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Coaching: An International Journal of

Theory, Research and Practice
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Moments from the AC UK Conference:

from inner game to neuroscience
Gladeana McMahon
Published online: 04 Sep 2012.

To cite this article: Gladeana McMahon (2012) Moments from the AC UK Conference: from inner
game to neuroscience, Coaching: An International Journal of Theory, Research and Practice, 5:2,
72-73, DOI: 10.1080/17521882.2012.712289

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Coaching: An International Journal of Theory, Research and Practice
Vol. 5, No. 2, September 2012, 7273

Moments from the AC UK Conference: from inner game to
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The Association for Coaching’s UK Conference ‘From Inner Game to Neuroscience’

held on the 22 June in Edinburgh was a great success. The conference team did
themselves, Scotland and the AC in the UK proud.
The event ran like clockwork and the venue choice went down well with
those attending. Kirsty McWilliams, Louise Wightman, Jenny Britton and Kitty
Gordon supported by Gill Smith and a range of other volunteers on the day
did a magnificent job. This is another example of how the AC benefits from the
knowledge, time, passion and enthusiasm of all those involved in our development
The presenters included Dr Frank Dick OBE, ‘From Pathology to Possibility’;
Professor Jonathan Passmore, ‘Emotional Intelligence  the Key Ingredient
for Executive Coaching?’; Professor Paul Brown, ‘Starting with the Brain: An
Introduction to Neurobehavioural Modelling in Executive Coaching’; and Gladeana
McMahon, ‘Mindfulness Based Cognitive Behavioural Coaching’. There was also a
special live interview with Tim Gallwey, together with the showing of a pre-recorded
film which had been produced when Tim Gallwey was in London, along with a live
questions and answers slot via a direct link to America.
The workshops included presentations on a range of topics, by Lynne
MacWhinnie, ‘Coaching Presence with 9performancepi: Explore Your Integrated
Holistic Map’; Averil Leimon, ‘Positive Psychology  Hope for the Future’; Christine
Thornton, ‘The Secret Life of Groups: How Unconscious Communication Processes
in Groups Underpin the Dynamics of Organisational Life’; Dr Leni Wildflower,
‘Immunity to Change: The Kegan/Lahey Model for Creating Lasting Transforma-
tion with Clients’; Jessica Pryce-Jones, ‘Is the Happiness Movement a Fashion, a Fad
or the Future of Coaching?’ and Sue Burnell, ‘Accelerating Success with Leaders:
The Silent Role of Enquiry’.
As 2012 is the tenth anniversary of the Association for Coaching, delegates
were also shown a film commissioned by the Association for Coaching which
chartered the many faces of current coaching. This can be found on our website,

Gladeana McMahon

ISSN 1752-1882 print/ISSN 1752-1890 online

# 2012 Taylor & Francis
Coaching: An International Journal of Theory, Research and Practice 73

Notes on contributor
Gladeana McMahon is UK Chair, Association for Coaching. A
Fellow of the AC, ISMA, BACP, IMS and RSA she is an accredited
coach and therapist and one of the UK founders of the Cognitive
Behavioural Coaching Model. An internationally published author
with 20 books of a self-help and academic nature to her name,
she works with many well known organisations to manage the
complexities of twenty-first century corporate life.
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