Alumni Speech

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Dear distinguished guests, beloved principal, teachers, classmates

and fellow alumni of INHS, friends, and relatives, Maayo nga Adlaw
sa inyo nga tanan


 When Ma’am Remee Riza Coralde asked if she could recommend me as

the guest speaker for today’s celebration, I could not believe it.   Why
me,  I asked her.  Why not our handsome class valedictorian; why not
the most glamorous one among our classmates; why not  the Pinaka
madatung in our      group; but Ma’am Coralde answered that I don’t
have to be the Valedictorian nor the most glamorous one nor
the Pinakamadatung – as long as I am able to inspire and impart
knowledge to others, I am the woman for the job. I was both flattered
and humbled, and I told myself, why not, I’m not one to turn my back
on challenges.  Kay bisan gamay man ni, matilaw man ni. In modern
term, Adja! 

 Kidding aside, why not?   This is payback time. Balik Regional na tayo. 

Balik as in physically come back or we give her time and effort as she
gave us those before. We give back to our Alma Mater for preparing us
well for college; for preparing us to meet new people, for providing us
new experiences, for preparing us for the rest of our lives.  Aside from
God, and our parents and guardians, we have lots to thank our
teachers, our coaches and mentors.  We also thank them for the solid,
irreplaceable friendships that we developed while we were in this
school.   Why don’t we give everyone a round of applause! 

 And thank you Batch ’86 for accommodating our wishes that this
celebration happens today. Thank you for coordinating with us, Rema
Joy Hechanova and Alma Teorima Garnica.    

Reminiscences:   39 years had passed since our graduation day in 1972. In
these classrooms and corridors we had so much fun.  Who said that studying
is no fun?  

 Discussion with our Biology teacher about the reproduction of flora and
fauna made us respect how life seeks its own how the species preserve
its own.  We learned well the law of reproduction, di ba, at least most
of us…….   Our beloved History teacher, Mr. Fuertas (may he rest in
peace) talked of history as if it happened the day before. We heard
and learned the rise and fall of governments, the rape and glory of
nations as if they were our neighbors in the barrio.  He told fascinating
stories and our mind wandered from our next mischief to the streets of
the country he was telling us about.  
 I so enjoyed our English Teacher’s wit, suabe lang talaga.   I looked
forward to attend her classes each day as I enjoyed her wit so much.
I remember her telling a talkative classmate, Sophia Palomares, “I
think you need fresh air, you may step outside and refresh yourself’. 
And to Cesar Chin, a classmate who was rushing to class as he was
already late, she asked, “Is there a fire, where’s the fire?”  During one
of our graded oral recitation, she called a classmate and it so
happened that classmate did not know the answer to her question. 
Our classmate looked at us meaningfully, hoping to hear an answer. 
One of us (that was me) dictated the answer and that classmate
recited the answer one word after another, as  was dictated.  Ma’am
Calvo asked, Is there a Hitler in our class”?  I looked around…
thinking wala naman kaming classmate na Hitler ang apelyedo.   She
asked again, Is there a dictator in our class.  Ah oks, ga dikta kasi ang
answer….. Even with our childish monkey business with our classmates
she showed us how to respect individuals and groups.  We have great
respect coupled with love for our beloved 4th year adviser, Mrs.
Angelina Calvo.  Thank you Ma’am for your kind guidance.  And with
Mr. Calvo at your side, you are an unbeatable team.

 We learned glamor by example from Mrs. Porter. She is the picture of

the modern, sophisticated and refined woman.   One disapproving look
from her and we all behaved. She brought her magazines to our
classroom and our imagination are richer for them.  Thank you, Mrs.
 I mentioned only a few of our teachers, but this does not mean that
those not mentioned have contributed less to our progress.  Each and
every teacher we had, left an indelible mark in our development and
we are grateful for that. 
 We had many idols among our classmates too.  We have a classmate
whom we call Ms. Coca Cola as she has beauty, body and brains, her
nickname is coolness itself,  JAGG – Juhriza Ann Granada Granada.
We had our own Miss Philippines – Ada Tabunda, also Jusimen
Garrido.  We had rock stars – the Geocaniga brothers who sang and
serenaded us – also the Maninantans, the Dianalas.  There were  girls
younger than us whom we admired greatly - how they were more
gracious and lady-like than us – the likes of the Gayares sisters,
Teorima sisters, Gatuteo sisters. 
 Our learning was not confined in the 4 walls of our classrooms.   We
were lucky to join the camping of 4-H Club in Mambucal,  4H club -
where youth are trained for leadership and life skills.  We competed in
cooking, dancing, declamation, etc.  We had fun, we made friends and
we thank you INHS for the opportunity.  These experiences gave us
confidence to go wherever the opportunity leads us.  We are more
resilient and adaptable and in fact we have gone global because of
those qualities.   

Let me give you an classic yet a practical quotation:  Knowledge is

power by Sir Francis Bacon
I remember that well for that is posted in front of us students, inside our
classroom.  Only after we went out in the world to seek our fortune did I
learn the full impact of that quotation. Yes, knowledge is power.

Knowledge is power, power is money, money is happiness...

or  Knowledge is power, power is control, control is freedom...

I would like to give you life examples to illustrate that but I will not be
mentioning names as we don’t seek fame, but I hope that my stories will
inspire you. Classmates, you know who you are, we know who you are and
for those who don’t know you may come and ask us personally who is who
later.   I will mention their accomplishments for the inspirations that they
provide us. 

Charie, with Sophie and Gilda, now based in


 Let’s take for an example a classmate who became a nurse.  She knew
she had to prepare well for the career she had chosen and she got her
education from the best school available the family could afford. She
pursued her dreams of working abroad, worked in several countries in
Asia until she got her chance to work in the U.S. She became an
immigrant and now a U.S. citizen.  She had been helping her family
tremendously.  She helps them not only in sending them to school,
she also nurtured their dreams.  She built several homes for her loved
ones, provided capital for their businesses too.  And she keeps abreast
of the new trends in her chosen field by attending conventions
regularly.  She knew the value of keeping her knowledge updated and
used it to her advantage. And di ba tax deductible din? For
her, knowledge is Power is money, Money is happiness and love
as manifested by enjoying what money could buy for her loved

 Another classmate is now a business woman, with alkaline water

distribution as her main line of business.  Thirty years before who
would have thought of selling and buying water, especially alkaline
water?  We drank tap water all over the country before.  Our
classmate studied the market, and being health conscious herself
found a product which has a marvelous effect one’s health and in
balancing the body's pH – alkaline water!  Also, her working
knowledge of supply and demand assured her of profitability of her
business.  Needless to say she is a successful business woman.  To
her, knowledge is Power, Power is money. money is happiness,
as  she is able to help her family, relatives and friends.

 Aside from nurses, and other health workers, we also have engineers
who are now respected in their companies and by their peers.
 We have men and women who worked in government offices not only
here in Isabela Municipal hall but in cities too.  
 We have classmates who became teachers, librarian, Records Analyst
in an international organization, photographer, photo editor, video
editor, call center agent, blogger,  ghost writer for E-zine articles and
 We have turned out OFWs who worked in the Middle East and the U.S.,
Canada, Europe, etc.
 We have seamen too and others got promoted to second mate, first
mate, captain of their ships.
 There is one classmate, James Carr,  who used to be  quiet and shy in
our class.  He is good-looking and was always teased for his choice of
crushes.  To him “a thing of beauty is Joy forever”. Yes, he had Joy in
his life.   He has regrets though, because he was not able to express
himself well while in high school.  Na torpe daw sya eh. So when he
was in college, he sought the university library for self-help books.  He
studied public speaking,  how to exude more confidence, how to think
positively, how to be a leader, how to overcome his shyness.  This
knowledge enabled him to overcome his perceived limitations and
helped him to be what he is now:  a leader, a persuasive and
charismatic Pastor - living a happy life with his beautiful wife and
children, and with his apos doing Apo stolate work.  To him,
Knowledge is Power, Power is fulfillment, peace and love as he
is able do his calling – that is to help the needy and to spread
the word of God.


 In conclusion let me again stress that knowledge is power, and with

the internet, new technologies constantly developed, it’s easier and
more convenient to gain knowledge.  We don’t stop learning or we
become stagnant or obsolete!  We should continue learning, and gain
and share knowledge from our own experiences and other’s
experiences too.    
 And for all the alumni gathered around here today, let me congratulate
all of you, all of us, for we are all successful  because we did our best,
no matter what life has handed us, no matter what cards we were
dealt with, we survived and we are successful in our own way.  I
proudly say that we all look successful.  We are all successful. We all
look waffa, waffu!   Tama ba? 
 And even as we gather here and speak of our current successes, our
journey in life has not ended yet, we are still in the running, success in
the making, until they bury us 6 feet under the ground, it’s not the
end until it’s the end. And even after that, some of us may have works
and services that even after death will be remembered and
appreciated.   For now, we don’t rest on our laurels, for our journey
has not ended yet, we move on, we move forward.

 Thank you all and God bless.

Speech Topic: English Motivational
Welcome Speech For the Alumni Meet
An Alumni Meet is planned to celebrate and refresh former connections
and build new ones. It is an event when students assemble at their Alma
Mater, go down the world of fond memories and search forward for new
collaborations with new expectations. The alumni are excited to be back in
the grounds again and connect with new students.

Amid Alumni Meets students, teachers, principals or hosts are required to

convey welcome speeches with regards to the event. Here we have given
you six welcome speeches to various speakers. You can get any of the
welcome speech according to your prerequisite.

Let's Go Through The Alumni Meet Welcome Speech

Example #1 of English Motivational Welcome Speech For the Alumni Meet

Great Evening to One and All Present Here…

It gives me massive joy to speak in front of all of you on the promising

event of our Institution's tenth Alumni Meet. A day like today is significant
for us, as it furnishes us the chance to meet with a substantial number of
our alumni students after quite a while just as allows them to meet one
another, their previous teachers and other staff individuals. It likewise
empowers the alumni to see the progressions and advancements occurring
in the school grounds at that point and now.

XYZ College has a since quite a while ago settled custom to keep in contact
with their students, proceeding with this convention, XYZ group of
Colleges has arranged an Alumni Meet at City Palace Hotel, this day.

Kindly allow me to offer my thanks towards each, and everybody of you

present here for saving at some point to be with us all this evening. We
realize that it takes a great deal to remove some time from your bustling
timetable and come over. In any case, I trust that the encounters of tonight
which you will bring home will merit the time all of you have saved.

Fifteen years prior, our school was a little and battling association. Also, if
we talk about today, our alumni have broadly spread all through the globe
in look for development, learning, information and their exhibitions make
a distinction all over the place. A large number of you are still at the
forefront of my thoughts exhibiting your magnificence and exceptional
I trust that our school has now turned out to be one of the extraordinary
foundations of the city, which was positioned number - Three, by the City
Education Department. Furthermore, to accomplish significance, it has all
the essential requirements, for example, an extensive grounds, a favorable
condition for all-round development, experienced staff, devoted students,
necessary money related assets, and so on.

In conclusion, I might want to adulate the numerous jobs played by you in

the general public. A considerable lot of you hold the key places of
significant impact in the general public; I might want to value your
endeavors being accomplished for the advancement of our general public
and defending the years spent by you at this regarded foundation.

Last, however not the least; I might want to thank every one of you for
your keen interest just as the help you have reached continuously out
towards your institute of matriculation.

Expectation you like the courses of action for this extraordinary get-
together. I wish you a superb night and paramount minutes.

Have A Good Time Ahead.

We are much obliged to you.


Example #2 of English Motivational Welcome Speech

For the Alumni Meet
An excellent Evening to every one of you presents here. Regarded
Chairman, Principal Madam, Director Sir, and my dear partners, the
majority of our Alumni,

I feel profoundly regarded remaining here today just as nostalgic at getting

the benefit of inviting all of you here. It's been such huge numbers of years,
despite everything I recollected my first bunch in 2003, your appearances
are still so new, dear kids, a warm welcome to every one of you to this
Alumni Meet of your school.

I welcome this thought of Alumni Meet, which makes an extraordinary

holding between the students who have gone out and who have built up
themselves as of now in the vast, outside world. I trust an Alumni Meet is
an ideal stage for all of you to meet your friends and teachers and
resuscitate the contacts.

The school started numerous years prior as a grade school yet in 2005, and
it got effectively moved up to twelfth class levels. The necessities were very
prompt; they were genuinely felt by the number of inhabitants in the city
and the neighboring zones. Around then, he didn't realize that he was
giving a noteworthy inspire to the instruction offices in the area.

In 2004, we began with the best workforce, specialists and care staff, and I
feel glad to state that throughout the years, we have scaled further statures
of achievement and wonder, acquiring a dependable name in the training

Our past outcomes have demonstrated that our scholastic diagram has
been consistently going up. We have set out determined to enable all areas
of society with the light of information. Our worry has broad parameters,
for example, making our student's great natives at the dimension of city,
state, country, truth be told, the whole globe. Our worry is whether we, as
teachers, can make the characteristics in you of regard, compassion, love,
resilience, trustworthiness, or more all, humankind.

XYZ School has consistently defined for itself higher objectives to

accomplish, the administration particularly Chairman Sir, Principal
Madam, and Vice-Principal Madam and every single other teacher
including me are endeavoring to achieve flawlessness, and it's a lengthy

This gathering sorted out today is for us to get together, think and
demonstrate our worry and for you to give your actual assessment about
when and where did we blame and where all we accomplished perfection.

Along these lines, I welcome you, dear youngsters, even though it's been
for such a long time yet it appears as it was yesterday.

God Bless You

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