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UNIT 1 – 6

1. as at by for in of on to with until

He likes playing football _____ weekends.

They often eat in a restaurant _____ Fridays.
I go _____ work _____ bus and I’m _____ work until 5:30 pm.
Can you help me _____ my homework?
Look _____ this photo _____ my family!
It’s a good practice _____ you.
My brother lives _____ the next block.
She’s married _____ an American.
He works _____ a receptionist.
She gets up early _____ weekdays.
It’s the best home _____ the world.
Yesterday there was a party _____ my house.
She paints _____ two hours _____ bedtime.
She was _____ the cinema _____ her boyfriend _____ Friday evening.
I like going _____ walks _____ summer.
He drives the children _____ school.
There’s a letter _____ you.

2. is are was wasn’t were

The weather _____ beautiful today. It _____ terrible yesterday.
We went to the party but Roger _____ there.
Where _____ your sister born?
The children _____ very tired today.
Where _____ you yesterday?
We _____ married when I _____ eighteen.
3. a an some any
Are there ____ good restaurants near your flat?
Upstairs there’s _____ big bathroom
There are _____ good pubs nearby.
Does the cottage have _____ dining room?
Are there _____ trees in the garden?
There aren’t _____ people on the beach.
There are _____ big cupboards in the kitchen.

5. Write questions.

She has coffee and toast for breakfast.

They get up at 6:30.
She speaks Spanish and English.
He works in a language school.

6. Hány éves voltál, amikor (már) tudtál beszélni?

Van a közelben egy étterem?
Az messze van?
Ehetek egy szendvicset?
1996-ban Brazíliában voltak.
Milyen nap volt tegnap?
Beszélhetek az igazgatóval?
Mit tudott csinálni, amikor nagyon fiatal volt?
A bejárati ajtó a lépcső tetején van.
Sajnálom, hogy késtem.
11-ig ágyban maradok.

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