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Brown (1771-1810), a Philadelphian, who wrote six romantic

the small intestine; it, like the ileum, is thrown into

matter. A treaty of July 1900 followed by an agreement

contents of the graves which lay just inside the gate (see

for the estimates and the expenditure, the accounts and the

with lead oxide to a bright red heat. These reactions are

German kings took place at Aix, and as many as thirty-two

in a current of hydrogen, forms transparent, very obtuse

the carbide for commercial work, packed in air-tight drums,


enjoyment of the romantic suggestion of the old world, and by

his campaigns with him, and his panegyrist Panormita did not

Denmark.---The Kongelige danske videnskabernes selskab

xii., was published in 1556, though apparently finished

as a tyrosinase and R as a chromogen, or vice versa; and in

that the stone flakes were used by the medieval Makalanga to

north, through which now flows the Semliki river, was blocked.

and on the 24th of May 1887 obtained, through the good offices

of the Cyprus Museum) shows more than five-and-twenty

Ship not answerable for losses through explosion, bursting of

in the plan of that of Clermont, from Viollet-le-Duc.

descended to the families of Fitz Piers, Bohun and Stratford,

advanced to Misr, north of the ancient Memphis, and besieged


Malayo-Polynesian in origin, and contains no traces of

2. CHLOROPHYCEAE.--A. Borzi, ``Studi anamorfici di alcune

blind preacher, James Waddel (1739-1805), whose eloquence

after a period of rest, germinates, to form a new filamentous

which, among the Romans, was performed by raising the hand

to Altoona to be repaired from all over the Pennsylvania

(xanthoproteic reaction); fuming sulphuric acid, which gives

Svantovit, was surrendered, the Wends agreeing to accept

The largest balloon on record (if the contemporary accounts

fat, and perhaps to the composition of the fat itself, butter


constitute about one-twelfth of the total number of cattle.

founded on Oribasius and compiled from various sources,

Powers---Germany and Austria not participating,---and Prince

earliest application of what is known as the ``regenerative''

to Edmontonnorthward runs a line under the control of the

be identified in the lists of the Kitab-al- Fihrist. But

feet to 22 or 24 ft. at spring tides and to 17 or 18 ft. at

gave power to the arbitrators to award a sum in gross in the

in great reverence by all Moslems, though it did not possess

the two centuries following Descartes has led to the term

copper "driving band" into a groove cut around the body of the

Infanticide was systematic, never more than two children being

sea-lions. The number of fur-bearing land animals is equally

in the naval department. For these abuses, several high-placed

managed, as also in Tirol (where the local name is Almen),

writers. The first mention of the word is to be found in the

is nearly always imperative that it should be as strong as

the experiment was not repeated either by the author or his

Pic du Pelvat. . . . . . . . . 10,558 Mont Politri . . . . . . . . . . 10,009

land and warehouse, and afterwards re-ship the cargo. For these

publication, and was not of a nature to be given to the

breaking it up for wheat. In many cases it would be decided

``Chemistry of Storage Batteries,'' Proc. Roy. Soc., 1883;

Thames and Lea and fortified themselves twenty miles above

who are given a two years' graduate course, generally abroad,

pillars. Ancient flags captured in war decorate the walls,

He took a sort of malicious pleasure in irritating the monks.

essentially a form of social enjoyment. No one doubts

1901, in many cheap reprints. Cp. W. Alexis' Erinnerungen,

Mr F. W. Thomas, librarian of the India Office, for help in

different parts of the county, and which is celebrated in John

of the XIVth Amendment is that no state shall deny to any

pasture. Swine and bees conclude this branch of the work.

majority of endemic species are of pre-glacial origin, and

them, so that the latter is naturally more skilled in estimating

n.d.); M. Vollkommer, Die Quellen B. d'Anville's fur seine

XIII. to an abdication, the necessity of which was becoming

P. Paulitschke, Ethnographic Nordost-Afrikas (2 vols.,

command. On the 14th of June 1830 the French troops landed at

condemned, they were conceived in essentially the same spirit

century that we begin to find traces of the multiplication of

his immoral conduct, forfeited the right to speak before the

1821--1826), &c. Ackermann was an enterprising man; he

by George IV. to lay out the gardens at the Pavilion, Brighton.

Baker (Journal of Chem. Soc., 1894, lxv. p. 612) has shown

AALBORG, a city and seaport of Denmark, the seat of a bishop,

fort. Al. i. 8, it was the simpler Persian dress, not the

the redoubtable Jesuit, and gave himself up entirely to his

genera and 5000 species, fossil and recent.

In spite of the great improvements effected during recent

(now called the Cava d'Aglio) of which the Via Latina took

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