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Portfolio outline

1. Introduction (Page limit: maximum 1 page)

A brief statement explaining the course, the concepts you were exploring,
the research/experiments that you did, the difficulties you encountered and how all of
these contributed to your knowledge, skill, and competencies.

2. Sequence of tasks scenarios and assignments (Page limit: maximum 1-2 pages)
Class activities, Assignments, Self-contribution in the group tasks, etc.
Explain each of the tasks with:
• Goal/objectives
• Exercises/practices/experiments
• Learnings

3. Test scenarios (Page limit: maximum 1-2 pages)

Hardware-software demonstration: with MicroBits:
a. Goal of the application
Hint: use of hardware and sensor, data analysis and visualization, etc.
b. Describe: Microbits, sensor (temperature, accelerometer), etc.
c. Steps and challenges

4. Result from the test (Page limit: maximum 1-2 pages)

a. Describe the code (line by line as comments)
b. Summarize the result (with plotting the data)

5. Conclusion (Page limit: maximum ½ page)

a. Make a conclusion of the portfolio

6. Reflection (Page limit: maximum ½ page)

a. Your reflection on the course
Group report outline
1. Introduction (Maximum 1 page)
a. Introduce all the group works and assignments
2. List of group works and assignments (Maximum 2 pages)
a. Briefly discuss each of the task separately, and
b. Provide a contribution note for each of the tasks
3. Conclusion (Maximum ½ page)

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