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I can name… Colours

Ex 1: Match the vocabulary to the pictures before comparing with a partner.

1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8.

9. 10. 11. 12.

red black grey brown

purple / lilac green white yellow

gold pink blue orange

Ex 2: Finish the sentences with colours.

1. The sea is _________. 5. Oranges are __________. 9. Pigs are __________.

2. Grass is __________. 6. Elephants are _________. 10. The coins are _________.
3. Snow is __________. 7. Coffee is __________. 11. Lavender is __________.
4. The cat is __________. 8. Tomatoes are _________. 12. Bananas are __________.

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Ex 3: Print and cut up the conversation cards below or display for online lessons.

Student A Student B

1. What colour is the sea? 1. What colour are the bananas?

2. What colour is the elephant? 2. What colour is the cat?
3. What colour are the coins? 3. What colour are the oranges?
4. What colour is the coffee? 4. What colour is the lavender?
5. What colour is the snow? 5. What colour are the pigs?
6. What colour are the tomatoes? 6. What colour is the grass?
7. What colours are your clothes? 7. What colours are in this room?

Student A Student B

1. What colour is the sea? 1. What colour are the bananas?

2. What colour is the elephant? 2. What colour is the cat?
3. What colour are the coins? 3. What colour are the oranges?
4. What colour is the coffee? 4. What colour is the lavender?
5. What colour is the snow? 5. What colour are the pigs?
6. What colour are the tomatoes? 6. What colour is the grass?
7. What colours are your clothes? 7. What colours are in this room?

Student A Student B

1. What colour is the sea? 1. What colour are the bananas?

2. What colour is the elephant? 2. What colour is the cat?
3. What colour are the coins? 3. What colour are the oranges?
4. What colour is the coffee? 4. What colour is the lavender?
5. What colour is the snow? 5. What colour are the pigs?
6. What colour are the tomatoes? 6. What colour is the grass?
7. What colours are your clothes? 7. What colours are in this room?

Student A Student B

1. What colour is the sea? 1. What colour are the bananas?

2. What colour is the elephant? 2. What colour is the cat?
3. What colour are the coins? 3. What colour are the oranges?
4. What colour is the coffee? 4. What colour is the lavender?
5. What colour is the snow? 5. What colour are the pigs?
6. What colour are the tomatoes? 6. What colour is the grass?
7. What colours are your clothes? 7. What colours are in this room?

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Ex 4: Cut up the flash cards below.

yellow orange blue brown

purple / lilac white grey pink

red gold black green

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