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 Air pollution occurs when there are pollutant in the air.  Pollutant are harmful substances  that are added to the air.  Pollutants are produced as a result of human activities.  Dust, carbon dioxide and pesticides are examples of airpollutants.  When released into the environment,pollutants dirty the environment.  Pollutants are harmful to living the air in your laboratory polluted can you give some examples of air pollutants

 Air pollution is a serious problem in towns and cities.  Gases and smoke from vehicles and factories contain carbon particles and soot.  The burning of fuels such as petrol and diesel release carbon dioxide and water vapor .  If the combustion of fuels is not complet , carbon and a poisonous gas , carbon monoxide,are formed .  Sulphurdioixide and oxides of nitrogen are also formed.All these are pollutants.  In the past,compounds of lead were added to petrol.These improved its combustion.  However,the released gases contained lead particles.  Lead particles are harmful to humans.  Haze is cause by the open burning of forests.It is also caused by the release of excessive pollutants from vehicles.

Effects of air pollution on human beings and the environment

 Asbestos particles can cause lung cancer.  Gases from vehicles can cause liver failure and cancer.  Lead particles can damage childrens brains.  Carbon monoxide can cause headaches,brain damage or even death.  Sulphur dioxide can cause bronchitis,pneumonia and lung cancer.

Thining of the ozone layer

 Another serious problem caused by air pollution is the thinning of the ozone layer.Theozone layer acts as natural filter for ultraviolet rays (Figure 1).  Chlorofluorocarbon(CFC) compounds destroy the ozone layer.They cause the thinning of the ozone layer.CFC compounds are given out when we use aerosol spray.  CFC is also used as coolants in air conditioners and refrigerators.The thinning of the ozone layer allows more ultraviolet rays to reach the Earth.  Too much ultraviolet rays are harmful to humans and other living things. Ultraviolet rays can cause skin cancer and damage to the eyes. Ultraviolet rays can kill organism that are useful to Man.

Greenhouse effect
 Carbon dioxide gas is also an air pollutant.It prevents heat from the Earth from escaping into space. This cause the temperatures on the earth to rise. This is known as the greenhouse effect (Figure 2).  The increase in temperature will result in changes in climate. For example,certain places may experience droughts. The rate of photosynthesis may decrese.  The ammounts of agricultural food products will drop.  The rise in temperatures also cause ice in the North and Sourth Poles to melt.

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