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Practice Paper - General Questions

Subject: X Chapter: Dust of Snow

Std: English Max. Marks:

General Instructions:
1. The Practice Paper comprises objective and short and long answer type questions.
2. Attempt all questions.
3. There is no negative marking.

Q. No. Questions Marks

Q.1 Read the extracts given below and answer the questions that follow. 4x1=4
(a) Shook down on me
The dust of snow
From a hemlock tree
Has given my heart
A change of mood
i. Who shook the dust of snow and from where?
The crow sitting on the hemlock tree shook the dust of snow from
the tree.
ii. What change occurred in the poet?
When a crow shook down the ‘dust of snow’ on him, his depressive
mood changed into a more optimistic one.
iii. What do the ‘crow’ and ‘hemlock’ symbolise?
‘Crow’ is a black, harsh-voiced bird and ‘hemlock’ is a tree with
poisonous bitter fruit. Both are not beautiful. They represent the
dark, depressive, sorrowful and bitter side of nature.
iv. Find the synonym of the word ‘rattled’.

(b) Has given my heart 4x1=4

A change of mood
And saved some part
Of a day I had rued.
i. What change does the poet mention here?
The poet mentions the change of mood here.
ii. Whose part of the day has been saved?
The poet’s part of the day has been saved.
iii. What did the poet think of that day?
The poet had earlier wasted that day, but later saved the part of the

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Practice Paper - General Questions
day after his mood changed.
iv. Give the synonym of ‘rued’.

Q2 Answer the following in 30 to 40 words. 2 marks

(a) What does the poet want to convey through the poem ‘Dust of Snow’?
In the poem ‘Dust of Snow’ the poet wants to convey that sometimes
certain moments or actions which are simple have larger significance.
They can change the mood or life of a person. The way a crow shakes
down dust of snow on the poet inspires and gives him the idea to
shake off his depressive thoughts, become cheerful and do
something useful.
(b) Justify the role of the crow in the poem ‘Dust of Snow’ in changing the
poet’s mood.
The way the snow dust was shaken off’ changed the poet’s mood.
Perhaps it gave the poet inspiration/idea to behave in the same
manner—shake off his depressive thoughts and revive his cheerful
(c) What do the ‘crow’ and ‘hemlock’ represent – joy or sorrow? What does
the dust of snow that the crow shakes off a hemlock tree stand for?
The crow and hemlock tree represent sorrow and depression felt by
the poet in this materialistic world. The dust of snow is the symbol of
natural joy and energy. The dust of snow that the crow shakes off a
hemlock tree means passing through the sad and depressing
moments, the poet is entering the time full of joy and optimism.

(d) Why does the poet feel that he has saved some part of the day?
Crow shook down the dust of snow on the poet. Both crow and
hemlock tree are considered inauspicious. The falling of dust of snow
from hemlock tree is bad omen. But the poet took it in a positive
way. He found himself relieved from sorrow after this incident. Now
he could use his entire day in a fruitful way.

Q3 Answer the following in 100-120 words. 4 marks

(a) Our attitude towards a situation evokes both negative and positive
response. Analyze this with reference to the poem, ‘Dust of Snow’.

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Practice Paper - General Questions
Whatever situation life throws at us, it evokes both positive and
negative responses. The poet, in the poem ‘Dust of Snow,’ was in a
sorrowful mood. However, when a crow shook down the ‘dust of
snow’ on him, his bitter mood changed into a more optimistic one.
Now, being in a sorrowful or bad mood already, the poet could have
got angry at the crow also. However, the dust of snow becomes a
positive medium of change for him. It made him cheerful to some
extent and helped him forget his sadness, at least for a few moments.
Thus, we see that instead of seeing the negative aspect, one should
see the positive aspect, and one’s response may greatly affect the
outcome of the incident.

(b) What are possible themes of this poem? What do you learn from them?
Cite evidence from the text to support your answer.
Hope is one of the themes in this poem. The poet happily and quickly
decides that the day is saved because of the dust of snow that falls
on him. He no longer thinks the day is wasted and instead has a hope
that the day can be salvaged (saved). Another theme of this poem
revolves around the positive perspective. The poet’s perspective is
changed by a small event. Perhaps the poem implies that we can
either think positively or negatively about the events depending on
our perspectives and points of view. However, we should adopt the
poet’s outlook and maintain a positive perspective on life in general.

(c) Nature has the power to lift our mood even when we are highly
despondent. Comment on the basis of your understanding of the poem
‘Dust of Snow’.
The poem ‘Dust of Snow’ by Robert Frost is a poem which enlightens
us on how small things of nature can refresh us and cheer us for the
rest of the day. Though Frost has beautifully depicted (shown) a crow
and a hemlock tree, both of these are associated with bad-omen and
fear. But they have been used by the poet Frost to uplift his mood
and make him feel positive. Frost’s writing skill as a poet lies in the
fact that he is able to effectively convey to us how such a thing as the
falling of snowflakes from the top of tree can have a refreshing effect
on the mind of a man. So, every aspect of nature, be it a crow or
hemlock tree can be a source of positivity and can be helpful in
lifting a depressed mind.

In other words, everything in the world is beautiful. Nature and its

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creations have the power to uplift mood even when we are in a
depressed state of mind. A small incident of snow falling, that too by
the action of a crow (which is considered a bad omen) takes away the
pall of sadness from the poet’s mind and refreshes him for the rest of
the day.

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