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-Enoxaparin prophylactic and treatment dose.


30mg SC twice daily or 40mg once



1mg/kg SC BID or 1.5mg/kg SC OD

-Alzheimers disease treatment dose:

• Donepezil : mild to moderate: 5-10mg once daily

moderate to severe: 10-23 mg once daily

• Rivastigmine : 1.5mg orally twice daily

• memantine : IR : 5 mg once daily

ER : 7 mg once daily


•Intermediate release ( max 10mg

•Extended release ( 12.5 mg

-Amoxicillin dose for children.

• 25 - 50 mg/kg/day

-Cortisone dose equivalents.

-PPI dose equivalents.

-Warfarin :

•Intial dose : 2-5 mg oral or IV for 2 day

•Maintenance dose : 2-10 mg oral or IV once a day

-Phenytoin :

•Oral 200-500 mg daily , •IV 10-15 mg/kg , •Infusion rate: 25-50mg/min

-Digoxin :

0.125 - 0.25 mg daily or every other day

Peptic ulcer treatment doses for all regiments.

-Smoking cassation:

•Varenicline (Chantix):

0.5 mg/day PO for 3 days, then 0.5 mg BID for 4 days and then 1 mg BID for 11

•Bupropion SR (Zyban):

150 mg PO for 3 days and then 150 mg BID

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