The True Vagos

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New Castillian Background and Corruption Rules

The Corruption rules of the new edition has caused a lot of discussion online. 7th Sea has always
been a game about Big Heroes, even if the first edition gave more leeway in that aspect.

But this edition has left the shades of gray out, and all the player characters are
considered Heroes, with capital letters. To do an Evil Act implies a very real risk that the
characters become Villains and no longer can be used as Player Characters.

In my opinion the Corruption Rules are really important and very useful in establishing the tone for
the kind of stories and characters that you want in your games. Some people will outright ignore it,
and some will use it exactly as written. How you decide to proceed will set the tone of your games.

This supplement offers a couple of new spins on the Corruption concept, introducing a new background that
relays on it (and adapts a classical figure of Spanish literature, el Pícaro, while also offering a nod to old-time
7th Sea players) and an alternative Corruption Rule to ease the first forays of the players into that dark waters...

by Alfredo Tarancón

Special thanks to
Luis Olmeda
Capitán Mordigan
Maria Belenguer

Explorers Society, 7th Sea and all related marks are © and ™ 2016 John Wick Presents. All rights reserved. No part of this work may be duplicated without express permission from the Author.
Cover Images from the official image packages in the Explorer’s Society

The True Vagos
“ I can give you neither gold nor silver, but I can teach you much in the ways
of getting a livelihood.”
—The life of Lazarillo de Tormes, his fortunes & adversities”

New Background
Los Auténticos Vagos
For a long time people all over Theah used the term VAGOS
Vagos when they spoke about the members of the
Vagabundos Secret Society. This was due to a mix of Every day you use your wits to survive and prosper, even when
what you risk might be your very soul.
misinformation by the enemies of the society and a
mix-up with a certain type of people that populate the Quirk
castillian lands.
You earn a Hero point whenever you risk earning a corruption
You see, Castillian are clever people. No matter their point to help someone else.
conditions, ranks or moral, castillians are practical and
Advantages Skills
direct, always looking for ways to get what they want. This,
when absent from some morals and a regular access to Blind Man Tricks Convince
income, have led a few poor souls to a lifestyle in which Inspire Generosity Empathy
they taunt luck day after day, playing odds with fate and Perform
the corruption of their very soul. The commoners in Tempt
Castilla have adopted a moniker for this kind of people, Theft
one that at times had led to some errors. They call
them Vagos. New Advantage
Although most Vagos are egoistical and self absorbed, 5 Point Advantages
there a few that, even against their better judgment, can’t
help to be Heroes sometimes. This Background will allow
you to play a character that despite almost always looking Blind Man’s Trick (3 if Castillian)
for himself, can be a great Hero when the time comes. Whenever you roll for Corruption, you always do it as if you
had one Corruption point fewer. You can pay a Hero Point
to reroll the Corruption Check once per session. If you pass
the reroll you don’t lose your Character, but the GM gets 3
Danger Points.


New Corruption Rule

When the Hero gets his first Corruption Point the GM will roll the dice as usual. If the result is a 1, instead of turning the Hero into
a Villain, the GM will take the Character sheet and draw a big black spot in the upper corner with a pencil.

Until the Hero redeems herself completely the player will have to keep the Black Spot in the Hero’s Sheet. While the Hero has the
Black Spot, she starts every game with 1 less Hero point than usual. The player can’t erase the Black Spot until the Hero has no
Corruption Points.

This rule would only apply the first time they get a Corruption Point. With the second Evil Act, the player knows where she is
getting into...

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Extended Crew Rules

“One could mention many lovable traits in Smee. For instance, after killing,
it was his spectacles he wiped instead of his weapon.”
—J.M. Barrie, Peter Pan

These rules are written to encourage players to know better their comrades in the ship, to
make them feel like real people, who can evolve and grow along them, and whose death or
disappearances might mean something substantial, that will make the life as a pirate more

In these pages you will find a few rules that introduce new concepts and terms:
• A new type of NPC, the Mateys. They are special NPC’s that are part of your Crew and with
whom your PC’s have a close relationship. They are almost like family. You will find all the
rules you need to create them, upgrade them and use them in your games. This includes
Quirks, Arcana and rules for improving them.
• A change to how Crew Squads work. How well does your Crew work together?
• A few Sheets adapted to use with these rules. These include a Ship Sheet, a Captain’s Log
and a variant of the Ship Sheet designed to be used along with the Extended Ship Rules
published by Rob Donoghue.


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