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ASM - Automatic Storage Management

is a portable volume manager to manage pool
of shared disks.

Raw Devices
OCFS2 - oracle clustered file system
ASM - Automatic Storage Management - 10gR2

is a part grid infrastructure software

In 10gr2 , we have seperate home for
ASM installed.
from 11g , One single home for Clusterware
and ASM with GRID Infr home.


Manages Oracle datafiles(eg: DATA)

spreads data across disks for faster
performance and workload balance.

Note : Oracle recommends to manage with

min 4 disks for each diskgroup.
Supports online disks reconfiguration
and rebalancing
Provides adjustable rebalancing speed

For every node, we have a asm instance

default installed while grid software.

rac1 - +ASM1
rac2 - +ASM2

ps -ef | grep pmon

To view the information in grid

will use performance views with gv$


For finding information on every instance

using global/grid views.

number of Nodes - 4


Number of ASM instances : 4 (eg: +asm1,+asm2,+asm3,+asm4)

No of asm instance on each node :1 (eg: on rac1 ,+asm1)
Number of RDBMS Databases: 3 prod,dev,test
Number of RDBMS Instances on 4 node? 12(3dbx4N)
No of rdbms instance on each node: 3(prod1,dev1,test1)
Each database ,number of instance on 4 node? 4

Each database no of instances ? 4

eg: 2 dbs.,each db has 4 instances if 4 nodes

prod(DB) - prod1,prod2,prod3,prod4(instances)
test(DB) - test1,test2,test3,test4


3 Databases in a cluster

rac1(server/node) - +asm1 , prod1,test1,dev1

rac2 - +asm2, prod2,test2,dev2

SQL> select inst_id,instance_number,host_name,status from gv$instance;

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