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The National Artist Awards is one of the most sought-after ceremonies as it only

houses the best of the best national artists in the country. These artists were picked out not

by their fame, but by their vast and irreplaceable contribution to their respective fields of

expertise in art such as Music, Dance, Theatre, Visual Arts, Literate, among others. However,

one particular year will never be forgotten as what was once a prestigious awarding ceremony

was tainted by tremendous issues involving politics. It was crystal clear that the former

President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo had use her political power to transform the National

Artists Awards as her way of gaining political favors, noting that more than half of the

nominees were part of her cabinet during her regime. The loss of neutrality even in this kind

of a once in a blue moon opportunity truly depicts how tainted our government has become.

With this in mind, as a future Registered Nurse Anesthetist, this issue will affect me both

positively and negatively. Negatively, because I now know that in life, there will always be

people who just doesn’t want to see you succeed and life and enjoy the fruit of your labor. If

you are not with them, they will find ways for others they deem more deserving than you to

succeed. Thinking about this now only makes me anxious of what will happen to me in the

future when I encounter people like this. On the other hand, it will also create a positive

impact on me because knowing this issue, I am able to realize that we are all individuals with a

flawed way of thinking and sometimes we commit bias without our knowledge and so we can

rethink our actions. So, when I become a nurse on duty in the future, I will not show any form

of prejudice to patients based on their status in life, age, gender, among others. I will show

compassion and care as well as provide comfort and unwavering service to them as part of

what nursing really is.

Fortunately, almost all Filipinos were brave enough to speak up against the anomaly. I

perceive the society as the major contributing factor in dissolving not only the said

controversy but also in the unfair treatment of an individual or group as a whole and the
people that make up the society are the ones capable of solving such issues. It is everyone's

obligation to help solve these problems because everyone is deeply affected by the problem

of a few. When we do so, the world, for sure, would be a better place.

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