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Gen. Vicente Alvarez St.

, Zamboanga City
Elementary Department
Local nos. (062) 991 – 4277, (062) 991 – 1676, Telefax: 992 – 3045
Teacher’s Learning Plan (Student-Activity Centered)
Subject Area and Grade Level
3rd Quarter

Name of Teacher: Ms. Vicquie Jean A. Lacandalo Date: January 16 -23, 2023
Sir Julius Roel E. Manuel
Sir Kenneth D.Quirante

I. Lesson Title: Courage

II. Time Duration: 4 days III. Materials: instructional materials, marker, video,

IV. Reference/s:

V. Objectives/Learning Intent
At the end of the lesson, the students CAN:
A. Define courage;
B. Give the ways to show courage;
C. Identify examples of courage from their own experiences;
D. Develop an understanding of the concept of courage;
E. Explain the importance of courage plays in their actions and in the actions of others;
F. Practice courage in facing difficult situations in life;and
G. perform varied activities in relation to courage.

VI. Instructional Strategies

A. Preparation
1. Flag Ceremony
2. Greetings
3. Health Inspection
4. Recall
B. Engaging Activity/ Motivation
The teacher will present the videos about Courage – A short story for children

The teacher will ask the following questions:

1 |C O U R A G E
1. In your own words, how do you define courage?
2. What are some of the things that scare you the most?
3. How can you show courage?
4. What fears have you faced?
5. What is something that you would like to try but scares you a little bit?

Instruction (“I do” – teacher describes the learning activity):

The teacher presents the lesson:
Our life is full of varied experiences - delightful and thrilling ones, others tender and
sweet. We also have sad and difficult times, moments that are fearful and painful. All of these
we encounter with the people around us. Good or bad, all of these experiences happen for a
good reason. We only get to know the good in them if we look closely into our lives.
When success and good things come our way, we are definitely happy about them. We
feel so grateful that they are happening to us. Everyone close to us rejoices with us. On the
other hand, trials and sufferings are part of everyone’s life, too. Rich or poor, young or old, no
one is exempted. We feel relieved of our problems are light and easy. We are hopeful that we
can easily solve them. But there are instances that we encounter really difficult ones that giving
up is our only choice.
During these trying moments, we appreciate the presence of our loved ones whom we
can always count on to be there for us. Our burden becomes light because of their
encouragement and support. They help us realize that life must go on and that we must
continue to face all trials and difficulties with great courage and determination.
What is Courage?
Courage is a virtue where mental or moral strength resists opposition, danger and
hardship. It also implies firmness of mind and will in the face of danger or extreme
difficulty. It is needed for one’s survival when facing one’s problems.
Determination, on the other hand, is a fixed intention or resolution to attain one’s goal and
aim in life until the end. If we are steadfast in facing all the trials that come our way with courage and
with great determination, then we can survive, fulfill our dreams and succeed in life.

Success after persevering hard to reach our goal gives us a wonderful sense of achievement.
Our hard work is rewarded. We realize that we have attained this because we had the courage and
determination to persevere despite all the trials and difficulties. There may have been times when we
got discouraged, but with the support of people around us we were able to move on.
As we live and grow, we will discover that we cannot escape the certainty that we will
experience hard decision making and painful hardships in life. We will realize that facing them head on
with bravery and willpower will be the best thing that we can do. People who look at any situation with
optimism will have the opportunity to enjoy the solution of a problem. With all these experiences and
encounters in life, a person will find himself or herself stronger and more determined to live a good and
progressive life.
A courageous person has the heart to inspire, move and help other people be determined to
face the daily struggles in life. Let us willingly share in the sufferings of others just as they share their
life with us.

C. Independent Practice (“You do” – practice independently):

Let us read a story about trials and difficulties.
2 |C O U R A G E
Hammered into Shape

There was once a Christian blacksmith who was not doing well in his business. It seems
that after his conversion, he has experienced more troubles, hardships and losses. One day a friend,
who was not a Christian, commented, “It seems strange to me that you have more sufferings after
you have become a Christian. You pray and pray but your life seems to be getting worse.”
The blacksmith did not answer immediately. He had asked himself the same question
before. But finally, he said, “Look at this iron which I intend to make into a horseshoe. To start the
process, I put it in the fire until it is hot. Then I hammer it without mercy to turn it into the shape
that I want. Then I plunge it into the pail of cold water to temper it. When I am not yet satisfied
with its shape, I put it back into the fire and pound on it again until I have the desired shape.
Sometimes I find a piece of iron that would not stand this process. This piece will be thrown into the
scrap heap.”
He went on, “I am like that piece of iron. I know that God has been holding me in the fires
of affliction and I have felt his hammer upon me. But I do not mind for I know that he can make me
into what I should be. And so, in all these hardships, my prayer is simply this: ‘Try me in any way
you wish, Lord; only do not throw me into the scrap heap.’”
A. Circle the letter of the best and correct answer.
1. What happened to the life of the blacksmith when he “gave his heart to God”?
a. He experienced happiness.
b. He experienced joy and sadness.
c. He experienced more troubles in life.
d. None of the above.
2. According to the blacksmith, why is he suffering?
a. He is being put to the test by God.
b. He is plunged into fire.
c. He doesn’t know why.
d. None of the above.
B. Perform the activities.
A. Compose a “Letter of Encouragement” for the following people:
1. To a classmate who you think needs encouragement
2. To a family member who you know needs your support
B. Underline the names of those who practice courage and determination.
1. Lisa, the household helper, gave up washing clothes because she wanted to enjoy life in the
2. Mang Joven reported to the police a person who was selling prohibited drugs.
3. Elvira tried to finish her project in English in spite of th difficulty she encountered.
4. Martin did not pass his Art project because he forgot where he put it.
5. Miss Cruz spends most of her time taking care of her children and doing household chores.
6. Mark plays computer games and watches TV the whole day even though he will have his
examinations tomorrow.
7. Lola Glenda wakes up early in the morning to prepare the things of her grandson for school.

C. Write your reaction to each of the following situations.

3 |C O U R A G E
1. A difficult and long exam in Science is scheduled on Monday. You have been planning for some
time to watch the new superhero movie with your friends this weekend. One day is not enough
for study.
2. Your teacher gives you a low grade on a project which you thought would at least get a grade of
3. Your father loses his job and there’s a big responsibility he won’t be able to afford to send you to
4. You witness a child being bullied by your friend.
5. Your old brother steals money from your mom’s wallet. He tells/ warns you not to say it to
anyone or else you will be beaten black and blue.
D. Closure
1. In your own words, define the word courage?
2. What is something courageous that you’ve done? How did you feel after you did it?
3. Can you remember a story that you have read where the characters have courage?  Or how
about a story where a character did not have courage?
4. What are some things you can do in your life that take courage?

VII. Assessment
Are You a Person of Courage?
(Take this self-evaluation and decide for yourself)
I stand up for what is right even if I stand alone.
I don’t cave in to negative peer pressure.
fear of failure does not prevent me from trying things.
I am not afraid to express myself just because some people might disapprove.
I work to solve problems without violence.
I never intentionally, ridicule, embarrass, or hurt others.
I think I am/am not a courageous person because:

VIII. Extended Classroom Activity: (Once a Week)

A. In each of the following situations, circle the degree of courage you think you would
need to rise to the challenge, then write one or two sentences telling why.
4 |C O U R A G E
How much courage would it take for you to:
• tell your best friend to stop teasing a new classmate?
a little some a lot
• try a new activity that you’ve never tried before?
a little some a lot
• refuse to go along when friends are planning something dangerous?
a little some a lot
• disagree with someone and risk losing that person’s friendship?
a little some a lot

B. Courage: What Does It Look Like?

Courage can mean a lot of different things. It can mean rising to a challenge,
persevering in pursuit of a goal, standing up for what we believe in, and more. Suppose you
wanted to draw what courage looks like. What shape or form would you give it? Would it be a
superhero? A fierce tiger? A star with a steady beam? What colors would you use? In the space
below, draw and color your image of what courage looks like. Then write a few lines describing
why you chose that image.

5 |C O U R A G E
6 |C O U R A G E

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