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Identify specific features Examination of evidence within image to converge to interpretation Human

vs. Automated Approaches Humans generally utilize higher order elements of interpretation, e.g.
context, size, shape more successfully than computer-qualitativeComputers can quantify multiple
levels of image tone more accurately than human-quantitative Computers are less biased, but may be
less accurate because of limited ability for higher order interpretationsTraining and equipmentHybrid

Introduction to Remote SensingRemote Sensing The measurement or acquisition of information of

some property of an object or phenomenon, by a recording device that is not in physical or intimate
contact with the object or phenomenon under study” Lack of contact with objectSensorsoCollection
of data about an object/area/phenomenaImageImage interpretation oArt and science Simplified
Information Flow Sun->atmosphere->target->atmosphere->sensor->image-
>interpretation>applicationRemote Sensing (tool)Remote sensing is a tool or technique similar to
mathematics. Using sensors to measure the amount of electromagnetic radiation (EMR) exiting an
object or geographic area from a distance and then extracting valuable information from the data using
mathematically and statistically based algorithms is a scientific activity. It functions in harmony with
otherspatial data- collection techniques or tools of the mapping sciences, including cartography and
GISIn Situ vs. Remote SensingBoth attempt to observe and/or measure objects and phenomenaIn-situ
Physical contact (interaction)Instruments for direct measureGround-reference vs. “Ground
truth”SensingData is collected by sensor not in contact with the object Passive-collection of reflected
or emitted energyActive-Generates signal and collects backscatter from interaction with
surfaceDistanceNo singe standard Platforms for sensors operate at multiple levels Cranes, balloons,
aircraft, satellite, UAV’s

Cranes- to look at a surface overtime oUAV- Control over where you can take a picture, no death
risksPermits near-surface to global scale data collection Data CollectImage data 2-D (Spatial
perspective)You can tell when and where the image was taken omost satellites are taken at 10am
because clouds form from convection Application Areas Land use/land cover
mappingPhotogrammetry: obtaining reliable measurementsUseful for city planningNatural resource
inventory and mappingMeasuring forestsWater quality monitoringPhysical/biological oceanographic
mappingAtmospheric monitoringTropical storm developmentMany others Advantages Different
perspectiveObtain data for large areasIn single acquisition- it is efficientSynoptic Systematic
Obtain data for inaccessible areasMilitary is really interested

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