Spiritual Gems January 23-29

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January 23 – 29: 1 Chronicles 4 – 6

Spiritual Gems
1. 1Ch 5:10: How can the victory over the Hagrites encourage us when
we face seemingly insurmountable obstacles? (w05 10/1 pg 9 par 7)
In the days of King Saul, the tribes east of the Jordan defeated the Hagrites
even though these tribes were outnumbered more than 2 to 1. This was because
the valiant men of these tribes trusted in Jehovah and looked to him for help.
Let us have complete confidence in Jehovah as we carry on our spiritual warfare
against formidable odds. (Eph 6:10-17-10)
2. What spiritual gems from this week’s Bible reading would you like to
share regarding Jehovah, the field ministry, or something else?
2.1. 1Ch 4:9-10: Jehovah answered the fervent prayer of Jabez for a
peaceful enlargement of his territory so that it might accommodate
more God-fearing people. He also pleaded for God’s “hand” to be with
him and used his applied power to help his worshippers. Then he
prayed “preserve me from calamity: and “may bring no harm to me!”
The expression “that it may not hurt me” may suggest that Jabez
prayed, not to escape calamity, but to be kept from being grieved or
overcome by the effects of evil. We too need to offer heartfelt prayers
for an increase as we zealously share in the disciple-making work
or help with some kind problems we face in Satan’s world. (Isa 59:1;
Ps 116:1)

2.2. 1Ch 4:39-40: We see Jehovah gave them s land that was “rich and good
pastures, and the land was spacious, quiet, and undisturbed.” This
shows us that Jehovah can care for his people when they are faithful.
We can be sure that when Jehovah’s Kingdom is here, we will find
a place of peace and undisturbed and all will eat. (Ps 72:16; Isa
30:23; 65:21-23)

2.3. 1Ch 4:41-43: When Jehovah is with his people their enemy cannot
stand just like the Amalekites were defeated. So let us put faith in the
one who can save his people and we can be sure all of Jehovah’s
faithful ones will stand with Jehovah chosen King whether those
with the heavenly hope or earthly hope.

2.4. 1Ch 5:1: What kind of name do we want to make with Jehovah? Here
we see Jehovah remember Reuben as the one who “defiled the bed of
his father.” At Ge 35:22 it shows he did this by committing immorality
with his father concubine. So, because of this sin, Reuben has made
bad name with Jehovah and lost his right of a firstborn. May we always
strive to put Jehovah’s will before our will, so we can make a name
that will bring favor with Jehovah? (Ec 7:1; Isa 56:5; Pr 22:1; 10:7;
Lu 10:20)
2.5. 1Ch 5:20-22: We see here when Jehovah is on the side of his people
and no matter the size of the enemy force that are no match for
Jehovah. We see here that capture 100,000 living captives while they
only had 47,760. This was by no means the complete Hagrite force, for
the Bible reports here in these verses that ‘many had fallen slain. So,
it was the power of Jehovah that the Israelites were able to defend their
enemy. May we put our hopes in Jehovah who can save his people
and reward them for their faithfulness with everlasting life in
peace? (Ps 4:8; Pr 3:24; 29:11; 37:11; 119:116; Isa 48:18)

2.6. 1Ch 5:24-26: We see result when the Israelites want to be like nations
around them and started worshiping other gods that Jehovah had
annihilated. So, Jehovah stirred up the nations and had them brought
into exile. The Israelites kept doing this until as Jesus said your house
is abandon and Jehovah turn to the nations to bring out a people
for his name and to restore pure worship of him alone and to be
worship with truths and not with lies. (Mt 23:28; 21:43; Acts 15:14;
10:34-35; John 4:23-24; 1Ti 2:3-4; Ps 43:3)

2.7. 1Ch 6:31-32: We see that Jehovah’s people were organized to praise
him with beautiful music and song. Today we should be thrill to hear
beautiful music and song that especially praise Jehovah God when
they are sung. This we can do at our two meeting a week or maybe in
our own home or car as we travel. May we feel like the one who said at
Ps 9:1-2 “1 I will praise you, O Jehovah, with all my heart; I will talk
about all your wonderful works. 2 I will rejoice and exult in you; I will
sing praises to your name, O Most High.” (Ps 96:1-2; 149:3; Isa 12:5;
Jas 5:13)

2.8. 1Ch 5:1-2: Reuben had lost is entitlement of birthright because of the
sin he had committed when he was in the 20s. We may have special
privileges which we could have held for so many decades. But these
could be lost if we are disloyal to Jehovah and his requirements,
hence the need to stay faithful to him.

2.9. 1Ch 6:31-33: During their travel in the wilderness, the Kohathites
cared for a prominent assignment of carrying the ark of covenant of
Jehovah. Later on during the reign of King Solomon, the Ark no longer
needed to be moved regularly, hence some Kohathite were reassigned
to work as singers, gatekeepers and storehouse keepers. No record
shows that the Kohathite complained of the new assignment or
demanded a more prominent role because of their long rich heritage of
service. We need to wholeheartedly support changes Jehovah’s
organization makes including any that affect our assignment.
Jehovah values our obedience far more than any assignments.
(Study article No. 48; par. 11)

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