Test kl3 U1 A

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imię i nazwisko klasa

1 Posłuchaj nagrania i ponumeruj obrazki. Jeden obrazek nie pasuje

do żadnej wypowiedzi. 02

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2 Posłuchaj pięciu nagranych pytań i otocz pętlą odpowiedź
a lub b. 03

1. a) I like my mobile.

b) It’s my mobile.

2. a) No, I can’t. It’s not my computer.

b) Yes, I do. I like computers.

3. a) Yes, I do. I send text messages to my grandpa.

b) No, I haven’t got a camera.

4. a) Yes, I can. I’m good at football.

b) Yes, I am. ‘The Dragon’ is my favourite game.

5. a) No, I haven’t. My computer doesn’t work.

b) Yes, I can. I enjoy doing projects online. ...... / 5

SUPER HEROES 3 I UNIT 1 I TEST A © Copyright by Nowa Era Sp. z o.o. / Sanoma 2022 PHOTOCOPIABLE 1
3 Uzupełnij zdania, wpisując właściwe wyrazy lub wyrażenia zgodnie
z obrazkami.

1. I’m writing a to my friend.

2. Let’s the computers and do our project online.

3. What’s the ? I can put it in very fast.

4. We chat online, our screens, and play.

5. Do you with your brother?

6. I can my pictures to my grandma!

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4 Popatrz na obrazki i przeczytaj zdania. Wstaw  w kwadracik

obok zdania, jeśli zgadza się ono z obrazkiem, lub  jeśli nie.

This is Kate. She likes reading books online.


I’m bored! Let’s call our friends and meet

2. in the playground!

His computer doesn’t work! Can you help,

3. please?

I have a lot of fun with my sister! We enjoy

4. painting pictures.
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SUPER HEROES 3 I UNIT 1 I TEST A © Copyright by Nowa Era Sp. z o.o. / Sanoma 2022 PHOTOCOPIABLE 2
5 Uzupełnij tekst wyrazami z ramki.

password • camera • send • switches on • computer

Mr Banks is my teacher. He’s got a big with a big

screen in his classroom. There is a mic and a , too.

Mr Banks starts the lesson and the computer. He puts

in the very fast. We do our projects online. I enjoy my

lessons with Mr Banks and I like doing my homework. I

my files to Mr Banks! I have a lot of fun!

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6 Ułóż zdania z podanych wyrazów.

1. share • the homework • and do • Let’s • our screens

2. very fast • the video • switches on • Maya • game

3. you • messages • text • send • Do

4. with • got a computer • screen • a grey • She’s

5. chatting • online • enjoy • I

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Doskonale Całkiem Poćwiczmy

sobie radzisz! dobrze! jeszcze!

SUPER HEROES 3 I UNIT 1 I TEST A © Copyright by Nowa Era Sp. z o.o. / Sanoma 2022 PHOTOCOPIABLE 3

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