Group 5 (Group Activity)

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What do you think of some of the most important digital innovations of the
past 30 years, 10 years, and 12 months?

What is digital innovation?

At its core, digital innovation is the use of digital technology and applications to improve
existing business processes and workforce efficiency, enhance customer experience, and
launch new products or business models. In fact, IDG reports that 89% of companies plan to
adopt a digital-first business strategy.

What is the importance of digital innovation?

Digital technology can help improve communication, collaboration, content management,

access to analytics data and social networking as well as staff and customer experience.
Successful enterprises are embracing technology to create digital workplaces that improve
business cohesion.

The benefits of digital information :

1. Enhanced data collection (mellion)

Most businesses are collecting mountains of data on customers but the real benefit is
optimizing this data for analysis that can drive the business forward. Digital transformation
creates a system for gathering the right data and incorporating it fully for business intelligence
at a higher level.

It creates a way that different functional units within an organization can translate raw data
into insights across various touchpoints. By doing this, it produces a single view of the
customer journey, operations, production, finance, and business opportunities.

2. Increased agility

Digital transformation makes organizations more agile. Borrowing from the world of software
development, businesses can increase their agility with digital transformation to improve
speed-to-market and adopt Continuous Improvement (CI) strategies. This allows for faster
innovation and adaptation while providing a pathway to improvement.

3. Improved productivity
Having the right technology tools that work together can streamline workflow and improve
productivity. By automating many manual tasks and integrating data throughout the
organization, it empowers team members to work more efficiently. For example, microsoft

Here are some of the most important digital innovations of the past 30 years, 10 years, and
12 months :

1. The Internet

You can’t discuss the top inventions of the modern era without bringing up the internet. This
worldwide network of wirelessly connected devices has become the backbone of most
American’s lives.

The internet’s history dates back to the 1960s with early work into packet switching. Slow but
steady advancements over the decades led to the World Wide Web being invented in 1989
by Tim Berners-Lee. With the rise of email, instant messaging and VoIP, the web made way
for blogs, social networks and online shopping sites we couldn’t live without today.

2. Digital Cameras

While the history of “filmless cameras” dates back to 1961, the technology behind scientist
Eugene F. Lally’s mosaic photosensor had yet to catch up with the concept. By 1975, Eastman
Kodak’s Steven Sasson built the first electronic camera for scientific and later military
purposes. It wasn’t until the mid to late 90s that digital cameras became common among

Today, most new cameras are digital, and just about every Smartphone on the market has a
built-in digital camera, reinventing the way consumers see and capture the world around

3. GPS

Using classified engineering design studies from the 1960s, the US Department of Defense
began its Global Positioning System project in 1973. In 1995, the system became fully
operational thanks primarily to three men behind the project: Roger L. Easton, Ivan A. Getting
and Bradford Parkinson.

It’s easy to take GPS for granted today – what with its integration in Smartphones and newer
car dashboards – but before this amazing electrical invention, road trippers had to rely on
paper maps and asking for directions to get around.

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