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Answer Key Standard Test

Unit 1 Test
1 1. writer, 2. programmer, 3. artists, 4. coach, 5. investigator, 6. biologist, 7. director
2 1. make, 2. has, 3. retire, 4. manages, 5. apply, 6. deal, 7. have

1 1. that, 2. who / that, 3. who / that, 4. which, 5. who / that
2 1. The US, which is between Canada and Mexico, has a population of over 300 million. 2. Paul, who is my
youngest brother, doesn’t like to play basketball. 3. Barack Obama, who studied Law, became the 44th
president of the U.S.A. 4. Elephants, which are found in Africa and Asia, are illegally hunted for their
ivory. 5. Oscar Wilde, who was an extraordinary writer, wrote The Happy Prince. 6. My daughter, who is
24 years old, lives in England.
3 1. We bought the phone that was on sale. 2. We helped the girl who fell down. 3. There are two
teachers who speak Chinese. 4. I don’t like people who are always complaining. 5. The course I’m taking
is about creative writing.

1 1. not bad, 2. several, 3. more, 4. independent, 5. some time
2 1. F, 2. T, 3. F, 4. T, 5. F

1 1. e, 2. c, 3. f, 4. b, 5. d
2 1. T, 2. T, 3. F, 4. T, 5. F

Unit 2 Test
1 1. screwdriver, 2. hammer, 3. hot glue gun, 4. drill, 5. nails, 6. glue stick
2 1. c, 2. a, 3. c, 4. a, 5. c

1 1. is located, 2. were told, 3. has been placed, 4. was launched, 5. are generated, 6. has been repaired,
7. are being conducted
2 1. P, 2. A, 3. P, 4. P, 5. A, 6. A, 7. P

1 1. It reminds us of the years Britain was part of the Roman Empire. 2. The villas, 3. They became
comfortable homes, 4. You can almost smell the bread and hear the echoes of family conversations
2 a. 4, b. 6, c. 9, d. 8, e. 7, f. 3, g. 5, h. 2

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3 D.R. © Richmond Publishing, S.A. de C.V., 2019 Printable
Answer Key Standard Test
2 1. congregate, 2. unharmed, 3. drains, 4. rocketry, 5. crowdfunding, 6. Plankton

Unit 3 Test
1 1. b, 2. h, 3. c, 4. i, 5. d, 6. a, 7. g, 8. f
2 1. travel abroad alone, 2. create a vlog, 3. build a drone, 4. attend acting classes, 5. learn a foreign

1 1. S, 2. F, 3. S, 4. S
2 1. have been looking, 2. have you been taking, 3. ’ve / have been trying, 4. ’ve / have been doing 5. ’s /
has been saving
3 1. for, 2. since, 3. since, 4. for

1 1. George, 2. Andy, 3. Maggie, 4. Liz, 5. George, 6. George, 7. Andy, 8. Maggie
2 1. Liz is most interested in working as a lifeguard in the public swimming pool nearby. 2. George
wants to get a formal job in a big company. 3. He’d like to work for an NGO or a big company. 4. Latin
American studies and history courses. 5. He’ll be responsible for planning and running sports activities
for kids.

1 1. Poland, 2. Germany, 3. Peru, 4. Austria, 5. Peru, 6. Finland
2 1. b, 2. a, 3. b, 4. b, 5. b

Unit 4 Test
1 1. baking soda, 2. food leftovers, 3. white vinegar, 4. car pool, 5. rechargeable batteries, 6. electric bike,
7. Indoor garden
2 1. food leftovers, 2. baking soda, white vinegar, 3. car pool, electric bike, 4. indoor garden, 5. reusable
shopping bags

1 1. stopped, 2. get, 3. would buy, 4. will be, 5. took, 6. would help, 7. had, 8. will go
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I don’t see him in the afternoon, I will call him this evening / I will call him this evening if I don’t see him
in the afternoon. 3. If we had a yacht, we would sail the seven seas / We would sail the seven seas if we
had a yacht. 4. If he had more time, he would learn karate / He would learn karate if he had more time.

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Answer Key Standard Test
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sends the information. 6. If she spent a year in the US, it would be easier to get a green card / It would
be easier to get a green card if she spent a year in the US.

1 1. It’s overheating the planet. 2. The use of renewable sources. 3. It will increase green innovations and will
create new jobs. 4. It might become an exporter of green technologies. 5. It involves the reduction of energy
consumption of German people and a new kind of energy production.
2 1. F, 2. T, 3. F, 4. T, 5. F

1 1. d, 2. h, 3. e, 4. g, 5. f, 6. b, 7. c
2 1. 2, 2. 1, 3. 5, 4. 4, 5. 3

Unit 5 Test
1 1. telepathy, 2. telekinesis, 3. zombies, 4. aliens, 5. clairvoyance, 6. ghosts, 7. UFOs
2 1. g, 2. c, 3. d, 4. b, 5. f, 6. e, 7. h

1 1. b, 2. a, 3. b, 4. a, 5. a
2 1. You must have left your cell phone in the car. 2. I couldn’t have passed the exam. 3. They could have
played better. 4. He might have gotten lost. 5. She must have gone to a party.

1 a. 6, b. 3, c. 2, d. 5, e. 4, f. 7
2 1. van, 2. someone, 3. stay in, 4. small object, 5. knocked

1 1. 1800s, 2. 1937, 3. ships and 700 sailors, 4. A goldmine, 5. The captain of the ship OR Captain George
Donner, 6. volcanic activity, 7. weather (conditions), 8. piracy, 9. It doesn’t say. 10. It doesn’t say.
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Unit 6 Test
1 1. f, 2. b, 3. c, 4. e, 5. g, 6. d
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3 D.R. © Richmond Publishing, S.A. de C.V., 2019 Printable

Answer Key Standard Test

1 1. the levels of pollution would have increased. 2. many lives would have been saved. 3. she would not
have been invented.
2 1. didn’t, hadn’t; 2. had gone, would have gone; 3. hadn’t been, wouldn’t have been; 4. brought, had
brought; 5. don’t wash, had washed, 6. passed, had passed
3 1. wouldn’t have done, 2. hadn’t, 3. had asked, 4. have failed, 5. wouldn’t have been, 6. be

1 1. ND, 2. ND, 3. ND, 4. ND, 5. D
2 1. Math, 2. Because she decided to go for her passion. 3. With some friends. 4. Because she decided to
stay. 5. No, because things wouldn’t have been as good as they are now.

1 1. T, 2. F, 3. T, 4. F, 5. T, 6. T
2 1. After Rosa Parks’ arrest. 2. 381 days. 3. National Association on the Advancement of Colored People.
providing job training.

Unit 7 Test
1 1. a, 2. b, 3. c, 4. l, 5. k, 6. j, 7. e, 8. i, 9. f, 10. h
2 1. choose a language school, 2. enroll in a summer course, 3. buy plane tickets, 4. apply for a student
visa, 5. take out travel insurance.

1 1. She told me (that) they had gone out the night before / last night. 2. The examiner told us not to
cheat on the test. 3. She said (that) she was waiting for her passport to buy the plane tickets. 4. He
asked me if the teacher was evaluating us the following week. 5. She told me (that) she hadn´t gone
to the party. 6. He asked her if she had passed the exam. 7. Maggie told me she had tried everything to
make things better.
2 1. know, This morning he said he knew the answer. 2. is, Ryan said he was buying the tickets. 3. don’t,
She told me not to speak in the library. 4. where was my sister, My host mother asked me where my
sister was. 5. forgot, They asked me not to forget about them. 6. are, A month ago, they told me they
were expecting more than 50 foreign students.

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environment, 8. Teachers’ working hours

3 D.R. © Richmond Publishing, S.A. de C.V., 2019 Printable

Answer Key Standard Test
2 1. To work on a school project. 2. The number of students and how far adult students get in their
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many students there are in each class

1 1. b, 2. e, 3. g, 4. f, 5. c, 6. D
2 1. 2, 2. 5, 3. 3, 4. 6, 5. 1

Unit 8 Test
1 1. buy, 2. get, 3. go, 4. have, 5. rent, 6. save, 7. get, 8. start, 9. take, 10. travel
2 1. save money to buy a house, 2. start my own business, 3. go to college, 4. get a job, 5. rent an
apartment, 6. buy a car

1 1. ’ll be earning, 2. ’ll be doing, 3. ’ll be saving, 4. will you be doing, 5. ’ll be working 6. ’ll be traveling
2 1. How long will you be using the computer? 2. Laura will be working on this project. 3. I won’t be living
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1 1. foreign language, 2. academic papers, 3. speaking skills, 4. transformation, 5. making friends,
6. future
2 1. advice, 2. harder than at high school, 3. both personal and academic, 4. the work environment,
5. the times to come

1 1. T, 2. F, 3. T, 4. F, 5. T, 6. F, 7. T, 8. F
2 1. It’s modifying them. 2. Cyber security experts, internet of things developers, digital content
specialists, and 3D printing technicians. 3. They have to be experts in digital archives, searches,
keywords and helpful websites. 4. Because they can boost their presence on the Internet, attract new
consumers, and keep their followers engaged. 5. Tools, food, household objects, clothing, medical
implants, complex mechanisms.

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