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7/25/22, 8:19 PM Configuration of User status profile for production Order | SAP Blogs

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April 20, 2015
| 2 minute read

Configuration of User status profile for production

 5  4  22,898

Once production order made

 Like TECO – Technically Complete system allowed for the goods movement whereas business call or auditor recommended to
restrict goods movement after TECO.This can be configured in standard configuration where as it will impact in PM/QM
orders as these changes are at client level  hence inclined towards the user status configurations and please follow to
 RSS Feed configure the same.

Go to

BS02, click new & specify the user status name, brief text & language 1/16
7/25/22, 8:19 PM Configuration of User status profile for production Order | SAP Blogs

  Double click on created profile

Click on object types & tick PP/PM: order header 2/16
7/25/22, 8:19 PM Configuration of User status profile for production Order | SAP Blogs

Come back to user status screen and maintain as below

Double click the status for example UCLD and click New and existing

Technically Complete maintained as No Action 3/16
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  Altered to Set which specifies that the status is to be activated when this business transaction is carried out. 4/16
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Go to OPJH, add newly created Status profile YSPP001 to required order type and save 5/16
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Production created for order type PP01 6/16
7/25/22, 8:19 PM Configuration of User status profile for production Order | SAP Blogs

On creation User Status updated UITD , as below

UITD – Production order initiated 7/16
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Production order marked for Technically Completed for whichsystem  status is TECO and automatically

user status changed UCLD – Production order Closed 8/16
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Status updated as UCLD- Production order closed.

Configuring to restrict GI/GR after User status UCLD maintain as below. 9/16
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Testing production order 1000285 which is maintained with user status UCLD 10/16
7/25/22, 8:19 PM Configuration of User status profile for production Order | SAP Blogs

System not allowed for GR and below error triggers.

Above is an sample for configuring User status and recommended to alter as per the business requirment  .

Thank you for reading and happy revert for any informations/ clarification .


Srinivas 11/16
7/25/22, 8:19 PM Configuration of User status profile for production Order | SAP Blogs

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MAN Production Planning (PP)




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Former Member
April 22, 2015 at 10:07 am

Dear Srinivas,

  The attached document is very helpful for the configuration of User Status . Thanks for sharing this document.


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7/25/22, 8:19 PM Configuration of User status profile for production Order | SAP Blogs

Former Member
April 28, 2015 at 10:37 am

Hi Srinivas

Very useful documentation on Production planning user status . Thank you for sharing the valuable document


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Former Member
April 28, 2015 at 10:55 am

Hi Srinivas

Your proposed solution to use user status for meeting specific requirement for production order processing is very useful for such business process
requirement. Thanks for sharing step by step set up with screen shots.

Very useful.


A K Sharma

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Former Member 14/16
7/25/22, 8:19 PM Configuration of User status profile for production Order | SAP Blogs

December 18, 2016 at 1:22 pm


Very Nice Doc....

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Former Member
February 2, 2017 at 11:16 am

Hi Sir,

I have one question?

If I set user status on a particular production order but unfortunately I didn't  want how will remove it, whenever I was set one condition.



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