. Increase lipholilic absorption and decrease hydrophilic
787 KIN absorption
D. decrease lipholilic absorption and increase hydrophilic

81- which of the following has high protein binding?
A. Lithium
788 KIN B. Vancomycin
C. Phenytoin

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

176- Drug should not use be take with ciprofloxacin

B- atorvastatin
789 KIN C-ferrous sulfate
D- metformin
214- Drug acid Where will be high execrations?
A. Pka 3.3 weak base
B. Pk 3.3 weak acid
790 KIN C. Pka 6.8 weak base
D. Pka 6.8 weak acid
219-Which the antifungal more bond to CP450 ?
A. amphotericin
791 KIN B. Voriconazole

Note: non-linear kinetics B

258- Drug enhanced it’s absorption with ranitidine
A- lorazepam
B- Warfarin
792 KIN C- Aspirin
D- Naproxen
263- Rifampicin affect cyp3A4 ?
793 KIN A- Inducer
B- Inhibition
331- which of the following decrease the effect of Warfarin ?
A- antibiotics
794 KIN b- multivitamins

332- which of the following increase the effect of Warfarin ?
795 KIN A- antibiotics
b- multivitamins
355- Sodium bicarbonate antacid makes an out elimination of ?
A. pka=1.2, weak acid
B. pka=5.1, weak acid
796 KIN C. pka=7.8, weak base
D. pka= 9, weak base
401- Drug enhanced it’s absorption with ranitidine
A- lorazepam
B- Warfarin
797 KIN C- Aspirin
D- Naproxen
46- What dose linear pharmacokinetics mean?
A. The clearance of the drug is not changing when dose increases
798 KINE B. The plasms concentration versus time curve is a straight line
C. The half-life of the drug is equal to its volume of distribution
D. The drug levels in the body are in steady state B

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

50) Which of the following is a characteristic cholesterol?

A. Cholesterol has hydroxyl group at carbons
799 LIPID B. Cholesterol is a very hydrophilic compound
C. Cholesterol has four fused hydrocarbon rings
D. Cholesterol has three double bonds in its structure C
94- Which of the following best describe the main pharmacological property of cholestyramine?
A. Decreases excretion of cholesterol
800 LIPID B. Lowers high density lipoprotein (HDL) level
C. Increases low density lipoprotein (LDL) level
D. Increase the efficiency of lipoprotein removal D
209- Drugs for dyslipidemia Cause interaction with multiple chronic disease ?
A- Niacin
B- Rosuvastatin
801 LIPID C- Others

336- Which side effect can be caused by statin therapy ?
A. Fatty liver
B. New onset diabetes
802 LIPID C. Gout
D. Flushing
E. None of the

65)57-year-old man with liver cirrhosis and ascites and a Child-Pugh class score of 8 is having
severe pain due to injury. What would be the recommended medication?
A. Codeine
B. Morphine
803 LIVER C. Diclofenac
D. Acetaminophen
N.B:- acetaminophen at reduced dosing is a safe option. In patients with cirrhosis, nonsteroidal
anti-inflammatory drugs should be avoided to avert renal failure, and opiates should be avoided or
used sparingly, with low and infrequent dosing, to prevent encephalopathy. D

20- patient on tpn for 17 day all liver enzyme high except albumin
normal, Normal amylase and normal lipase. What’s the complication if tpn in this patient ?
A- liver stenosis
804 liver B- liver cirrhosis
C- pancreatitis
D- cholestasis
24- patient with lab results high GGT, high ALT and high AST,
what disease?
A- Cirrhosis
805 LIVER B- hepatic steatoria
C- cholestasis
45- simvastatin best time take it?
806 LPID A- At bedtime

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

87) which of the following drugs is used for premature ejaculation?

A) atenolol
807 MAN B) dapoxetine
C) olanzapine
D) aripiprazole B
33- which of the following medication is used treat benign prostatic hyperplasia?
A) donepezil
808 MAN B) etanercept
C) tamsulosin
D) carbidopa C
44- Which of the following medications is an anti-androgen?
A. Danazol
809 MAN B. Tamoxifen
C. Finasteride
D. Mifepristone C
37- Which of the following marketing mix contains market cover assortments?
A) Price
810 MARK B) Place
C) Product
D) Promotion B
342- at is the main purpose of pharmacy marketing jobs ?
811 MARK A- create new jobs
B- Sell cosmetic products
359- What is the principle of marketing Options are to
A. gain customer
812 MARK B. satisfaction
C. increase sales
381- Pharmacist wanted to increase the advertisement for his pharmacy and what best
questionnaire he can do ?
813 MARK A. Ask the costumers
B. Online questionnaire
389- Which of the following marketing mix contains market coven
A. Product
814 MARK B. place
C. price
D. promotion
390- You have a pharmacy and you want to sell it, and the one who buys it from you is
asking for sales and profits and what you give?
A. you give him the sales records
815 MARK B. net profit
C. uniforms like that

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

426- Before marketing Phase 4

816 mark B. IV
C. V
Price of product was increased from 100 SA Riyals to 105 SA Riyals. This resulted in a large
decline on demand from 120 to 80Which of the following types of demand does this product
817 MARK A) Elastic
B) Latent
C) Inelastic
D) Unaffected A

174- which enzyme inhibits bacterial cell wall ?

818 MICRO A- lysosoma
B- lyzosome
Which of the following drugs found under the narcotic classification ?
A. Fentanyl
819 NARCO B. Midazolam
C. Loprazolam
D. Pentobarbital A
47- Which of the following statements best describe drug dependence?
A. Discontinuation of the drug will produce withdrawal symptoms
B. Action of one drug is dependent on the presence of another drug
C. Discontinuation of the drug will not produce withdrawal symptoms
D. Patients progressively require increasingly larger doses of drug to achieve the same
effect A

how long the control drug should be administered by IV rout

A- 12h
821 NARCO B- 24h
C- 48h
323- What is required in a narcotic prescription option?
A. more than one narcotic agent can be included in the same prescription
B. single narcotic agent written at the top with red pen
822 NARCO C. the original copy is given to the patient

drug causes A Constipation or B depression or C withdrawal symptoms??
A. morphine/naloxone/ pentazocine
823 NARCO B. morphine/naletroxone/ methadone
C. morphine/naloxone/ Pentazocine
drug causes A Constipation or B depression or C dependence symptoms ??
A. morphine/naletroxone / pentazocine
824 NARCO B. morphine/naloxone/ methadone
C. morphine/naloxone/ Pentazocine

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

411- which decrease the amount minimum alveolar concentration

825 NARCO for anesthetic drugs
A- Diazepam ✅

pt take morphine 90 mg and want replace by fentanyl patch

A. 30 mcg
B. 15 mcg
C. 25 mcg
D. 10 mg
416- patient used morphine 50 mg twice daily he want to change fentanyl patch
A- 25mcg
B- 50mcg
827 NARCO C- 100mcg

81-A 23-year-old drug addict man was brought to the Emergency Room with severe agitation
and excitement. He was administered intravenous diazepam, with no improvement in his
Which of the following is the mostly likely drug the patient was addicted on?
A. Opioids
B. Cocaine
C. Pregabalin
D. Cannabinoids D
23-A 10-year-old boy is brought with complaints of fever sore throat and non- productive cough
for 1 day. Which of the following is best regimen for non- productive cough?
A. Codeine 10 mg 4 times daily
B. Guaifenesin 50 mg 4 times daily
C. Dextromethorphan 15 mg twice daily (10-20mg every 4-h)
829 NARCO D. Dextromethorphan 30 mg twice daily
NB. Dextromethorphan dose
• (10-20mg every 4-h)
• (20-30mg every 6-8h)
• Extend release 60mg bid
• Max 120mg/24h REF.LEXI D

243-case about patient with runny nose and complain about and need fast relief of
A. pheniramine
830 NASAL B. pseudoephedrine
C. intranasal cromolyn May
D. corticosteroid be
75) Which of the following drugs has a high abuse potential?
A) nifedipine
831 OPIO B) allopurinol
C) Varenichine
D) methylphenidate D

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

52- How to measuring pain in child?

A. Numerical Rating Scales (NRS)
B. Verbal Rating Scales (VRS)
832 pain C. Visual Analog Scales (VAS)
D. Faces Pain Scale-Revised
58- Which of the following drugs has both an anti- Inflammatory and analgesic activity?
A. codeine
833 PAIN B. pethidine
C. ibuprofen
D. paracetamol C
4) A 4-week Infant is diagnosed with patent ductus arteriosis. The doctor wants to avoid
performing surgery.
Which drug will be administered to avoid surgical closure?
834 PAIN A) allopurinol
B) Indomethacin (NSAIDS should be used within 14 day of birth)
C) pseudoephedrine
D) bromopheniramine B
21- which of the following instructions should be provided to a patient receiving fentanyl
transdermal patches?
A. Apply on area with fresh wound
835 PAIN
B. Avoid increase in body core temperature
C. Store patches in the refrigerator to decrease stinging sensation
D. Apply heating pads on the transdermal patch to improve absorption B
61- A 60-year-old man with 6-year history of myocardial infarction and gout. He presented to
the clinic complain of severe pain in his first left consistent with acute gout flare. He mentions that
he can't colchicine. What is the most appropriate pharmacotherapy recommendation for his acute
flare-associated pain?
836 PAIN A. Ibuprofen
B. Allopurinol
C. Indomethacin
D. Acetaminophen
‫فيها نقاش‬ A
98- An 88-year-old frail woman with osteoarthritis has difficulty in walking and pain. She has no
other medical history and has failed numerous aids to help her with the pain. Which of the
following drugs is the best recommendation?
A. Acetaminophen
837 PAIN
B. Glucosamine D
C. Celecoxib
D. Ibuprofen
(C) ‫فيها نقاش لكن ارشح‬ C

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

66- A 65-year-old woman is suffering from osteoarthritis. She complains of severe pain and is
prescribed naproxen 500 mg twice a day, Which of the following adverse effects may be seen with
long term use of naproxen?
838 PAIN A. Cirrhosis
B. Renal failure
C. Hypotension
D. Irritable Bowel Syndrome B
21-A 45-year-old surgeon has developed symmetric early morning stiffiness in her hands. She
has to do several fong surgical procedures in the next few months. Which of the following non-
steriodal anti-inflammatory agents (NSAIDS) has the longest duration of action?
839 PAIN A. piroxicam
B. Ibuprofen
C. naproxen
D. diclofenac A
86- A 28-year-old woman who is 8 months pregnant is taking naproxen 500 mg twice daily for
the past four weeks to treat severe backache. Which of the following health issues at the time of
birth puts the neonate at higher risk?
840 PAIN A. asthma
B. cardiac arrhythmias
C. uncontrolled bleeding
D. gastroesophageal Reflux Disease C
15- Which of the following drugs has both an anti-inflammatory and analgesic activity?
A. Codeine
841 PAIN B. Pethidine
C. Ibuprofen
D. Paracetamol C
52- Which of the following is the mechanism of action of anti- inflammatory action of aspirin?
A. Inhibition of nitric oxide synthesis
842 PAIN B. Reduction in leukotrienes formation
C. Increased synthesis of prostaglandins
D. Decreased synthesis of prostaglandins D

11- Aspirin is dispensed to an infant as antipyretic, which of the following we should ask
before dispensing the medication?
A. weight
843 PAIN B. Age
C. Hight
D. Head circumference
28- patient has osteoarthritis in knee ?
A. paracetamol
844 PAIN B. gabtin
C. glucosamine

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

53- Which of the following antigout medications acts by decreasing serum levels but
increasing urine levels of uric acid, thus increasing the risk of kidney stone development?
A- colchicine
B- allopurinol
845 PAIN C- probenecid
D- rasburicase
C- pegloticase

99- what is the ibuprofen and aspirin drug drug interaction ?
A. Increase Bleeding
B. Increase Blood Pressure
846 PAIN C. Decrease Blood Pressure
D. Increase Risk Of Myopathy
121- Plant Alkaloid uses in Acute gout attack?
A- Naproxen
B- Colchicine
847 PAIN C- Allopurinol
D- Indomethacin
122- Xanthine oxidase inhibitors uses in gout?
A- Allopurinol
B- Sulindac
848 PAIN C- Naproxen
D- Indomethacin
172- elderly renal pt ?
A. Ibuprofen
B. sulindac
849 PAIN C. indomethacin
D. codaine+paracetamol
180- NSAIDs low git risk ?
850 PAIN A- Ibuprofen
B- Celecoxib
347- drug not use in gout patient ?
851 PAIN A- enalapril
B- diuretic
24- What is the main absorptive function of the colon?
A. Iron
B) Triglycerides
852 Phsi C) Water and glucose
D) Sodium, chloride, and water
N.B:-The role of the ascending colon is to absorb the remaining water and other key nutrients
from the indigestible material, D
36- Which of the following parts of the body does urea synthesis take?

853 Phsi A) Liver

B) Heart

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

C) Blood
D) Kidney

41) Which of the following is the most appropriate advice to give to asthmatic patients as non-
pharmacological management?
A. Air purifiers will help ease the patients’ symptoms
854 plum
B. OB Weight-loss is unlikely to affect their symptoms now
C. Patients should be trained on breathing exercise programs
D. OD.increase physical activity c
91- Which of the following counselling points is best to discuss with a patient who is taking
A. It can be taken with calcium supplements or dietary foods with no problems
855 PRAC B. Take it in the morning on an empty stomach, at least 30 mins (before breakfast)
C. If you miss a dose, make sure to double the next scheduled levothyroxine dose
D. Take it immediately after the breakfast with a large glass of water to avoid stomach
upset B

37- Which of the following is considered intentional non-adherence ?

A- Patient unable to swallow
B- Confusion
856 PRAC C- Forgets
D- Afraid of side effects

205- drug used after trial in hospital ?
A. internal validity
857 PRAC B. external validity
C. reliability
Which of the following have means that individuals have the capacity to understand basic
health information to make appropriate health decisions?
a. Health literacy
858 PRAC
b. Cultural competency
c. Communication skills A
d. Professional communication
Which of the following communication techniques is the most appropriate at the message you
want to deliver to a patient (or healthcare provider) is received correctly?
A. Feedback
859 PRAC
B. Direct contact
C. High voice tone
D. Non-verbal communication A

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

Which of the following strategies are used with low literacy patients to Encourage them to
change their behavior ?
A. Keep information focused and organized
860 PRAC
B. Use a normal speaking tone and volume
C. Use briefer educational sessions
D. Use more visual aids D
27) Which of the following strategies are used with older adult patients to encourage them to
change their behavior?
A. Use teach-back more often throughout the session
861 PRAC
B. Introduce new concepts more slowly
C. Use briefer educational sessions
D. Use more visual aids A
78- Which one of the following question's types is used to identify a certain piece of information?
A. Leading questions
B. Open ended questions
862 PRAC
C. Closed ended questions
D. Process and outcome questions
15) Which one of the following questioning techniques uses hints and aid patients in answering
A) Changing questions
863 PRAC
B) Empathic responding
C) Prompting while asking
D) Redirection the questions C
19-A 62-year-old man who just had a needle biopsy of pancreas adenocarcinoma. A pharmacist
saw his brother in the hall, and him not to tell the patient because the knowledge would be very
on his health. A family conference to discuss the prognosis is scheduled for later that afternoon.
What is the way for the healthcare practitioner to handle the situation?
A) The healthcare practitioner should ask the patient how he the information in front of the rest
of the family, and for some family discussion time for this matter
864 PRAC
B) The healthcare practitioner should honor the request of the member who is protecting his
beloved brother from the patient
C) The healthcare practitioner should tell the patient withholding information is not permitted
under any circum
D) The patient should withhold informing the patient about the 2 pancreatic cancer because of
the grave diagnosi B
54- Which of the following communication skills can help patient complete their train of
865 PRAC A) Closed-ended questions
B) Facial expression
C) Use of reminders C

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

D) Body posture

72- Which of the following means that individuals have the understand basic health information
to make appropriate health?
A) Health literacy
866 PRAC
B) Cultural competency
C) Communication skills
D) Professional communication A
20- A pharmacist is working in a busy community pharmacy where has several patients at the
counter. A patient brought to you for Sildenafil for erectile dysfunction.
Which of the following is the best way of communication with you to provide counseling?
A) Ask other patients to leave the pharmacy in order to commu with the patient
867 PRAC
B) To protect patient privacy, no need to communicate with just provide the drug to him
C) Ask the patient to move to a private area in the pharmacy hear you clearly and ask questions
D) Write down the instructions in a paper and provide it to him talking to him in front of other
patients C
Which of the following scenarios is considered a violation of the ethics?
A. Submitting a research approval extension request to institutional review board after
failling to finish the project within the approved period
B. Distributing questionnaires to patients waiting in emergency collect information about
868 PRAC
their health status without a consent page
C. Calling patients to collect information after telling them about the project and getting
their agreements
D. Drawing blood samples after getting the approval from institutional review board B
46) There are four principles in biomedical ethics these ethics autonomy justice, Beneficence, and
one more principle
Which of following as the fourth principles of biomedical ethics?
869 PRAC A. Privacy
B. Dilemmas
C. Non-maleficence
D. Conflict of interest C
75- Which of the following documents created by the World medical Which Association is the
statement of ethical principles for medical research involving human subjects?
A. Ethics Code
870 PRAC B. Belmont Report
C. Nuremberg Zode
D. Declaration of Helsinki

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

39) Which one of the following statements accurately explain the idea of
‟Diffusion of innovation therapy for health promotion?
A. Psychological process of creativity
871 PRAC
B. The way how people develop new idea
C. How new ideas are controlled by a culture
D. The method of disseminating innovative ideas a through a culture d
4) Which of the following measurements is used to assess patient adherence?
A. Drug Utilization reviews
872 PRAC B. Medication Event System
C. Medication Possession Ratio
D. Medication therapy management B
15) Which of the following best describe pharmacy health literacy assessment?
A. Measure how well the pharmacy is serving patients with limited health literacy skills
873 PRAC B. Discover gaps in the written information provided to served patients
C. Explore understanding of health care information by the illiterate
D. Assess the level of literacy in the served patients A
23) Research investigators must submit all research protocols to the institutional review board
and obtain approval before performing the research
What is the main purpose of this board?
874 PRAC A. To help in collecting the date
B. To provide the needed fund for the research
C. To safeguard the rights of human research subjects
D. To calculate the most appropriate sample size for the research C
32) Which of the following is used as an electronic medication dispenser to improve medication
A. Text messaging
875 PRAC
B. Cell phone calendar
C. E-pill Multi Alarm Time Cap
D. Med-E-Lert Automatic pill Dispenser D
33) A pharmacy department needs to design a system to maximize the value of the drug therapy
to the patients, which of the following systems should the pharmacy department operate?
A. Patient safety program
876 PRAC
B. Pharmacy benefit management
C. Pharmacy networking and bar-coding system
D. Communication with the prescriber and the therapist D
37) Which of the following is the major risk associated with the use of over-the- counter drugs?
A. Increased cost without benefit
877 PRAC B. Decreased drug-drug interactions
C. Increased potential for misuse and abuse
D. Increased risk of adverse events d

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

43) Which of the following situations allow for accepting verbal order?
A. In a code status
878 PRAC B. To start chemotherapy
C. When prescriber is on vacation
D. For a non-formulary drug request A
49) Which of the following is the best approach for your patient when his/here objective
measures of adherence are inconsistent with the subjective measures?
A. ‟I noticed there were some missing refills of your medication and I’m concerned that
there might be a problem
B. ‟Your refill rerecords provides that you did net refilled your medication for the few
879 PRAC
months ago, do you want to be refilled now?”EN
C. ‟Many of my patients have some difficulties remembering to take their medication,
what kind of problems have you experienced”
D. ‟Sounds like you are not sure about how to take your medicine you show me how to
take it” D
55) A patient visits pharmacy with fever and cough but has no prescription patients requests for
acetaminophen, dextromethorphan syrup, glycerin suppository and amoxicillin 500 mg capsules
Which of the following needs prescription for delivery?
880 PRAC A. Amoxicillin capsules
B. Glycerin suppository
C. Acetaminophen tablet
D. Dextromethorphan syrup A
74- which of the following systems can be integrated with computerized physician order entry to
guide physician during prescribing medications?
A. Smart plumbs
881 PRAC
B. barcode systems
C. Electronic distribution cabinets
D. Clinical decision support system D
83- Which of the following is considered a direct method to measure adherence?
A. Pill count
882 PRAC B. Pharmacy record
C. Patients’ questionnaires
D. Body drug concentration D
(2) Which of the ethical principles do violate as a pharmacist when time and give consultations to
only relative?
A) justice
883 PRAC
B) autonomy
C) beneficence
D) non-maleficence A

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

13- The treatment of tuberculosis (AntiTB) involves multiple medication have to be taken for a
long period of time.
Which of the following is the best way to ensure patient adherence AntiTB?
884 PRAC A) Apply Direct Observed Therapy, Short course strategy (DOT)
B) Add multivitamins to increase absorption of AntiTB
C) Interview the patient to assess their knowledge about AntiTB
D) Review current medications profile to avoid drug-drug inten with AntiTB A
33) Which of the following is the name of the body responsible for the approval of research in
health institutions?
A) Date Review Board
885 PRAC
B) Research Review Board
C) Institutional Review Board
D) Date and Safety Monitoring Board C
71- A hospital conducted a pharmacovigilance (PV) activity to detected events after certain
treatment, by asking patients directly and patient records.
Which of the following is the type of PV activity conducted by?
886 PRAC A) Active PV
B) Passive PV
C) Mandatory PV
D) Spontaneous PV A
85- Which of the following agents can exert an antipsychotic effect which appears to be due to a
dopamine receptor blockade in the central nervous system?
A. Fluoxetine
887 PSCY
B. Bupropion
C. Bromocriptine
D. Chlorpromazine D

46- patient with major depression should receive antidepressant

therapy for at least?
A- 2 weeks
888 PSCY B- 6 weeks
C- 2 months
D- 6 months
84- Which of the following Drugs is used for positive symptoms of schizophrenia ?
A- Haloperidol
B- Levodopa
889 PSCY C- Sertraline
D- Citalopram

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

86- what is the Clozapine test monitoring?

A. Neutropenia (ANC)
B. Liver Functions
890 PSCY C. Kidney Functions
D. Testing of Vitamin B12 Levels
94- A 22-year-old male presents to the primary care physician with complaints of
uncomfortable sensation in his legs during the day and he must constantly move them.
History reveals that he has schizophrenia and is treated with antipsychotics over the last
three months. Which of the following antipsychotic agent is this patient most likely takes.
A- Clozapine
B- Haloperidol
891 PSCY C- Olanzapine
D- Risperidone

319- A patient (she was an elderly I think 75) has a seizure, a history of arrhythmia and is
diagnosed with depression. What's the best management ?
A- Bupropion
892 PSCY B- Paroxetine
C- imipramine

16- Which of the following drugs is used for premature ejaculation?
A. Atenolol
893 PSCYTH B. Dapoxetine
C. Olanzapine
D. Aripiprazole B
100)Which of the following is a pharmacological property of chlorpromazine?
A) antihistamine
B) anti emetic drug
894 PSY C) cholinesterase inhibitor
D) selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor
N.B:-The anti-emetic effect of chlorpromazine stems from the combined blockade at histamine
H1 A
1) Which of the following Is the effect of smoking on serum olanzapine levels?
A) has no effect
895 PSY B) Increase in serum olanzapine levels
C) decrease in serum olanzapine levels
D)decrease In olanzapine levels initially then increase in It C
77- An 18-year-old obese girl with newly diagnosed depressive illness is being advised to start
antidepressant treatment. Which of the following is best to initiate?
896 PSYCH A. Bupropion
B. Paroxetine
C. Mirtazapine A

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

D. Amitriptyline

93- A 68-year-old woman with type-2 diabetes, neuropathy and seizures has been newly
diagnosed with depressive illness. Which of the following medication would be best to initiate?
A. Bupropion
B. Duloxetine
C. Paroxetine
D. Amitriptyline B
87-A 27-year-old man presents with complaints of excessive checking and cleaning habits since
childhood Obsessive compulsive disorder is diagnosed Which of the following is the most
appropriate management?
898 PSYCH A. Phentermine
B. Clomipramine
C. Levetiracetam
D. Methylphenidate B
20- Which of the following drugs that are used for mania has a narrow therapeutic index?
A. lithium
899 PSYCH B. haloperidol
C. aripiprazole
D. cholbazepam A
19- Which of the following drugs that are used for mania has a narrow therapeutic index?
A. Lithium
900 PSYCHT B. Haloperidol
C. Aripiprazole
D. Clonazepam A

186- Copd category B ttt ?

901 PUL A- ipratropium
B- Tiotropium
34- what is the therapeutic use of salbutamol?
A) antibiotic
902 pulm B) anti emetic
C) anticoagulant
D) bronchodilator D
40-Which of the following receptors is the main site of action for salbutamol to produce its
pharmacological activity in asthma?
A. Beta 1 agonist
903 pulm
B. Beta 2 agonist
C. Alpha 2 agonist
D. Alpha 2 antagonist B

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

48- Which agent is a powerful dilator of bronchial smooth muscle and can be used in the
treatment of patients with asthma?
A. phenoxybenzamine
904 Pulm
B. entacapone
C. propranolol
D. albuterol D
1- Which bio similar drug is approved for the treatment of moderate to severe allergic asthma?
A. Infliximab
905 pulm B. Efalizumab
C. Omalizumab
D. Trastuzumab C
53- Which of the following is a side effect of albuterol?
A. Convulsion
906 pulm B. Bradycardia
C. Tachycardia
D. Hypotension C

244- case about status asthmaticus?

A- saba
B- laba
907 pulm C- ics
D- Methylprednisolone
308- Medication used with exercise induce asthma ?
B- Cromlyn
908 pulm C- Cortisone
D- Salmeterol
25- Which of the following is a side effect of using inhaled corticosteroids in patient with bronchial
909 PULM A. Tachycardia
B. Hyperkalemia
C. Hypoglycemia A

324- A non-smoker patient suffers from wheezing and chest tightness, what medication
he should use ?
A. B2 agonist ‫مرشح‬
910 PULM B. corticosteroids
C. omalizumab B
‫لنقاش‬ A
380- A woman suffers from acute asthma attack, what is the best choice for her attack
A- Ipratropium
B- Tiotropium
911 PULM C- corticosteroids

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

329- Patient with lab results normal except for hypokalemia (was 3 ) which is the most
likely the cause ?
A- inhaled corticosteroids
912 PULMO B- Leukotriene antagonist
C- Inhaled beta agonist
D- Inhaled anti muscarinic
376- case asthma classification of patient has twice cough/w and no interference with
daily activity ?
A. intermediate
913 PULMO B. mild persistent
C. moderate president
D. sever persistent
182- What is the maximum beyond use date of repackage drug
A. 3 months
914 REG B. 6 months
C. 9 months
178- Phenobarbital prescription as outpatient for how many days ?
A. 30
B. 60
915 REGU C. 70
D. 90
220-Narcotics prescription?
A-7 days
B- 3 days
916 REGU C-1 month
D - 6 months
221-Non narcotics prescription ?
A- 7 days
B- 3 days
917 REGU C- 1 month
D- 6 months
309- Patient came to the pharmacy with prescription that was prescribed 95 days ago,
what should you do?
A. dispense the necessary medication only
918 REGU B. dispense for one month only
C. ask the patient for the latest prescription
D. refuse dispense
311- Who can open pharmacy in saudia
A. Only Saudi citizen
B. Can be non Saudi but register pharmacists should be there to manage shifts
919 REGU C. Can be non Saudi but manager should be Saudi citizen
D. D- only pharmacist can open

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

327- Which ministry is responsible for cases of recovery and the number of diseases
during the Hajj season ?
374- A fresh graduate was employed by a pharmaceutical company. The company asked
her to create a direct-to-consumer advertisement of one of their products that is sold in
two dosages: one for prescription and one dosage is sold OTC. Soon after the advero was
live the Saudi FDA contacted the company to take it down. Explain why ?
A- Because direct-to-consumer advertisement is prohibited in Saudi Arabia
B- Because advertisement of prescription products is prohibited in Saudi Arabia
921 REGU
C- Because they did not pay an initial fee

7) Who is responsible to promote the health in Saudi Arabia?
A. Saudi Food and Drug Authority (SFDA)
922 REGU B. Ministry of Education (MOE)
C. Ministry of Health (MOH)
D. Health Colleges C
17) Which of the following best describes the structure of the healthcare systems in Saudi
A. Primary care based
923 REGU
B. Private based care
C. 3-tier system
D. 2-tier system C
92) Who is responsible to produce regulation for practicing health professions that include
A. Minister of Health (MOH)
924 REGU
B. Dean of the college of pharmacy
C. Executive director of Saudi Food and drug Authority
D. Board of Trustees of the Saudi Commission for Health specialties D
25- Which governmental agency gives approval to generic medical enter the drug market in
Saudi Arabia after completing all requirements?
A) Ministry of Health (MOH)
925 REGU
B) Ministry of Commerce (MOC)
C) Saudi Food and Drug Authority (SFDA)
D) Saudi Commission for Health Specialists (SCFHS) C
47- Which of the following governmental bodies is responsible for diseases prevention during
926 REGU A) Ministry of Health
B) Saudi Health Council
C) Saudi Food and drug authority A

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

D) Saudi commission for Health specialists

64- Which of the following local organization's primary mission is to the safety and quality of
healthcare in health institution?
A) Saudi central board for accreditation of healthcare institutions (CBAHI)
927 REGU
B) Saudi Commission for Health Specialties (SCFHS)
C) Saudi Food and Drug Authority (SFDA)
D) Saudi pharmaceutical Society (SPS) A
20) Which of the following is the time after which morphine empty vials are to be discarded?
A. 3 months
928 REGU B. 6 months
C. 9 months
D. 12 months B
21) Which of the following is the validity of diazepam prescription (in days). According to ministry
of health rules and regulation?
A. 3
929 REGU
B. 7
C. 10
D. 14 B
59- A pharmacist is hired as in charge of controlled medication pharmacist made inventory
record for controlled medications pharmacy before the old pharmacist left.
Which of the following is most likely to receive the original record?
930 REGU A) Pharmacy
B) Hospital Administration
C) Medical Record Department
D)Saudi Food and Drug authority A
85- Which of the following drugs causes water retention?
A) codeine
931 REN B) tramadol
C) indomethacin
D) acetaminophen C

12- When to use Erythropoietin?

A. iron deficiency
932 RENA B. B12
C. folic acid
257- Polystyrene role ?
A- ⬆ ca
B- ⬆ k
933 RENA C- ⬆ ca
D- ⬆ k

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

420- Reabsorption of Amino acid in renal tubules Answer

A. Distal convolutions
B. proximal convolutions
934 RENA C. loop of Henle
D. collecting duct
61- Which of the following medications may alter the renal function?
A. isoniazid
935 RENAL B. gentamicin
C. acetaminophen
D. cyclophosphamide B
(12) What is the indication of sevelamer in a patient with chronic kidney disease?
A) hypercalcemia
936 RENAL B) aluminum toxicity
C) hypermagnesemia
D) hyperphosphatemia D
12- An 80-year-old female patient is admitted to the hospital for pyelonephritis- With sepsis. Her
past medical history includes myocardial infarction heart failure, hypertension and osteoporosis.
She is initiated on trimethoprim/sulfanilamide (TMP/SMX). Her other medication includes
lisinopril, digoxin, furosemide, carvedilol and calcium carbonate. Her labs are shown in the table
(see lab result).
CREATININE 81.41 44 – 115UMOL/L
937 renal
Which of the following is the best assessment for this patient’s renal function?
A. Her SCr is in the normal range, and no dosage adjustments are necessary
B. Her SCr is in the normal range but her BUN is elevated, so dosages may need to be
C. Because of the pyelonephritis, she will have renal dysfunction, and dosages may need to
be adjusted
D. Because of her age, she will have some degree of renal dysfunction and dosage may
need to be adjusted A
59- Which of the following is a potassium-sparing diuretic?
A. Furosemide
938 RENAL B. Spironolactone
C. Acetazolamide
D. Hydrochlorothiazide B
56- What is the clinical indication for Epoetin Alfa?
A. anemia in renal failure patient
939 RENAL B. iron deficiency anemia
C. anemia in pregnancy
D. sickle cell anemia A

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

93- Which pharmacokinetic parameter estimates the renal function?

A. serum creatinine
940 RENAL B. intrinsic ciearance
C. blood urea nitrogen
D. creatinine clearance D
18- Which of the following is the mechanism by which probenecid increases the duration of
action of ampicillin when administered at the same time?
A. Increasing the glomerular filtration
B. Increasing the intestinal absorption
C. Inhibition of renal tubular secretion
D. Inhibition of renal tubular reabsorption C
61-which of the following is the reason why magnesium-containing antacids should be avoided
in patients with renal failure?
A. Increased renal el eased renal elimination of magnesium
B. Decreased renal elimination of magnesium
C. Increased magnesium absorption in renal failure
D. Decreased magnesium absorption in renal failure B

34- target hemoglobin in kidney disease on Darbepoetin?

943 RENAL A- 10-12

241-treatment of metabolic alkalosis ?

A. ca carbonate
B. saline .9
944 RENAL C. ringer lactate
D. dopamine iv
259- Which of the following prevent renal injury ?
A- Vit C
945 RENAL B- Vit D
C- i.v fluid
261- Metabolic acidosis what is increase ?
A- Pco2
946 RENAL B- CO2
262- Metabolic acidosis what is decrease ?
A- Pco2
C- CO2
303-Pt wit metabolic alkalosis and edema use ?
A- ringer
948 RENAL B- isotonic
C- acetazolamide

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

335- Estimating GFR using Creatinine clearance Cockcroft-Gault equation is used for which
patients ?
A. Pts on dialysis
949 RENAL B. Pts with AKI
C. Pts with normal kidney function
D. Pts with stable CKD
379- Why thiazide not recommended in kidney pt ?
A. Because expensive
950 RENAL B. Not used in case of kidney impairment
C. Cause depletion in K & NA
385- In to ICU, what is the best thing to do in order to evaluate the kidney function?
A. BUN and urine volume
B. quantity on a daily basis
951 RENAL C. urinalysis

82- A 70-year-old man has been prescribed several medications by the physician, which are
eliminated by kidney. His body is 80 Kg and serum creatinine is 0.194 mmol/I (2.2 mg/dl).Which of
the following equation is most appropriate to calculate his creatinine clearance?
952 RENAL A. Schwartz
B. Shull et al
C. Counahan-Barratt
D. Cochroft and Gault D
89) Which of the following drugs used in rheumatoid arthritics can be dosed once a week?
A) hydroxychloroquine
953 RHEU B) methotrexate
C) sulfasalazine
D) prednisone B
(6) A 68-year-old man was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis 1 month ago. He has high
disease activity as per the patient activity scale a eposions on radiograph. A trial of non-
pharmacologic therapy is ineffective.
Which of the following is the best drug therapy?
954 RHEU
A) hydroxylchloroquine
B) mercaptopurine
C) adalimumab
D) abatacept A
5) A 73-year-old man is diagnosed with osteoarthritis of the knee. Which of the following is the
best initial therapy?
A) Ibuprofen
955 RHUM B) Gabapentin
C) Acetaminophen
D) Glucosamine sulfate
N.B:- C

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

Acetaminophen should be used as first-line therapy for mild osteoarthritis. Nonsteroidal anti-
inflammatory drugs are superior to acetaminophen for treating moderate to severe osteoarthritis.

36- Rheumatoid arthritis take methotrexate and still not improved

after 3 months ?
A. add Adalimumab and abatacept
956 RHUM B. add HCQ (Hydroxychloroquine)
C. continue methotrexate
D. Dswitch to another medication
85- Methotrexate contraindication in?
A - Pediatric
B - Osteoporosis
957 RHUM C- Breastfeeding
D- Heart Failure
patient age 70 has rheumatoid arthritis disease severity mild and took methotrexate for 3
months after that the patient disease progressed to moderate, what to do ?
A- continue methotrexate
B- add hydroxychloroquin
958 rhum C- start abatacept
D- start adalimumab + abatacept

16) Which of the following medication error is difficult to prevent?
A. Omission error
B. Wrong time error
C. Incorrect duration of treatment
D. Allergic reactions to an unknown patient
42) Which of following prescriptions may have a potential to cause medication error ?
A. Amlodipine 5.0 mg PO OD
960 SAFTY B. Thyroxin 25 mcg PO daily
C. Acetaminophen 500mg PO TID
D. Regular insulin 5 units subcutaneously STAT A
39)-A patient medication was changed from carbamazepine to phenytoin The technician pulled
the 100 mg tablets of phenobarbital off instead of the 30 mg tablets. The pharmacist did not
notice that when the prescription was checked.
The patient received a higher phenobarbital and was hospitalized for few days for observation.
961 SAFTY Which of the following is the best statement concerning this situation?
A) This is considered as adverse drug reaction
B) The physician should have informed the pharmacist about prescription's change
C) The patient should be aware of what he was prescribed and the difference
D) This is preventable medication error if the pharmacy in safety measures D

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

69- An ambulatory care pharmacist received a prescription for (liraglutide) (REMS), from
Bariatric Endocrine consultant as per medication under (REMS) should be provided to the patient
with documents.
Which of the following is the meaning of (REMS) beside the name?
962 safty
A) This medication has teratogenicity effect
B) This medication is under (restriction and evaluation medication Strategy)
C) This medication is under (Risk Evaluation and Mitigation)
D)This medication is under (Restriction Evaluation Medication) C
28-Which of the following drugs require extra precautions during handing to ensure medication
SAFTY A. Methotrexate
HZD B. Potassium
C. Dopamine
D. Thiamine A
42-Which of the following effects is considered an adverse drug reaction related to extension of
drug's pharmacological action?
A. Hypotension with nifedipine
B. Hepatic necrosis with acetaminophen
C. Dry mouth with tricyclic antidepressants
D. Interstital nephritis secondary to penicillin D
55- To ensure safe and proper disposal of hazardous waste, a color- coded system was created.
Which of the following colors is the color of hazardous waste containers?
A. red
B. blue
C. yellow
D. orange C
51- A patient came to the pharmacy returning phenytoin 30 mg suspension bottles. He
explained that when he opened the second after consuming the first one, he noticed the solution
has different. The pharmacist dispensed another bottle to the patient and the event in the patient
966 SAFTY Which one of the following reports the pharmacist show product?
A) Opportunity Report form
B) Quality Defects Reporting Form
C) Adverse Drug Event Reporting Form
D) Medication Returned by patient form B

125- Which the following is needs a double check ?

A- Anti inflammatory
B- Anti depression
967 SAFTY C- Anti thrombosis
D- Antibiotics

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

153- Which of the Following is required to consider an adverse drugs event report
A. drugs dose
B. patients tall
968 SAFTY C. event name
D. reports phone

166- Most source of infection in sterile area is ??
A. People
B. roof
969 SAFTY C. table
D. equipment
170- What is the most high risk when happen error?
A. Look Like Medication
970 SAFTY B. High Alert Medication
C. Sound Like Medication
299- How is first one to prevent medication error ?
A- Pharmacist
B- Nurse
971 SAFTY C- Doctor
D- Patient
322- ding a patient centered pharmaceutical care clinic. What is the difference between
errors and violations options?
A. Errors are common but violations are rare
972 SAFTY B. Errors can be corrected but violations cannot be corrected
C. Errors are made by experienced professionals, but violations are made by
inexperienced professionals
343- which of the following systems can be integrated with computerized physician order
entry to guide physician during prescribing medications ?
A. Smart plumbs
B. barcode systems
973 SAFTY C. Electronic distribution cabinets
D. Clinical decision support system

406- A nurse ordered epinephrine from the pharmacy, 15 minutes later she called the
pharmacy and no one answered. Then she took a vial form the crash cart and prepared it
for the patient herself and administered safely to the patient. What did this nurse do
wrong ?
974 SAFTY A. prepare the medication herself
B. Used the crash cart for non-emergency cases
C. There was a high chance of error

57- Which of the following substances is used to disinfect gloves during compounding sterile
A. liquid soap
B. 70% isopropyl alcohol B

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

C. sodium hypochlorite 5%
D. sulfuric acid and nitric acid (3:1)

35) Which of the following is required to consider an adverse drug event report a valid report?
A. Drug dose
976 SAFTY B. Patients tall
C. Event name
D. Reporter’s phone C
76- Which of the following method is successful in reducing medication error and enhance
patient safety in hospitals?
A. Performing continuous education sessions on safe dispensing
B. Providing the pharmacy with the most updated drug references
C. Implementation of computerized physician order entry (CPOE) system
D. Encourage medical staff to participate in conferences and scientific meetings regular C
(1) Which of the following error detection strategies result in limiting detection?
A) bar-coding
978 SAFTY B) trigger tools
C) voluntary reporting
D) mandatory reporting D
95- A patient is admitted to the hospital for the treatment of atrial fibrillation.
During hospital stay, the patient receives IV diltiazem was discharge on oral diltiazem plus his
previous antihypertensive medication verapamil.
Which of the following medication error-reduction programs Would most likely have helped to
979 SAFTY prevent this duplication of therapy?
A. Bar Coding
B. High-Risk Drug Protocol
C. Medication Reconciliation
D. Computerized physician order entry C
9) A 25-years-old male is admitted due to hypersensitivity reaction to some drug ingestion four
hours ago. Patient is given a drug which causes dilation of vessels in muscle ,constriction of
cutaneous vessels ,and positive inotropic and chronotropic effects on the heart
Which of the following is the most likely drug given?
A. Adrenaline
B. Isoproterenol
C. Acetylcholine
D. Metaproterenol A
(46) Which of following is a vasopressor that is given in a fixed dose without titration for
patients with septic shock?
981 SHOCK A. dopamine
B. vasopressin
C. epinephrine B

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

D. norepinephrine

383- Septic shock patient unresponsive to Fluid and CKD what will you Give?
A. vasopressin
B. dopamine
982 SHOCK C. Norephenphrine

419- which of the following treatment Anaphylaxis shock ?
A. Monotherapy
B. Triple Therapy
C. binary therapy
3) A 7-year-old girl is brought to the clinic with complain of itchy scalp. Examination shows lice
What is the best management?
A) permethrin
B) magic mouth wash
984 SKIN
C) ketoconazole shampoo
D) dimethicone lotion
N.B:-100 % dimethicone was found to be a safe and highly effective treatment for pediatric
head lice. Because dimethicone avoids pesticide exposure and resistance issues, dimethicone
should be considered as a first-line treatment for head lice D
33-A 16-years old girl present with severe recalcitrant nodular acne Which of the following drugs
is recommended for treatment?
A. Estrogen
985 SKIN
B. Isotretinoin
C. Clindamycin 1%
D. Tretinoin 0.05% B

264- What’s ( Z ) in statistics ?

A- dependent
B- independent
986 STAT C- sample size
D- standard score or standard deviations

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

289- Animal reproduction studies have shown an adverse effect on the fetus and there are
no adequate and well-controlled studies in humans,28- p value ?
A- > signficant clinical
B- < signficant statical
987 STAT C- > signficant statical
D- < signficant clinical

76) Which one of the following measures can be classified as a central tendency?
A) Confidence interval
988 STAT B) Standard deviation
C) Sampling error
D) Validity B
61- researcher reported the data (see image). What is the name of this chart?
A) Pie chart
B) Histogram
989 STAT C) Forest plot
D) Funnel plot

10) From the following data of the highest in cm of 11 pediatric patients: 103, 107 ,110 ,124 ,129,
131 ,136 ,140 ,142 ,145 ,150
What does the value (131) represent?
990 STAT A. Mode
B. Mean
C. Median
D. Confidence interval C
(4) In statistical testing:
Which of the following is the interpretation of the result of a statistical test denoted P?
A) the null hypothesis HO is rejected if P> 0.05
991 STAT
B) the null hypothesis HO is accepted if P < 0.05
C) the null hypothesis H0 is rejected if p <0.05
D) the null hypothesis HO is accepted if p> 0.05 D.C
(7) 4 Which of the following is used to determine the significance of the result?
A) p value
992 STAT B) odds ratio
C) hazard risk
D) relative risk A
35- Which of the following reflect the significance of sample evidence?
A) The p-value
993 STAT B) The F-ratio
C) Value of alpha
D) The importance of the sample A

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

57- Which of the following is the interpretation of a P-value of 0.05?

A) There is 0.05% probability that the result is due to random chance
B) There is 5% probability that the results are due to random
994 STAT
C) There is 50% probability that the results are due to random
D) There is 95% probability that the results are due to random
37- Which of the following best describes prednisone pharmacological activity?
A. A uricosuric agent
995 STEROID B. An anesthetic agent
C. An antipyretic agent
D. An anti-inflammatory agent D
17- Which of the following glucocorticoids has the lowest potency?
A. Prednisone
996 STEROID B. Triamcinolone
C. Hydrocortisone
D. Dexamethasone C
74- Which of the following exhibits highest anti-inflammatory Potency?
A. prednisone
997 STEROID B. triamcinolone
C. hydrocortisone
D. betamethasone D
2) Which of the following is the disadvantage of conducting randomized controlled trial ?
A. Expensive
998 STUDAY B. High possibility of bias
C. Difficult to control confounders
D. Cannot be used for hypothesis testing A
8) Which of the following is the type of studies considers data from multiple studies of
different designs to draw conclusions ?
A. Case Series
B. Double-blind study
C. Systematic review
D. Consensus statement C
29) The authors report two isolated gastro-intestinal tuberculosis in renal transplant recipients
that illustrates the difficulty of making this diagnosis and a brief review of the literature on its clinical
presentation, diagnosis and therapeutic approach.
What is the type of study in the above-mentioned abstract?
A. Case-series
B. Cohort studies
C. Case-control studies
D. Cross-sectional studies A

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

38) Scenario: A study located a group of subjects with lymphoma and went to identify which
subjects are smokers and which are not.
Which of the following study designs is used to conduct the study in the scenario?
1001 STUDAY A. Case-series
B. Cross-sectional study
C. Prospective cohort study
D. Retrospective cohort study d
69- A group of patents with diabetes were interviewed to determine they are currently eating
fast food or not. Which epidemiological study design is this?
A. Cohort
B. Case-control
C. Cross-sectional
D. Randomized control trial C
72- Which of the following study design is the best to use to assess the awareness on the usage
of vitamin D supplements among people of Jeddah
A. Cohort study
B. Case report study
C. Case control study
D. Cross sectiona study D
50- Which of the following situation demonstrates a direct association pharmacoepidemiologic
A) The study reveals that it is not a false association
B) The regression provides misleading statistical evidence
C) The association between two variables is a result of another
D) The association between the two attributes is not through attributes C
Which of following studies are more susceptible to recall bias?
A. Retrospective cohort
B. Prospective cohort study
1005 STUDY
C. Randomized controlled trial
D. Non-randomized controlled trial
45) Which Of the following studies represent cost-effectiveness analyses study?
A. Comparing costs for 2 therapeutically equivalent products
1006 STUDY B. Comparing costs and savings of a pharmacist serves versus
C. Comparing patients achieving control as the outcome for 2 anti-hyperglycemic drugs
D. Comparison of costs of 2 chemotherapy regime with the cost C using best supportive care C
51) Which of the following terms measures the association between the exposure and the
1007 STUDY A. P value
B. Risk ratio
C. Standard deviation B

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

D. Confidence interval

85- In pharmacoeconomic studies, the costs (inputs) for types of analyses are measured in
dollars but the pharmacoeconomic method selected will depend on how the outcomes are
Which of the following analysis described the method when patient preferences for alternative
1008 STUDY treatments are being considered as the outcome?
A. Cost-Minimization
B. Cost-Effectiveness
C. Cost-Benefit
D. Cost-Utility D
89- A researcher gathered all vitamin E studies from past ten years. Vitamin E was used for a
variety of condition. The populations studied as well as the vitamin E formulations and doses were
all different. The researcher compared the incidences of cardiovascular-related mortality in those
taking vitamin E supplements versus those that did not.
1009 STUDY Which of the following best describe this type of study?
A) Meta analysis
B) Cohort study
C) Observational study
D)Controlled clinical trial B
43- If a study is to follow a group of smokers and a group of nonsmoker’s time, and see which
ones eventually develop lymphoma and which. What do you call this study design?
A) Retrospective cohort study
1010 STUDY
B) Prospective cohort study
C) Cross-sectional study
D) Case-series B
63- Which of the following is an intervention study?
A) Cohort
1011 STUDY B) Ecological
C) Case-Control
D) Randomized Clinical Trial D
78- Researchers compare a group of people who have diabetes with of people who have no
diabetes, and looks back in time to see characteristics of the two groups differ. Which of the
following is the described study design?
1012 STUDY A) Prospective cohort
B) Case-Control
C) Experimental
D) Randomized clinical B

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

80- Which of the following is the appropriate defined pharmacoepidemiology?

A) The study of chronic diseases
1013 STUDY B) The study of infectious diseases in large populations (Epidemiology)
C) The study of the use of and effects of drugs in large number people
D) The study of the distribution and determinants of diseases populations C
81-A study that investigate if drinking coffee led to coronary hear found that there is a
correlation between two variables. However, drinkers are more often smokers than the average
and, correlation between drinking coffee and nicotine consumption, strong causal correlation
between smoking and the incidence of heart disease.
1014 STUDY Which of the flowing type of bias affect this study results?
A) Measurement errors
B) Hawthorne effect
C) Information bias
D) Confounding D
13- which of the following section of a research paper describes the aims and objectives?
A. Method
1015 STUDY B. Discussion
C. Introduction
D. Date analysis C
In 2017, a research paper published in NEJM" found that the canagliflozin, an antidiabetic drug
belongs to SGLT2 cardiovascular renal, hospitalization, and death events were the figure (see
image). Which one of the following statements is correct bearing in mind of Canagliflozin?
1016 STUDY
A) Exacerbates albuminuria
B) Causes cardiovascular deaths
C) Increases the chance of fatal strokes
D) Has protective effect against cardiovascular deaths D
57- which of fallowing statement study about rare disease.
1017 STUDY A- case control
65- observational study about relation between someone who eats fatty food and obesity
1018 STUDY A- Association
B - causality

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

80- 1study that investigate if drinking coffee led to coronary hear found that there is a
correlation between two variables. However, drinkers are more often smokers than the
average and, correlation between drinking coffee and nicotine consumption, strong causal
correlation between smoking and the incidence of heart disease. Which of the flowing
type of bias affect this study results ?
A. Measurement
1019 STUDY B. Information Bias
C. Confounding

102- The authors report two isolated gastro- intestinal tuberculosis in renal transplant
recipients that illustrates the difficulty of making this diagnosis and a brief review of the
literature on its clinical presentation, diagnosis and therapeutic approach. What is the
type of study in the above mentioned abstract ?
A. Case-Series
B. Cohort Studies
1020 STUDY C. Case-Control Studies
D. Cross-Sectional Studies

276-The best study design to determine side effects of drugs ?
A- case control
B- Cohort study
1021 STUDY C- systemic review
D- randomized control trial
277- which the best study design to the rare disease
A- case control
B- Cohort study
1022 STUDY C- systemic review
D- case series
278- which the best Study with risk factor?
A. case control
B. Cohort study
1023 STUDY C. Prospective cohort study
D. case series
392- A study is considered if ?
A. If you get approval from the Ethics Committee
1024 STUDY B. If you rely on numbers
C. Volunteer Consent
32) Which of the following population is studied in phase I clinical trial ?
A) Healthy participants
1025 STUDY B) Patients with single disease
C) Patients with multiple diseases
D) Patients in real world practice A

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

49- Which one of the following designs could be deemed a study?

A) Cohort
1026 STYDY B) Clinical trials
C) Case-control
D) Cross-sectional B

73- Patient has burn in finger?

A. Ice
B. ointment
1027 ther C. running water
burning: Ginger, cool water, Note: Natural products of honey, coconut oil, vinegar

(38) A 33-year-old woman with no underlying medical condition came to a clinic in with
complaints of dysuria, urinary frequency and urgency, and suprapubic tenderness. She was
diagnosed with urinary tract infection and treated with trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole.
Which of the following is an objective parameter to assess the effectiveness of drug therapy?
1028 THER
A. resolution of back pain
B. decrease in cough frequency
C. improved ability to concentrate
D. normalization of white blood cells D
53) A 3-year-old girl with symptoms of caught for the past 2 days came to the clinic with her
mother. She has no fever and no other symptoms. Which of the following is the appropriate
1029 THER A. Vicks
B. Honey
C. Diphenhydramine
D. Dextromethorphan B
7- which of the following lifestyle measures help in reducing chronic constipation?
A. Increasing physical activity
1030 THER B. Taking iron supplementation
C. Drinking 4-5 cups of coffee daily
D. Consuming more protein especially red meat A
29-A 48-year-old man patient is receiving parental nutrition (PN) at the following intravenous
rate of infusion on daily basis: At 21:00 start PN at a rate of 40 ml/hr x 1 Hr
At 22:00 increase Pn to a rate of 80 ml/Hr x 12 Hr At 10:00 reduce PN to a rate of 40 ml/Hr x1 Hr
At 11:00 stop PN
1031 THER Which of the following best describes the mode of PN administration in this patient?
A. Continues PN
B. Peripheral PN
C. Home PN
D. Cyclic PN D

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

92- Which of the following is the best treatment for a 75 year-old woman with urinary
A. Imipramine
1032 THER
B. Oxybutynin
C. Duloxetine
D. D. Doxazosin B
20- Which of the following vitamins deficiencies lead to ștomatitis?
A. A
1033 THER B. B (B2)
C. D
D. E B
48- Which of the following drug can be used to treat myasthenia gravis?
A. Chloroprocaine
1034 THER B. Pyridostigmine
C. Rapamycin
D. Nadolol B
9- What is the clinical use for acetylcysteine?
A. Cough suppressant
1035 THER B. Hemostatic
C. Mucolytic
D. Laxative C
68- Which of the following conditions is treated with desmopressin?
A. psoriasis
1036 THER B. endometriosis
C. nocturnal enuresis
D. attention deficit disorder C
32- A 37-year-old man presents with tinnitus and transient hearing loss. Meniere's disease is
diagnosed. Which of the following is the most appropriate management?
A. cycloserine
1037 THER
B. flucytosine
C. betahistine
D. diphenoxylate C
65- Which of the following is the most common side effect of diphenhydramine (Benadryl)?
A. cough
1038 THER B. angina
C. diarrhea
D. drowsiness D
95-A 300 mg of the herbal medicine Aesculus (Horse Chestnut) tablet contains 22% of aescin.
Which of the following disease can be treated effectively with this pharmaceutical preparation?
1039 THER
A. hemorrhoids
B. gastric ulcer A

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

C. cardiac arrhythmias
D. irritable bowel syndrome

39- Which of the following vitamin deficiency causes Pellagra disease?

A. Niacin (vit b3)
1040 THER B. Biotin
C. Riboflavin
D. Cyanocobalamin A
72-which of the following statements best describes drug dependence?
A) discontinuation of the drug will produce withdrawal symptoms
1041 THER B) action of one drug is dependent on the presence of another drug
C) discontinuation of the drug will not produce withdrawal symptoms
D) patients progressively require Increasingly larger doses of drug to achieve the same effect A
(14) Which of the following increases the risk of aspiration during enteral feeding administration?
A. continuous feeding regimens
1042 THER B. high gastric residual prior to feeding
C. feeding with high-carbohydrate content
D. feeding a patient while in the upright position B
51- A 26-year-old woman, part of the national swimming team, complains of lack of energy for
couple of months. The training sessions are now becoming more challenging for her. She eats a
balanced vegetation diet. She has experienced heavy menstrual bleeding in the last year (see lab
Test Result Normal value
Hgb 9 120-160 g/l
MCH 22 28-33pg/cell
MCV 70 80 -95 fl
Reticulocyte 0.2 0.2-1.2%
Platelets count 350 150-400*109/L
1043 THER
WBC 5 4.5-10.5*109/L
Total iron binding capacity 65 9-30.4 umol/L

What would be the best recommendation?

A. Iron tablets with ascorbic acid
B. Iron tablets on an empty stomach
C. Slow-release iron tablets with food
D. Iron tablets with a cup of coffee or tea
N.B:-ascorbic acid(vit c) faciliate absorption of iron A

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

225- Stomatitis due to deficiency ?

A- vit c
1044 THER B- vit B2
C- vit E
???? B
290-what is the drugs we do not give old people ?
A- amlodipine
1045 THER B- metoprolol
C- Metoclopramide
305- On of the following medications is not affecting the potassium level ?
A- salbutamol
B- digoxin
1046 THER C- insulin
D- sodium polystyrene sulfonate
E- fosinopril
312-Before dispensing of TPN which drug should be discontinued?
A- Propofol
B- dexmetomidine
1047 THER C- glycylcycline (tetracycline)
C- Fentanyl

313- Patient is with difficulty in urine, he was previously with urine incontinence, he is
feeling dizziness and hypertensive, his bp is 140/90. He is taking Lisinopril, HCTZ and
Oxybutynin, which is possible intervention ?
A. DC Oxybutynin
1048 THER
B. DC lisinopril and Oxy
C. DC HCTZ and Oxy
D. Continue all A
398- Pt has HTN, DM, Asthma and he came because he has a cough and wheezing, and
high blood glucose. What will you treat first ?
A. Asthma then DM then HTN
1049 THER B. DM then asthma then HTN
C. HTN then Asthma then DM

418- Pt has crohn’s disease he takes Sulfasalazine But the symptoms gets worse what is
the best option to ?
A. Cyclosporine
1050 THER B. Acetaminophen
C. Prednisone
44- A 74-year-old man with chest infection is admitted to a teaching.
The patient requires chest an X-ray. The chief resident bronchoscopy to be conducted. One of
her reasons for this decision allow an inexperienced intern to practice this technical procedure.
1051 THER
Which of the following describes his action?
A) Individual patients are not obligated to participate in the society's future physicians, but if the
patients agree, it is D

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

B) Good as this is a teaching hospital and the student have these skills to function effectively as
C) Procedures involving any risk should be performed only for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes but
not teaching
D) The senior physician should remain present when inexpen students make this procedure
88- Which one of the following side effects is associated with bisphosphonates use?
A. headache
1052 THERA B. blurred vision
C. hypotension
D. osteonecrosis of the jaw D
old patient has HF and HTN and he has runny nose and other symptoms
What is the best analgesic ?
A. Diclofenac and diphenhydramine
B. Diclofenac and loratadine
1053 THERA C. paracetamol and pseudoephedrine
D. paracetamol and Oxymetazoline

43) A 56-year-old farmer man has a significant history of animal contacts (goats and
sheep) complains. Of low-grade fever (on/off) for 3 months, lethargy, anorexia, cough
and weight loss. He weeks a medical advice from a pharmacist at local pharmacy in the
village. He asks for over the counter (OTC) medications for his illness. Which of the following
1054 THRT is the most appropriate recommendation?
A. doxycycline plus paracetamol for possible brucellosis
B. refer him to the nearest hospital for further investigation
C. ibuprofen 400 mg PO bid after food for 7 days for his fever
D. paracetamol 500 mg PO PRN until subside of his symptoms B
93) Which of the following toxins can be used therapeutically?
A. aflatoxin
1055 TOXI B. saxitoxin
C. ꭤ-bungarotoxin
D. botulinum toxin D
94- A 60-year-old man presents with profound hypotension and tachycardia. He has been on
nifedipine for hypertension and accidently took the over dose of it.
Which of the following is the most appropriate management?
1056 TOXI A. normal saline
B. insulin-dextrose
C. calcium gluconate
D. potassium chloride C
98- A 2-year-old boy was found with an empty bottle of 100 chewable multivitamins.
Each tablet contained 18 mg iron. He is asymptomatic at time of presentation to the emergency
1057 TOXI department.
Which of the following methods of gastrointestinal decontamination would be most
appropriate? C

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

A. gastric lavage
B. activated charcoal
C. whole bowel irrigation
D. multi-dose activated charcoal
18- Which of the following is the most likely mechanism of carbon monoxide poisoning?
A. Inhibits the gag reflex
1058 TOXI B. Paralyzes the muscles of the diaphragm
C. Decreases the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood
D. Reacts with amino acids in the body to form ammonia C
19- Which detoxification pathway is active paracetamol toxicity?
A. Oxidation
1059 TOXI B. Reduction
C. Conjugation with glucuronide
D. CYP-450 dependent glutathione D
99- Which of the following is the antidote for cholinesterase inhibitor mild toxicity?
A. atropine
1060 TOXI B. carnitine
C. deferoxamine
D. sodium thiosulfate A
3- Which of the following is the most likely mechanism of carbon monoxide poisoning?
A. inhibits the gag reflex
1061 TOXI B. paralyzes the muscles of the diaphragm
C. Decreases the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood
D. reacts withh amino acids in the body to form ammonia C
23- A 12-year-old boy is brought to the Emergency with complaints of inability to open eyes and
difficulty in breathing. History revealed snake bite.
Examination shows anxious, tachycardia and tachypnea, bilateral ptosis, no bite mark seen and
no swelling of the. Limb (see lab result).
1062 TOXI

Which of the following is the next course of action?

A. keep the patient under observation
B. reassure the patient and send home with anxiolytic
C. give Anti-snake venom (ASV) plus Neostigmine and keep under observation
D. give Anti-snake venom (ASV) and keep under observation C
34- Which of the following drugs/substance would exacerbate the poisoning effects of
1063 TOXI A. Ethanol
B. Cimetidine
C. Valproic acid (cause hepatic failure) A

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

D. Norethindrone

50- A 62-year-old patient, otherwise healthy, was brought to the Emergency Department in a
confused state after ingesting one green fruit of castor bean two hours ago. He had vomit once at
home. He had dryness of mouth and the pupils were bilaterally dilated with sluggish reaction to
light. He was treated symptomatically with activated charcoal. Which of the following is the main
1064 TOXI active constituent responsible for the toxic effect of castor seeds?
A. Ricin
B. Barbaloin
C. Mezerein
D. Ergotamine A
80- The graph represents a quantal dose-response curve of a drug (see image)
What is the median lethal dose (LD50) of the drug?
A. 5
1065 TOXI
B. 10
C. 20
D. 50 20
164- Which electrolyte disturbance lead to digoxin toxicity ?
A. Na
B. K
1066 TOXI C. Mg
D. Ca
207-Which drug need ECG monitoring?
A- Oral digoxin
1067 TOXI B- IV potassium
C- Doxorubicin
407-The Arabs were old used kohl for children What is the harmful substance in kohl ?
A- lead
B- mercury
1068 TOXI C- zinc

410- what is the recommended dose of IV N-acetyl cysteine for 6 years child ?
A. 2_5mg/kg
1069 TOXI B. 20-15mg/kg

# DOSE : 50-150 ( FIRST 150 THEN 50 THEN 100)

41) An 81-year-old man presents with urinary hesitancy and difficult for the past 1 month. He
has a history of urine incontinence, and his physician suspects that he may have benign prostatic.
He is currently taking oxybutynin and lisinopril.
1070 URO
Which of the following interventions is the most appropriate?
A) Discontinue oxybutynin
B) Discontinue Lisinopril A

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

C) Start alfuzosin
D) Start prazosin

217- Should drugs be freezing?

A. Interferon
1071 vacc B. Vaccine
C. solution
34) A-65-year-old man asks about vaccination before he leaves for summer vacation next month
.He brings his vaccination record for the past 4 years (see table) Today’s Date : 05/31/2014
DATE Vaccination
8/2011 Herps Zoster
Every year Influenza
1072 vacc 10/2011 Pneumococcal
Which vaccination should this patient receive?
A. Influenza
B. Hepatitis A
C. Measles ,Mumps ,Rubella
D. Pneumococcal polysaccharide D
36) Which of the following vaccines is contraindicated in a pregnant woman?
A. Polio vaccine
1073 vacc B. Influenza (inactivated) vaccine
C. Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR)
D. Tetanus, diphtheria ,Pertussis(T dap) c
47) Which of the following terms describes living microbe with reduced virulence, and used for
A. Virulent
1074 VACC
B. Dormant
C. Attenuated
D. Encapsulated C
90- Which of the following vaccines is contraindicated in pregnant woman?
A. Hepatitis B
1075 VACC B. BCG vaccine
C. Polio vaccine
D. Meningococcal vaccine B
5) Which of the following vaccines is recommended for people at the age of ≥65 years?
A) hepatitis B vaccine
1076 VACC B) pneumococcal vaccine
C) meningococcal vaccine
D) DTaP vaccine (diphtheria,tetanus,pertussis) B

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

(15) A 33-year-old woman with history of migraine and hypothyroidism, she is a nurse with one
son and she is currently 15-weeks pregnant. She Is concerned about vaccination and seeks your
1077 VACC Which of the following vaccines is contraindicated?
A) hepatitis B
B) inactivated influenza
C) MMR (measles, mumps, and rubella) C
75- Which of the following age groups is inactivated polio recommendation?
A) Immediately after birth
1078 VACC B) Children up to 6 years old
C) Children more than 10 years old
D) Recommended for all age groups B
8-A 33-year-old is woman with history of migraine and hypothyroidism. She is a nurse with one
son and she is currently 15-weeks pregnant. She is considered about vaccinations and seeks your
Which of the following vaccines is contraindicated?
1079 VACC
A. Hepatitis B
B. Inactivated influenza
C. MMR (measles, mumps, and rubella)
D. Tetanus, Diphtheria, and pertussis (Tdap) C
(32) A 55-year-old man is being treated with IV acyclovir for herpes simplex virus (HSV)
encephalitis. He wants to know if he can receive varicella vaccine today.
Which of the following should be the best response?
1080 VACC A. yes, because it is important to prevent future HSV infection
B. yes, because varicella vaccine is not related to HSV infection
C. no, because varicella vaccine may not work if given today
D. no, because he is currently acutely I'lI C
(35) Which of the following is most appropriate to give hepatitis B vaccine for unvaccinated
A. 1 dose vaccine intramuscularly
1081 VACC
B. no vaccination is recommended
C. 1 dose vaccine intramuscularly every year
D. 3 doses vaccine series administered intramuscularly at 0, 1, and 6 months D
55- Which of the following vaccines is recommended within the first twelve hours of birth?
A. Varicella
1082 VACC B. Hepatitis A
C. Hepatitis B
D. D. Measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) C
56- Which of the following vaccines is recommended to be given at birth in Saudi Arabia?

1083 VACC A. Rotavirus vaccine

B. Hepatitis A vaccine

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C. Hepatitis B vaccine
D. Haemophilus influenza type B vaccine

60- A woman is pregnant in her third trimester. Which of the following vaccines can LA receive?
A. Influenza
1084 VACC B. Varicella
D. Rota A
67- Which of the following vaccines is used to prevent cervical cancer?
A. Zoster
1085 VACC B. Varicella
C. Human papilloma-virus
D. Tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis C
70- Which of the following vaccinations needs to be proofed for persons working in a
healthcare setting?
A. Tetanus
1086 VACC
B. Varicella
C. Rota virus
D. Hepatitis B D
85- Which of the following vaccines is specifically indicated for all pregnant woman during
each pregnancy, in addition to influenza vaccine?
A. Hepatitis B vaccine
1087 VACC
B. Hepatitis A vaccine
C. Pneumococcal vaccines
D. Tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis D
70- Which of the following could be stored in a freezing unit ?
A. Insulin
1088 VACC B. Interferon
C. varicella vaccine
D. Human growth hormone C

14- vaccine prior pilgrim (hajj)

A- Influenza + meningococcal (MCV)
B- hpv
1089 VACC C- pcv
D- mmr
158- Which vaccine has maximum age ?
1090 VACC C- Rota
D- Measles

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

192-a child came to the hospital 4 days ago and given amoxicillin prednisone for 5 days
and (I forgot for what) Now months old and ready for MMR vaccine. what do you do ?
he's 36
1091 VACC A. Give the patient
B. wait 1month to give because he is taking amoxicillin
C. wait 1month because he is taking prednisone
280- Which is correct regarding tetanus?
A. tetanus vaccine increase activity of diphtheria vaccine
B. tetanus vaccine decrease activity of diphtheria vaccine
1092 VACC C. tetanus is exclusively environmental born pathogen
D. tetanus is both environmental and transmitted pathogen
368- which use in emergency staffs vaccine
1093 VACC A- meningitis MCV
B- pneumonia
405- A patient has history of severe HSV, which vaccine should the pt receive to prevent
shingles infection?
A- Zoster
1094 VACC B- Varicella
3-Which of the following infection be preventable by using vaccines?
1095 VACCI B) Varicella
C) Brucellosis
D) Hepatitis C B
52- Which of the following is considered as live attenuated vaccine?
A. Pneumococcal
1096 VACCI B. Influenza type b
C. Measles, mumps, rubella. (MMR)
D. Tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis C
95- A new born baby is about to get discharged with his mother. Which of the following
vaccines is indicated?
A. MMR vaccine
1097 VACCI
B. Influenza vaccine
C. Rotavirus vaccine
D. Hepatitis B vaccine D

156 - Vaccination case He came for you to take MMR vaccine and history of taking
immunoglobulin for hep a last month what to do ?
A. give immediately
B. tomorrow
1098 VACCI C. after 2 months
D. after 6 months

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

224- live or inactivated vaccination ?

1099 VACCI A-Same time at different site

26) A 20year-old man encounters a serious road accident. He is brought to The hospital with ‛deep
wounds’. His vaccination history is unknown
Which of the following would be best to administer to this patient at this time?
1100 VACCIN A. Tetanus vaccine
B. Tetanus immune globulin
C. Tetanus vaccine and tetanus immune globulin
D. Tetanus vaccine and human papillomavirus vaccine C
96- A 20-year-old man patient has had a road accident in which he suffers from minor injuries
(no deep wound). His history of vaccination is unknown.
Which of the following is recommended regarding the administration of tetanus vaccine?
A. There is no need of tetanus vaccination
B. Both Td and TIG should be administered
C. Only tetanus vaccination (Td) should be administered C

147- Before 6-week Pt did surgery and he wanted to lift the hospital, which discharge
vaccine should he give?
A. meningitis
1102 VACCIN B. influenza
C. pneumococcal
242- vaccination case he came for you to take mmr vaccine history of taking
immunoglobulin for hep a last month what to do ?
A. give immediately
1103 VACCIN B. tomorrow
C. after 2 months
D. after 6 months
279- Child one years ago, had immunodeficiency, he took before
4-month IV Ig, and now it’s time to take MMR Vaccine?
A. Give vaccine
1104 VACCIN B. don’t give because he took IVIG
C. don’t give because he has immunodeficiency
56- Which of the following is the result of drug interactions between birth control pill and
A. The effectiveness of erythromycin may increase
1105 WOM
B. The effectiveness of erythromycin may decrease D
C. The effectiveness of the birth control pill may increase OR
D. The effectiveness of the birth control pill may decrease ( ‫)مرشح‬ C
64- Which of the following medications promotes ripening and dilation of the cervix during
1106 WOM A. atosiban
B. nitric oxide
C. misoprostol C

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

D. magnesium sulfate

115- pregnant and ductus closure happened what's the management?

A. Indomethacin
B. alprostadil
1107 WOME C. misoprostol

83- Which of the following fetal adverse effects are seen with the use of finasteride during
A. Growth restrictions
1108 women B. genital abnormality
C. neural tube defects
D. placental abruptions
N.B:-finasteride is 5-alpha reductase inhibitor and used in ttt of benign prostatic hyperplasia(BPH) B
13) According to the FDA categories of the drug safety during pregnancy Amoxicillin is under
category B . What does that mean ?
A. No adequate animal or human studies have been conducted
1109 WOMEN
B. Controlled human studies show no fetal risks from amoxicillin
C. Evidence of human fetal risk exists ,but benefits may outweight
D. Animal studies show no risk to the fetus and no controlled human studies D
81)Which of the following is the content of a monophasic contraceptive?
A) constant dose of estrogen
1110 WOMEN B) variable dose of progesterone
C) constant dose estrogen and progesterone
D) variable doses of estrogen and progesterone C
31) which of the following medications promotes ripening and clation of the cervix during labor?
A) atosiban
1111 WOMEN B) nitric oxide
C) misoprostol
D) magnesium sulfate C
41- which of the following drugs passes into mothers milk due to high lipid solubility?
A) diazepam
B) methyldopa (compatible with breast feeding)
C) promethazine (not known drug crosses into milk or not)
1112 WOMEN
D) dihydroergotamine (There are no data on the passage of the ergotamines intomother’smilk
Ergotamine and ergotamine tartrate are more fat soluble than dihydroergotamine and their
secretion into mother’s milk is more likely Ergotamine derivatives have antiprolactin action and
their use may decrease milk production) A

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

65- Which of the following is most likely to inhibit lactation?

A) Prolactin
1113 WOMEN B) Progesterone
C) Growth hormone
D) Chorionic somatomammotropin B
82- Which of the following hormones is responsible for milk product mammary glands?
A) Oxytocin
1114 WOMEN B) Prolactin
C) Luteiniz
D) Follicle-stimulating hormone B
19- which of the following reduces the risk of transmission of sexual diseases?
A. Spermicide
1115 women B. Oral contraceptive
C. Intrauterine device
D. Male latex condom D
45) A 20-year-old pregnant woman presents to the emergency department with severe
What is the most likely safe drug?
1116 WOMEN A. pyridoxine (VitB6)
B. ondansetron
C. domperidrone
D. promethazine A
53- Which of the following is an important counseling point for woman starting on fingolimod?
A. Use effective contraception to avoid pregnancy during and 2 months after
discontinuing treatment
1117 WOMEN
B. Pregnancy should be avoided for 6 months after discontinuing treatment
C. Use effective contraception to avoid pregnancy during treatment
D. Fingolimod is safe during pregnancy A
58- A 30-year-old woman with a history of deep vein thrombosis that was treated a year ago
wants to use birth control pill.
Which of the following contraceptive pills would best suit her?
1118 WOMEN A. Levonorgestrel (progestrone only pills)
B. Ethinyl estradiol/etonogestrel
C. Ethinyl estradiol/norethindrone
D. Ethinyl estradiol/norelgestromin A
57-Which of the following is a statement that describes a drug with pregnancy category A?
A. Positive evidence of fetal risk
1119 WOMEN B. Animal studies indicate no fetal risk
C. Controlled studies in women fail to show fetal risk
D. No available fetal risk studies in women or animals D

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

76-A 20-year-old woman is currently on birth control pills.

Which of the following concurrent drug usage most likely will reduce the efficacy of Oral
contraceptive pills?
1120 WOMEN A. Rifampin
B. Amoxicillin
C. Clindamycin
D. Ciprofloxacin A
93- Which of the following drugs is contraindicated in pregnancy due to teratogenicity?
A. Cimetidine
1121 WOMEN B. Finasteride
C. Methyldopa
D. Metoclopramide B
3- A lactating mother comes to emergency department complaining of nausea and vomiting.
Which of the following agents is most appropriate to give?
A. Cyclizine
1122 WOMEN
B. Domperidone (also increase prolactin level)
C. Dimenhydrinate
D. Levomepromazine
7- Which of the following drugs is a pregnancy category X?
A. Rituximab
1123 WOMEN B. Leflunomide
C. Ciprofloxacin
D. Levothyroxine B
61- Which of the following statements best describe oxytocin?
A. high doses may lead to hypertension
1124 WOMEN B. steady state is reached within 5 to 10 minutes
C. uterine hyperstimulation is an associated adverse effect
D. higher doses can lead to vasopressin receptor related urinary retention C
15- Which of the following medications is an aromatase inhibitor used. for the treatment of
breast cancer?
A. flutamide
1125 WOMEN
B. octreotide
C. tamoxifen
D. anastrozole D
47. Which of the following is a statement that describes a drug with pregnancy category B?
A. no available fetal risk studies in women or animals
1126 WOMEN B. controlled studies in women failed to show fetal risk
C. animal studies indicate no fetal risk but no data in humans
D. positive evidence of fetal risk C

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

60- Which of the following medications is an anti-progestin?

A. danazol
1127 WOMEN B. tamoxifen
C. finasteride
D. mifepristone D
91-A 23-year-old woman is currently taking finasteride and wishes to conceive. The doctor
immediately recommends her to discontinue its use. Which of the following is the most likely
reason for finasteride to be discontinued?
1128 WOMEN A. it is teratogenic
B. it is abortifacient
C. it causes hypotension
D. it causes uterine vascular resistance A
10- Which of the following is a statement that describes a drug with pregnancy category X?
A. Animal studies indicate no fetal risk
B. No available fetal risk studies in woman or animals
1129 WOMEN
C. Positive evidence of fetal risk; benefits outweigh the fetal risks
D. Definite fetal risk in animals and humans of teratogenicity; fetal risks outweigh the
benefits D
30- Which of the following vitamins is contraindicated in high doses during pregnancy?
A. Vitamin A
1130 WOMEN B. Vitamin B6
C. Vitamin C
D. Vitamin B12 A
76- Which property of nicotine is attributed to abortions?
A. it is a vasodilator
1131 WOMEN B. it is a potent vasoconstrictor
C. it reduces uterine blood flow
D. it reduces vascular uterine resistance C
79- A lactating mother comes to the emergency department complaining of nausea and
vomiting. Which of the following agents is most appropriate to give?
A. cyclizine
1132 WOMEN
B. domperidone
C. dimenhydrinate
D. levomeprimazine B
1- An experiment on unknown drugs D-1. D-2, D3 and D4 show the following (see tab results)
D-1 low lipid solubility
D-2 high molecular weight
1133 WOMEN D-3 low degree of plasma protein binding
D-4 weak acidity
Which of the following is most likely to be excreted in breast milk?
A. D-1 C

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

B. D-2
C. D-3
D. D-4

19- treatment of eclampsia ?

1134 WOMEN A- mgso4 A
23- pregnant woman with hypothyroidism take levothyroxine and
start feeling fatigue?
A. double dose
1135 women B. discounted
C. refer to doctor to adjust dose according TSH
D. continue use a same dose
43- Women postive hCG what is the following drugs can be Used?
1136 WOMEN A- Levothyroxine
69- Drug pass to mother milk due to high lipid solubility Or low lipid solubility?
1137 WOMEN A- High

165- Pregnant with nausea vomiting?

A. cyclizine + pyridoxine
B. pyridoxin
1138 WOMEN C. diphenhydramine
D. oxytocin
194- Which contraceptive have high dose of estrogen and contraindication in DVT women
A. Transdermal patch
C. Oral contraceptive pill
D. Rings
222- Warfarin CI in pregnancy because ?
A. Growth restriction
B. Gential abnormality
1140 WOMEN C. Congintal heart diseases
D. Craniofacial morphology
281- When stop using Fingolimod for pregnancy?
A- Before 2 months
1141 WOMEN B- 6 month Safe for Pregnancy
C- Before 6 months
282- Statin women positive (HCG )Human chorionic gonadotropin ,what medication is
appropriate for her ?
A- warfarin
1142 WOMEN B- isotretinoin
C- Tetracycline
D- Levofloxacin

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

307- which the C.I in. pregnancy or lactation ?

A- Doxycycline
B- Acyclovir
1143 WOMEN C- Meloxicam
D- Piroxicam
328- Which contraceptive pills prevent lactation ?
A- progesterone
1144 WOMEN B- estrogen
C- combined
348- What is more effective method to prevent pregnancy ?
A. Oral contraceptives
B. Latex Condoms
1145 WOMEN C. Spermicides
D. intrauterine device
422- Antidepressants have teratogenicity effect on pregnant woman ?
1146 WOMEN
79- Which of the following committees is responsible for requests of removing a drug from the
hospital formulary?
A. Hospital Patient Safety
1147 ZA B. Mortality and Morbidity
C. Hospital Clinical Research
D. Pharmacy and Therapeutic

Update no. 1 01 august 2022

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