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1 Choose the correct options to complete the sentences.
1 Lucy’s wife / husband is a teacher. The children really like him.
2 I start / get school at 8.55 a.m. every day.
3 My grandmother is short / straight and has got long, grey hair.
4 Tina’s uncle / aunt is my mother. Tina and I are cousins.
5 We usually do our homework / wake up after school.
6 Dave’s sister has long / tall hair and brown eyes.

2 Complete the sentences with these words.

draw pictures helmets listen to songs martial arts table tennis trainers

1 Cameron has always got his in his bag so he can play basketball.
2 My mother likes to of people and comic characters when she has free time.
3 My friend and I together on my tablet. We both like the same music.
4 We always wear when we go skateboarding.
5 I like . It’s a very fast and lively sport.
6 I love like judo and karate.

3 Choose the correct options (A or B) to complete the sentences.

1 The is the room where you eat meals.
A bedroom B  kitchen
2 I have a lot of new books, so I need another .
A shelf B  cupboard
3 The is small, but it has got a bath and a shower.
A  living room B  bathroom
4 There is no food in the or the cupboard. It’s time to go shopping.
A cooker B  fridge
5 My dad likes to sit on the and watch TV in the living room.
A desk B  sofa

4 Complete the sentences with these words.

bread eggs fish milk vegetables

1 We live by the sea, so we eat a lot of .

2 They have a cow, so they drink a lot of .
3 My grandparents have got chickens, so they eat a lot of .
4 My sister doesn’t eat meat or fish, but she eats a lot of fresh fruit and .
5 I want to make a cheese sandwich. I have enough cheese, but I need to buy some .

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1 Look at the information. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. Add not and don’t/doesn’t where
Samuel Joan
tall ✓ ✗
blue eyes ✗ ✗
brown hair ✓ ✓
play volleyball ✗ ✗
do aerobics ✗ ✓

1 is / Samuel / tall

2 Samuel / has / blue eyes / got

3 got / Samuel / has / brown hair

4 Samuel and Joan / blue eyes / got / have

5 play / do / Samuel and Joan / volleyball

6 Joan / tall / is

7 Joan / volleyball / play / does

8 Joan / aerobics / does

2 Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.

1 I have to / don’t have to get up early tomorrow because I leave home at 7 o’clock to go to school.
2 Do you like / Would you like to join the art club this term?
3 I don’t usually / never drink milk at dinner time.
4 We don’t have to / have to do our homework now, we can do it later.
5 Laura always / sometimes brushes her teeth after meals. She likes to keep them clean.
6 John doesn’t have to / don’t have to tidy his bedroom every day.
7 It’s the school disco tonight. Would you like / Do you like to come?

3 Complete the email with these words.

a any many some There are There is

Hi Mum,
I want to make (1) cake for Tina’s birthday. There’s (2) sugar in the cupboard. (3)
some butter in the fridge. How (4) eggs do I need? Is there (5) chocolate I can use?
(6) some candles on the shelf. Can I use them?
Thanks, Lisa xx

4 Complete the sentences with the present simple or present continuous form of the verbs in brackets.
1 My friends ice hockey at the moment, they’re studying for a test. (not play)
2 Thomas at home today, he’s at school. (not be)
3 I usually a jacket in winter because it’s cold. (wear)
4 Mike and Petra with their grandparents today. (stay)
5 Alison’s father a lot at the moment. He’s very busy. (work)
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Cumulative Vocabulary and Grammar

Choose the correct option (A, B or C) to complete the conversation.

Anna: Hi, Nina. This is Steffen. He’s from Germany and (1) with us for a month.
Nina: Hi Anna. Hi Steffen. It’s nice to meet you.
Steffen: Nice to meet you too.
Nina: (2) Plymouth?
Steffen: Yes, I do. It’s a nice town. I love (3) and there are lots of beaches here where I can do that.
Nina: That’s great. My (4) loves the water too. He’s 16. How old are you?
Steffen: I’m 14. What about you? What do you do in your free time?
Nina: I like playing music.
Steffen: (5) instrument do you play?
Nina: The piano and the guitar.
Steffen: I (6) the guitar too.
Nina: You can join our music group. It’s (7) on Tuesday, but it’s sometimes on Thursday.
Steffen: Thanks. That sounds fun.
Anna: Are you busy? (8) time for a meal?
Nina: Yes. I’d like (9) burger and (10) juice.
Anna and Steffen: Me too!

1 A he’s staying B  he stays

2 A Would you like B  Do you like
3 A skateboarding B  surfing
4 A brother B  aunt
5 A What B  Where
6 A do B  play
7 A usually B  always
8 A Got you B  Have you got
9 A a B  any
10 A many B  some

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1 3 4

1 Look at the picture and complete the descriptions with these words.
dark long short tall

1 My cousin is and has got blonde hair. Her name’s Sofia. She’s got green eyes. She plays the guitar.
2 John’s got , blond hair and brown eyes. He’s short. He loves playing football.
3 Tara isn’t tall or short. She’s got short hair, and she’s got blue eyes. She enjoys drawing pictures.
4 Ben is tall and has got hair. He’s got green eyes. He likes playing the drums.

2 Do the Speaking Part 1 task below. Answer the questions.

1 Tell us something about your parents.
2 Describe your best friend.
3 What is your teacher like?
4 Tell us about a famous person you like.

Listening  TT1

Part 4
For each question, choose the correct answer.
You will hear two friends, John and Lucy, talking about an after-school club.
0 Which after-school club did John choose? 3 How much will the club cost Lucy per week?
A the art club A £1.00
B the film club B £3.00
C the photography club C £12.00

1 Which day is the club on? 4 Where will the club happen?
A Monday A the classroom
B Tuesday B the art room
C Thursday C the sports hall

2 What time does the club start? 5 What will Lucy do next?
A 3.50 A send an email
B 4.00 B meet the teacher
C 4.15 C check the school’s website

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Reading and Writing

Part 2

For each question, choose the correct answer.

Ellie Tilda Nora

1 Who says she prefers to draw the same kinds of things? A B C
2 Who says it doesn’t matter if she makes mistakes when she does art? A B C
3 Who says her feelings about making art have not changed? A B C
4 Who would like more people her age to do her hobby? A B C
5 Who began doing art with someone who was also a beginner? A B C
6 Who says she enjoys the fact that making art takes time? A B C
7 Who puts advice about making art on the internet? A B C

My hobby
Three young people explain why they love making art

I only became interested in drawing because my brother asked me to join an art club with him.
At first, we didn’t know how to draw anything, but the other members helped us. There’s also
so much help online that we learnt how to do some things from there too. Now I only want to
draw my pets. My friends don’t understand why I do my hobby so much, but they love it when
I give them one of my pictures.

I first became interested in drawing when my granny gave me some colour pencils. Since
then I’ve drawn hundreds of pictures. What I love about making art is that if what I’m drawing
isn’t very good, it’s not a big problem. I just practise drawing it again. I now put my own art
videos online. My last one was about the best way to draw faces, and thousands of people
have watched it! That made me really happy – I want all young people to be interested in
making art.

A few years ago, I got an art set for my birthday. I was very excited to use it, since I loved doing
art projects at school, and now I could do them at home! And actually, I still think making art is
amazing! These days I enjoy painting anything from people to buildings. I also don’t mind that
it takes weeks to finish a painting. I love that part – waiting to see what it will finally look like.

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Part 4

For these questions, choose the correct answer.

The Golden Gate Bridge

The Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco is one of the most famous bridges in the world. It is (1) the
Golden Gate Bridge because it goes over the Golden Gate Strait. This is an area of water which (2) San
Francisco to the Pacific Ocean. It was built (3) 1933 and 1937, and some of America’s best engineers
(4) the bridge. The bridge is nearly 3,000 metres long and 27 metres wide. It has two towers, and it’s
always painted orange.

The bridge is well known for its special design. It is (5) with photographers, who love to take pictures of it at
all times of day, but (6) in the morning when the weather over the Golden Gate Strait is foggy.

1 A described B  called C  explained

2 A joins B  passes C  gives
3 A across B  between C  except
4 A prepared B  made C  built
5 A amazing B  popular C  favourite
6 A especially B  instead C  however

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