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9February, 2022

‫اول سكشن كان تقريبا اغلبه بيزك مايكرو ميديسنال و فيه شوي فارما‬
‫ثاني سكشن كان ريقيولشنز و ايثيكس و كاينتكس‬
‫ثالث سكشن كان كله كيسز ثيرابيوتكس و فارما‬
*Erythromycin with oral contraceptive?

‫*بنت استخدمت واقي شمس بس مانفع معاها لسى تطلع لها حروق من الشمس ليه ايش ممكن يكون نوع واقي الشمس‬
‫اللي استخدمته؟‬
‫*شخص ظهرت عنده‬chronic fungi infection whats the reason his age 60 ?

1 ‫العمر‬.

2 ‫التاريخ العائلي‬.

3HIV ‫عدوي بال‬.

4 ‫بسبب المعالجه ب االميودارون‬.

*contraceptive that have the highest level of estrogen ?

*Diagnosis of diabetes foot ?

‫كان فيه تشوف اللون حقها‬

‫او تشوف لو البلود سيركيوليشن واصل للرجل‬
*Coenzym Q10 used for?

*Amount of water in neonate 60 or 80?

*Whats the effect of fluroquinine in children?

*Whats the antipsychotic that cause agranulocytosis?


*Cephalosporin that can not treat p. Aerginosa?


….*With insulin


Structure of barbiturates

Structure of benzodiazepines

Structure of Ciprofloxacin whats the pharmacophore?

Structures of NSAIDs which one of them has less effects on stomach

*Which of these are the effects of chloropromazine?


*Rotavirus vaccine?

Live vaccine

*Anti epilepsy associates with metabolic acidosis?

*Potassium toxicity treatment?

*Antifungal associates with gentic polymorphism?

*Patient taking warfarin the inr is low due to which drug interaction?

Carbamazepine therapy

*Anti diabetic cause hypoglycemia?

*Diabetic with heart failure what’s anti diabetic drug he should take?

*Autunomy definition

*Patient went for hiking after that with 48hrs he started to get rash fever what type of
immune reaponse ?

*Inflixmab what should be monitored?


*CrCl measure what?

Renal secrtion

Renal exertion

*Iron toxicity antidote , organophosphoros … and another several antidote (ANTIDOTES ARE

*Obese patient her BMI=27k/m2 whats the first line therapy to decrease her weight?

Diet and exercise


*Ipratrubium class ?


*Drug should be given in slow rate iv?

*Whos responsible for vaccination recommendations?



*gene that transfer codeine to morphine?

*Graves treatment?


*Six rights?

Add decumentaion

*Rate control?

‫لخبطتني‬metoprolol ‫ و جايب‬digoxin ‫جايب‬

*Rhythm control?


*Pregnant with UTI ?‫تاخذ ايش‬

*Sterile preparation?

USP 795 or USP 797…..

*Which can be kept on freezer?


*What sign to look for in infection?

temperature ‫اخترت‬

*Off label use for metformin?

Polycyastic ovarian syndrome

*Atenolo antidote?


*Which of these are SSRIs?


..... ‫جاء موظف جديد تبع شركة وطلبوا منه يسوى اعالنات لالدويه التى تصرف بوصفه‬
...‫هيئه الدواء ايش اصدرت بحق الشركه‬
...‫اجابتي انه سحبت ترخيص الشركه واصدرت قرار ممنوع االعالنات عن ااالدويه التى تصرف بوصفه‬
*Which of the following distribution systems works better for medicine requiring a higher
level of control?

Automated dispensing

*A pregnant woman is travelling to a high risk malarial country which antimalarial

prophylactic agent caries the most

fetal risk in pregnant women?

*Which of the following drugs has both an antl- Inflammatory and analgesic activity?


*Which of the following conditions use " the plate method" as lifestyle modification?

diabetes mellitus

*Which of the following white blood cell types is the target of immunodeficiency virus during
acquired immune

deficiency syndrome(AIDS)?

CD4 lymphocytes

*example of encapsulated bacteria?

*Growth occurs in absence of O, but can grow in presence of O?

Aerotolerant anaerobes

*Which of the following population is studied in phase I clinical trial?

Healthy participants

*What is the type of costs for traveling from Jeddah to Riyadh to health care from
pharmacoeconomic perspective?

Direct -non medical

*ADHD treatment?


*High risk patient ‫ كم مره ياخذ‬influenza vaccine?

Two time per year


*dislipidemia patient ‫يبغى ياخذ دواء يكون بس مره واحدة في اليوم الصباح ايش انسب شيء لرغبته؟‬

*Niacin deficiency lead to?

*Patient have retinol deficiency vitamin A whats the best source of vitamin A?

Cod liver

*Signs of increasing INR for patient on warfarin?

Gum bleeding

*theraputic index for drug , then is the drug has narrow therapies index or wide therapeutic

*Role of boric acid?


Absolute bioavailability, osmolality, SS , Cl, elimination rate, MEq , theraputic index , CrCl

🏼🙏‫ دعواتكم‬..‫بالتوفيق‬
February 2022 .
‫بسم ا) الرحمن الرحيم‬
‫ساله عليه‬1‫هذا ملف فبراير اخر تحديث اتمنى التعاون واضافت ا‬

‫تنسوني من دعواتكم‬1
1 . antidote 4 questions
2. Warfarin 3questions , druge increase anticogulation and drug
increase INR + INR in DVT and metiral valve
3. Study types 6-7 questions , vitamine E question + cost effective and
cost benefit
4. Vaccins 4-5 questions ( questions vaccin CI in pregnancy : 1.polio
2.vercilla 3.infeluenza 4.titanus) + (which type of vaccine give
immunity for life : i think answer is life attenuated )
5. Calculations : ceratinin clearans + surface area + BMI +DW5 +
simple questions
6. Doctor prescipe a drug but pharmacist by mistake dispence a drug
simmiler in name , which type of error ? (Bad writing by doctor )
7. Disease chances double in patients over 65 years old
8. What is disease incupation period ?
9. Metformin side effect lactic acidosis
10. Pioglitazon MOA increase insulin sensitivty
11. Clopedogrin MOA
12. Which type of anticogulant used during surgery
13. Hormon cause uterin contraction during child birth (oxytocin )
14. Drug inhibit xanthin oxidase (alluprinol )
15. Accidents with minor wounds (TD only) + accidents with major
wounds (TD+TIG)
16. Clozapin dose for female (5 ml )
17. gingival hyperplasia phenytoin side effect
18. Cough is SE of enlapril
19. Antimetapolite drug of anticancer
20. 20 weeks pregnant woman suffering from dezzyness and
tiredness , lapresults show low hemoglobin , what to do ?
21. Constipation patient should increase water intake
22. Questions about killer cells MOA
23. MOA of PPI
24. Why give vassoprison with NE in septik shock
25. Patient have heart failler + mucuse in lung , diffeculty breathing ,
what is the condition ?
26. Drug cause miosis and resperatory dippresion (opioid)
27. First sign of breast cancer (painless lump this is my answer )
28. Tamoxfin use
29. HLAB 5702 ?
30. Many questions about ethics
31. Pharmacist make report about error to director pharmacist
32. Dopamin antagonest ?
33. Patient has eplipsy +deppresion + poor appetit , what drug ?
34. Drug same action as propranolol ? (Maybe pindolol)
35. Lethium side effect ?
36. Cholinergic antagonest ? ( ipratropium)
37. Anti arrhythmia drug cause iodid hypothyrodesim
38. hypothyrodesim hormons ? (Which increase and which decrease )
39. dissolve thrombus by formation of Fibrinolytic plasmin from
plasminogen ?
40. Boric acid fiunction in eye drops ?
41. Lowesst potency Glucocorticoids ? ( hydrocortizon)
42. Long acting insulin ?
43. Gram possitive bacteria + anerobic bacteria
44. Worm in baby anus cause itchging (pin worm , DOC ? )
45. Phenytoin decrease IV dose monitor after how long ?
46. Vancomycin 2 questions
47. Trough level + cause red man syndrom
48. % INR target
All patient : 2-3
Mitral 2.5-3.5
HTN 1.5-2.5
Dvt prph 1.5-2
Fontan 2-2.5
49 . how long the control drug should be administered by IV rout ?
12 hr
24 hr✅
48 hr
50. Statin 1 question about drug interaction
51. Study state half-life 93% ?
52. Book about principle of ethics
53. What not to use in IV ? ( non steril matrial )
54. 1 question about G6PD
55. What analgesic used in third trimester ? ( asprin , pracetamol ,
piroxicam , diclofenac)
56. dopamine agonist ? (bromocriptine)
57. fursamide and spironolacton ratio ?
58. High alert medication ? (Insulin)
59. Baby suffer from alergy after eating cake with nuts ? ( immediat
hyber sensitivity )
60. Which of the following is an interventional study?
o A. Cohort
o B. Ecological
o C. Case-Control
o D. ✅ Randomized Clinical Trial
61. Question about risck ratio 0.5 , what does it mean ?
62. Livocetrizin start at which age ?
63. Hepatsis B vaccine 3 doses , give at which age ?
64. Which vaccine give to people 65 years and older ? (Pnemococel)
65. Q about enantomers , isomers , epitomes give structures and
decied what ?
66. Which dosage form is a mixture of solid particles with solution ?
67. Gentamicin trough level ?
68. Erectile dysfunction + hypertensive ? Physotherapy ,
finistried,tamsolusion , finstride+tamdolusion
69. Bedwetting eldery ?
70. 1 gram dextrose how many calories ?
71. Valerian root cause ? Sediatio

!‫م عليكم ورحمه ا‬.‫ الس‬..

‫‪ ..‬انا اختبرت تاريخ ‪/ 6‬فبراير ‪. 2022/‬العقاريه الثالثه ‪..‬الرياض‬
‫طبعا ‪...‬ا‪D‬ختبار تقديريا ‪ 2...‬سكشن سهل ومكرر من التجميعات وا‪7‬لفات ا‪7‬عروفه لدى‬
‫الجميع خصوصا اخر ث‪P‬ثه شهور اضافه الي ملف عباس ويزيد وال‪ F‬فارما‬
‫‪ .....‬والفارما ‪..‬وسكشن فيه صعوبه ‪ 80‬با‪7‬ائه‬
‫‪ .‬بحاول اكتب لكم ا‪D‬سئله الي اقدر اتذكرها‬
‫‪ ..‬ا‪7‬ناسب له ‪ test‬ماهو ال‪ chronic colon ...‬مريض عنده‪! .‬‬
‫كل الخيارات غريبه‪...‬ماعدا هذا واخترته(‬
‫)‪the fecal immunochemical test‬‬
‫? ‪ secrtin‬ماهو دور ال !‬
‫‪ ..‬ا‪D‬جابه‬
‫‪stimulat (increase)bicarbonat sodium‬‬
‫‪ accounting‬كمان اجا لي تعريف ‪..‬ال‪! .‬‬
‫ينتشر على مساحه واسعه من العالم‪ pandimic ....‬تعريف ال‬
‫مثل ا‪D‬نفلونزا فيرس‪ epidimac ...‬ومثال ع ال‬
‫‪ case control......‬وجا لي ايش مقياس‬
‫)‪(odds ratio‬‬

‫يقول التخليق من‪! .‬‬

‫‪L.glutamte .to D glutamte ..‬‬
‫‪ glutamte synthtase‬اخترت‬

‫‪ ..‬سوال با‪D‬خ‪P‬قيات !‬

‫قال انه الصيدلي ازال الخطر وقدم خدمه ارتاح منها ا‪7‬ريض ‪..‬ايش يعتبر ‪..‬وا‪D‬جابه‬
‫مع بعض‬
‫‪Benefecience and non malfecience‬‬
‫‪ ....‬سؤال !‬
‫ا‪D‬دويه الي اجا موظف جديد تبع شريكه وطلبوا منه يسوى اع‪P‬نات ل‪P‬دويه التى‬
‫‪ ........‬تصرف بوصفه‬
‫‪...‬هيئه الدواء ايش اصدرت بحق الشركه‬
‫اجابتي )انه سحبت ترخيص الشركه واصدرت قرار ممنوع ا‪8‬ع=نات عن ا‪8‬دويه التى‬
‫‪...‬تصرف بوصفه‬
‫)‪ otc‬ومسموح لل‬
‫‪! antidot of opiods‬‬
‫‪1.naloxon orall‬‬
‫‪2.naloxon s.c‬‬
‫‪3. naloxon 400mg iv‬‬
‫‪4. Naloxon 400(mcg)im‬‬
‫‪! heptatis A transmitted by.‬‬

‫✅‪.oral-anal sex‬‬
‫‪un contact sex‬‬
‫‪Kiss from another person‬‬
‫‪ ..tonic ..clonic‬جا لي سؤال يقول ‪...‬امراءه مرضعه ‪..‬وعندها‪! ...‬‬
‫‪ ..‬وترضع طفلها عمره شهر ‪...‬وايش ا‪Z‬ناسب لها‪sizure ..‬‬

‫✅ ‪Valporic acid‬‬
‫‪Ethusaxamid .‬‬

‫ا‪8‬ستركشرات خمسه ! !‬

‫‪ ..‬ا‪8‬ستركشرات ‪..‬خمسه‬

‫زيدوفادين ‪1.‬‬
‫ اجابته‬N3
2. ‫ كاتب شخص عند‬absence seizure ..‫ستركشرات من‬6‫اي دواء ييستخدم وحاط ا‬
‫ ( بينهم اسركشر‬ethosaximid ..
3.‫ اربعه استركشرات وقال من الذي يعتبر‬..shortest
(thipental structure)
4...‫ الجزء الفعال ل‬rantidin ...‫ركب وسوى‬O‫ وجاب ا‬circule 4 ‫ الى‬1 ‫ورقمها من‬

5..‫ جاب شكل تابع لل‬decyclovir ..‫وقال ايش يعني‬

‫ اخترت‬..main active metabolic
! ‫كمان اجا لي سؤال‬

‫من واجبك ايش تسوى‬... .‫يقول شخص يأخذ منك ادويه وفجاءه قطع التعامل معك‬
‫معه‬. .
‫جابات محيره وتضحك‬6‫" كل ا‬
(.‫اخترت )أنه اروح أقوله أنا اسف وايش زعلك منا عود لتعامل معي‬
! Which following best describes the "bio- psychological approach
of health"? A)Broad view that arrtributes disease outcome to the
variable interaction of biological factory psychological factors, and
social factors
! side effect of canagloflozin
Keton acidosis
Thyroid cancer
Breast cancer
Severe nausia
! pacemarker of heart (SA node)
! ‫مينيه يحصلها‬6‫حماض ا‬6‫ ا‬Reabosorption ‫ بالضبط‬l‫ في الكلى ف‬...
‫جاب لي‪! .‬‬
‫‪..‬اسئله امينوجلوبيل& ‪4‬‬

‫)‪ .(.m‬النيو انفكشن ‪1.‬‬

‫)‪ (A‬وهو‪mucosa ..‬الي يوجد ب ال ‪2.‬‬
‫واخترت‪ G....‬انواع الهايبر سنستف ‪ 4‬أنوع ماهو ا?تعلق ب ا;مينو جلوبيول& ‪3.‬‬
‫‪ ...‬التايب ‪111‬‬
‫)‪( E‬وهو‪ parasite ...‬الذي يساعد ع ال كشف ‪4.‬‬
‫)‪ ..(BCG‬القاح الي يعطي عند‪ 6.‬اشهر و‪ 12‬شهر‪1..‬‬
‫)‪2. long live vacacin( live attenuated‬‬
‫)‪ ( clindamycin‬اجابته ‪ clostridum def‬ا?ضاد الي يسبب ‪3.‬‬

‫الدماغ واسته‪T‬ل السكر ‪......‬ا;جابه !‬

‫) الدماغ يستهلك السكر من دون تحفيز ا;نسول& (‬

‫كمان سؤال ‪..‬شخص استخدم مجموعه ادويه من ظمنها ‪..‬جنتا ميس& !‬

‫‪.‬وفورسميد‪.....‬وهيدروكلورو ثيازيد‬

‫‪ .‬من الخطير با;عراض‬

‫‪ ototoxicity‬الفورسميد مع الجنتاميس& ✅ يسببو‪1.‬‬

‫الجنتاميس& ‪2.‬‬
‫الفورسميد ‪3.‬‬
‫‪.‬الهيدروكلورثيازيد ‪4.‬‬

‫الدواء الذي ;يفضل لكبار السن ‪..‬هو )املودب&( السبب يسوى صرع عندهم‪! 1.‬‬
‫وهم قدهم كبار معرض& للخرف و; نزيد الط& بله‬

‫)‪ ACE‬او ‪ (ARBs‬كبار السن الذي عندهم ارتفاع ضغط يفضل ‪...‬اعطاءهم‪2.‬‬
3. ( !‫) املودب‬... ‫ دواء ضغط مفضل مفضل مفضل للبالغ! نحنا يعنى‬.
! . !‫ن‬9‫ (ماده قلويه تتعلق ب الفينيل ا‬phenylalanine) . . ‫ماهي‬
‫ اخترت‬.ephdrine

! ‫ول مره عدوي فطري مزمنه‬N ‫ شخص ضهرت عنده‬chronic fungi

infection ..‫ماهو السبب‬

2.‫التاريخ العائلي‬
3.‫ عدوي بال‬HIV
4.‫ميودارون‬N‫بسبب ا[عالجه ب ا‬
(2 ‫اخترت رقم‬.. ‫ اختيارات غريبه‬.)

‫ فبراير في السعوديه‬/٩ ‫م عليكم اختبرت اليوم‬a‫الس‬

‫ عن‬٣ ‫ كان في تقريبا‬INR
1- patient with mitral valve replacement and came for follow-up and
his INR 3.5 what would you do ?

2- patient is taking warfarin and his dose was changed 3 times and is
not responding what genetic polymorphism would you test for ?

3- what is the INR goal for a patient with mechanical heart valve?

4- Which vitamins are fat soluble?

5- how many ATP from 1 glucose molecule?

6- scurvy disease by which vitamin deficiency?

7- what lab test is used for vitamin B12 level?

8- neonate with coagulopaty will be given vitamin K which route of

9- 3 questions calculate CrCl ?

10- which Ig is the most abundant in human body? IgG, IgA, IgE

11- patient with atrial fibrilation and heart failure which heart rate
control drug to use?

12- sickle cell patient with severe pain in legs and productive cough
which medication to give?

13- which of the following preparations should be refrigerated

regardeles of it is ingredient? eye drops , suppository, oral solution,

14- 4 questions about bioavailability calculations IV and oral tablet

15- elderly with poor apetite and seizure which antidepressants to use?

16- opioid overdose what medication to give?

17- vaccine for hajj?

18- pregnant with nausea in the morning what can she use?

19- a child toxicity with iron from multivitamins came to the

emergency 2 hours after ingesting what to do? Charcoal, gut lavage,
whole bowel irrigation

20- case of enoxaparin toxicity?

21- type 2 diabetic with hypoglycemia which drug? acarbose,

dapagliflozin, gliptinide
22- case of opioid toxicity

23- whic causes an increase in lacrimal and gastric secretions?

dopamine, epinephrine, NE,

24- monitoring parameters for clozapine?

25- case of phenytoin and low albumin?

26 - case with CKD which stage based in GFR level? Stage 1,2,3,4,5

27- pharmacist is stealing medications who should call the police?

hospital manager, pharmacy manager, security

28- do not use in history of stroke or TIA? Prasugrel

29- patient with active tuberculosis what drugs to give?

30- which supplements protect from breast cancer? Vit D , Vit A , Vit
D+ A , or no one approves to protect

31- what is PR interval ? ventrical depolarization , atrial

depolarization , resting state

32- which can be kept in the freezer? varicella vaccines, interferons,

immunoglobulins, growth hormones

33- 2 questions about half life

34- which is volatile alkaloids? nicotine, theophylline ‫مااتذكر البقيه‬

35- the definition of management?

36- female not preganat with UTI and CFU < 10, 000 what treatment?

37 - breast cancer and trastuzumab?

38- expiration for repackaged medications? 3 months , 6 months

39- cancer patient will be started in vinkaalkaloids what should we

monitor first ? echocardiogram, renal , hepatic

40- what to look for in infections? temperature, heart rate,

41- what is the minimum age recommended by SFDA to use otc

common cold medication? 4 yrs, 2 yrs, 6 yrs

42- the difference between prescribed and non- prescription meds?

manufacturing good practices, clinical studies ‫ماااتذكر اابقيه‬
43 - sterile preparations ? USP 797, USP 800, USP 795

44- vertical laminar airflow is required for compounding which drug?

45- calculate body mass index?.

‫ السالم عليكم ‪ ..‬إختباري كان بتاريخ ‪
8/2/2022‬‬ ‫ ‬ ‫ ‬

‫أوالً كتبت األشياء الجديدة اللي مو مذكوره بالتجميعات ‪ +‬فيه اشياء مذكوره بالتجمعيات بصوره مو واضحه حاولت‬
‫أوضحها بقدر م أقدر

‫وما كتبت التكرار ألن أغلب اللي يطلعون يكتبون التكرار فأكيد عندكم فكره

‫عنه ألن نسبة كبيرة جتني من ديسمبر ويناير‪

‫ثانيا ً حابة أقول لكم إن فيه نوعية اسئلة باالختبار تحتاج حضور عقل بالكامل ألن يجيكم شرح بسيط عنها وع‬
‫اساسها ينحل السؤال

‫أوقات بتكون اجابتني مستبعده و‪ ٢‬تحيركم واوقات تكون االجابة واضحه فركزوا وخذوا الخيار الشامل دايما ً

‫ثالثا ً جزئية الكيسات ال تبدون تحلون الكيسات باالدوية طاملا فيه اجابات زي ‪
life style modi cations‬‬

‫دايما ً نبدأ فيه أول ‪ ،‬م كانت موجوده وقتها الخيار األمثل األدوية

‫زي بعطيكم مثال جايني سؤال لوحده وزنها زايد ويحتاج احدد لها التوصية املناسبة

‫جايب خيار تسوي رياضه وتخففف

‫خيار آخر تعطونها ‪
‫خيار ثالث زي تبدأ تاخذ ميتفورمني اعتقد

‫لكن انا اقولكم الفكرة عن هالنوعية من االسئلة

‫ألن فيه خيارات صحيحه لكن طالبني مننا األصح والشي اآلمن بداي ًة

‫برضو ذاكروا التجميعات بفهم مو حفظ االجابة كما هي

‫اوكيه كويس عندكم خلفيه عن هالشي لكن برضو باالختبار اقروا السؤال بخياراته كاملني يمكن تكتشفون شي خطأ‬

‫واإلختبار مو مستحيللللل يحتاج مذاكرة بتركيز والكل قادر يتغلب عليه بإذن اهلل اعملوا باألسباب وخلوا ثقتكم بربي‬
‫كبيره وربي م يضيع تعب أحد فيكم

‫اهلل يسهل لكم كل صعب جميعا ً واذكروني بدعوة معاكم

‫‪. Mona Yahya‬‬ ‫

• Gram positive cocci = S. Pneumonia ✔

( Other choices gram negative )

rst order kinetic ‫ ويبغاك تحدد‬، ‫ رسمات‬٤

‫الصح اللي تجيك بخط مستقيم‬

‫سؤال بالصدفه حليته طلعت ابحث عنه وطلع صح‬
- Pulmonary surfactant need phospholipid to reduce surface tension

Which type of phospholipid used :

dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine ✔

Amebiasis = ipecac

Emulation = acacia

: ‫ ويشتكي من‬hyperlpidemic drugs ‫سؤال عن كبير سن وجاي ياخذ ادوية‬
Severe headache

Blurred vision

175/95 ‫قاسوا ضغطه لقوه‬

! ‫ايش التصرف الصحيح مع حالته‬

‫تقوله خذلك جهاز ضغط منزلي‬

primary care ‫وال خالل اسبوع مر‬

‫وال يعتبرونها حالة امرجنسي ويسوون الالزم معاه ^قلتها‬

‫بمفهومي ناسيه الصيغه‬

• ‫ االدوية‬، ‫ثالث ادوية تحتاج مونيتورينق‬




= Renal ✔

• Antifungal need renal monitoring = uconazole

• Verbal communication = tone of the sound ✔

‫الخيارات الباقيه نون فيربال زي‬

Body movements etc .

• Methotrexate moa

‫جايب كالم كثير يشرح لك امليكانزم باالخير يسأل‬

It Inhibit dihydrofolate reductase :



Competitive ✔

Non competitive

- Hexose = glucose ✔

Hormone released by the kidney :

Erythropoietin ✔



- Main purpose of prevention disease :

Elimination of chronic disease and other comorbidity disease

decrease ‫وجاي نفسه لكن اول كلمه‬

‫وفيه خيارات زي زيادة الوعي عن االكيوت ديزيز جايه بشكلني مختلفه‬

epilepsy ‫ جا كيس ع الـ‬-

angina , HTN , hepatic insu ciency ‫وحدهه عندها‬

‫وكالم كثير مره بس هذا زبدته‬

‫ايش تقترح لها عالج ؟‬
Phenytoin ✔ ( the best choice)

Pregabaline (not e ective enough in treatment of epilepsy)

Ethosuximide ( this for absence seizure )

Valproic acid ( this is wrong because it will cause hepatitis and the patient has hepatic insu ciency )

tramadol ‫مريض ياخذ‬

For chronic pain

And he is ultra rapid metaboliser

What is th predicted response if he was take tramadol ?

‫خيارين مستبعده‬

‫وفيه خيارين تحير لو تفكرون فيها االثنني صح لو جت مع بعض اصرف‬
No Analgesic e ect

He need higher dose of tramadol

• Human Epidermal growth factor Receptor 2


‫كان فيه خيارين‬

HER 2 ✔


‫اعرفوا اسمه كتاب ًة ألن يجي بالطريقتني‬

Structures :

1- Erythromycin

(‫) موجود بيزيد‬

2- Ropivacaine is an Important local anesthetic.

Which of the following is the bioisoster for ropivacaine? = levobupvicaine✔

3- Cipro oxacin : 4 circles and which one responsible for its activity : piperazine ring ✔

Levo oxacin :

excessively gram positive

excessively gram negative

Both gram positive and gram negative ✔

4- Carpenicillin which one responsible for pseudomonas activity:

Because it has 2 cooh

I don’t remember other choices

‫ حقه بقوقل ممكن يجيكم‬SAR ‫شوفوا الـ‬


reactionas ‫جاني امفيتامني يحصل له نوعني من الـ‬

MAO ‫من ضمن الخيارات‬



‫تجيكم خيارين مع بعض باالختيار الواحد‬

6- 4 structures TCA and ask about imipramine

7- (4 - structures without names and which one is quinine)

8- urease which type of enzyme



I don’t remember other choices.


‫‪Calculation part :‬‬

‫‪ -‬مسأله

… ‪Total clearance was … and metabolism of elimination was‬‬

‪What the elimination of excretion :‬‬
‫فكرة السؤال ذا

‪Elimination = metabolism + excretion‬‬
‫اطرحوا االليمنيشن من امليتابوليزم او االكسكريشن ويطلع معكم

‫مسأله بسيطه جدا ً ال تضيع منكم

‫‪ -‬مسأله فيها ارقام كثير وتفاصيل وطالب الـ ‪
‫ولو تركزون ف املعطيات جايب جرعة دواء وقالكم انهم عطوها ‪
‫هذا النوع م يحتاج تفكير حطوا ‪ 1‬من غير تفكير ألن الـ ‪
iv= 100%‬‬
‫فيعني ‪

‫مسألة عن ‪
absolute bioavailability‬‬
‫فكرة هالسؤال انه يجيك بالسؤال جرعتني سواءا ً متساويه او مختلفه رح يوضحها لك بالسؤال

‫ورح يجيب لك ‪ AUC‬لـ ‪
di erent routes 2‬‬
‫زي يقولك دواء أُعطى ‪ oral‬ويقولك جرعته والـ ‪ AUC‬ويعطيك كم

‫بعد كذا يقولك غيرنا للمريض من اورال الى ‪
‫ويرجع يقولك جرعة الـ ‪ iv‬كم وبرضو الـ ‪
‫او العكس

‫فيه قانونني لهالنوع من املسائل

‫الجرعات متساويه حقت ‪
oral and iv‬‬

✔) ‪F = AUC (oral ) / AUC (IV‬‬
‫لو جرعاتهم مختلفة‪

✔ )‪F= AUC (oral ) * dose (iv) / AUC (IV) *dose (oral‬‬


‪9 numbers‬‬
‫الزم الزم الزم ترتبونها قبل تبدون تختارون الرقم االوسط ‪ ،‬رتبوا من االصغر لالكبر وتطلع معاكم ✔

‫كان بنموذجي الخيار ‪ 166‬الصح

‪Crcl 2 Q‬‬

‪1- for male‬‬
‫بنبهكم ع نقطه ممكن مو الكل يعرفها وتضيع منه درجة هالسؤال وهي بسيطه

‫وجتني برضو باختباري بالوحده هذ‬
Scr unit (umol/dL)

You need to convert it to mg/dL

How ?

By divided number what was given with (88.4 )

Then it will be in mg/dL ✔

2- for female

0.85 ‫التنسون تضربون الناتج في‬

therapeutic index‫مسألة عن‬

Toxic = 400

E ective = 100

Answer is 4

but the question about is it wide or narrow ?

‫بقية املسائل طرفني في وسطني وبسيطه‬

… capsules ‫زي كم عدد الـ‬


Uncontrolled HTN he on lisinopril and thiazide diuretic:




Losartan ( CI with ACEI )

Felodipine class = ca channel blocker ✔

exenatide class : GLP-1 receptor agonist ✔

- Child may be 5 years with BMI 85% of his age has muscle and skin thickness

min arm circumference :

In arm to evaluate body fat ✔

There is another choice for skeletal muscle ✖

Type 2 DM ‫سؤال عن‬

Eye screening

‫كان نورمال اول م شخصوه متى يرجعون يسوون له فحص بعد كم ؟‬
Every 6 months

Every 12 months

Every 5 years

‫جايب مرض من امراض السرطان ايش الهربال املناسب‬

Venca and taxel ✔

Essential amino acid : cannot made by the body

Ig protect mucosa

IgG in which type of hypersensitivity

mild asthma ‫كيس فيها قايدالين عن عالج‬

‫الحل موجود عندكم‬

SABA + low dose ICS ✔

branched laments= actinomyces

Dm need vaccine:

Hepatitis B

In uenza ✔


Mask in corona virus


N95 ✔

- Quantitative = Table ✔

- Qualitative = Figure ✔

- Anti arrhythmic drugs used in supra-ventricular and Ventricular Arrhythmia




Digoxin level was high waht to do

Standard Loading dose + decrease maintenance dose

thrombocytopenia ‫برضو سؤال عن مني يسبب‬

‫م كان يسأل عن الهيبارين‬

WBC , platelets ‫كان جايب الب تست‬

= Sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim ✔

Amount of water in neonate = 80%

Decongestant according to SFDA given at

not under 6 years ✔

Advise for isoniazid :


Why ? It maybe cause Systemic Lupus erythematosus (SLE)

in elderly pt iron a ects :

Absorption ✔




Questions about Thyroid disease

I remember 5 Q :

1- TSH ⬇ and thyroid hormone ⬆ = hyperthyroidism ✔

2- TSH ⬆ and thyroid hormone ⬇ = hypothyroidism ✔

3- lab test 1- TSH ⬇ and thyroid hormone ⬆ abd ask about treatment =methimazole ✔

4- pregnant women with hypothyroidism and ask about her drug if should be stopped

= no need to stop levothyroxine because it is safe during pregnancy ✔

5- pregnant with hypothyroidism and ask anout the right dose = 125 mcg levothyroxine ✔

- Case about parentral nutrition and need to add a drug = the right one regular

✔ ‫ مهمه املعلومه‬iv ‫ليه ؟ ألن الوحيد من ادوية السكر النوع االول ينعطى‬

high alert medication ‫سؤال عن‬

‫ مركزة‬electrolyte ‫ فيما معناها‬، ‫بس جايه بشكل مو مباشر تحتاج لها تركيز‬

as high alert ‫من ضمن الخيارات مفروض يخصصون لها باملستشفى مكان‬

‫سؤالني الوردر‬

‫ كيف مفروض تكون‬CBAHI ‫ويقولك تبعا ً لـ‬

‫بكتب مثال لها‬
25g of HCTZ , BID ✖

25 gram of hydrochlorothiazide twice daily. ✔

‫الفكرة من هالسؤال ان االختصارات ممنوعه‬

Anesthetic drug hepatotoxic = iso urane

‫حاولت اتذكر االسئله اللي م انذكرت بالتجميعات لكن بشكل عاام التجميعات كثيييييرر متكررهه و بكون مبسوطة لو أفدتكم لو بمعلومة‬

♥ ‫إن أصبت فمن اهلل وإن أخطأت فمني‬

13 Feb 2022

Antidotes very important

HIV type? retrovirus
Maximum mL given intramuscular in gluteus? 3 - 1 - 5 (5 mL right)
tinzaparin antidote? Protamine
MMR full name? Measles, mumps, and rubella

35 y.o pregnant, last Tdap vaccine booster taken at 21 y.o, what to give today? Tdap &

Gentamicin trough level time? (30 minutes before next dose)

Cyclosporine trough level time? Before which dose?
Anti-epilepsy for breastfeeding? Valproic (no lamotrigine or levetiracetam in the
Graves’ disease treatment? Methimazole
Valerin supplement? Sedative
Jetlag? Melatonin
Which anticancer cause bone marrow suppression? Daunorubicin
Natural killer function? play a vital role in innate immune responses to infection; they express
activation receptors that recognize virus-infected cells.

MOA doxorubicin?

MOA trastuzumab? human monoclonal IgG antibody which selectively targets HER2, a human
epidermal growth factor receptor

Longest half life Ig? IgG

Endotoxin? Most gram-negative bacteria and listeria
Pinocytosis and phagocytosis transport mechanism? The is no endocytosis in the choices

Anticancer work on mitotic cycle phase?

Verapamil SE? Constipation
Plant for upper respiratory tract infection? Echinacea
2 questions about mast cell receptors (inhibitory and excitatory)?
Plant for peripheral arterial occlusive disease? Gingko biloba

Immunosuppressants to be given after solid organs transplantation? cyclosporine

Patient with pneumonia received IV ceftriaxone and azithromycin, after 3 days he

became afebrile with normal WBC level, what to do?
A) Continue treatment 10-14 days
B) stop the antibiotics
C) Switch to oral
D) Stop azithromycin and continue ceftriaxone

87 y.o patients with reduced kidney function (CrCl 23) and multiple disease, has urinary
tract infection, what is the best antibiotic regimen?
A) Ciprofloxacin 400 mg q12
B) Ciprofloxacin 400 mg q24
C) Meropenem q8
D) Meropenem q12

• Which statin is prodrug? Lovastatin structure
• Indomethacin bioisomer?
• Which H2 antagonist is second generation? Acrivastine
• Benzodiazepines (what to change to decrees duration of action)? Adding hydroxyl group to
• Nalidixic acid structure (what is the pharmacophore)?
Most of the structure answers from ‫ زيتونة‬file

Phenytoin level
Half life
Michaelis menten equation
How many capsules will be dispensed?
‫السالم عليكم‬
‫ فبراير‬13 ‫اختباري كان‬

‫الحسابات جاني كمية كويسه بكل سكشن من ضمنها‬



Infusion rate

Tablet count

Absolute bioavailability


‫جاني ستركتشرات كثير باول وبدايه ثاني سكشن اغلبها‬structure activity relationship

‫واحد منهم ايش وظيفة الفلور على المركب؟‬

Increase acidity

Increase lipophilicty

‫مااتذكر بقية الخيارات‬

Another structure : contains both physostigmine and another new derivative, the question
was you are a pharmacist and make a decision which is better and why:

The new product is better because less side effects

The new product is not good because in has other additive effects

The old product is better

‫صراحه ماتذكر المركب الجديد كيف كان شكله‬

:‫مركبين بينهم رياكشن وكان التغيير في القروب على المركبين كالتالي‬

Coh3 to OH

What is the reaction type?




Restriction endonuclease works on what?

Dna single strand

Dna double strand

Rna messenger

IgG in which type hypersensitivity?

Type 1

Type 2

Type 3

Type 4

Colustrum contains which immunoglobulin ?

‫ماكان في الخيارات‬igA ‫ابدًا وكان حاط اثنين سوا بكل اختيار‬

IgG and IgM

IgG and IgD

‫جاني سؤال عن‬drug recall ‫ نسيت ايش كان بس المطلوب تعرفوا‬types of drug recall ‫الن االختيارات كانت‬

Type 1 recall

Type 2 recall

What is the largest lymphoid organ in the body



Large intenstine

Immediate hypersensitivity involves two stages of mediators primary and secondary what is


T cells

B cells

‫جاني سؤالين عن‬assertive and aggresive‫مهم احفظوها كويس‬

Women came to phamacy saying why is your prices so high, the pharmacist said because our
products are high in quality and others are counterfeit




How is emulsion sterilized

Autoclave 15 min

Autoclave 30min

Pass into filter 20nn

‫وكمان واحد فلتر بس نسيت الرقم كم كان‬

Tablet were made and the bottom contains color?



Iso 5 meaning ?

having less than 100 particles 0.5 microns or larger per cubic foot.

Which drugs always stored in refrigerator?




Her2 positive drug ?



Symptom of atropine overdose?

Dry mouth✔️




..……is famous name of which class?

‫السؤال كان غريب شوي‬cloprizol ‫ او شي كذا المهم انو االسم كان فيه حرف‬z ‫ و‬c ‫ واالجابات كانت كلها اسماء‬،
‫كالسات ال‬hyperlipeidmia


HMG reductase

Bile acid sequesters

Record, analyse (which definition)?





Management definition?

Maximum productivity✔️

Lysozyme and lysosome‫جاني سوال عنهم فرقوا بينهم‬

Outpatient narcotic how many days for maximum prescription?




‫جاني اسئلة عن ال‬ethics ‫كمية جيده واغلبها تنحل بالفهم بس لو في مصدر ذاكروها‬

‫تقريبًا ذي االسئله اللي اتذكرها‬

‫شكرا لكل من ساهم في تجميع األسئلة‬
1.lithium what should be monitored ?

A.liver function

b.renal profile

2.increase half life ? stability studies

3.Ig in breast milk ? Igm

4.Ig in immediate hypersensitivity ?Ige about pt have dark stools due to ? ferrous sulfate

6.what of the following is ethics principle ? justice

7.phenarizine uses ? Nausea and vomiting

8- drug that is antihypertensive and antiarrhythmic ? digoxine

9-Dipyridamole ? antiplatelet

10.measurment (scale) for adverse effects ? Narinjo scale

11.drug with low bioavalability ? vancomycin

12.route of administration doesn’t need sterilization ? oral

13.veegum ? susbending agent

14.medication for hyperthyroidism cause decline in thyroid hormone ? RAI active iodine

15.excersize asthma what drug ?salmetrol

16 .athlete foot DOC ? oral voriconazole

17.drug not given with warfarine ?

18 . Niacine side effect ? flushing

19. tetracycline accumulation ? bone

20.synthesis of glocuse ?

21 . runny nose and congestion ? pheniramine

22. case child had a cat bite what vaccine to give ? tdap (I am not sure)

23.antiepeliptic for breast feeding? lamotrigine

24.clopidogrel ? cyp2c19

25. dectus closure ? indomethacine

30 . septic shock treatment

31 . question about or

32.antibiotic safe in pregnancy ?

33.acute gout ? colchicine

34.celecoxib SE ? ishemic heart failure way to collect volatile oil ? gas chromatography

36.oleaginous base ? white petroleum

37.Halopridole ? hallucination and involuntary movement

38. ECG ST

39. QRS


50 . what is the advantage of using robots ? a.reduction of working hours

b.increase safety

60. celecoxib SE ? ischemic heart failure

61.itchy scalp ?

62. pt with lower back pain what doctor he should visit ? orthopedic

63.colanzepine ? monitoring neutropenia

64 . drug cause hyperkalemia ? spirolactone

65. ondasterone ? ginger

67 . vitamin for vomiting ? pyridoxine

68.vaccine taken orally ? Rota vaccine

69.lead compound defention ?

70. OR

71. error that is hard to avoid ?drug interaction

72. incidence def :

73 . q 10 coenzyme

74. methicillin picture

75.qunindine and malaria pic

76.quinidine structure

77. 2 question about bioavalability

78.loading dose calculation

79.dumping effect ?

80.generic drug and innovator drug what is the difference ?

81. how to take aspirin chewable tablet

82. amitriptyline and enteric coated aspirin what is the effect

83.organophoshorous antidote ?

84.TCA antidepressant and which one is the most effective ?

85 . best way to take acidic drug ?

86.arrows picture

87. neuropathic pain

88.crcl calculation

89. phenytoin calculation

90. 3 question about INR
.‫السالم عليكم‬
‫ فبراير في امريكا وهذي االسئلة اللي جاتني‬١٤ ‫اختباري كان‬

-1Patient take levothyroxine when to monitor?

A) 3 months

B)3 weeks

C) 4 months

D) 4 weeks

-2what antibiotics need to be adjusted renally ?

The answer is:

Vanco+ piperacillin/tazobactam

-3doctor inspect patient by tapping on his stomach what is this ?



-4antidote for opioid

A) nalaxone 400 oral

B) nalaxone 400 inhalation

-5mechanism of amphetamine

-6patient has diarrhea what is cornerstone treatment ?

A) fluids and electrolytes

B) anti motility

4 -6questions about calculating loading dose

-7calculate bioavailability

-8calculate rate of infusion

-9what keeps the chromosomes together ?

A) plasmoid

I do not remember the other choices

I had a lot of non-pharm and business questions.

-10what affect communication between pharmacist and patient ?


-11Erythromycin structure‫جاني‬

‫جاني سؤال فيه ستركشر ويسال هذا الدوا يناخذ عن طريق ايش؟‬-12

‫الفم وال انهليشن‬

‫جاني سؤال يسال عن دوز الفنتوين في بيشنت عنده رينال امبيرمنت‬-13

-14Mechanism of atenolol

-15calculate crcl

72-16kg Patient diagnosed with a fib and travels a lot do not have time what to give ?

A) warfarin 5 mg

B) apixabn 2.5 mg

C) enoxaparin 40mg

D) enoxaparin 70 kg bid

-17Patient have dry cough what to give ?

Answer dextrometorphan

40-18years old diagnosed with htn what to give ?

A) lisinopril

-19Corona transfer by ?

A) respiratory rout
-20Patient on warfarin his inr 5 and do not have bleeding. What to do ?

A) hold dose and restart at reduced dost

B) give iv vit k

C) give platelets

-21Procainamide what class of antiarrhythmic ?

Answer Ia

-22What affect ca in the body ?

A) calcitonin and vit d

‫في سؤال عاطي تعريف ويسال ايش هذا والخيارات كانت‬-23

A) acounting

B) marketing

‫وماذكر ايش الباقي‬

-24What is true liquid ?

A) homogenous

B) heterogenous

C) suspension

-25What is the process of grinding solid with liquid to produce a cream ?

A) levegation

B) tirturation

-26Which one is drug inhibitor ?

A) cemitidine

B) phenytoin

-27What is for non-sterile compunding ?

Usp 795
‫? ‪-28Which one is rate control‬‬


‫? ‪-29When to use epoetin‬‬

‫‪Patient with renal diseases anemia‬‬

‫‪ GI side effects‬ويسال اي واحد فيهم اقل ‪-30NSAIDS‬جاني ستركشرات‬

‫‪-31‬جاني سوال ايش االدوية اللي مفروض ماتستخدمه مع بعض وكان جوابي‬


‫‪-32‬جاني سؤال مريض مشخصينه هارت فيلر وفيه اديما ايش نستخدم له؟‬

‫‪A) furosemide‬‬

‫‪B) spironolactone‬‬

‫‪C) hctz‬‬

‫بس ماذكر الخيارات اتذكر في خيار كان انو حاليا نوت ‪ -33close contact meningitis prophylaxis‬سؤال عن‬
‫ركمندد البروفالكسس‬
‫خيار ثاني كان ريفامبن‬

‫بالتوفيق جميعا ودعواتكم‬

‫ فبراير‬١٦ ‫اختبار‬

Question calculation about :

Spesific gravity 1.18

Weight 480 gm

Calculate volume

Q: Mast cell activation ,


Q: Which antigen cross placenta

IgG my answer

Q: Transport Phagocytosis Pinocytosis

Q: Question about Lipsinki role 5


Q: Cyclosporine trough level and they want target level

Dose was provided in question, and trough level was provided and ask about new dose

Q:Medical student enter patient room with C diff, he wipes his hand before and after the

What is your recommendation for him ?

Anticiptic wipe acceptable

Soap and water wash


Q:Structure of TCA

About slectivity

Q:Brown stool is caused by


Q:Which type of cost is compare between brand and generoc

Cost minimazation analysis

Q:HIV patient with cd4 more than 500

Ask about recommneded vaccine

I choose influenza vaccine annually

Q:Maslow sequence

Physioogical>safety ...etc

Q:Pregnant his child born with jaundice

My answer is Trimethoprin and sulfamethaxazole

Q: Symptoms of hyperthyrodism

Q: Child paugh score 7 and complain about acute pain ?




Q: UTI female with penecillin allergy

Q: Patient with hypokalemia 3.1 adminster in prephiral line

20Meq KCL bolus 100 ml NS

90Meq and NS 100 ml bolus

20Meq and NS 450 infused over 15 minitues

90Meq and NS 450 infused over 5 hours


Q: Case about Gram negative bacteria coverage




Pipracilin tazobactam
Q: Medication reconciliation

Decrease side effect or decrease preventable adverse effect

I choose decrease preventable adverse effect

Q: Drug choose to diabetes type 1




Empagliflozin (My answer)

Q: patient 30 year old complain of Dry cough





Q:Large organ in the body





Q:INR patient came with 3.5 INR and he did mitral valve before .

No intervention
Q:Patient with INR 5 based on CHad score

What medication you chose




No need for anticoagulation

Q:Report , record , financial data definition of what? I dont remember choices

Q: Warfrarin Polymorphism


Q:Breast cancer with her2 negative the physician want to add trastuzumab

No response✅

Breast cancer patient have low years to live

Start therapy regardless of

Q: Menstural bleeding patient and pain

And the answer was structure

-saliclyc acid Structure


Question about Plan B contraception and answeres was about when to start take the pills

Q: What is Medication error of not taking the next dose

(Ommission) my answer

Q: QALY = 1 is consider as

Perfect health



Q: BPH what counsling should tell to the patient

The drug may cause orthostatic hypotension (My answer)

The drug should continue to 6 month to give effect

One question about

Q: Study design about prospective

My answer is cohort

Q: T 1/2 72 when will reach steady state


Q:High dose ibuprofen OTC


Q: Treatment of brucella
Q:Brucella caused by

Unprastuzied milk

Q: Phosphate binder and antibiotic

Should seperate 1-2 hour before or after meal(My answer)

Q:Cyclosporine side effect

cause hairstusim

Q: Antidot of opioid for children

Naloxone 400mcg IM

Q:Antidot of opioid adult


Q: Antidot for BZDs


Q: Medication that can cause altered mental status in elderly



٢٠٢٢ ‫ فبراير‬١٥■

■ HFA in what medication ( inhaler - injection - oral).

● Pethdin structure ask for active group for its short acting
● Lisinopril structure 4 active groups and choose effect
● PUFA need important vitamin ?
● Granulation for effervescent need ( binder ----)
● Ranitidin proton structure for acidic effect
● Receptor attachment to ( g protin or tyrosin kinase - )
● Phospholipid structure ( hydrophilic head - hydrofopic tail)
● Paracetamol structure bond type
● Chiral structures 4 different structure and choose
● Asprin ph 3 soluble at which ph ) 6 - 4 - 2 (
● Methylphenidat structure reaction which group (
hydroxylation - - - )
● Anthraquinone in senna
● Life threating food Allergy treatment ( epinephrine -
antihistamine - - )
● drug need adjustment for adult ( clomipramin - loastrean -
thyroxin - Lisinopril )
● Bph score 16 with American score mild<8 sever >8 chose
intial treatment (tamslusin - finastrid - combination both)
● Osteoarthritis initial treatment ( topical NSAIDS-
paracetamol - ibuprofen )
● Monitor infliximab (tb test ).
● Paracetamol structure ( bond type)
● Dark stool ( ibuprofen - paracetamol ) cause of what
● Constipation treatment ( drink more water - decrease fiber
in diet - - - )
● Forrest plot for SGLT-2
● Before treatment with SGLT- 2 monitor ( heart - liver -
renal) no other choice
● IgG in which type senstivity ) 4 - 3 - 2 - 1 (
● Ibuprofen paracetamol bleeding ( ibuprofen inhibt cox1 -
ibuprofen inhibt thrombin - -)
● Drug dose dose 1600 ml/hr/ Clearance 1200 ml/min/ ask
for extraction concentration ???? CRAZY
● Drug dose 400 clerance is given 200 ask for half life?
● Antiplatet drug depend on CYP19
● Dose of asprin for patient using ticagrelor ) - - 81 -325(
● While waiting for INR result ask for what ( gum bleeding - -
● Pharmacist listen carefully to apatient complain with good
eye contact ( verbal - non verbal - - )
● Pharmacist at retail store female patient is telling your
product expensive. , His answer yes it is because it is original (
passive - assertive - - ).
● Patient with MI face sever gout then acute gout flare (both
severe and acute) cannot for chochicine , what to give for pain (
ibuprofen - indomethacin - paracetamol )
● Patient labe result so many things ( very high creatine -
high BUN - electroytes are near to normal range ) indicate (
heart failure - renal failure - - )
● Patient with phobia from social gethering taking lorazepam
for phobia physician add morphin for pain , ask to change
lorazepam with other drug to prevent respiratory depression (
zolpidem -lorazepam again - buspiron - - )
● Mcv4 vaccine is given at which age) 9 - 6 - 4 -2(
● What to do if missed hepatitis b scheduled dose more than
the appointment time ( repeat dose from beginning - give the
missed dose normally - - ).
● Enoxaparin patient monitor ( inr - factor x ) no APTT
● Hyperkalemia treatment (sodium bicarbonate - sodium
polystyrene - - )
● Patient with several disease physician told " your
appointment with in 3 months According to SOAP ( subjective -
objective - plan - assessment)
● Surgent want to know about DVT in which text book and
ask a pharmacist ( DVT american 2013 update book -
Prevention of DVT for orthopedic book - prevention of DVT for
non orthopedic book - book of parentral treatment )
-5● student want to make study about disease in
kindergarten students ( case serious - cohert - case report - - )
● Screening program by ministry of health to student to
discover diseas ( dental - obesity - vaccination ...etc ) to detect
it is considered ( primary care prevention - school health
programs - - )
● Relation between fast food and obesity ( association - - - )
Septic shok treatment with out titration ( vasopressin- ....)
■ Shock treatment ( fluid - norepinephrine - epinephrine ..)
■ Element for bariatric surgery ( selenium - ...)
■ Acne case need soap ( mild soap - ...)
■ Drug cross blood brain barrier ( lipophilic - ...)
■ Sustained release Medication if crushed toxicity
mechanism ( increase dose - dose 6-8 ..) , SORRY CAN'T
■ Case patient taking Lisinopril must wait before chang to
sacubitril/valosartan ARNI. ) 48 - 36 - 24(
■ Controlled prescription refill validity for dispense-60-30 (
. )120-90
■ Topoisomerase ligate (2 mRNA - 2DNA - ....)
■ how to activate pepsinogen to pepsin (HCL - ...)
■ hydroxy chloroquine baseline monitor ( heart - vision+liver
- kidney-...)
Case need non prescription treatment ( vertigo - tinnitus - ear
water clog - ...)
■ Iv contrast should stop metformin ( befor and 48 hours
after - no need to stop - contrast safe to give - ....)
■ Use vasopressin to treat ( antidiuretic - ....)
■ PPI MOA (H/K pump - ...)
■ Long case with minerals laboratory result and diarrhea
Ameba treatment ( ipeca - castor - ....)???
■ Case high TSH low T3 symptoms (bradycardia - sweat -
tachycardia - ...)
■ Case Sickle cell anemia treatment ( morphin - ...)
■ Dry cough ( eucalyptus oil - ...)
■ Cleaning of hood ( ethanol 80 - isopropyl 70- ...)
■ Which one hypotonic ( Nach 0.45%- ...)
■ Longest duration insulin ( galargin - ....) **there was no
degludec choice.
■ Mechanism of gleptin family medication (DPP4-...)
■ Vaccination for DM patient ( pneumonia+ influenza -...)
■ Inhibitory neurotransmitter (GABA- ...)
■ Antibiotic cause colitis ( Clindamycin -...)
4■ main ethical principles which one is the fourth (non
maleficence -....)
■ Humanestic is (cost utility - ...)
■ OVER RESPONSE HER2 Patient what to give ( trstuzumab -
■ Which drug to give in central line ( NACL 3%- dextrose 10%-
■ Validity of prescription from clinic for dispense (7days - 3
days - ....)
■ Live and inactive vaccine ( give directly - separate one
month - ....)
■ Accident minor wound vaccine (Td-...)
■ HIV Patient what to assess (CD4 count -...)
■ Vaccine not give to pregnant ( varicella - influenza - ...)
■ Nomination of drugs ( atropa belladonna/ antispasmodic -
discoverer - p.nigra/color)
gene variant mean





Ans : i think C

‫صوره لقطعة صغيره تتكلم عن‬

‫ ومكتوب في اخر الصورة بين قوسين‬Inhaled Antibiotics for Gram-Negative Respiratory Infections
inhalation antibiotics with system to treat respiratory infection (not very recommended The
Question was what is your option

A.not use inhalation antibiotics because cause toxicity

B.use inhalation antibiotics with system antibiotics is convenient

‫وبقية الخيارات مستبعده‬

Ans : B may

short Case About fresh pharmacist work in community pharmacy and the are one customer
Angery The Question was How you deal with this Angery customrs

A.potential confernace...etc

B.ask customer to get out

c. Try to understand information about Situation and do nothing police

Ans : C or A the Q not comblete

C ‫ او‬A ‫كانت كلمات غريبة مااتذكرها لكن االجابة الصحيحة‬

petrochemical industries The Question was how to Short case about Al-Jubail city famous in
imorove public health accourding to tertiary health care in KSA

A. Road repairs and traffic lights

B. put many trash box

C. Planting trees

Ans : C
How many times take Hepatitis A

A. 1




Ans : B

How many times take Hepatitis B

A. 5




Ans : C

max duration of domperidone in treating nausea vomiting

A. 3 days

B.7 days

C.14 days

D.20 days

Ans : 7 days

?Which drug can not by prescriped togethers

A. Captopril and lisnopril

B. amlodepine and lisnoril

C. hydrochlorthiazide with lisinopril

Ans :A
Prophylaxis to prevent diabetic food

A.Wear tight socks

B. Keep space between finger dry

C. Apply moisturising cream

Clooset Answer May B

Calc about drug used 2mg TID every 12 h , the pill concentration is 2mg And ask about
number of bills in 4 weeks


B. 160


Ans :A

Calc about drug used 15mg/kg every 12 h and the patient weight is 100kg and ask about
concentration for one day


B. 3g



Ans :3

Ask about BMI for patient high is 165 and weight is 67

A. 21




Ans :D
Calc about CrCl for woman weightage is 40 a and weight 70 and serum creatinin is 0.5mg

A. 160




Ans :D

what is best way to measure blood glucose

A. Blood

B. Urine

C. Saliva

Ans : A

Long Case about patient with heart failure with short of breath and pain at rest no exercise
(At rest) and ask about Classification of Heart Failure accourding to NYHA

Class 1

Class 2

Class 3

Class 4

Ans : class 4

Question about primary healthcare system in KSA and ask about what to do

A. for stop smoking

B. Vaccination

‫بقية الخيارات مستبعده‬

Ans : B
process of decreasing the particle size of powders via triturating them with a mortar and
pestle along with a small amount of liquid

A. trituration

B. Levigation

C. maceration

Ans : B

long Case for patient with lab result hyperkalemia and BP was decreased and give ca
gluconate iv and ask for the treatment for metabolic alkalosis

A.5%dextros then followed by NS

B.sodium bicarbonate followed by NS

C. Ringer lactate followed by dextrse

Case about doctor say to the patient come every 3 month which mean by com every 3
month in SOAP note

A. Plan

b. Subjective

C. Objective


Ans : A

Patient come with acute pain from ostoarthritis which drug not used for this patient

A. aspirin

B. ibuprofen

C. cortiseone

D. acetaminophine

Ans : D
Case about patient with heart disease and ask

about body a physical examination

A. Auscultation

B. Percuation

Ans :A

If Ask about abdomen physical examination The answer well be percussion

One drug from Fluoroquinolones and ask about Mechanism of action

A. inhibiting bacterial DNA synthesis

B. Inhibit 50 s

C. Inhibit DNA gyrase

These antibiotic drugs inhibit the bacterial DNA gyrase and Topoisomerase IV so the Answer
well be C

Case about fresh pharmacist work in community pharmacy and customer ask whay
cosmotics products is expensive then the pharmacist say because Our products are good
brand, not counterfeit what is type of communication





Ans : A

Treatment patient with acute crisi anemia

A. Morphin


Ans : A
organism does not need oxygen to survive and can survive in the presence of oxygen

A. Aerobic

B. Anaerobe

C. Aerotolerant anaerobes

Ans : C

Mechanism od doxorubicin

A. inhibits topoisomerase II

Ans : A

case about asthmatic patient with cough and ask for treatment

A. Codein for expectorant cough

B. guaifenesin for dry cough

C. Use Camphor as needed

D. Referal to emergency

Ans : may C

Attenuating live vaccin


B. influnza type b

Ans : A

deep venous thrombosis and ask about dose of apixaban




The doses with BID and OD day read about it

Ans : 5 mg BID
Screening antibiotics drug resistance befor give to patient with disease

A. Tuberculosis

B. Brucilla

Ans: Tuberculosis

The rate-limiting step of cholesterol synthesis is

) HMG-CoA reductase( correct Ans

HMG-CoA synthase

) makeup wall of fungi (Q like this

A. chitin

B. Ergosterol

Ans : A

In humans, chromosomes 13, 14, 15, 21, and 22 what is

)A. acrocentric (correct Ans

B. Aneuploid

Read about aneuploidy and acrocentric

Ca dose in geriatric =1200 mg

Ferrus sulphate dose =325TID


urinary tract infection =cranberry

warfarin=gum bleeding

bioavilability =IV route 100%Plant like ondansetron=ginger

doctor inspect patient by tapping on his stomach what is this?



C) percussion

Ans : C
ST wave mean

1. .ventricular repolarization
2. Plateau and ventricular repolarization

‫الباقي مستبعد‬

Ans: B

Patient come with pointed pupil, vomiting which drug cause this Situation

A. Benzodiazepine

B. Heroin

Ans : B

patient with severe gastric pain radiating to right upper quadrant with vomiting and pain -
radiaties to back also and gets

? worse with fatty meals

A- Pancreatic

B- gallstones

C- hepatic disease

Ans : A from abas file


A- Glucose

b- glycogen

c- glucagon

Ans : B
vaccine piror hajj

A. Influenza

)B.meningococcal (MCV

C- pcv

D- mmr

Ans : B

Medication for osteoporosis in women given


A- Zoledronic acid

B- ibandronate

C- raloxifene

D- Alendronate

Ans :B

Mechanism of Allopurinol

A. Xanthine oxidase inhibitors


? Which the following is needs a double check

A- Anti inflammatory

B- Anti depression

C- Anti thrombosis

D- Antibiotics

Ans : C
?Which of the following drugs causes metabolic acidosis

A- phenytoin

B- topiramate

C- valproic acid

Ans : B

Long case and then ask about use Glucosamine

A- Osteoporosis

B- Osteomyelitis

C- Osteoarthritis

Ans : C

?What is the most high risk when happen error

A- Look Like Medication

B- High Alert Medication

C- Sound Like Medication

Ans B

controlled drug ‫نوع الحرف الختصار‬

Case about Drug should not use be take with ciprofloxacin

A- acei

B- atorvastatin

C-ferrous sulfate

D- metformin

Ans : C
Copd category (B) best treatment?

A- ipratropium

B- Tiotropium

C. Salbutamol

Ans : B

Case about used Boric acid in pharmaceutical eye preparation

A- puffer

B- stabilizes

C- preservative

Ans : A




Ans : protein

CHA2DS2-VASe score for patient was 5 what is best drug

A. Aspirin

B. Warfarin

C. Dabigatran

Ans: C

Long case about drug PT committe decide to introduce in formulary to treat aspergillosis




Ans voriconazol
Used in caution in ischemic heart disease




Ans :celocoxib

Drug make by recombinant DNA

Ans: Liraglutide


A- Elevated TSH, increased T4

B- Increased T4, elevated TSH

C- Elevated TSH, decreased T4

D- Elevated T4, decreased TSH

Ans : D


A- Elevated TSH, increased T4

B- Increased T4, elevated TSH

C- Elevated TSH, decreased T4

D- Elevated T4, decreased TSH

Ans C

FDA approved that it induces sleep?

A- Lavandula
A fresh graduate was employed by a pharmaceutical

company. The company asked her to create a direct-to-consumer

:advertisement of one of their products that is sold in two dosages

one for prescription and one dosage is sold OTC. Soon after the

adverowas live the Saudi FDA contacted the company to take it

? down. Explain why

A- Because direct-to-consumer advertisement is prohibited in

Saudi Arabia

B- Because advertisment of prescription products is

prouibited in Saudi Arabia

C- Becasue they did not pay an initial fee

Price of product was increased from 100 SA Riyals to 105 SA

Riyals. This resulted in a large decline on demand from 120 to 80 Which

?of the following types of demand does this product follow

A) Elastic

B) Latent



Which polymorphic enzyme is responsible for the conversion of

?codeine to morphine


B) N-Acetyltransferase(

C) CYP2D6(

D) CYP2C9(
?Which of the following exhibits highest anti-inflammatory Potency

A. prednisone

B. triamcinolone

C. hydrocortisone


Which of the following have means that individuals have the

capacity to understand basic health information to make appropriate

? health decisions

A) Health literacy

B) Cultural competency

C)Communication skills

D)health informatics

The ionization of the drug is very important to understand the pharmacodynamic

? of the drug.Which of the following forms are absorbed from the stomach


B. polar-unionized

C. non polar ionized

D. non polar-unionized

Ans :D

Stomach PH

A. 1.5 to 3.5

B.6 to 8

Ans : A
First sign of breast cancer

painless lump

? Which dosage form is a mixture of solid particles with solution

Ans : suspension

? Gentamicin trough level

0.5 to2

side effect of canagloflozin

A. Keton acidosis

B. Thyroid cancer

C. Breast cancer

D. Severe nausia

Ans : A

Male patient 45 years 72 kg always travel for work has DVT what is the

: treatment for his DVT

A. Enoxaparin 70 mg BID

B. Enoxaparin 40 mg OD

C. warfarin

Ans : A

Cause patient newly Diagnosed with Type 2 Dm a1c 13% what is the first initial therapy for

A) metformin

B) gliclazide


Ans : May A
sedative and hypnotic respiratory depression depend on

A)dose dependent depression

B)time dependent depression

C)generation dependent depression

Ans : A

DNA is

A. Double strand and deoxyribonuclic acid

B. Double strand and ribonuclic acid

Ans : A

Methotrexate used as

A. Daily

B. weakly

C. monthly

Ans : B

Doctor or nurse measure blood pressure and take three reading for about three days
)152/90, 148/91 and150/88 (Question like this

What your decision about this reading the patient has what

A. normotensive


C. hypertention

D. repeat reading

Ans : may C
Disadvantage of computerized provider order entry

A. Timedown


Other choice i don't remember

Which is added to increase flow of power during manufacturing

)A. Glycerin Cellulose (bulking agent

)B. magnesium stearate (lubricant

Ans: B

Uniformity test used for

A. Potency

B. Bioavailability

Ans : may A

non aqueous preparation

A. Syrup, colloidal, mucilage

B. Essence, colloid and elixir

Ans : B

what will happen if you break down sustained release drug -

A. toxic

B. more absorped

C. easily to dissolve

D. Decrease effectiveness
Advantage of Automated dispensing system

A. Cost

B. Adhearance

C. Dug quality

D. Adverse drug reaction

Ans : may C

Patient i think come to emergency and has stroke and doctor want to do X ray to confirm
diagnosis and doctor ask intern student to do X ray for the patient what is doctor wrong (
)Question like this

A. Student should do this beacause imorove learning for for students

B. The intern do X-ray for the patient by supervising doctor

Ans: may B

What is the drug Patient should be used after thyroidoctomy

A. Mithimazole


C. Radio iodide

D. Levothroxine

Ans: D

First line treatment lic scalp

Ans : Permethrin

Which Antibioticsdrug cause hyperkalemia

Ans : Trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazol
Drug used to trat hypertenstion and prophylaxis for headache

A. Hydrlazine

B. phenytoin

C. Dapson

D. minoxidil

🤗 ‫سؤال غريب‬

Long Case about reasearch and Evidence base medicine

A. evidence from clinical research help to make decisions about the care of individual

Ans :A

Lowest route Absorption

A. Oral

B. Intravenous

C. Intramuscular

Ans : A

Drug used in operation surgery

A. Enoxaparin

B. warfarin

C. Dabigatran

D. Unfractionated heparin

Ans : D
CaCase patient have numbness in hand and around mouth he take sevelamer

: and cincalcet what is the cause

A) hypophosphatemia

B) hyperphosphatemia

C. Hypocalcemia

Ans: A

Case patient with dry skin and night blindness lab result show low retinol

what to give : cod liver

Flash tablet ? Immediate release

rifampicin with clopidogel

A. Rifampicin Increase Metabolism of clopidgrel

B. Rifampicin Decrease Metabolism of clopidgrel

C. clopidgrel Increase Metabolism of clopidgrel

D. clopidgrel Increase Metabolism of clopidgrel

Ans A

Case about old patient use statin drug ans he not adherence to the drug and ask about
statin drug he can use in morning

A. Fluvastatin

B. Pravastatin

C. Lovastatin

D. Atorvastatin

Ans D
Prophylaxis for Travelers' diarrhea

A. Ciprofloxacin

B. Bismuth

)C. Hygiene and eat in clean places( Q like this

Ans : C

Beyond time for crash cart

A. 12



Ans : C

.Mechanism of action of isoproterenol

B against

B antagonist

Ans : A

Long case about plant name Atropa belladonna used by niger people The name accourding
to = i think geographical place

Diabetic melites +pharmacoeconmic

study design+

Read about it

long Case for patient with lab result hyperkalemia and BP was decreased and give ca
gluconate iv and ask for the treatment for metabolic alkalosis

A.5%dextros then followed by NS

B.sodium bicarbonate followed by NS

C. Ringer lactate followed by dextrse ✅

■HFA in what medication?

✅ inhaler


● polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA ) need important vitamin ?

vitamin E✅

● Ranitidine proton structure for acidic effect

●Phospholipid structure ( hydrophilic head - hydrofopic tail)

●Paracetamol structure bond type

●Chiral structures 4 different structure and choose

●Asprin ph 3 soluble at which ph ( ✅2 - 4 - 6 )

●Life threating food Allergy treatment ( epinephrine - antihistamine - - )

●drug need adjustment for adult ( clomipramin - loastrean - thyroxin✅ - Lisinopril )

●Bph score 16 with American score mild<8 sever >8 chose intial treatment ?

tamsulosin + finasteride ✅combination both

●Osteoarthritis initial treatment ?

( topical NSAIDS-✅✅ paracetamol - ibuprofen )

●Monitor infliximab ?

(TB Tuberculosis test )✅✅

●Dark stool (✅✅ ibuprofen - paracetamol

Before treatment with SGLT- 2 monitor?

( heart - liver - ✅renal)


● IgG in which type sensitivity ?

Type II hypersensitivity✅✅


●Ibuprofen paracetamol bleeding ( ✅ibuprofen inhibt cox1 - ibuprofen inhibt thrombin - -

●Drug dose dose 1600 ml/hr/ Clearance 1200 ml/min/ ask for extraction concentration
???? CRAZY

●Drug dose 400 clerance is given 200 ask for half life ?

‫ عادي بقانون‬t1/2

T1/2 = 0.693/cl


●Dose of asprin for patient using ticagrelor (325- 81 - - )

Acute 325

Maintenance 81


●While waiting for INR result ask for what (✅✅ gum bleeding - - - )


●Pharmacist listen carefully to apatient complain with good eye contact

( verbal - non verbal ✅


●Pharmacist at retail store female patient is telling your product expensive. , His answer
yes it is because it is original ?

( passive - assertive ✅- - ) .

●Patient with MI face sever gout then acute gout flare (both severe and acute) cannot for
chochicine , what to give for pain ?

(✅ ibuprofen - indomethacin - paracetamol )

●Patient labe result so many things ( very high creatine - high BUN - electroytes are near
to normal range ) indicate ?

( heart failure - ✅renal failure - - )


●Patient with phobia from social gethering taking lorazepam for phobia physician add
morphin for pain , ask to change lorazepam with other drug to prevent respiratory
depression ?

( zolpidem -lorazepam again - ✅buspiron - - )


●Mcv4 vaccine is given at which age ?(2- 4 - 6 - 9 ✅)


●What to do if missed hepatitis b scheduled dose more than the appointment time ?

( repeat dose from beginning - give the missed dose normally ✅.


●Enoxaparin patient monitor?

( inr - ✅factor x ) no APTT


●Hyperkalemia treatment ?

sodium bicarbonate ✅✅


●Patient with several disease physician told " your appointment with in 3 months
According to SOAP?

( subjective - objective - ✅plan - assessment)


●Surgent want to know about DVT in which text book and ask a pharmacist ?

( DVT american 2013 update book - Prevention of DVT for orthopedic book - ✅prevention of
DVT for non orthopedic book✅ - book of parentral treatment )


●5-student want to make study about disease in kindergarten students ?

( case serious - cohert - case report - - )

●Screening program by ministry of health to student to discover diseas

( dental - obesity - vaccination ...etc ) to detect it is considered ?

( primary care prevention - school health programs - - )

●Relation between fast food and obesity?

association ✅

●Patient is not adherence to take his medicine want to take all tablets ‫ ة‬once morning,
which statin is convenient ?

( ✅atorvastatin - fluvastatin - pravastatin - ..)

●Qt interval definition ?

●Planning (1-5) years using resource for achieve goals ?

(organizational planning✅ - business planning - risk planing -...)

●Trigonella is available more in ( fouengrek✅ - anise - ...)


●Plague transfer

(✅ flea - mosquito - house flies - - )


●Treatment of realapsing multiple scelrosis ?



●Drug increase lacyrimal, gastric secretions

( ✅acetylcholine - norepinephrine - dobutamin- ..)


●Antiameobic ( ipecac - castor - ginsing ..)

●Stress herb ( ✅ lavender )


●Hashimotos symptoms?

‫فيه شك‬

(bradycardia - sweat - ✅wt gain - tachycardia )

● Liver and skeletal muscle ?

( alfa 1 - alfa 2 - beta 1 - ✅beta 2 )

● Aspergillus treatment ?
( voriconazole ✅ )

●Drug less lipophilic ( ✅atenolol - propanolol - ...)

●Vincristine dispense?

(✅ biggy bag - syring - ..).

●Anticoagulant for atrial fibrillation and mechanical valve ?

( Enoxaparin - dabigatran - apixeban - Warfarin✅ )


●Anticoagulant take with food ?



● Bivalirudin monitor ?

( inr - ✅aptt ( Partial thromboplastin time) - factor xa-..)

●Reaction (NAD _ NADH+) give + 30 energy ?

Endothermic ✅

●Antimetabolite drug cause bleeding

( capecitapin - ...)


●12 years girl with rash from oxcabamazepin change to ?

Topiramate ✅

●Inhibitory neurotransmitter

(GABA) gamma-Aminobutyric acid✅✅

●Dose of carbidopa/levedopa depend on ?

(Levodopa alone -✅ carbidopa alone - ratio 1:1)

●Case taking medication then added prazocin suffer from postrual hypertension ?

stop prazocin and shift to alfuzocin ✅


●Intavaginal tablet for delivery case ?

( dinoproston ✅ - latanoprost - - )

●Long case with test baljet test ++++ ?

digoxin ✅

Digitalis ✅✅


● Drug stop breast milk ?

( metoclopramide - ✅equal quality contraceptive tab ....)

●Case about control the dispense of antimicrobial to prevent spread of developing
resistance in the community ?

(infection control - antibiotics stewardship - ...)


●case about 2 friend discuss about importance of flu vaccine. First : you have to take flu
vaccine. Friend : no i will not take first : if you didnt take you may be sick and go to
ICU friend: yes for sure I'll take the dose ?

( Social support - health literacy - theory of innovation ..)


■Mastitis treatment ?

(cephalexin✅ - ceftriaxone -...)


■Calculate the Enoxaparin dose for weight 112 kg Per one dose ?

( 110 - 160 ✅ - 180 ..)


■Long case about drug cause agranulocytosis ?

(propylthiouracil) ✅

■Side effect of oral corticosteroids ?

Candidiasis ✅


■Best treatment for dosing in infant ?

( nubelizer - turbohailer - evohailer )

■B- carotin is precursor for ?

retinol ✅

■Question about role of protease enzyme ?

Protein ✅

■Renal failure patient need diuretic ?

Furresemide ✅

■Name of vitamin k ?


■Which one Rate control drug ?

( Amiodarone ✅- sotalol - flecainid - ..)

■Drug contraindicated with verapamil ?

digoxin ✅


■Quinine structure r isomer when shifted to s isomer ?

anti-arrhythmic ✅

■Septic shok treatment with out titration ?

( vasopressin✅✅


■Shock treatment ?

(✅ fluid - norepinephrine - epinephrine ..)


■Element for bariatric surgery ?

( selenium ✅


■Acne case need soap

mild soap ✅
■Drug cross blood brain barrier ?

lipophilic ✅

■Sustained release Medication if crushed toxicity mechanism ?

( increase dose✅ - dose 6-8 ..) ,

■Case patient taking Lisinopril must wait before chang to sacubitril/valosartan ARNI ?

(24 - 36✅ - 48 )

■Controlled prescription refill validity for dispense ?

( 30-60-90-120)

■Topoisomerase ligate ?

2DNA ✅

■how to activate pepsinogen to pepsin ?

Hydrochloric acid ✅


■ hydroxychloroquine baseline monitor ?

( heart - ✅vision+liver - kidney-...)


■Case need non prescription treatment ?

( ✅vertigo - tinnitus - ear water clog - ...)


■Iv contrast should stop metformin ?

Before and 48 hours after✅

‫ هو االصح ف نفس اليوم اللي رح ياخذ فيه‬iv contrast ‫ويومين بعده‬


■Use vasopressin to treat ?

diabetes insipidus ✅

■ Proton-pump inhibitor MOA ?

H⁺/K⁺ ATPase proton pump ✅


■Long case with minerals laboratory result and diarrhea Ameba treatment ?

ipeca ✅


■Case high TSH low T3 symptoms ?

(bradycardia✅ - sweat - tachycardia - ...)

■Dry cough

( eucalyptus oil - ...)

■Cleaning of hood ?

( ethanol 80 - isopropyl 70 ✅


■Which one hypotonic ?

Nach 0.45% ✅

■Longest duration insulin ?

( galargin ✅- ....) **there was no degludec choice .


■ Mechanism of gliptin family medication?

DPP-4 : Dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitor✅


■Vaccination for DM patient ?

( pneumonia+ influenza ✅

‫ انفلونزا لحالها جتني باختباري‬، ‫صح ممكن‬


■Antibiotic cause colitis ?

Clindamycin ✅✅

■4 main ethical principles which one is the fourth ?

non maleficence ✅

■OVER RESPONSE + HER2 Patient what to give ?

trastuzumab ✅

■Which drug to give in central line ?

( NACL 3%- dextrose 10%-...)

‫هنا فيه شك وكلهم ينفعون‬

■Validity of prescription from clinic for dispense?

(7days✅ - 3 days - ....)

■Live and inactive vaccine ?

( give directly ✅- separate one month - ....)

■HIV Patient what to assess?

CD4 ✅

■Vaccine not give to pregnant ?

( varicella ✅- influenza - ...)

■Nomination of drugs ?

( ✅atropa belladonna/ antispasmodic - discoverer - p.nigra/color)

-HLA B 1502 positive what's safe to take?

Carbamazepine, phenobarbital, lamotrigine, levetiracetam ✅

- community pharmacy display area?

-starch is digested in salive by?

Amylase✅ , lipase

-epimor of glucose?

Ribose,✅ galactuse, deoxyribose


Glucose,✅glycogen, glucagon

-MRSA infection (I think ocular)?

Vancomycin ointment, doxycycline ointment

-drug safe to take with hcg?

Warfarin, levothyroxine (other two medications i forgot)

- after meal abbreviation?

-1 gtt o.u. bid means?

-rate limiting step in bioavailability?

Dissolution ✅, absorption

-anti androgen medication?

5alpha reductase inhibitors, finasteride ✅

-9 year old with dry cough?

Dextromorphan 15 bid, Dextromorphan 30 bid

-UGT1A1*28 polymorphism associated with severe diarrhea in what chemo?

Irinotecan ✅, methotrexate

-Norepenphrine is?

Coenzyme and neurotransmitter, hormone and neurotransmitter ✅

-patient with lab results.. high GGT, high ALT and high AST, what disease?

Cirrhosis, hepatic steatoria, cholestasis

-taken with food?

Apixaban, ✅rivaroxaban, dabigatran

-DASH diet in?

Hyperlibidema, DM, Hypertension ✅

-pharmacisist caring about patient best interest is?

Autonomy, beneficence, justice

-long question.. research about Vitamin E and it's a collection of a lot of studies?

Meta analysis ✅

-observetional study about relation between someone who eats fatty food and obesity?

Association, causality

-most direct anticoagulant that causes dyspepsia?

Dabigatran, revaroxiban, apixaban, betrixaban

- patient admitted to the hospital for MI ,he was on high intensity stating but decreased it to
moderate intensity bc he was having muscle pain?

Add niacin ER, add ezetimibe ✅, add gemfibrozil, dont do anything

-phenobarbital SE in elderly?

Ataxia, hypotension, agitation✅, dementia

-vaccine contraindicated in pregnancy?


-patient wants to travel in one week to a country with high hepatitis A?

Take hepatitis A vaccine only, take hepatitis A vaccine + Ig

-tyramine allergy?

Linezolid ✅

-PR wave?

-QT wave?

-epoiton alpha hemoglobin goal?

-enternal nutrition contraindication?

Bowel ischemia ✅, gastric achlorhydria, caranial hemorrhage

-3 months infant has RSV?

pavilimumab, supportive✅

-13 year old girl with sore throat for 2 days but no symptoms at all?

Gargoyle with salt and water✅, give antibiotics

-cyclophosphamide toxicity?

Hemorrhagic cystitis

-antidote of methglobinemia?

Methylen blue ✅, atropine

-patient on benzotropine, what's the antidote?

Atropine ✅

-water for injection?

Sterile water, nonsterile water, sterile water for injection ✅

-cleaning gloves in laminar hood with?

Isopropanol 70%, other options I can't remember

-cleaning in laminar hood with?

Isopropanol 70%, Isopropanol 90%, ethanol 70% ✅, ethanol 90%

-a student touched a patient who has c.diff infection used aseptic wipes?

A) Aseptic wipes are enough

B) use rubbing alcohol

C)clean with soap and water✅

D) take metronidazole immediately as prophylaxis

-patient came to the pharmacy and admitted that he takes his wife's lorazepam everyday
before he sleeps and the Pharmacist wrote "patient has substance abuse" what is the
mistake that the Pharmacist did?

A) Disrespect patient's privacy

B) didn't call the police

C) gave diagnosis for substance abuse✅

-transportation is?

Indirect medical cost✅

-patient with minor wounds due to accident and unknown history of vaccination?

Don't give anything, give td only, give td + IG

-patient with deep wounds and unknown history of vaccination? (Same options as above)

-DM medication that causes weight loss?

Liraglutide ✅

-pioglitazone monitoring?

Liver function, renal function , ✅ Hepatics failure

-drug that misused for weight loss?

Orlistat ✅, levothyroxine, gliclazide

-Lamotrigine serious risk?

Skin rash ✅

-medication for osteoporosis and heartburn?

Calcium carbonate ✅

-antimalarial medications are made from?


-drug not given in G6PD?

✅TMP/SMX, impenem/cilastatin, amoxacillin/clav

-patient with asthma and open angle glaucoma?

Timolol, bromonidine, latanoprost, pilocarbine✅

-patient is going to travel no history of traveler's diarrhea, for traveler's diarrhea


Good hygiene, azithromycin, ciprofloxacin

-two chemical configurations for the same drug, one is R and the other is S what it is called?

Isomers ✅


Medications errors, adverse effects

-patient taking vancomycin and red man syndrome happened?

✅Decrease infusion rate, increase infusion rate , do nothing

-pregnant woman and her lab hemoglobin level is 10 and low ferritin and other lab tests,

A.Iron only

B.Iron and pravastatin need for management

-antioxidant that give food the color?

Tannins, alkaloids, flavoids ✅

-acute migraine?

Sumatriptan✅, other options

-pregenant woman with migraine?

Acetaminophen✅, ibuprofen

-pregenant and ductus closure happened what's the management?

Indomethacin,✅ alprostdin, misoprostol

-corticosteroids are given in sepsis for?

Mortality, decrease pain scale, decrease staying in ICU✅, decrease need for fluids

-methotrexate is given as?

Weekly with folic acid every other day✅, weekly with folic acid in the same day, daily

-diffusion depends on?

Metabolism, metabolizing enzymes, absorption✅

-100% bioavailabilty?

Intravenous✅, oral, intramuscular

-least bioavailability?

Oral ✅, rectal, buccal, IV

-medication done in vertical laminar hood?

Doxorubicin ✅

-75 years old woman with urinary incontinence?

✅Oxybutinin, deluxetine, imipramine, doxazosin

-first line in status epilepticus?

Midazolam ✅, other options

-patient with absent epilepsy and the physician increased her valproate dose because she
had a seizure, goal?

Zero seizures, decrease seizures by 25%, decrease seizures by 50%

-how to write a prescription in board accreditation..?

A.HCTZ 100 mg orally twice daily

B.HCTZ 1g orally every 12 hours

C.hydrochlorothiazide 100 mg orally every 12 hours ✅

D.hydrochlorothiazide 100 mg orally twice daily

-DM patient on insulin but he is not taking his dose, his HbA1c is 12%, he refuses taking
insulin right dose bc of weight gain what do you do as a Pharmacist?

A) Refer to physician to decrease his insulin dose

B) decrease his dose

C) try to change his beliefs on insulin✅✅

D) tell him it's ok to not take his dose

-bentonite is?

Preservative, emulsyfing agent, suspending agent✅ , vehicle

-biotin is vitamin?

B7 ✅

-natural antiemetic?

Ginger ✅✅

-from high concentration to low concentration?

Passive Diffusion ✅


-patient on warfarin and has mechanical valve and INR 3.5, what should you do?

✅No management, decrease warfarin dose

-best anticoagulant in pregnancy?



-best anticoagulant in cancer?

Heparin + edoxaban, rivaroxaban, and apixaban,✅✅✅

rate control in atrial fibrillation?

Amiodarone, procinamide, ✅✅sotalol, lidocaine


-what medication causes increased lipids?

Isoterotoin ✅✅


-patient has severe endocarditis with staphylococcus aureus on vancomycin but sensitivity
test is done and the patient is only sensitive on linezolid but it's not FDA approved in
endocarditis what's the management?

A) Increase vancomycin dose

B) don't give linezolid

C) give linezolid as off-label✅✅


-best source for vaccinations?


-you want to know If you can give two injectable medications together what's the source?

Red book, merck manual, handbook of injectable medications ✅

-preventive and curative institution is?

✅Primary, secondary, tertiary, speciality

-what causes medication error?

High interruption ✅

-non verbal communication?

Body posture ✅✅

-patient taking sildanafil and needs consultation but the pharmacy is full?

consult in private area ✅

-hepatitis B vaccine how many doses?

1, 2, 3 ✅, 6

- physician wrote for a patient on HCTZ " increase hydrochlorothiazide to 50 mg and come
back in two weeks", what does this represent in SOAP method?

Plan ✅, assessment, objective, subjective


Hair loss and rash ?

Deficiency of B7 ✅✅

‫جا بعد وحده انحرقت من الشمس وش تاخذ من النباتات‬

‫ الخيارات اغلبها شفتها مستبعد حطيت‬Aole

Which of this drug has been band from the Olympics ?



Cause patient newly Diagnosed with Type 2 Dm a1c 13% what is the first initial therapy for

A) metformin

B) gliclazide

C)insulin ✅✅

Male patient 45 years 72 kg always travel for work has DVT what is the

treatment for his DVT ?

A. Enoxaparin 70 mg BID ✅
B. Enoxaparin 40 mg OD

C. warfarin

patient with severe gastric pain radiating to right upper quadrant with vomiting and pain
radiaties to back also and gets

worse with fatty meals ?

A- Pancreatic

B- gallstones ✅✅

C- hepatic disease

doctor inspect patient by tapping on his stomach what is this?



C) percussion ✅


Patient come with acute pain from ostoarthritis which drug not used for this patient

A. aspirin

B. ibuprofen

C. cortiseone ✅

D. acetaminophen


Treatment patient with acute crisis anemia

A. Morphin

B.Hydroxyurea ✅


case about asthmatic patient with cough and ask for treatment

A. Codein for expectorant cough

B. guaifenesin for dry cough

C. Use Camphor as needed

D. Referral to emergency✅

observetional study about relation between someone who eats fatty food and obesity?

Association ✅✅
patient admitted to the hospital for MI ,he was on high intensity stating but decreased it to
moderate intensity bc he was having muscle pain?

Add niacin ER, add ezetimibe✅, add gemfibrozil, dont do anything


patient has severe endocarditis with staphylococcus aureus on vancomycin but sensitivity
test is done and the patient is only sensitive on linezolid but it's not FDA approved in
endocarditis what's the management?

A) Increase vancomycin dose

B) don't give linezolid

C) give linezolid as off-label ✅


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