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Technical Writing on the Job Worksheet

Directions: You are likely to choose a career in which technical writing is essential. To see that most jobs
require technical writing, research job listings in professions that interest you. Search online, look in
newspapers, and/or use your school’s career services center. Find five job descriptions and write them in
the space below. Share the jobs that require good writing and communication skills with others in your

1. Job Title social media manager

Required skills
communication, writing, creativity, Efficiency and top-notch organization,
Custom care, making connections

2. Job Title journalist

Required skills
written skills, interpersonal skills, perserverence

3. Job Title Ghostwriter

Required skills
writing skills, creativity, publishing knowlage, ability to organize

4. Job Title Internal communications specialist

Required skills
communication plans, stong writing skills, natural ability to think startigically

5. Job Title technical writer

Required skills clear understanding and knowlage of your product, writing skills

Technical Writing on the Job Worksheet

What Is Technical Writing?
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