10 Abbreviations

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Anova - Analysis of Variance

ATM - Automated Teller Machine

CRR - Cash reserve ratio

DTH - Direct-To-Home

DTPB - Decomposed Theory of planned behaviour

EFA - Exploratory factor analysis

HDFC - Housing Development Finance Corporation

HSBC - Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation

IAMAI - Internet And Mobile Association Of India

IBA - Indian Banks Association

ICICI - Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India

ICT - Information and Communication System

IDRBT - Institute for Development and Research in Banking


IDT - Innovation Diffusion Theory

IMPS - Immediate Payment Services

IT - Information Technology

IVRS - Interactive Voice Response System

KMO - Kaiser Meyer Olkin

MSA - Measure of sampling adequacy

NEFT - National Electronic Funds Transfer

PIN - Personal Identification Number

RBI - Reserve Bank of India

RTGS - Real-time gross settlement systems

SBI - State Bank of India

SBT - State Bank of Travancore

SFNB - Security First Network Bank

SIB - South Indian Bank

SLR - Statutory liquidity ratio

SMS - Short Message Service

SPSS - Statistical package for social sciences

SSL - Secure Socket Layer

TAM - Technology Acceptance Model

TPB - Theory of Planned Behaviour

TPIN - Telephone Personal Identification Number

TRA - Theory of Reasoned Action

UCO - United Commercial Bank

VAT - Value Added Tax

WAP - Wireless Application Protocol

WWW - World Wide Web

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