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altchristlichen Litteratur, i. 2 (1893); L.


have been an impressive spectacle. One novelty should not be

1904 28 4 22 4 16 4

valour. Historical stelae of the same reign are engraved

Chile and Peru, where he became rector of the college of

valley of the Trerus and the Via Labicana (the post-station

A new departure had, therefore, to be made, and forged steel

letter. From other forms of Sade, however, the other early

forms which will prove the development of @ from @ ,

Gladstone's request, to become lord president of the council,

found in Tigre; the other circular, found in Amhara and

revenue, but appreciation by the public has so far prevented

of Gadderis'' (not taken from the Fuerre de Gadres but

50%, of the fixed oil which also occurs in sweet almonds.

volumes, together with a botanical garden, an observatory and

This motion is evidently not due to parallax, for, in this

AAR, or AARE, the most considerable river which both

If pieces of porous clay are soaked in a solution of this

inquiry which was afterwards prosecuted by Spence; and this,

left Egypt unmolested; but the last years of Amasis were

Modern realism, the progress of archaeological research,

injuries, because it prevents exhaustion of acid in the plugs.

identified with C as though the initial of centum, 100.

ABULFEDA [Abud-Fida' Isma'Il ibn'Ah,Imad-ud-Dni]

A. Kossel and by W. Kuhne and E. P. Pick; but in the present

of justice is testified both by history and legend; and

chancery, surrounded by a grating, in which the officials sat,

materials, and to take all manufactures from the mother

15, p. 977), by the partial hydrolysis of the nitriles, by

deputies (CIA. ii. 545; inscr. in Bull. Hell. vii. 428

originality. Alain de Lille has often been confounded with

analogy. (2) Euclid used the term for proportionate equality;

course, they always and everywhere had the power of admitting

On the average rather more than half the total of cattle

which is surmounted by a tower 95 ft. high, and the sultan's

worse. In 1874, however, the power of the Radicals was

term barrister, and a derivative from the same Latin source

named Ariovistus, the Aedui sent Divitiacus, the druid, to

gates. His temple was about 40X50 ft. inside, with stone

doctrines. In 1543 he quitted Frankfort for a similar

squadron on Lake Champlain in October covered the frontier

his father-in-law's return to England, succeeded to his place.

Perhaps the most famous of these is the Schuyler mansion (now

Holland, becoming the emporium of the Scottish traders, while

rooms; and this is profitable both for master and tenant.''

Barley, grain, 40 bushels 1.1 1.2 4.0 16.0 0.5 11.8

in the island of Thera, which was made by Freiherr Hiller von

brothers, and the duty of mutual hospitality, &c., is

(Jena, 1852); the Nouveau Testament en provencal, ed. by

L. 15 on a principle of instalments. His object was not to

(U), incorrectly styled the cloisters, serving as cellars and

only the exhausted soil must be copiously dressed with manure

bogs, incapable of cultivation, alternate with the mountains;

monuments (see EDEN). But there is no complete parallel

vitreous and the combustible--and he explained combustion

The total value of farm animals showed a steady increase from

with the fall of the second empire. After a brief transitional

day. Speaking broadly, red is the colour for feasts of

back, with some artisans and machinery, and a letter from

otherwise, i.e. induction argues from the possession of an

Passo di Canali (Primiero to Agordo), foot path. . . . . . . . . . . . . .8,193

sister Maria, wife of Caesar John, stirred up riots in

in many of his songs, rondeaux, motets and jeux-partis.

(1865), and Italian Alps (1875); Mrs Henry Freshfield, Alpine

Russian peasants -- serfs and nonconformists (Raskolniks)

in dilute aqueous alcohol, but insoluble in strong alcohol.

circumstances. Previous to this period the husbandry of

greatest along the coast (62 in.) and evenly distributed

acids; for he then showed that the ortho- (ordinary), pyro-

by Robert Gordon of Straloch and further endowed in 1816 by

Cima dei Preti (C) . . . . . . 8,868 Krn (J). . . . . . . . . . . . . .7,369

use. Even when the thermometer fell 6 deg. below zero, all

Chronicles (text and notes by Earle and Plummer, 2 vols.,

of titanium dioxide, it crystallizes in the tetragonal system;

without intermission throughout the year. The convent was

consideration. Under English law, as the simple signature of

contains few buildings of architectural interest, but is a

year. The figures for cereals are important, as they

est quam jus prosequendi in judieio quod alicui debetur,

retired to an island in the Niger, where he founded a ribat

Sore. From 1524 till his death he lived at Magdeburg, where

Roman Catholics, and those who retained their ``Abrahamite',

city. In a fine bit of realism we are told how Gaal observed

beauty is severely spiritual. All beauty resides primarily

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