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Reflection essay

On 17th January

What we did in this class was showing a progress of students’ individual

assignments to Dr. Individual assignments are two, one is making a visual material, and

the other is making a blog. We focused on the former assignment today. The visual

material students are to make is for learning. Dr. told that every assignment in this class

have to be created based on ADDIE model. Learning objectives and target people are

various depending on each student. ADDIE stands for ANALYSIS, DESIGN,

DEVELOP, IMPLEMENT, and EVALUATION. This framework for education is

application from PDCA cycle. Each students took turns to show their materials and got


My individual assignment is “introduction of learning Kanji (Japanese)”.

Expected audience is first grade elementary school students in Japan, and person from

not Japan but other countries. The objective is helping people who have difficulties in

Japanese. I recently noticed that many people have opportunities to watch Japanese

shows or movies thanks to the Internet. Those who watch Japanese shows use subtitles

of English to understand it. The subtitles help those understand what’s going on, but it
makes those harder to understand slight nuances between Japanese and English at the

same time. I think those can enjoy shows more if they read Japanese. I hope those are

going to be interested in learning Japanese through watching anime or doing my


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