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Introduction: This section should provide a brief overview of the project, including its goals
and objectives. It should also include any background information or context that is relevant to
the design of the software.
Purpose: this SRS document outlines the requirements for a Cat Adoption System. It describes
the features, functions, and constraints of the system, as well as user expectations.
Scope: it allows the user to input data of cats that are available for adoption and get their featues.
Overview of the project: the project is a java code that prints the inputted data of cats available
for adoption. Its goal is to have data on the cats available for adoption and make it easy for a
person to input their data digitally.

2. Functional requirements: This section should describe the specific functionality that the
software is required to provide. This should include a detailed list of features, as well as any
constraints or limitations on the software's behavior.
3. Non-functional requirements: This section should describe the system-level requirements for
the software, such as performance, reliability, and security. This may also include the hardware,
software and communication interfaces that the software must work with.
4. Design Overview: This section should provide a high-level overview of the software design. It
should describe the overall architecture of the system and its key components, as well as any
major design patterns or algorithms that will be used.
5. Detailed Design: This section should provide a detailed description of the software design,
including state machine diagrams, and pseudocode or flowcharts to illustrate the algorithms and
data structures that will be used.
6. User Interface Design: This section should describe the design of the user interface, including
any wireframes, mockups, or other visual design elements. It should also describe the user
experience, layout, navigation and the design principles that have been followed.
7. Data Design: This section should describe the data model for the software, including any
databases, data structures, or file formats that will be used. It should also describe how data will
be stored, retrieved, and updated.
8. Test Plan: This section should describe how the software will be tested, including any test
test procedures, and acceptance criteria that have been defined.
9. Conclusion: This section should provide a summary of the software design, including any key
design decisions and trade-offs that were made. It should also include any future work that
needs to be done to complete the software

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