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EASA Part 66 Propellers

Category A Module 17 17.7 Propeller Storage and Preservation

"These notes and diagrams are compiled by AAGH1 Shannon

Aviation Training Academy Maintenance Training Organisation and
although comprehensive in detail they are intended for use only with
a course of instruction. When compiled they are as up to date as SUB-MODULE 17.7
possible and amendments will not be issued”.

All pages contained in this training manual are to be considered as

issue 0 (zero). Any future revisions to a page shall have the issue Propeller Storage and
number printed on the relevant page.

17.7 Training Purposes Only Page i

EASA Part 66 Propellers

Category A Module 17 17.7 Propeller Storage and Preservation

EASA Part 66 Module 17.7 Category A Syllabus Level

17.7 Propeller Storage and Preservation 1

Propeller Preservation and Depreservation

17.7 Training Purposes Only Page ii

EASA Part 66 Propellers

Category A Module 17 17.7 Propeller Storage and Preservation

Table of Contents Page Issue

Propeller Preservation and Depreservation 1 0

17.7 Training Purposes Only Page iii

EASA Part 66 Propellers

Category A Module 17 17.7 Propeller Storage and Preservation

Propeller Storage & Preservation

Storage and Preservation of Uninstalled Propellers

Uninstalled metal propellers should be stored vertically in a clean, dry,

warm atmosphere, free from fumes.

Wooden Propellers should be stored with their blades in a horizontal

position. If a wood propeller is left with its blades in a vertical position,
moisture can collect in the lower blade and cause an out-of-balance

Not Depending on the material of propeller, never store a propeller or

blades standing on the tips.

The blades and operating mechanism should be coated with lanolin, with
waxed paper over the hub.

The operating mechanism should be inhibited / coated in storage oil or a

medium prescribed by the manufacturer.

After 6 months and 9 months, the blade bearings should be exercised.

After 12 months, the propeller should be examined and re-inhibited.

After 3 years, the propeller should be overhauled.

17.7 Training Purposes Only Page i

EASA Part 66 Propellers

Category A Module 17 17.7 Propeller Storage and Preservation




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EASA Part 66 Propellers

Category A Module 17 17.7 Propeller Storage and Preservation



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