001 Lesson-11-Business-Meetings

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Lesson 11: Business Meetings

Dialogue 1: Meetings
Dialogue 1: Business Meetings

Right, if everyone is ready, we can start. Firstly, I'd like to thank you all for coming at such short notice.
Does__________ _____ Mr Antonio? Mr Antonio is our representative in South America.

Good afternoon everyone. It’s a _________ __ finally meet you all.

Right then. As you all know, we are here today to discuss the proposed expansion project in Argentina. So, let's
move on to the first item - location. Chris, would you like to _____ ___ ____?

_________ David. At the moment, there are two sites we are looking at: the Juan Sebastian industrial park located
in the Central Business district of Buenos Aires and the Armando centre in Banfield, which is about 10 kilometres
outside the city. The first option is strategically located, whilst the second has a much lower rental cost.

What's ___ ____ __ ____, Florence?

I think a central location is very important. We need to create the right image and attract the best possible local talent.

Can you be a _____ ____ _______?

Well, we want to build a new team and select the best candidates from the area. If we are located too far away from
the CBD, a lot of people may be put off by the distance.
Dialogue 1: Business Meetings

Not necessarily. From our research we’ve seen a lot of very strong candidates in both the CBD and Banfield.

Does _________ _______ _________ Florence's point of view?

I definitely think we should consider Banfield. Rental prices are less than half of those in Buenos Aires and there is a
train station within 5 minutes walk of the Armando centre.

__________ . Some of our management team are going to live in Buenos Aires. What sort of commute would they have?

Well, if they live in the City centre, it only takes fifteen minutes by taxi or twenty minutes by train to reach
What's _____ ________ ___ ____ , Chris?

Yes, it is ______ ___ _________. This site might well offer us the right balance of affordable rent and good location.

Yes, I agree.

Right,___ ___ _________ ___ ________ so far. We all agree that Banfield is worth serious consideration as a
potential site. Let's come back to this issue later because I want to move on to the next item on the agenda ...
Dialogue 2: Meetings
Dialogue 2: Business Meetings

All right, the next item on our agenda is the company website. As you all know, it’s in need of modernisation.
Manuel, would you like to _____ _______ ______?

Yes, I _____ ___ _____ _________ an e-commerce website so our customers can buy our products directly
without needing to call us on the phone.

Can I ____ ________ ____?

Certainly Robbie, ______ ___________.

Well, I ____ ___ ______. I believe our products need a lot of customisation and can’t simply be bought
via the website. Our sales team are important as they …

Sorry ___ ____________ ____ I just don't think it’s that complicated. Our customers are professionals and they are
smart enough to make their own decisions.

_____ ____ ______Manuel. We have more and more customers from different backgrounds these days and…

All right gentlemen, I think we’re going to have to ____ ___ ______. Don, do you have anything to ___ ____ ____?
Listen and repeat
Asking for feedback:

• What are your thoughts on all of this?

• How do you feel about that?

• Do you have anything to say about this?

• What do you think?

• Do you agree?
Agreeing with someone:

•I couldn't agree with you more.

•That's for sure.

•Tell me about it!

•You're absolutely right.

•I have to side with her on this one.

•No doubt about it.

•You have a point there.

•I was just going to say that.

Disagreeing with someone:

• I don't think so.

• (strong) No way.
• I beg to differ.

• (strong) I'd say the exact opposite.

• Not necessarily.

• That's not always true.


•Can I add something here?

•Is it okay if I jump in for a second?

•Sorry to interrupt, but _____.

Moving on:

• Let's just move on, shall we?

• I think we're going to have to agree to disagree.

Lesson Review: Business Meetings
How would you?

Function Phrases

Ask other people for feedback

during a meeting

Express agreement

Disagree with an opinion

Interrupt someone in a meeting

Move the discussion along

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