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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

review article

Current Concepts

Delirium in Older Persons

Sharon K. Inouye, M.D., M.P.H.

elirium, an acute decline in attention and cognition, is a com- From the Department of Medicine, Har-
mon, life-threatening, and potentially preventable clinical syndrome among vard Medical School, Boston. Address
reprint requests to Dr. Inouye at the Ag-
persons who are 65 years of age or older. The development of delirium often ing Brain Center, Hebrew Senior Life,
initiates a cascade of events culminating in the loss of independence, an increased 1200 Centre St., Boston, MA 02131.
risk of morbidity and mortality, and increased health care costs.1-6 Delirium in hos-
N Engl J Med 2006;354:1157-65.
pitalized older patients has assumed particular importance because the care of such Copyright © 2006 Massachusetts Medical Society.
patients accounts for more than 49 percent of all hospital days.7 Delirium compli-
cates hospital stays for at least 20 percent of the 12.5 million patients 65 years of
age or older who are hospitalized each year and increases hospital costs by $2,500
per patient,8-10 so that about $6.9 billion (value in U.S. dollars in 2004) of Medicare
hospital expenditures are attributable to delirium. Substantial additional costs ac-
crue after hospital discharge because of the need for institutionalization, rehabili-
tation services, formal home health care, and informal caregiving.
This report examines current clinical practice in delirium, identifies areas of
controversy, and highlights areas for future research.

Epide miol o gy a nd Di agnos t ic Cr i ter i a

In direct contrast to dementia, which is a chronic confusional state, delirium is an

acute confusional state. Rates of delirium are highest among hospitalized older
patients, and the rates vary depending on the patients’ characteristics, setting of care,
and sensitivity of the detection method. The prevalence of delirium at hospital ad-
mission ranges from 14 to 24 percent, and the incidence of delirium arising during
hospitalization ranges from 6 to 56 percent among general hospital populations.11,12
Delirium occurs in 15 to 53 percent of older patients postoperatively11 and in 70 to
87 percent of those in intensive care.13 Delirium occurs in up to 60 percent of pa-
tients in nursing homes or post–acute care settings14,15 and in up to 83 percent of
all patients at the end of life.16,17 Although the overall prevalence of delirium in the
community is only 1 to 2 percent,18,19 the prevalence increases with age, rising to
14 percent among those more than 85 years old. Moreover, in 10 to 30 percent of
older patients presenting to emergency departments, delirium is a symptom11 that
often heralds the presence of life-threatening conditions. The mortality rates among
hospitalized patients with delirium range from 22 to 76 percent,20 as high as the
rates among patients with acute myocardial infarction or sepsis. The one-year mor-
tality rate associated with cases of delirium is 35 to 40 percent.21
The diagnosis of delirium is primarily clinical and is based on careful bedside
observation of key features. Although the criteria continue to evolve,22,23 the diag-
nostic algorithms that are most widely used are presented in the Supplementary
Appendix (available with the full text of this article at Delirium is
often unrecognized by the patients’ physicians and nurses,1,24 in part because of
its fluctuating nature, its overlap with dementia, lack of formal cognitive assess-
ment, underappreciation of its clinical consequences, and failure to consider the
diagnosis important.

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

Cl inic a l Ch a r ac ter is t ic s Dopaminergic excess also appears to contrib-

ute to delirium, possibly owing to its regulatory
Because delirium remains a bedside diagnosis, influence on the release of acetylcholine.29 Do-
understanding its clinical features (Table 1 and paminergic drugs (e.g., levodopa and bupropion)
the Supplementary Appendix) is crucial to the di- are recognized precipitants of delirium, and do-
agnosis of delirium. Delirium has hypoactive and pamine antagonists (e.g., antipsychotic agents) ef-
hyperactive forms (Table 1). The hypoactive form fectively treat delirium symptoms. Perturbations
of delirium is more common among older persons of other neurotransmitters, such as norepineph-
and often goes unrecognized. rine, serotonin, γ-aminobutyric acid, glutamate,
and melatonin, may also have a role in the patho-
Etiologic and Risk Factors physiology of delirium, but the evidence is less well
The cause of delirium is typically multifactorial.25 developed.1,29,32 These neurotransmitters may ex-
In fact, the development of delirium involves the ert their influence through interactions with the
complex interrelationship between a vulnerable cholinergic and dopaminergic pathways.
patient (one with predisposing factors) (Table 2) Cytokines, including interleukin-1, interleukin-
and exposure to precipitating factors or noxious 2, interleukin-6, tumor necrosis factor α (TNF-α),
insults (Table 3).26,27 Thus, in patients who are and interferon, may contribute to delirium1,29,33
highly vulnerable to delirium, such as those with by increasing the permeability of the blood–
dementia and multiple coexisting conditions, it brain barrier and altering neurotransmission.
may develop as a result of relatively benign in- Finally, chronic stress brought on by illness or
sults, such as one dose of a sleeping medication. trauma activates the sympathetic nervous system
Conversely, in patients who are not vulnerable to and hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenocortical axis,
delirium, it develops only after exposure to mul- resulting in increased cytokine levels and chron-
tiple noxious insults, such as general anesthesia, ic hypercortisolism.34 Chronic hypercortisolism
major surgery, and psychoactive medications. Ad- has deleterious effects on hippocampal serotonin
dressing just one contributing factor is unlikely to (5-hydroxytryptamine [5-HT]) 5-HT1A receptors,
resolve delirium in an older person; they should which may contribute to delirium.29,35,36 Given
all be addressed when possible. the clinical heterogeneity and multifactorial na-
ture of delirium, it is likely that multiple patho-
Pathogenesis genic mechanisms contribute to the development
The pathophysiology of delirium remains poorly of delirium.
understood. Electroencephalographic studies have
demonstrated diffuse slowing of cortical back- Approach to Evaluation
ground activity, which does not correlate with un- A flowchart for the prevention and management
derlying causes.28 Neuropsychological and neuro- of delirium from the time of admission of an older
imaging studies reveal generalized disruption in patient is shown in Figure 1. This approach, based
higher cortical function, with dysfunction in the on current clinical guidelines and expert opin-
prefrontal cortex, subcortical structures, thalamus, ion,9,20 must be guided by the individual patient’s
basal ganglia, frontal and temporoparietal cortex, medical history, findings on physical and neuro-
fusiform cortex, and lingual gyri, particularly on logic examination, and clinical setting. Although
the nondominant side.29,30 The leading hypothe- the provision of detailed procedures is beyond the
ses for the pathogenesis of delirium focus on the scope of this report, we will highlight common
roles of neurotransmission, inflammation, and pitfalls to avoid. When a patient with confusion
chronic stress. is admitted, determining the acuity of the change
Extensive evidence supports the role of cholin- in mental status is the essential first step. Neglect-
ergic deficiency. Administration of anticholinergic ing this step is the leading reason for missing the
drugs can induce delirium in humans and ani- diagnosis of delirium. If no history can be ob-
mals, and serum anticholinergic activity is in- tained, then the patient should be assumed to be
creased in patients with delirium. Physostigmine delirious until proved otherwise. Every older hos-
reverses delirium associated with anticholinergic pitalized patient should undergo brief but formal
drugs, and cholinesterase inhibitors appear to have cognitive testing with the use of instruments such
some benefit even in cases of delirium that are not as the Mini–Mental State Examination and the
induced by drugs.15,29,31 Confusion Assessment Method, since subtle de-

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current concepts

Table 1. Clinical Features of Delirium.*

Acute onset
Occurs abruptly, usually over a period of hours or days
Reliable informant often needed to ascertain the time course of onset
Fluctuating course
Symptoms tend to come and go or increase and decrease in severity over a 24-hour period
Characteristic lucid intervals
Difficulty focusing, sustaining, and shifting attention
Difficulty maintaining conversation or following commands
Disorganized thinking
Manifested by disorganized or incoherent speech
Rambling or irrelevant conversation or an unclear or illogical flow of ideas
Altered level of consciousness
Clouding of consciousness, with reduced clarity of awareness of the environment
Cognitive deficits
Typically global or multiple deficits in cognition, including disorientation, memory deficits, and language impairment
Perceptual disturbances
Illusions or hallucinations in about 30 percent of patients
Psychomotor disturbances
Psychomotor variants of delirium
Marked by agitation and vigilance
Marked by lethargy, with a markedly decreased level of motor activity
Altered sleep–wake cycle
Characteristic sleep-cycle disturbances
Typically daytime drowsiness, nighttime insomnia, fragmented sleep, or complete sleep-cycle reversal
Emotional disturbances
Manifested by intermittent and labile symptoms of fear, paranoia, anxiety, depression, irritability, apathy, anger,
or euphoria

* Additional details are provided in Table 2 in the Supplementary Appendix.

lirium is often missed. Older patients should be underlying disease. All preadmission and current
aroused during rounds and evaluated daily for medications should be reviewed; even long-stand-
the hypoactive form of delirium, which is often ing medications can contribute to delirium and
overlooked. should be reevaluated. If changes in long-term
When clinicians search for the underlying cause medications are appropriate after the indications
of delirium, they need to be aware of the possibil- and risk–benefit ratios have been carefully weighed,
ity of occult or atypical presentations of many the hospital represents the ideal venue for making
diseases in the elderly, including myocardial in- these changes. A medical history must be meticu-
farction, infection, and respiratory failure, because lously obtained to detect occult alcohol or benzo-
delirium is often the sole manifestation of serious diazepine use, which can contribute to delirium.

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

ma, those with fever and acute changes in mental

Table 2. Predisposing Factors for Delirium.
status in whom encephalitis is suspected, or those
Demographic characteristics with no other identifiable cause of the delirium.12
Age of 65 years or older However, neuroimaging should be considered
Male sex when the history cannot be obtained or the neu-
Cognitive status
rologic examination cannot be completed (e.g.,
when the patient is combative) so as not to miss
uncommon conditions that are life-threatening
Cognitive impairment but treatable, such as subarachnoid hemorrhage
History of delirium and encephalitis.
Functional status Pr e v en t ion a nd M a nage men t
Functional dependence
Preventing delirium is the most effective strategy
for reducing its frequency and complications. Suc-
Low level of activity
cessful preventive strategies include multicompo-
History of falls nent approaches to reduce risk factors. Because
Sensory impairment delirium has many causes, multicomponent ap-
Visual impairment proaches represent the most effective and clini-
Hearing impairment cally relevant ones. The Yale Delirium Prevention
Decreased oral intake
Trial8 demonstrated the effectiveness of interven-
tion protocols targeted toward six risk factors:
orientation and therapeutic activities for cognitive
Malnutrition impairment, early mobilization to avert immobi-
Drugs lization, nonpharmacologic approaches to mini-
Treatment with multiple psychoactive drugs mize the use of psychoactive drugs, interventions
Treatment with many drugs to prevent sleep deprivation, communication meth-
Alcohol abuse ods and adaptive equipment (particularly eye-
glasses and hearing aids) for vision and hearing
Coexisting medical conditions
impairment, and early intervention for volume de-
Severe illness
pletion. A randomized clinical trial involving pa-
Multiple coexisting conditions tients who had had hip fractures demonstrated
Chronic renal or hepatic disease the effectiveness of a multicomponent strategy
History of stroke for geriatric consultation targeted toward 10
Neurologic disease domains38: oxygen delivery to the brain, fluid
Metabolic derangements
and electrolyte balance, pain management, re-
duction in the use of psychoactive drugs, bowel
Fracture or trauma
and bladder function, nutrition, early mobiliza-
Terminal illness tion, prevention of postoperative complications,
Infection with human immunodeficiency virus appropriate environmental stimuli, and treatment
of symptoms of delirium.
Electroencephalography has a limited role in Once delirium occurs, the key steps in man-
the diagnosis of delirium, because of its false agement are to address all evident causes, pro-
negative rate of 17 percent and false positive rate vide supportive care and prevent complications,
of 22 percent12; it is most useful for detecting and treat behavioral symptoms. Because delirium
occult seizures and differentiating delirium from can be a medical emergency, the first aim of man-
psychiatric disorders. Neuroimaging studies have agement is to address predisposing and precipi-
a low clinical yield (the number of positive results tating factors promptly (Fig. 1). Supportive care
divided by the total number of studies performed) should include protecting the patient’s airway,
in the evaluation of delirium and should be re- maintaining hydration and nutrition, position-
served for patients with new focal neurologic ing and mobilizing the patient to prevent pressure
signs, those with a history or signs of head trau- sores and deep venous thrombosis, avoiding the

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current concepts

use of physical restraints, and supporting the pa-

Table 3. Precipitating Factors or Insults That Can Contribute to Delirium.
tient’s daily care needs. Nonpharmacologic ap-
proaches to managing symptoms of delirium Drugs
should be instituted in every patient. These ap- Sedative hypnotics
proaches include creating a calm, comfortable en- Narcotics
vironment with the use of orienting influences, Anticholinergic drugs
such as calendars, clocks, and familiar objects
Treatment with multiple drugs
from home; regular reorienting communication
with staff members; involving family members in Alcohol or drug withdrawal
supportive care; limiting room and staff chang- Primary neurologic diseases
es; coordinating schedules for administering drugs, Stroke, particularly nondominant hemispheric
obtaining vital signs, and performing procedures Intracranial bleeding
to allow the patient an uninterrupted period for Meningitis or encephalitis
sleep at night with low levels of noise and light-
Intercurrent illnesses
ing; and encouraging normal sleep–wake cycles
by opening blinds and encouraging wakefulness
and mobility during the daytime. Since delirium Iatrogenic complications
may take weeks or months to resolve, patients Severe acute illness
must be cared for in supervised settings. Close Hypoxia
clinical follow-up after discharge is needed, es- Shock
pecially because of the poor long-term prognosis Fever or hypothermia
associated with delirium.
Pharmacologic management should be reserved
for patients whose symptoms of delirium would Dehydration
threaten their own safety or the safety of other Poor nutritional status
persons or would result in the interruption of es- Low serum albumin level
sential therapy, such as mechanical ventilation or Metabolic derangements (e.g., electrolyte, glucose, acid–base)
central venous catheters. Pharmacologic treatment Surgery
strategies are outlined in Table 4.
Orthopedic surgery
Cardiac surgery
R el at ionship be t w een Del ir ium Prolonged cardiopulmonary bypass
a nd De men t i a
Noncardiac surgery
Delirium and dementia are highly interrelated, Environmental
yet the nature of their interrelationship remains Admission to an intensive care unit
poorly examined. Although a cause-and-effect Use of physical restraints
relation has not been established between deliri-
Use of bladder catheter
um and dementia, investigation of their intersec-
tion may yield important insights that will ad- Use of multiple procedures
vance our understanding of both conditions (see Pain
Table 3 in the Supplementary Appendix). Demen- Emotional stress
tia is the leading risk factor for delirium, and fully Prolonged sleep deprivation
two thirds of cases of delirium occur in patients
with dementia.1,39 Thus, the underlying vulnera-
bility of the brain in patients with dementia may ties of persistent delirium4,40-44 and reversible de-
predispose them to the development of delirium mentia45 blurs the boundaries between these con-
as a result of insults related to acute medical ill- ditions. Moreover, studies have shown that delirium
nesses, medications, or environmental perturba- and dementia are both associated with decreased
tions. Recent studies suggest that delirium per- cerebral metabolism, cholinergic deficiency, and
sists much longer than previously believed,4,40-44 inflammation,46 reflecting their overlapping clini-
with symptoms in many patients lasting months cal, metabolic, and cellular mechanisms. In fact,
or years. The existence of the well-described enti- delirium and dementia may represent points along

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

a continuum of cognitive disorders, rather than two

Figure 1 (facing page). Prevention and Management
entirely separate conditions.39 of Delirium in the Older Hospitalized Patient.
Does delirium contribute to dementia? Al- Thyroid-function tests include measurement of the
though it is not likely that the delirium itself thyroxine level, thyroid index, and thyrotropin level.
causes the pathologic changes of dementia, there More information about pharmacologic treatment can
is no question that delirium contributes to wors- be found in Table 4.
ening functional status, loss of independence, and
poorer outcomes among patients with dementia. sequelae. Studies investigating the pathogenesis
The long-standing traditional view is that delir- of delirium with the use of neuropsychological
ium and dementia are two separate conditions; testing, neuroimaging methods, electrophysiologi-
however, emerging evidence has highlighted their cal methods, laboratory markers, genetic studies,
overlap. First, epidemiologic studies have docu- and neuropathological approaches are greatly
mented long-term cognitive decline in patients needed. Investigation of delirium provides an
with delirium, after controlling for relevant co- important opportunity to clarify the link between
variates.47 Second, several causes of delirium may brain pathophysiology and behavioral manifesta-
not be completely reversible, particularly those tions, which might hold broader implications for
resulting in neuronal injury and permanent cog- other cognitive and psychiatric disorders. New
nitive sequelae, such as prolonged hypoxia or hy- prospects for therapy include strategies to in-
poglycemia.39 Third, neuroimaging studies dem- crease acetylcholine activity in the brain (e.g.,
onstrate regions of hypoperfusion in patients with through the use of procholinergic agents and
delirium.48 Thus, delirium may herald the onset avoidance of highly anticholinergic drugs), the
of dementia in many instances. Fourth, dementia use of selective dopamine antagonists that affect
with Lewy bodies, which includes fluctuating cog- D1, D2, D3, and D4 receptors differently, and the
nition and visual hallucinations as core signs, il- use of drugs to enhance cerebrovascular flow (e.g.,
lustrates the overlap of delirium and dementia. antiinflammatory or antiplatelet agents). Finally,
Delirium can alter the course of an underly- targeting delirium with new therapeutic approach-
ing dementia, with dramatic worsening of the es may offer opportunities for early intervention,
trajectory of cognitive decline, resulting in more preservation of cognitive-reserve capacity, and
rapid progression of functional losses and worse prevention of permanent cognitive damage, which
long-term outcomes. This phenomenon has been may potentially delay or abate the ultimate de-
well recognized clinically in elderly patients with velopment of dementia.
dementia: clinicians and family members have
noted that the patients “never returned to base- Delirium as an Indicator of the Quality
line” after an episode of delirium. In follow-up of Health Care
studies, patients in whom delirium develops have Delirium represents one of the most common
worse outcomes than those with dementia alone,49 preventable adverse events among older persons
including worsened cognitive function and in- during hospitalization53,54 and meets Williamson’s
creased rates of hospitalization, institutionaliza- criteria for an indicator of the quality of health
tion, and death.49-52 care55: the condition is common, frequently iatro-
Delirium may serve as an important model for genic, and integrally linked to processes of care.
research by offering a unique approach to advance Although many cases of delirium may be unavoid-
our general understanding of cognitive disorders able, clinical trials8,38 provide compelling evidence
and dementias (see Table 3 in the Supplementary that at least 30 to 40 percent of cases may be pre-
Appendix). The development of delirium in cer- ventable. Many aspects of hospital care contribute
tain persons may help to identify those who are to the development of delirium, including adverse
vulnerable to cognitive decline through genetic effects of medications, complications of invasive
predisposition or through the presence of early procedures, immobilization, malnutrition, dehy-
dementia or mild cognitive impairment that may dration, the use of bladder catheters, and sleep
otherwise remain unidentified. Moreover, a bet- deprivation.9 Delirium is currently included as a
ter understanding of the pathogenesis of deliri- marker of the quality of care and patient safety
um may help elucidate factors that lead directly to by the National Quality Measures Clearinghouse
neuronal injury and, thus, to permanent cognitive of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Qual-

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Hospital admission

Monitor cognitive function Prevention of delirium

Perform formal cognitive assessment Address risk factors for delirium
Establish baseline cognitive function Provide orienting communication
and recent changes Encourage early mobilization
Monitor patient for changes in Use visual and hearing aids
mental status Prevent dehydration
Provide uninterrupted sleep time
Avoid psychoactive drugs
Change in mental status

Chronic Acute

Perform cognitive assessment

Perform dementia evaluation

n engl j med 354;11

and evaluation for delirium

Rule out depression, mania,

Delirium confirmed
acute psychosis
Identify and address predisposing Provide supportive care and
Manage symptoms of delirium
current concepts

and precipitating factors prevent complications

Initial evaluation Review medications Prevent complications All patients Patients with severe agitation
Obtain history (including alcohol Review the use of prescription Protect airway, prevent

The New England Journal of Medicine

and benzodiazepine use) drugs, as-needed drugs, aspiration

march 16, 2006

Obtain vital signs over-the-counter drugs, Maintain volume status Pharmacologic management
Nonpharmacologic treatment
Perform physical and neuro- herbal remedies Provide nutritional support Reserve this approach for patients
logic examination Identify psychoactive effects Provide skin care, prevent with severe agitation at risk
Continue delirium prevention
Order selected laboratory tests and drug interactions pressure sores for interruption of essential
Reorient patient, encourage family
Search for occult infection Use mobilization, prevent medical care (e.g., intubation)

Copyright © 2006 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.

deep venous thrombosis, or for patients who pose
Use sitters
pulmonary embolus safety hazard to themselves
Avoid use of physical restraints and
Potential contributing factor Remove or alter potentially or staff
Foley catheters
identified harmful drugs Start low doses and adjust until
Use nonpharmacologic approaches
Change to less noxious alter- effect achieved
for agitation: music, massage,
native Maintain effective dose for
relaxation techniques
Lower doses 2–3 days
Yes No Use of eyeglasses, hearing aids,
Nonpharmacologic approaches

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Maintain patient’s mobility and
Further options self-care ability
Evaluate and Normalize sleep–wake cycle,
Order laboratory tests: thyroid-function tests, measurement of drug levels, toxicology screen,
treat as discourage naps, aim for
measurement of ammonia or cortisol levels, test for vitamin B12 deficiency and arterial
appropriate uninterrupted period of sleep
blood gas levels
for each at night
contributing At night, have patient sleep in
factor quiet room with low-level lighting
Lumbar puncture, electroencephalography

The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

Table 4. Pharmacologic Treatment of Delirium.

Class and Drug Dose Adverse Effects Comments

Haloperidol 0.5–1.0 mg twice daily orally, with Extrapyramidal symptoms, espe- Usually agent of choice
additional doses every 4 hr as cially if dose is >3 mg per day Effectiveness demonstrated in ran-
needed (peak effect, 4–6 hr) Prolonged corrected QT interval domized, controlled trials20,37
0.5–1.0 mg intramuscularly; ob- on electrocardiogram Avoid intravenous use because of
serve after 30–60 min and re- Avoid in patients with withdrawal short duration of action
peat if needed (peak effect, syndrome, hepatic insuffi-
20–40 min) ciency, neuroleptic malignant
Atypical antipsychotic
Risperidone 0.5 mg twice daily Extrapyramidal effects equivalent Tested only in small uncontrolled
Olanzapine 2.5–5.0 mg once daily to or slightly less than those studies
Quetiapine 25 mg twice daily with haloperidol Associated with increased mortality
Prolonged corrected QT interval rate among older patients with
on electrocardiogram dementia
Lorazepam 0.5–1.0 mg orally, with additional Paradoxical excitation, respirato- Second-line agent
doses every 4 hr as needed* ry depression, oversedation Associated with prolongation and
worsening of delirium symp-
toms demonstrated in clinical
Reserve for use in patients under-
going sedative and alcohol with-
drawal, those with Parkinson’s
disease, and those with neuro-
leptic malignant syndrome
Trazodone 25–150 mg orally at bedtime Oversedation Tested only in uncontrolled studies

* Intravenous use of lorazepam should be reserved for emergencies.

ity (as explained at www.qualitymeasures.ahrq. The changes required to reduce the incidence of
gov/). After adjusting for case mix, higher deliri- delirium on a national scale would require shifts in
um rates would be expected to correlate with local and national policies and system-wide chang-
lower quality of hospital care. The Assessing Care es to provide high-quality care for older persons.9
of Vulnerable Elders Project has ranked delirium Supported in part by grants (R21AG025193 and K24AG00949)
among the top three conditions for which the from the National Institute on Aging.
No potential conflict of interest relevant to this article was
quality of care needs to be improved.56 Total na- reported.
tional costs related to preventable adverse This article is dedicated to the memory of Joshua Bryan In-
events are estimated to be between $17 billion ouye Helfand.
I am indebted to Dr. Joseph Agostini for his helpful review of
and $29 billion per year,57 and delirium may ac- the manuscript and to Sarah Dowal and Patty Fugal for their
count for at least a quarter of these costs.53,54,57,58 assistance with the preparation of the manuscript.

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