Fire Service Vol3no2

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Fire service

Lanseria International Airport

Rescue and Fire Fighting (ARFF) Service

Lanseria International Airport Rescue and Fire Fighting (ARFF) Service’s arsenal

anseria International Airport private individuals identified the rescue and fire fighting purposes,
is situated north west of need for an airport to the north which means that aircraft with a
Johannesburg in South Africa’s west of Johannesburg, South Africa. fuselage length of up to 48,9 metres
Gauteng Province. Fire and When the airport started operations, may operate at the airport. The airport
Rescue International met with Chief a Ford F250 was converted into a fire category is however upgraded to
Bennie Vorster, who heads up the engine and manned by a volunteer category eight on a regular basis
airport’s rescue and fire service, and crew. The airport was later taken when larger aircraft, with a fuselage
his crew, to profile the service. over jointly by the municipalities of length of up to 60,9 metres make use
Krugersdorp, Roodepoort and the of the facility. These include wide
Lanseria International Airport (LIA) then Transvaal Administration. body B-767 and United States of
was established in 1974 when two America Air Force C-17 aircraft.
The airport fire services, although
managed by the airport, sorted under When the airport category is upgraded
the Krugersdorp Fire Department. to category eight, the ARFF service
By this time, two Unimog fire tenders has to increase personnel numbers
and a Toyota Hi Ace ambulance, to man an additional ARFF vehicle.
with a full time fire crew of 10, made Additional off duty fire fighters are also
up Lanseria Airport Rescue and Fire called in to man the vehicle during
Fighting Services. the category eight operations. During
normal category seven operations,
The South African Air Force used Lanseria the two major first turn out vehicles are
Airport as a base for their Impala 4 manned by a four man crew each.
Squadron as well as 41 Reconnaissance
Squadron from 1979 to 1991. Challenges
Like with any airport ARFF or municipal
In 1991, Lanseria was sold to a group fire service for that matter, personnel
of private investors and became the numbers are always a concern.
only privately owned international One can imagine the challenge of
airport in South Africa. responding to an aircraft incident
where more than 200 people are
Lanseria International Airport is a involved, with a fire crew of 12. It is, of
Chief Bennie Vorster
licensed category seven airport for course, unrealistic to expect airport

36 l Volume 3 No. 2
Fire service

authorities to have large numbers

of fire fighters on standby at the
station and it is therefore important to
have sufficient support from external
agencies to act as a back up to the
ARFF first responder role.

Any licensed airport that operates

a scheduled air service is required
by the International Civil Aviation
Organisation (ICAO) to conform to
certain safety and other regulations.
ICAO also stipulates the minimum
number of vehicles, the performance
of the vehicles, extinguishing agents
and equipment required for a
particular category of airport.

Airport rescue and fire fighting Lanseria International Airport is a licensed category seven airport
services are continually under
pressure to reduce response times with regard to vehicles, equipment, The following year may require the
to aircraft incidents on or in close training and personnel deployment. purchase of a new ARFF vehicle, which
proximity to an airport. The objective can cost up to eight or 10 million Rand.
of the ARFF service is to achieve Budget
response times of two minutes but not “The annual budget may vary quite Personnel and staffing
exceeding three minutes to any part substantially from year to year since it Lanseria International Airport ARFF
of the aircraft movement area on depends in what cycle of procurement service has a compliment of 30
an airport and to discharge at least of vehicles and equipment we find personnel made up of the ARFFS
50 percent of its extinguishing agent ourselves in,” said Chief Vorster. There manager, three platoon commanders,
within this time. To achieve this, ARFFS may, for instance, be a year where one training officer, six senior fire
must stay abreast of technology and no major expense with regard to new fighters, an administrative facilitator
improved techniques in fire fighting vehicles or equipment is required. and 18 fire fighters. There are currently

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Fire service

apprenticeship before being promoted

to fire fighter,” said Chief Vorster.

LIA has an Airport Training Academy
that specialises in various aspects
of aviation related training. Besides
the obvious fire fighter training that
is required to be a fire fighter, an
airport fire fighter has to complete
various other courses to be classed as
a competent airport fire fighter.

Examples of the courses required by

- Aircraft rescue and fire fighting
- Airside driver/operator
The fire training facility allows fire fighters to practise live fire and rescue scenarios - Aircraft technical overview and
construction course
two female fire fighters employed by to deal with any emergency as first - Dangerous goods course
LIA ARFFS. These female fire fighters responders,” added Chief Vorster. - Radio license
have proven themselves to be an - Aircraft marshalling
asset to the department with one of Fire fighters are recruited at different - Communicable disease
them holding the rank of senior fire levels of competency depending on management course
fighter. “It is my believe that the single the vacancy. There is a process in place - Airport disaster management
most important attribute to being a where a post will be advertised internally course. Senior fire fighters and officers.
fire fighter is that your heart must be in if there is a possibility of promotion. The - Supervisory course. Senior fire
the right place, regardless of gender basic requirements will however be fighters.
or race. Couple that with training and National Fire Protection Association - Management course. Officers.
dedication and you have a top class (NFPA) Fire Fighter 1, basic life support
fire fighter that can contribute to a ambulance course (BAC) and registered The fire training facility at Lanseria
successful team who all have different at the Health Professions Council of International Airport allows fire
talents, stated Chief Vorster. South Africa (HPCSA) and a valid fighters to practise live fire and
code E driver’s license. An assessment rescue scenarios. The aircraft training
“I do not believe that any fire chief procedure is in place where candidates rig can simulate high pressure wheel
will say that he or she has enough are subjected to a fitness test based assembly and engine fuel fires. The
personnel, especially at an airport. on NFPA standards, hearing and visual self-contained breathing apparatus
LIA is however fortunate to have a tests and psychometric tests. “We also (SCBA) facility simulates multi storey
highly motivated, competent and employ learner fire fighters from time to structural fires and rescues. A 110 seat
dedicated team that has the ability time who will undergo an 18-month aircraft is equipped with a smoke
generator system that can simulate
smoke in the cockpit, galley, toilets or
entire aircraft for search and rescue
and aircraft ventilation training.

The South African Civil Aviation Authority

(SACAA) regulations require that fire
fighters be tested for competency of
core fire fighting functions every 90
days. All fire fighter training records are
audited annually by the SACAA.

The airport fire station is currently
located in an aircraft hangar that was
converted to house the ARFF vehicles,
personnel and equipment. Additional
mobile units provide office space.
The original fire station buildings had
to make way for the extension to the
A 110 seat aircraft is equipped with a smoke generator system terminal building. The present facilities

38 l Volume 3 No. 2
Fire service

The engine company’s MAN 480 6x6 carries 8 000lt water, LIA’s rescue company MAN 464 6x6 also carries 8 000lt
500lt 3% AFFF and 150kg DCP. Both the rescue and engine water, 500lt 3% AFFF and 150kg DCP
apparatus were built by Confeco

The Toyota Land Cruiser 4x4 was built by Tempest Fire/Fire The Mercedes Unimog 4x4 is a 1981 model; carries 1 000lt
Raiders and carries 680lt premix and 50kg DCP water, 50kg DCP and responds to grass fires

are not ideal but a new fire station will ARFF service responds to motor vehicle crew is divided in two response teams,
be completed by July 2015. accidents and structural fires in close an engine company that responds
proximity to the airport. This, however, to all fire related emergencies and
LIA ARFFS is at a constant state of is only the case when crew strengths a rescue company that responds to
readiness to respond to any incident or allow it. “We are also neighbours to rescue and medical related incidents.
emergency that may occur on or in the a large informal settlement and deal In the event of an aircraft accident,
vicinity of the airport. The ARFF service with a lot of medical and trauma the engine company crew will
is required by the SACAA and ICAO to calls. Our fire fighters also work at our concentrate on external fire fighting
respond to aircraft accidents within a neighbouring City of Johannesburg operations and keeping escape routes
10 kilometre radius of the airport. fire stations from time to time; as do clear of fire and the rescue company
their fire fighters spend a shift at the crew will be concentrating on internal
Part of the licensing conditions of airport. This allows the fire fighters to rescue and fire fighting operations.
the airport is that it must have a get to know one another and to know
SACAA-approved and tested airport how the other vehicles, equipment Lanseria International Airport has an
emergency response plan (AEMS). and stations work. This is beneficial to enviable safety record with few major
“This is basically the airport disaster both departments since these stations incidents occurring. The aviation
plan and must define the functions, in are our first responding back up, industry is highly regulated and major
detail, of all the relevant role players continued Chief Vorster. incidents at airports worldwide are
that will be required to deal with and not common with the exception of
manage a large aircraft accident The LIA ARFF service responds to a large aircraft accidents or terrorist
or incident,” said Chief Vorster. Full wide variety of incidents but the most activities that occur from time to
scale emergency exercises must be common are aircraft that declare time. South Africa has not had any
held every two years with desk top inflight emergencies ie technical major aircraft accidents at any of its
exercises held in the alternating years. or flight control problems and daily airports where there was major loss of
medical emergencies. life in recent years.
Since LIA is located on the North West The ARFF service responds to various “The last noteworthy incident at LIA
border of the City of Johannesburg, the emergencies on a daily basis. The fire occurred in February 2014 when a

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Fire service

emergencies are also contained in

the AEMS. Procedures exist for the
response to any of these incidents.

Should there be any large hazmat,

biological or communicable disease
incident, the ARFF service will
respond and contain as required and
specialist units will be called in to deal
with and manage the incident in the
appropriate manner. These agencies
may be private or state.

ARFF vehicles are unique by design
and performance and are normally
heavy all-wheel drive vehicles that
need to carry all its extinguishing
agent with it to an aircraft incident or
LIA’s ambulance was built on a Hyundai H1 chassis by Bustruck accident. There is no second chance
and extinguishing agents have to
King Air crashed at the airport resulting flying Boeing 737 – 800 type aircraft. be applied in a quick and efficient
in three fatalities. One of the causes Since Kulula started scheduled flight manner to gain control of any fire
of the accident can be attributed to operations at LIA in 2005, the airport situation. The Toyota Land Cruiser
poor weather conditions at the time,” risk profile changed considerably. is a rapid intervention vehicle (RIV)
said Chief Vorster. Scheduled operations continue to and is designed to reach an aircraft
increase and that require constant rapidly and extinguish or contain any
Risk profile monitoring, changing and upgrading fire in its inception stage while the
An airport and its operations is by of systems and procedures within the heavy equipment is on its way. The
definition a high risk area. “Consider ARFF service organisation as well as vehicle is also equipped to respond
the following, you have large numbers the airport as a whole. to off airport incidents and to deal
of people of different nationalities with rescue situations such as motor
and backgrounds, place them in Mass-casualty preparedness vehicle accidents.
aircraft, which basically is a tube The ARFF service may be required
with large fuel tanks attached, let it to deal with other non-aircraft Other vehicles in the arsenal include:
travel at very high speed on three related emergencies at the airport. • 1 x MAN 464 6x6 - Rescue company.
sets of wheels, down a short piece of These may include bomb threats, 2005 model. 8 000lt water. 500lt 3%
flat road and hope it will fly. Do this a biological threats, communicable AFFF. 150kg DCP. First response vehicle.
couple of hundred times a day and disease threats and unlawful • 1 x MAN 480 6x6 - Engine company.
you have risk,” states Chief Vorster. acts against an aircraft and its 2009 model. 8 000lt water. 500lt 3%
passengers. How to deal with these AFFF. 150kg DCP. First response vehicle.
LIA has a big difference in aircraft
type that operates at the airport with
a number of flight schools. This mix of
large and small, fast and slow and
experienced and unexperienced
pilots and aircraft create a risk.

The high risk areas are the aircraft

movement areas, the terminal
building and the bulk fuel installation
that has approximately one million
litres of fuel at any one time.

Aircraft making use of LIA vary greatly

in type and size and range from two
seat trainer aircraft to large Airbus and
Boeing aircraft carrying hundreds of
passengers. LIA handle, on average,
350 to 400 aircraft movements per
day and 983 scheduled flights a
month between Kulula and Mango Lizl Potgieter and Trevor LIA’s control room

40 l Volume 3 No. 2
• 1 x Toyota Land Cruiser 4x4 - Engine supply to the two MAN first response Interagency involvement
company. 2013 model. 680lt vehicles. When new vehicles are All airports are required by the
premix. 50kg DCP. First response procured, cognisance is taken of SACAA to have mutual aid
vehicle. new technology with regard to agreements with the surrounding
• 1 x Mercedes Unimog 4x4 - Engine vehicle design and performance and local authority fire services as well
company. 1981 model. 1 000lt equipment availability. as medical services and other
water. 50kg DCP. Grass fire agencies. Lanseria International
response only. Ultimate ARFF apparatus Airport has the following services
• 1 x Nissan 4x4 - Rescue company. When asked about an ultimate that they can call on in the event of
1996 model. Medical response. apparatus with no budget limitations, a large incident on the airport or in
• 1 x Hyundai H1 - Rescue company. Chief Vorster answered, “No budget its vicinity:
2011 model. Ambulance. limitations, is there such a thing? You • City of Johannesburg Fire
• 1 x Toyota Venture - General can buy the ultimate custom ARFF Department
purpose vehicle. vehicle in the form of a Colet Jaguar. • West Rand District Municipality EMS
These are probably the best custom • Tshwane EMS
LIA ARFFS is in the process of procuring build ARFF vehicles that you can get. • Gauteng Provincial Emergency
a water tanker. This vehicle will have 18 000lt water, 1 600 horse power Medical Services
an 8 000lt water capacity with an on the most advanced custom • Net Care 911
additional 500lt AFFF capacity and built chassis, transmission and brake • ER 24
will serve as an additional water systems available.” • For Life Hospital Four Ways

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