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Gen. Vicente Alvarez St.

, Zamboanga City
Elementary Department
Local nos. (062) 991 – 4277, (062) 991 – 1676, Telefax: 992 – 3045

Teacher’s Learning Plan (Student-Activity Centered)

English 6
3rd Quarter

Name of Teacher: Julius Roel E. Manuel Date: January 30-

I. Lesson Title: Kinds of Adjective

II. Time Duration: 3 days III. Materials: Laptop, TV, Markers

IV. Reference/s:
English Language Power pages 61-68
V. Objectives/Learning Intent
At the end of the lesson, the learners can compose clear and coherent sentences by:
a. identifying the adjectives;
b. determine the type of adjective use;
b. writing the adjectives to complete the sentence;
c. composing sentences using adjectives; and
d. showing humility using adjectives.
VI. Instructional Strategies

A. Engaging Activity/ Motivation

The teacher will let random student pick a name from a box. The student will describe good
qualities of that person without saying the name written on it.
The teacher will write on the board the descriptions given.
B. Instruction (“I do” – teacher describes the learning activity):
What is an adjective?
Adjectives are words that describe the qualities or state of being of nouns or pronouns.

There are different kinds of adjectives:

1. Descriptive Adjectives
- They describe the nouns or pronouns by telling their kind, shape, size, or quality.
attractive, brave, confident, big, selfish, clever
Sample sentences:
1. The dress that she is wearing looks elegant.
2. He had been in a grumpy mood since he got up.

2. Limiting Adjectives
- They limit or point out an object or suggest a number or quantity.
They are subdivided into three classes:
1. Articles- a, an, the
2. Numeral- cardinal: one, two, three
ordinal: first, second, third
3. Pronominal- each, every, both, several, few, either, neither
Sample sentences:
1. We won first place in dance contest!
2. I only have three papers left.

3. Proper Adjectives
- A proper adjective is an adjective formed from names of people or places. It begins with a
capital letter.
Chinese, Filipino, Italian, American, Christian
Sample sentences:
1. Lorenzo was brought up in the Christian faith.
2. She studies at a Dominican school.

C. Guided Practice (“We do”)

A. Let us read a story about The Prince and the Mighty Dog, and then answer the questions that
The Prince and the Mighty Dog
Prince Llywelyn the Great, a prince of Gywnedd in the 13th century had been given a dog as a gift
from King John of England.

Prince Llywelyn’s wife had passed away and the dog was charged with watching the cradle of the
Prince’s baby when he went hunting.

After one particular hunting trip the prince had returned home to find the cradle of the baby
overturned and the bedding and the floor covered in blood.

With the baby missing and seeing his dog with blood covering his mouth the Prince plunged his
sword into the dog thinking that he had killed the baby.

The dog’s dying yelp was answered by a child’s cry. The prince searched and found the baby
unharmed lying near the dead body of a mighty wolf. The dog had actually been protecting the baby
as his owner had desired.

It is said that the Prince was filled with such remorse that he never smiled again.

1. What does the story teach us?
2. Do you also make quick judgment?
3. How should you make judgments?
4. What descriptive adjectives can you describe about the prince and the dog?
5. What limiting adjectives can you describe about the prince and the dog?
6. What proper adjective can you describe about the King John of England.

A. Read the sentences carefully. Identify the descriptive adjectives in the sentences.
1. That messy desk is owned by Justin.
2. Our classroom has a lot of wooden chairs.
3. We delivered fragile things on that store.
4. She looks confused reading the first question.
5. The meals served on that restaurant tasted salty.

B. Complete the following sentences by changing the underlined proper noun into a proper adjective.
Example: I come from Taiwan. I am Taiwanese.
1. He comes from China. He is _______________.
2. Those soldiers are from Cambodia. They are _______________.
3. The beauty queen is a native of Vietnam. She is _______________.
4. They come from Cebu. They are _______________.
5. I visited France for a week and learned some _______________ words.

C. Encircle the limiting adjective inside the parenthesis to use in the sentence correctly.
1. I am a (six, sixth) grade student of ZCHHS.
2. Mrs. Fernandez is (a, an) honorable person.
3. (Every, Some) student in the classsroom must have a dictionary.
4. There are (seven, seventh) continents in the world.
5. Look at (a, the) sky, it’s getting dark.

D. Independent Practice (“You do” – practice independently):

A. Identify the kinds of noun of the underlined words. Write D for descriptive, L for limiting and P for
proper on the space provided for.
______1. Francis Bacon wrote a series of short and formal essays.
______2. Saint Helena was the mother of Constantine the Great.
______3. Shakespearean sonnets are easy to comprehend.
______4. Pope Benedict XV was a gracious man.
______5. An African elephant is being released from the zoo.
______6. Dr. Christiaan Barnard performed the world’s first successful human heart transplant
______7. The monks in this monastery are Buddhist.
______8. Strawberries topped the warm Belgian waffle.
______9. Modern buildings still reflect the influence of Roman architecture.
______10. He spent his twentieth birthday on a beach.

B. Complete the following sentences by changing the underlined proper noun into a proper adjective.
1. Black Pink is a girlgroup from Korea. They are _________________.
2. These are _________________ products that I bought in Sweden.
3. His family moved to Canada, and they are now _________________ citizens.
4. That _________________ man lives in Italy.
5. I dream of a _________________ party in Hawaii.

C. Encircle the limiting adjective inside the parenthesis to use in the sentence correctly.
1. Mr. Dela Cruz is a (ninth, nine) grade teacher.
2. I found (an, the) pen that you are looking for.
3. She will celebrate her (twelve, twelfth) birthday next month.
4. He gave (each, some) one of us a gift.
5. Jeremy sliced the cake in (three, third) slices.
E. Closure
1. What are the three kinds of adjective?
2. What kind of adjective that describes about their kind, shape, size, or quality.
3. What kind of adjective that limit or point out an object or suggest a number or quantity.
3. What kind of adjective that is formed from names of people or places. It begins with a capital
VII. Assessment/s
D. Describe the given picture by using the three kinds of adjective.

Descriptive: ___________________________________________
Limiting: _____________________________________________
Proper: ______________________________________________

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