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Lesson 12: Diplomatic Language

Using Diplomatic Language


Reductive Quantifiers

Using ‘would’ or ‘could’


Saying ‘we’
Dialogue 1: Direct Vs Diplomatic
Dialogue 1:I Diplomatic

Good morning, Hello. STP Consulting

can I speak to Hugo ____ ________.
Sanchez please?

___ _________
I cant hear you.
Can I speak to ___ ___ speak _ __
Hugo Sanchez louder.

___ ____ ____

Mr. Sanchez is in a
meeting. ____ _____
you call back a bit
later _____?
Dialogue 2-6: Diplomatic
Language in use
Dialogue 2:I Softeners

The report is due at 5pm today.

___ __________ I won’t be able to finish the report today. Can I send it to you in the

Dialogue 3: Reductive Quantifiers

That was very rude of him.

He’s __ ____________ stressed out lately.

Dialogue 4: IWould/ Could

Nothing seems to work at the moment!

_______ you repeat that please?
Dialogue 5: Approximations

What kind of discount did you want?

We were ___ __ ______ for a price of below 50 dollars per unit.

Dialogue 6: ISaying “we”

My order was sent to the wrong address again.

____ ___ _____________ for the error.
Dialogue 7: Diplomatic
Language in use
Dialogue 7:I Diplomatic

We’ve got a ________ problem!

What _______ ___ problem?

__ ____ ____ our sales are too low this month. What’s going on?

_ _____ we’re too expensive. It is _____ difficult to sell to our customers.

__ ___ you didn’t

It wasthe
an email I sent you last week. Our promotional offers are in there.

________ you email it again? I _ _____ I didn’t receive it.

__ _______ I’m _______ busy at the moment. I’ll send it tomorrow.

Listen and repeat
Softener Phrases:

• It seems you misunderstood the question.

• It appears the package wasn’t delivered today.

• I'm afraid the price is a bit too high.

• It looks like we’ll have to cancel our meeting.

Reductive quantifiers:

• There’s a slight problem here.

• She is somewhat busy at the moment.

• He’s a little stressed out today.

Using would or could:

• Could you repeat that, please?

• Would you mind calling back later?


• We were sort of hoping for a price of below

50 dollars per unit.
Using “we” instead of “I”:

• We do apologise for the error.

Lesson Review: Diplomatic Language
Useful Expressions

Function Phrases

Softener Phrases

Reductive Quantifiers

or could


Using “we”

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