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‫ الرياض‬،2021 ‫ أكتوبر‬25 ‫اختبار‬

‫بالتوفيق للجميع‬
:‫أوال إليكم مالحظاتي وبعض النصائح‬
‫ وتجميعات الشهور األخيرة وان شاء هللا تكون نسبة‬non-pharma ‫االختبار متوسط للي مذاكر يزيد وعباس وال‬ -1
.‫نجاحه كبيرة‬
‫ وعدم االكتفاء بحفظها ألن األسئلة وإن تكررت إال أنها في كثير من األحيان تيجي‬cases ‫البد من فهم المسائل وال‬ -2
.)renin ‫ أو تيجي بترتيب خيارات مختلف (مثال رسمة ال‬،‫بصيغة مختلفة‬
vitamins ‫ واللي معندوش وقت يحاول يذاكر المواضيع المهمة منها (ال‬،‫ مهمة جدا جدا جدا‬non-pharma ‫ال‬ -3
Structures ‫ ال‬،genes ‫ جدول ال‬،live vaccines ‫ معرفة على األقل ال‬،Antidotes ‫ ال‬،‫وأسمائها البديلة‬
)Tetanus ‫ ال‬،Study designs ‫ ومعرفة الفروق بين أنواع ال‬،‫المهمة‬
‫ معظمها ييجي‬calculations ‫ ألن مسائل ال‬،)‫ ومذاكرتها (ممكن من ملف الزتونة‬calculations ‫يفضل فهم ال‬ -4
.‫بسيط محتاج منك بس شوية فهم وتركيز‬
.‫ معتمد على ذكائك واستنباطك للحل‬%10 ‫ ألن االختبار فيه حوالي‬،‫كن هادئ علشان تعرف تفكر‬ -5

:‫أبدأ معاكم باألسئلة الجديدة وبعدين هاخد سكرين شوت من االسئلة اللي جت من يزيد وعباس‬
1. What is the cause of ergotism:
- Candida Albicans Qs with RED mark : 31 Oct 2021
- Aspergillus Raghad
- Claviceps purpurea (the right answer)

2. What is the right description of clostridium?

- Gram negative, cocci, aerobic
- Gram positive, bacilli, aerobic
- Gram positive, bacilli, anaerobic (the right answer)

3. Of the following, what is considered moderate intensity statin:

- Atorvastatin 20 mg
- Simvastatin 10 mg
- Pravastatin 20 mg

4. A child with osteomyelitis, what is the causative organism:

- Streptococcus
- Candida albicans
- Pseudomonas aeruginosa (my answer)

5. The best antiarrhythmic drug in case of atrial fibrillation:

- Sotalol
- Flecainide
- Amiodaron
- B-blocker
6. Patient come to emergency with anemia, he is heavy smoker for 15 years, and endoscopy showed
gastrointestinal bleeding, what is the cause of anemia:
- Smoking
- Anemia due to chronic disease
- Anemia due to gastric ulcer (my answer)

7. Woman come to the clinic with menstrual pain, and give you 4 structures (ibuprofen, aspirin, and
other 2 I don’t remember), and asking about the most suitable one.

8. Patient with daily cough and chest tightness, with 3 – 4 night attacks per week, with limitations in
his daily activity, what is the classification of this asthma type:
- Intermittent
- Mild
- Moderate persistent
- Sever persistent

9. Pt. take clozapine for depression, he is newly diagnosed with DM, doctor want to change
clozapine, what is the most appropriate:
- Olanzapine
- Queitiapine
- Aripiprazol (my answer)

10. A pharmacy chain has locations in Riyadh, Makkah, and Jeddah… A pharmacist with 5 years
experience has an interview with the CEO of the chain for the position of Makkah branches
manager, he was asked to write sales projection for the next 5 years of the pharmacies he will
manage, what Is the most important to be written in this projection:
- The expected number of pilgrims of the next five years and the expected number of sales based
on it (The only choice I remember because I have chosen it)
- Another choices.

11. A pharmacist want to add a service of blood pressure measuring and blood glucose testing in the
pharmacy he is working in to attract more clients, he prepared a presentation to submit it to the
pharmacy owner, what is the most important thing that should be presented in such presentation:
- The opinion of clients about this project.
- To study if the vision of the pharmacy match with this project.
- The cost and benefits of this service if added (my answer).

12. A pharmacy manager want to assess the approachability of his pharmacists in patient counselling
for OTC drugs, he conducted a questionnaire to the clients, what is the most important question
to the clients:
- The appearance of pharmacists
- Tone of voice of pharmacists
- How the pharmacists respond to the questions (my answer)
13. What is the part of neuron responsible for pulse protection and conduction:
- Axon (the right answer)
- Myelin sheath
- Other choices

14. What is the cell that produce monoclonal antibodies:

- T cells
- B cells
- Meyloma
- Hybridoma (The right answer)

15. Pt. come with respiratory depression, he is taking diazepam for anxiety, what is the appropriate
anxiolytic drug with less respiratory depression side effects:
- Buspirone (my answer)
- Lorazepam

16. Antidote of sulfonyl urea? (Octreotide)

17. What is the safe antibiotic for pregnant woman in the 1st trimester with UTI:
- Ciprofloxacin
- Cefuroxime (The right answer)

18. What should be monitored with thiazolidinones:

- Liver function tests (My choice)
- Renal

19. What is the side effect mostly associated with ginger:

- Bleeding (my answer)
- Nausea
- Headache

20. What is the maximum volume of injection in gluteus maximus:

- 1 ml
- 2 ml
- 3 ml
- 5 ml (the right answer)

21. Antidote of propranolol? (Glucagon)

22. Antidote of digitalis? (Digifab)

23. What is the most efficient method to kill endospores:
- Autoclaving (the right answer)
- Hot air sterilization

24. What is required to be prepared under laminar air flow:

- Oral solutions
- Ointments
- Parenterals (the right answer)
25. What should be monitored at base line of TPN:
- Glucose in blood
- Sodium in serum
- Triglycerides in serum
- Potassium in serum

26. How does PEG increase half-life of preparations:

- Decrease antigenicity
- Increase solubility
- Increase particle size (my answer)

27. What prevents acute renal injury:

- Vit c You should know the
- Vit D relation between PEG and
- Adequate hydration (my answer)
28. Disadvantage of primary literature (resources)? (need more skills to understand the literature)

29. Question, give your 4 drugs ( A, B, C, D) given in a dose of 100 mg, and give you the
concentration of each drug in plasma, then ask you which one has more distribution in plasma.
(the answer is to calculate the volume of distribution of each drug by dividing the dose / conc,
the least one has volume of distribution is the most one distributed in plasma)

30. Pt. with sensitivity to amoxicillin, which of the following could be taken:
- Ceftriaxone
- Cefazoiln
- Ceftazidime
- Clarithromycin (the right answer)
(note the difference between sensitivity and resistance)

31. What of the following readily cross placenta:

- Insulin
- Amoxicillin (my choice)
32. What of the following Ig has the longest half life:
- IgM
- IgG (the right answer)
- IgE
- IgA

33. Pregnant woman take levothyroxine, become fatigue, what is the right management:
- Double the dose (my answer because he did not give “refer to her doctor” in the choices)
- No need to change
- Modify the dose based on TSH results
- Stop levothyroxine

34. What is the effect of smoking on theophylline:

- Inhibition of CYP3A4
- Inducer of CYP1A2 (the right answer)
- No effect
- Decrease excretion of theophylline

35. A pharmacy technician dispense a wrong medication, and the pharmacist noticed the error
while he was reviewing the prescription, what is the description of this error:
- The error happened but did not reach to the patient (the right answer)

36. What is meant when the patient have the right to decide something about his treatment
37. What is the type of cost of comparing prices of equivalent drugs (cost minimization)

38. Pt. come with her diabetic sister to the family clinic, no DM has been diagnosed and the BMI is
in the normal range, she do exercise occasionally at home, what the recommendation for her
to prevent DM due to family history:
- Take metformin 500 mg once daily
- Take glyburide
- Make physical activity at least 3 / week (the right answer)

39. Question, give you the curve of affinity and asking about the highest affinity.

40. Pt. with absence seizure and give you 4 structures then asking about the drug of choice (the
structure of esthuxomide)

41. How does Ibuprofen increase the bleeding effect of warfarin:

- Decrease metabolism
- Increase metabolism
- Ibuprofen replace warfarin (my answer)
42. What of the following drugs decrease mortality with heart rate:
- Digoxin
- Captopril

43. Warfarin INR target in DVT (2-3)

44. Counselling of warfarin:

- Avoid green leaves
- Take green leaves
- Separate between green leaves and warfarin with at least 4 hours (my answer)
- Separate between green leaves and warfarin with at least 2 hours

45. 50 years old man come to hajj carrying a prescription bottle of lorazepam to be administered
once at night, he is planning to stay with his relatives after hajj for 2 weeks, what is the
maximum allowed number of lorazepam tablets he could carry in luggage:
- 15
- 30 (my answer)
- 45
- 60

46. What is the role of medical science liaison in pharmaceutical companies:

- Work with research & development department Maybe
- Link between clinical staff, physicians and industry staff (my answer)

47. The question of hydrophilic head, hydrophobic tail of phosphates

Many Qs about Hydrophobic and philic
48. Role of phosphate group of fosphenytoin (prodrug of phenytoin):
- Hydrophilic (my answer)
- Hydrophobic
- Lipid soluble Many different Qs about Cephalosporin
Generations, u have to study it hardly
49. What is the generation of Ceftaroline? (5th generation cephalosporin)

50. Each individual involved in manufacturing of sterile preparations is required to be well trained
to produce sterile preparations, which is the following tests is required by USP to be done
annually to ensure consistent production of sterile drugs:
- Sterility test
- Media fill (my answer)
- Viable and non-viable environmental monitoring

51. What is the preparation that could be prepared with naturally occurring water:
- Oral solutions
- Tablets
- External preparations (the right answer)
52. What is the form of vit. D that could be given to liver and kidney failure patients:
- Calcitriol (my answer)
- 25 hydroxycholecalciferol

53. What is meant by adverse drug event?

54. What is considered aerobic pathogen and can lead to epidemic?

- Influenza
- Rubella

55. Arrange human needs according to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.

56. What of the following needs more energy for breakdown:

- Glucose
- Maltose
- Dextran (my answer)

57. Nursing mother drink 8 cups of coffee and take other medicines (I don’t remember), her baby
recently irritable and can not sleep well. What is the cause? (Coffee)

58. Which one of the following systems works better for fast distribution of low-cost, high-volume
medicines, like paracetamol and aspirin:
- Bulk ward stock (my answer)
- Automated dispensing
- Individual medication order
- Unit-dose medication dispensing

59. A nurse give 1 ml morphine ampoule to patent A instead of patent B, who are sharing the same
room, what type of medication error preventing systems can prevent this type of error:
- Bar coding (I think this is the right answer)
- Medication reconciliation (my answer)
- computerized physician order entry

60. A 26 year old woman come to the pharmacy to ask about the most appropriate method to use
plan-B pills:
- Take it daily
- Take with 24 hours of the intercourse (my answer)
- Take with 48 hours of the intercourse
- Take with 72 hours of the intercourse
61. What is responsible for supercoiling of DNA:
- Helicase
- Topoisomerase (the right answer)

62. Drug of choice of tapeworm (Niclosamide)

Case about elderly pts, have mental
63. fluoxetine used as? changes, which drug he used? Or which drug
- Mood stabilizer (the right answer) he should use? *smt like that*
- Other choices far away from the action of fluoxetine

64. Case with Status asthmaticus:

- Salmeterol Asthma Qs about: Drug of choice, Drug-drug interaction,
- Corticosteroids (my answer)First line

65. Case about woman left the aspirin in the bathroom, what is the expected degradation effect:
- Hydrolysis (my answer)
- Oxidation

66. What is a phase II metabolism:

- Hydrolysis
Many qs about diazepam and axionlytic: if no effect
- Oxidation-reduction
- Conjugation what is the alternative? OR If pts have 2 conditions
CNS and smt else, and he is treated with diazpam
67. Diazepam used as which interaction will happen OR how we can avoid
- Anxiolytic (the right answer) diazepam interaction...?
- Other choices far away from the action of diazepam.

68. According to SFDA, what is the permitted age to dispense cold medications to children:
- Up to 2 years
- Up to 6 years (the right answer) Be careful, I choose wrong answer here :')
- Up to 4 years

69. What is the medication that cause gingival hyperplasia? (Phenytoin)

70. Case pt. takes iron tablets three times daily, he is on metformin, captopril and magnesium
hydroxide. He come with iron diffidence anemia. Which of the mentioned medications interfer
with iron tablets:
- Captopril
- Metformin
- Mg (my answer)
71. What is the conc w/w if 20 ml of water is required to dissolve 2 g o substance X?
- 9.90 %
- 10.23%
- 8.60%
- 5.7%

72. Patient is stable on 100 mg phenytoin sodium three times daily; he is in ICU and prescribed
Phenytoin IV infusion. The nurse noticed that the name on the label is “Phenytoin base”. How
much milliliters should this patient receive daily?
- 100 ml
- 270ml (the right answer) (each 100 mg of phenytoin sodium contains 92 mg of phenytoin base)
- 300 ml
- 900 ml

73. Which of the following conditions associated with resting membrane potential:
- Potassium and chloride outside the membrane and sodium inside
- Potassium and sodium outside, chloride inside
- Sodium and chloride outside, potassium inside
- Sodium inside, chlorine and potassium outside

74. According to SFDA, narcotic prescriptions should:

- Write the narcotic drug on the top with yellow color
- More than one narcotic drugs in the same prescription
- Each narcotic drug should be prescribed in a separate prescription (the right answer)

75. During establishment of a new pharmacy, what is the appropriate location to install shelves of
prescription drugs;
- In the front after entrance
- In the back left corner
- At the back in a prominent location to the pharmacists (the right answer)

76. What is the rate limiting step in cholesterol synthesis:

- HMG co A reductase (my answer)
- HMG co A oxidase
- Squalene synthesis

77. Athlete’s foot treatment (topical terbinafine)

78. What is the role of norepinephrine? (Hormone and neurotransmitter)

There are more than one Qs about

79. ‫رسمة المالريا وايه الدوا اللي بنستخدمه‬ Norepinephrin: its indication and when CI
2 Qs about this:
1- answer was Renin
2- Answer was ARBs
‫(انتبهوا ألنه بيغير فيها‪ ....‬يعني ممكن يسأل عن ال ‪ST‬أو ال ‪QT‬‬
،،‫السؤال جاء بشكل مختلف‬
Which of the following represesent direct medical and indirecr non-medical
I choose different answer, idk if
correct or not :‫وكان الخيار الصح‬
It was about Direct non medical "
travelling" i forget what is the Healthcare professionals’ hours and decreased productivity
sentence refers to Direct Medical

‫احفظوهم كلهم‬...‫جه نفس السؤال لكن بخيارات تانية‬

‫هنا جاب من ضمن الخيارات‪:‬‬

‫يعني جاب التالتة مش ال ‪ Artesunate‬بس وده األصح‬


‫هنا جاب ال‪ Gene‬باسمه كامال‬

‫)‪(human epidermal growth factor receptor 2‬‬

‫انتبهوا واحفظوا االسم مش االختصار بس‬
dry mouth & postural ‫ وحصله‬Antidepressant drugs ‫ ان مريض بياخد‬Case ‫هنا جاب السؤال على هيئة‬

Amitriptyline – Fluoxetine – Buprobio ‫وجاب في الخيارات‬

Amitriptyline ‫هنختار‬
‫المسائل بتيجي بارقام وسيناريو مختلف‪ ،‬يرجى فهمها ومعرفة طريقة حلها وليس حفظها‬

‫مسائل ال ‪ half life & time to reach steady state‬تكررت معي أكثر من أربع مرات‪ ،‬لكنها كانت بصورة مختلفة‪،‬‬
‫يعني مثال يعطيك ‪ 4‬أدوية ويعطيك ال ‪ half life‬الخاصة بكل واحد‪ ،‬ويقولك أيهم يحتاج وقت أطول للوصول الى ‪steady‬‬
‫‪ ،state‬وهكذا‪.......‬‬

‫‪Steady State : IMPORTANT‬‬

‫السؤال جاني عن االسم البديل ل ‪Vit. A‬‬

‫احفظوهم كلهم‬
And another question about “non-sterile” (795)
Similar Qs about Green
‫هنا جاب نفس السؤال لكن في الخيارات حط ‪ Anxiolytic‬بدال من ‪Hypnotic‬‬
‫انتبهوا ألنه بيجيبها في صورة أرقام تحاليل‬
‫السؤال ييجي على شكل ‪ case‬ل ‪ neonate‬عنده الفيروس (وساعات ييجي باسمه كامل فالزم تحفظوه)‬
‫ساعات الخيار ييجي بصيغة تانية‪ ،‬مثال (‪Ibuprofen irreversibly inhibit COX-1 and hinder aspirin effect‬‬

‫بتيجي ‪ case‬وفيها ارقام تحاليل‪ ،‬ركزوا في االرقام وشوفوا ايه منهم ‪ within range‬وايه عالي وايه منخفض‬

‫‪The opposite‬‬
‫بتيجي في صورة مسألة ويعطيك تاريخ ال ‪ repackaging‬ويعطيك خيارات تواريخ‪ ،‬اختار التاريخ اللي بعد ‪6‬‬
‫شهور من ال ‪repackaging‬‬

‫في االختبار جاء (‪regardless of its active ingredients‬‬

،‫السؤال جاء بصيغة تانية‬
Which is the following organs does ciprofloxacin reach after IV administration

‫وكانت الخيارات‬
Liver, adipose tissue, brain

Skin, brian, liver

Brain, skin, adipose tissue

‫تمياتي لكم جميعا بالنجاح‪،‬‬
‫إبراهيم بدر‬

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