Grand Finale Script

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Domini-Can Sing Revolution Season 5 Script

I. Introduction:
Welcome to the Domini-Can Sing Revolution Season 5 Grand Finals with the
theme: “Greatest Hits”! Let us celebrate this founding anniversary with the
voices of our very own Dominicans from the higher education.

My name is.... and I’m your gorgeous host for today’s sizzling afternoon.

The Grand Finalists will stand on stage and ignite the show with their passionate
and fiery performances. I know that you have all been waiting for this very exciting
event. Let us all thank the efforts and assistance of the hardworking BSBA
Eventologist Batch 4 and their course adviser, Mr. Raymond Santiago.

Let us not waste any more time! Please allow me to introduce you today’s biggest
and most-awaited opening number from the academic heads and Dr. Alvin Jason
A. Virata, the Director for Quality Assurance & Institutional Effectiveness, Mr
Jonathan V. Santa Ana, Director for Department Administrative Support Services
(DASS), and Dr. Pastor Judith Valcorza, Program Head, BS Accountancy and BS
Accounting Information System.

II. Opening Number:

Let us not waste any more time! Please allow me to introduce you today’s biggest
and most-awaited opening number from the academic heads and Dr. Alvin Jason
A. Virata, the Director for Quality Assurance & Institutional Effectiveness, Mr
Jonathan V. Santa Ana, Director for Department Administrative Support Services
(DASS), Dr. Pastor Judith Valcorza, Program Head, BS Accountancy and BS
Accounting Information System.

Woooow! That was an incredible performance! The talent and splendor that runs
through the veins of our esteemed academic leaders and judges overflowed this
afternoon! It’s amazing to see them ignite the Dominican spirit!

We would like to give a warm welcome and extend our gratitude to the honourable
Academic Heads of St. Dominic College of Asia and our very talented judges for
the Domini-Can Sing Revolution Season 5 with their amazing performance. Let us
all give them a round of applause.
III. Presentation of Judges:

Now, why don’t we finally present and welcome the prominent judges of St.
Dominic College of Asia.

Dr. Alvin Jason A. Virata

Director for Quality Assurance & Institutional Effectiveness

Mr. Jonathan V. Sta Ana

Director for Department of Administrative Support Services (DASS)

Prof. Aimee. Bañega

Faculty, School of Business and Computer Studies

Let me also have the honor of introducing our very distinguished guest judges.

Mr. Jerone Rivera

University of Santo tomas, Conservatory of Music, Major in Saxophone, Minor in

Mr. Patrick Joseph Eustacio

Bass Soloist, Liturgical Music Industry, Vocalist at Our Lady of Pillar Seminary

Thank you to all of our judges for sharing your time and for attending this event
with your magnificent presence.

IV. Criteria for Judging

Are you guys finally ready to listen and recognize the worthy contenders for
today’s Domini-Can Sing Revolution Season 5 with theme: “Greatest Hits”

The contenders will sing a masterpiece of their own version and prove why they
deserve to be part of the top three.

The finalists will be judged accordingly with the following criteria:

Voice Quality is 40
Performance is 40
And Showmanship is 20

The contenders may now stand on stage. Thank you.

Let us call on...


Rhica Mae A .Pedolin
BS Accountancy

Eunice Mendoza
Bachelor of Multimedia Arts

Hilary Ona
BS Hospitality Management

Jhenielyn De Castro
Bachelor of Secondary Education

Mae Therestan G. Rabaria
BS in Medical Technology

Diego Fernando B. Tecson
BS Physical Therapy

V. Domini-Can Sing (Masterpiece)

You were all wonderful, contenders. Thank you for the passion, and for singing
your heart out. You have shown why you’re all worthy of being the Grand
Champion of the Domini-Can Sing Revolution Season 5. However, only 3 will be
able to proceed to the final round.

VI. Elimination

The contenders have given their best and competition is far from over. The
eliminated contenders will still win a certificate, cash prize, sash, and a plaque with
their winning order.

Okay, shall we finally announce our 5th, 4th, and 3rd place winners?
The 5th placer is...


Before we proceed to our final round, we will first have the ISO & PACUCOA

VIII. Domini-Can Sing (Medley)

Here we have it, let us all finally welcome our top three contenders! Are you guys
ready? Who do you think will be the Grand Champion of the Domini-Can Sing
Revolution Season 5! The top three contenders shall perform a medley for the final
round and of course should adhere with the theme: “Greatest Hits”

There will be a new criterion of judging for the final round, Medley.

Voice Quality is 50
- Tone Quality, Breath Support, Intonation, Diction, and Articulation are all
aspects of vocal technique.
- Rhythm and Tempo – The role of voice in music

- The simultaneous combination of notes and the ensuing relationships of
intervals and chords. Characteristics of Harmony: Chord — Simultaneous
combination of tones (typically three or more) that constitute a single block of

- Show Design – Music Selection, Effective use of Stage and Performance
Area, Outfit and style
- Entertainment Value – The audience’s and judges’ reaction to the overall

Let’s get started. Are you guys ready! Let us hear you cheer for our contenders!
Louder! Okay, let’s go.

The first to sing will be...

IX. AVP / (John Rey Lazarares / Kyle Orsal)

Let’s watch an audio-visual presentation from St. Dominic College of Asia while the
deliberation round is in progress and the results are being reviewed. This will be followed by
performances led by our very own Eventologist Batch 4 organizer and past grand finalist of
Domini-Can Sing Revolution Season 1 Mr. John Rey Lazares, and Domini-Can Sing
Revolution Season 2 grand finalist, Mr. Kyle Orsal.

Wow! Their voices are definitely breath-taking! No wonder they were chosen as finalists in
the past Domini-Can Sing Revolution. Despite being finalists, you guys have won our hearts!
Thank you for your lovely performance.

X. Closing Remark (Dr. Ocan)

It’s time to hear our honorable and handsome program chair of the School of Business and
Computer Studies, Dr. Gerald Ocan, to give his closing remarks.

That speech, Doc, was so touching and profound. We appreciate you being here with us.
Hearing everyone share their perspectives and encourage us to ignite our hearts and minds is
incredibly inspiring.

It gives us the fortitude to also broaden and ignite our vision like the premise of our founding
anniversary theme this year!

XI. Announcement of Winners

Alright! Everyone. Here we are for the thrilling part!

The declaration of winners! I know that this is the much awaited so let’s get into it. Who do
you think will be our grand champion?

For our top three, I know that you have given your best. It was a heart-warming serenade for
all of us. Not only was our theme greatest hits but you have also proven that you all were
great singers.
Now for the 2nd place he/she will receive a cash prize of 1,800 pesos, certificate, sash, and a
plaque. As for the 1st place, he/she will receive 2,000 pesos, certificate, sash, and plaque.
Finally, the Grand Champion will receive 2,300 for the cash prize, a certificate, sash, and
plaque suited for a champion.

Our 2nd place is.....!

Our 1st placer....!

And for our Grand Champion!

Congratulation to everyone! Congratulations to our top 3 and top 6! Last but not the least,
Congratulations to our Domini-Can Sing Revolution Season 5 Grand Champion! You
definitely deserve this as you have proven that Dominicans are definitely talented and
successful. Congratulations to everyone.

I hope our audience has enjoyed this year’s Domini-Can Sing Revolution Season 5! Thank
you to BSBA Eventologist Batch 4 for organizing this event and to their wonderful adviser,
Mr. Raymond L. Santiago. Thank you to all of our judges, guests, students, faculty, and staff
for this amazing event! Thank you and Good Bye! This has been your host......

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