Windos Steam Conversation

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[quarta-feira, 18:25]


Heya mate! Good night!

[quarta-feira, 18:25]

Lord Windos:

Hello there.

[quarta-feira, 18:25]


Is something troubling you mate?

[quarta-feira, 18:26]

Lord Windos:

Nah, just saying hi in a different way.

Right now I am chilling with my dad on holiday, so I'm just in a laid back mood right now.

[quarta-feira, 18:27]


Heh, good to know. Hope you been having a good holiday friend.

Any other news you want to share friend?

[quarta-feira, 18:28]

Lord Windos:

Not much more than that, other than perhaps me trying to get my resume beefed up so I can find a
part time pharmacy job in the near future, and going to exercise in the future.

[quarta-feira, 18:29]


Thats good buddy. You gonna get that pharmacy job with no problem.

As for exercise, thats a good plan. Maybe I should too do some exercise since I finally can rest a bit
after my college exams.
Nice and comfy rest.

[quarta-feira, 18:31]

Lord Windos:

Sounds like we're going to make some life improvements, eh? How's your job going, btw? Good, or
bad? And is your life doing well and good? I hope it is!

[quarta-feira, 18:32]


Well, still hunting a job. A bit difficult but I can manage. And about life, been good. Got a new
awesome computer, and been playing a few d&d games

And after a long time, I will finally dm a D&D campaigh myself.

I a little nervous to be honest since it is my first time dming.

[quarta-feira, 18:33]

Lord Windos:

Oh? Now this is a lovely development. Finally graduating to the next level - hopefully you won't end
up a forever DM in the process!

Eh, you'll do fine - just have confidence and wing it if things get tough!

It's what I did, and my campaigns turned out okay!

[quarta-feira, 18:35]


Well, I not exatcly the most confidence person in the world, but I will try. And yeah, I hope end up
forever dm. And yeah, you campaighs been awesome.

So far I have in my group: A Wild Sorcer female Tiefling. A Artificer Centaur. A Tabaxi Bard. And a
most possible Barbarian Leonin.

A half devil. A feline race. And a lion like race.

Most strange group ever XD

But a nice surprise nonetheless.

[quarta-feira, 18:37]

Lord Windos:
What's the plan, then?

[quarta-feira, 18:38]


Well, I been thinking in use as a template a prepare adventure called Treasure of the Dragon Queen
as a base for my campaigh. However making the necessary changes to do something interesting.

[quarta-feira, 18:38]

Lord Windos:

Go on....

[quarta-feira, 18:39]


But of course have a session zero to talk to everyone. To hear their expectations to the campaigh.
Any changes they in the subclasses or classes themselves. Or something they have in mind.

[quarta-feira, 18:40]

Lord Windos:

Good, good. You've avoided several rookie mistakes already!

[quarta-feira, 18:40]


They also asked for me create a NPC to acompany them. Kinda of a extra help.

And I do have a good candidate. One of the female players play a long time with me together with
another great friend of mine who once was a dm.

For...unfortanely reasons that old friend quit the dm, and...well...he didnt answer anyone messages,
not even mine. But she asked if I could make a npc in honor to that old friend of us, who create a npc
to play with us. He played a White Dragonborn paladin.

And well, I decided to honor him (whatever he is now) and I am creating a npc to acompanny my
group and help them.

[quarta-feira, 18:43]

Lord Windos:
...Well, at least you'll have your old friend in spirit now, mate, so take comfort in that. Sorry they had
to disappear, mate.

[quarta-feira, 18:44]


Yeah...I can only hope he is okay somewhere.

That NPC will be a Green Dragoborn. And a Cleric.

More precisely, trickery domain.

Each dragon color have a different type of element. Green Dragonborn have the element of Poison.
They have resistant to poison, and they have breath weapons to deal poison.

Nice combination to trickery domain

Trickery its a bit underpowered in terms of features to more recently additions in clerics, but still
have some cool abilities and spell to use it.


[quarta-feira, 18:47]

Lord Windos:

Not a bad set-up, and it makes for an interesting DM NPC that is more that a crutch for beginning

[quarta-feira, 18:48]


Yep. And the best thing is, Trickery domain is more of a utility/support character.

[quarta-feira, 18:48]

Lord Windos:

Mate, I got to go now. I need to get back to hanging with my dad while he's still here with me.

[quarta-feira, 18:48]


So it will not take away the spotlight of players.

No problem
Have a nice day mate!

Wish you the best things in the world friend.

[quarta-feira, 18:48]

Lord Windos:

Take care of yourself too, buddy!

quinta-feira, 7 de julho de 2022

[quinta-feira, 22:09]


heya friend, how you doing?

How it was your holiday go mate?

[quinta-feira, 22:10]

Lord Windos:

It's still going! Don't really have much time to myself, but I am enjoying sharing it with my dad!

[quinta-feira, 22:10]


Good to hear! Its really nice to enjoy some family time.

Well, been helping my granny with few things here and there, but I cant complain. She is nice.

And well, enjoying some Divinity 2 experience. Great game.

And been brainstorming for quite a while too.

[quinta-feira, 22:13]

Lord Windos:

I have little experience with Divinity series, but what I do know is that it is good. Glad to see that is

[quinta-feira, 22:14]

Indeed! Although the system its a bit scary to learn, but you get the hang of things.

And the voice acting HMM!!! So good.

And the character creation is pretty cool.

Each character is pretty well desigh with some good backstory.

But the Red Prince and Fane are pretty cool.

The first one its basically a lizard who is a prince. And he is bastard. But a bastard with good

[quinta-feira, 22:16]

Lord Windos:

Magnficent indeed!

[quinta-feira, 22:16]


And Fane...he is a undead. A arrogant, old but stylish undead. He is a jerk, but have a heart.
|Figurative speaking.

And well a bit bad to te bone. Heh.

Sorry, couldnt resist.

[quinta-feira, 22:17]

Lord Windos:

Real rib tickler, arent ya?

[quinta-feira, 22:17]


Heh, yeah.

I also trying to brainstorm the main villain in my campaigh.

What kind of character I could make. And a though in 2 types.

Maybe a wizard. Not the stereotype of necromancy or something. Nonono. Something different.

Perhaps something related to manipulation of time. Or maybe fate itself.

There two school who wizards can work with who both fit that concept.
Divination magic. The ability to forsee possible events. And to counter fight them. Divination wizards
can see certain, but its not a perfect vision. They can only see possibilities.

A villain capable of see certain events, and maybe manipulate the party to reach his goals, like some
kind of ally in disguise giving them some answers or guidelines to certain things could be interesting.

And make a more manipulation enemy and more strategic foe.

[quinta-feira, 22:23]

Lord Windos:

Hmm....if you're going that route, you havve to make sure you're flexible enough with the villian to
make sure he can still progress the plot without being too trasnparent, found out, or foiled because
the party derailed things.

Keep things open ended for those sorts, and tailor the villian's goals and wants based on what the
party accomplishes.

That way if the do some crazy shit you couldn't plan for, he'll still be on top taking advantage of
it/making plans around it instead of being caught off guard.

The party will ALWAYS find a way to surprise you. Never forget that, and don't make too many
complex plots unless you have your party pegged as the type to be lead by the nose from plot point
to plot point.

I did it myself for my own campaign - Cursed Arms wouldn't have been a thing if Reiner just kept to
the plan of being a Rocket Executive instead of turning traitor!

[quinta-feira, 22:28]


You do have a point. And Divination magic can show a lot of things....but not everything. Free will
can always lead to paths not even the DM can predict. There few things more unpredictable then a

But there comes also my second idea of villain. One who not see the future of time...but try to
control it.

Chronurgy Magic

Basically, wizards who learn to temper with power to command time and space.

Create mini black holes. Manipulate time to create future illusionary copies. Even trap enemies to
time bubbles to stop movement.

I can even think a Chronurgy Magic have Time Stop as his choice of 9th Circle Spell.

Obviously I cant create a impossible foe (it their story after all).

[quinta-feira, 22:31]
Lord Windos:

You should be able to handle it. DM has the power to make things work, in the end. Just don't be an
arse about it, and the players will be with you every step of the way.

[quinta-feira, 22:32]


Yeah...But either of those two need to be work with. They could be more like final bosses to fight in
the campaigh. Maybe level 17 or 20 where it is more or less like the end of a campaigh.

But I wonder what is more deadly: Someone who can see the future? Or someone who can try to
shape time?

But maybe I thinking way to much ahead in the campaigh. They are still level 1 characters. I need to
give them proper challenges and a proper evolution.

But yeah, lots of plans to make. And need to conect everyone backstories. The job of a DM is not
easy right?

Are you there mate?

[quinta-feira, 22:41]

Lord Windos:

Ah, sorry, got distracted by both a show and game I'm playing. Hard to keep my attention divided
between four different things, buty I'm trying!

Let me see what you've written....

Wait, you're doing a Level 1 Start Campaign?

And you're trying to incorporate future seeing shenaningans?

THat's....a bit ambitious for your first run, mate. Usually I see DMs start players at the 2nd or 3rd
Level to skip how....not great being 1st Level is, and involve any sort of Prophecy Mechanics to a
campaign is bound to cause all sorts of plot holes or contrivances on your part to keep things going.

[quinta-feira, 22:44]


Well, they would start at level 1, and then by time passing they would increase in levels and then
maybe drop a few future elements...But you do have a point. Maybe I trying to be to much

[quinta-feira, 22:45]
Lord Windos:

It's good to have big dreams, but this is your first campaign. Try to make it scalabe with your skill and
not get too out of hand, or you could end up with a mess like mine. I can do messy campaigns, or so
it seems, but I'm not sure if you have the patience for it.

[quinta-feira, 22:47]


Hmm yeah. Maybe I should try something more...mundane in certain things. Nothing to much
complicated. More in ground and a bit easier to manage.

Like, maybe some kind of crime group trying to seize control of a city? Or some portions of land?

And drop a few hints here and there about such group?

[quinta-feira, 22:49]

Lord Windos:

Good, good!

Keep it simple, and then go big as your party gets better and you get more comfortable playing!

[quinta-feira, 22:49]


I do remember two things.

First, the Tiefling Sorcerer said her father was in debt with some kind of shade group. And they after
her and her mother after her mother disapear. And the Tabaxi bard mentioned his character was
hunted down by some bounty hunter because her family want the Tabaxi Bard to return to the
noble family.


[quinta-feira, 22:51]

Lord Windos:

Make sure your note this down in personal docs too!

[quinta-feira, 22:51]


I could conect those two stories was branches of the same group.
[quinta-feira, 22:52]

Lord Windos:

Not bad, but if it complicates things, you either have to rework stuff or abandon it for other things.
Never be afraid to say 'I need to restart on this!' if your ideas just don't work!

[quinta-feira, 22:53]


Yeah! You right!

I do remember there a website called World Anvil, who is a website who can help DMs to write
timelines and, well, world building. Along with personal docs, maybe I could use this site as a
reference of the creation of the story I have in mind.

Maybe this Criminal Society arc could be the exatcly starting point my campaigh could need.
Something the party could work against for.

Challenge but not impossible to beat.

[quinta-feira, 22:56]

Lord Windos:

You seem to have a good foundational idea, and I've given what newbie advice for dms I can think of
now. Just refine your ideas and get to know your players, and you should be set for a great game!

[quinta-feira, 22:59]


Indeed! Though I still need to think about what of foes they will fight. Because one of the best ways
player to interact with the leader of enemy groups or organizations is though the interaction with
their minions.

How the minions see their leader? Or leaders? They are afraid of him? They respect him? The'yre
loyalty is genuine or just a facade to betray at first chance?

[quinta-feira, 23:00]

Lord Windos:

That's up to you!

[quinta-feira, 23:02]

Indeed! And there no need to create a too much complex story. Or a too much convuluted story.
Just big enough to create a narrative for my players to play with. The world building will problably
build itself when necessity comes.

A isolated story its better then a big and complex one.

Thanks for the heads up mate. You help me a lot.

[quinta-feira, 23:05]

Lord Windos:

Ah shucks, it was nothing. Always good to have a sounding board, and I happened to be your!

I need to go to bed soon for a big ride tomorrow, so if you have anything else to share before I do

[quinta-feira, 23:05]


OH! I do have a few last things to say.

Well...I wanted to ask if you tomorrow (or maybe another day since you are in holiday with your
dad) you would have time to continue our Leon campaigh? Or do some Arial post campaigh stuff? I
had some inspirational after so long and do a little update in Arial post campaigh.

But if you dont have I completely understand.

[quinta-feira, 23:08]

Lord Windos:

Not tomorrow. I'm going to be back at my current hme after a 8 hour drive, so I really won't have the
energy for that. Perhaps the day after tomorrow I can cook up something for you for Arial's Post

[quinta-feira, 23:08]


Sure! No problem mate.

If you want to chat again friend, just send me a message here. I here most of the time.

Good night mate. And have a nice rest.

[quinta-feira, 23:09]

Lord Windos:

Very well, buddy! Take care and good luck with everything!

[quinta-feira, 23:09]


Wish you the same!

sexta-feira, 8 de julho de 2022

[Ontem, 18:31]


Heyo grandmaster Windos! How you doing friend?

I need to compliment a senior master with the needed respect.

[Ontem, 18:31]

Lord Windos:

Busy atm, and about to head out and get something to eat. Finally made it back home safely,

....Are you asking for help with that, or are you referring to me?

[Ontem, 18:33]


Well my english is not that perfect I afraid. I was just complimenting you since you are a more
experience DM than me, so I try to say in a diffent way.

But I afraid my english generate some confusion. Sorry about that.

[Ontem, 18:33]

Lord Windos:

Ah, then thank you very much then!

I ain't going to give you flak for your Engrish, mate. Believe me you've much improved over the
years, and if you ever saw me try to type out your language....*Shudders*
[Ontem, 18:34]


And good to know you are in home friend. Sorry in disturb you in your busy things to do. If you want
we can talk later and I let you do your things.

[Ontem, 18:35]

Lord Windos:

That would be nice, sad as that is to say. I want the chance to unwind after a long drive and grab a
good meal. We CAN talk tomorrow, however

[Ontem, 18:35]


Thanks for the compliment. I still need to improve my language a lot, but I gladly it had improve over
the years.

sábado, 9 de julho de 2022



If there is, no one knows.

They cant by choice SEEK the truth.

But they can by accident maybe discover....

But any information seek by divination magic is only answer by silence

And the ones trying to seek the truth can feel falling in some abyss without time and space....

A fate worse than death.


Lord Windos:
Yikes. That is evil and clever by the chief, it is.



And the Allips cannot resist the urge to share the secrets they have.

They share the knowdlege....

But the ones who hear their truths, become Allips themselves.


Lord Windos:

They are trying to doom the universe?

Cause that sounds like a grey goo scenario....



They are more common in the Astral Plane. But even there they are pretty rare.

But pray to all gods to never see a Allip.


Lord Windos:

Why not banish it to another plane?



So yeah. As your said, Vlakitth is evil.

Well, you can.

They are not big pushovers.

40 HP and 13 Armor class. A CR 5 creature.


Lord Windos:

Not good?



A well prepare party might capable deal 1 or few of those creatures.


But a dread Allip is other story. These ones is a bit more strong.

14 Armor Class but 120 HP. These one can tanki a bit more.

And Aura of Insanity.


Lord Windos:

That's unfair! Insnaity is pretty hard to play around if your characters are not already insane!



Yep. I begin to think Githanki kinda making a run for their money in evil deed to Ilithids.

But, Githyanki was slaves soldiers to Ilithids. This was the only things the Ilitids teach them to do.

"The happiest day in the life of someone who suffer oppression it will be when he become the
oppressor himself"

Never such statement was more truth than in the case of Githankis.

There even legends about the old queen Gith.

Githyanki have special weapons called Silver Blades. Blades capable of cut the psychic essence of the
victim along with body.

And to destroy connection of wizard or other races who try to travel to Astral realm by magic using
silver cords. Those blades can destroy those cords, and by doing so they can kill the victim instantly.

But they can also deal psychic damage against other enemies.
And the full potential of the blade can be only be used in the hands of races with psionic powers.


Queen Gith Silver Blade was special.


Lord Windos:

The gith are as badass as I remember, it seems!




Giths in general have innate spell in the form of psionic abilities. And one the most powerfull ones is
Plane Swift. They use that power to send group of soldiers to other planes to invade and conquer. Or
send prisioners to Tunara'th.

However they only use such spell once per day.

So they cant use this power multiple times.

And its personal use only, so they cant use such powers in other troups.


Queen Gith Silver blade has a special property.

With just only single swing.

She could cut passages to other Planes of existance.

And big enough to send her troups to invade other Planes of existance.


Lord Windos:

How the hell - oh. She probably got the blade from a deal from the Hells.




Along with Queen Gith herself, the blade was lost during the battle against Zerthimon, the leader of
the Githzerai.
Shatter to pieces.

And lost to multiple Planes of Existance.

And Queen Vlakith search such ancient weapon to this day.

The Blade re-appear from time to time, sometimes in the hands of people with psionic abilities. But
the blade always find a way to disappear.

Almost like it had a free will


Lord Windos:

Looks like somebody didn't make htier weapons properly!

Letting them develop sentience? Tsk tsk, rookie move Queen!



Hmm I have a theory.


The Blade itself had some of Queen Gith Psionic energy. And she refuse to be control by Vlakith. So
she find a way to disapear in the time and space.

Or maybe Fate itself dont want Vlakith to grab such blade.

After all, a weapon capable to make free passages to other Planes without drawbacks is something
to much powerfull.

Imagine send entire armies of Dragon Rides?

A sky paint in red and death.

And FIre.

But they have other weapons.

Shipps capable to fly in the sky and seas of the Astral realm.


Lord Windos:

Intriguing AND terrifying!



Astral aeroships.

They find way to get some old Ilithid technology and use in their warfare power.

The most terrifying weapon is the Planar Corsary.


Lord Windos:

Ominous. What it do?



A ginourmous ship with 12 meters meter wide and 36 meters long (I think I put the meters right) this
ship was capable to carry more of hundreds passengers. And was armed with Ballistas, catapults and
even cannons. And problably other weapons.

Over 1 hundred Githyanki warriors.

Sharp in the blade.

And with all of them with Psionic skills.

No wonder such ships are literally terrifying sights to behold.

Yep. The multiverse is terrifying.


Lord Windos:

Not as bad as the Harbigers from the Mass Effect series, but terrifying for a mostly fantasy series!



Yeah. I agree.

But the sight is even more terrifying with some Dragon Riders in the back of fire breathing Red
Dragons, one of the most vicious type of dragon.

One Red Dragon is already terrifying.

Imagine lots of them!

But like always, not all Githyanki are evil.

Some can refuse the war path, and change ways. Some to give up the weapons to stop the civil war.
To focus in what trully matter.

To end the Ilithid danger forever.

To break the shackles of slavery.

To be


Maybe to attone from previous mistakes. To find a better purpose.

Maybe forgiviness.

Or die honorable in battle.


Lord Windos:

Reminds me of Planescape Torment's gith!



"By the blade we live. And by the blade we fall!"

Indeed! That guy is a gith.

But a different type

A Githzerai.

If Yanks are the warmongers, the Zerai is the pure monks.

Guardians of the true might of the Mind. Githzerai try to find the balance in their own spirits/minds.

Masters of the more spiritual sense of the psionic power.

Necessary in the Plane they live. The Limbo. The Plane of Chaos.

Where everything and all the time change.

And one mistake could kill you if you do not find peace in the mind.

They create temples and monasteries inside the plane of chaos.

Build by the strengh of their own minds.

Lord Windos:

But can't that be a draw back? If their mental focus disrpted or undermined, so are they?



Well you can see why the master powerfull psionic master exist there.

The strongest the mind who created.

The stronger it resist the chaos.

And they have one place it could be considered the capital of the Githzerai

Sh ra'KT'Lor

The capital of all Githzerai.

And yeah, the name is pretty complex to spell it.

Gith language am I right?


Lord Windos:

Fantsay language in genral can be....complex, to say the least.

At least it isn't character based like japanesse!




And Sh ra'Kt'Lor is maintain by one powerfull being.

The strongest Psionic in the entire multiverse.


The great Githzerai

He was the one who take the Githzerai to the Limbo in climax of the war between Zerthimon and

By the sheer power of his mind, he was capable of outlive the lifespawn of a Githzerai.

His body however its...more or like a mummy. He can barely lift a finger or his eyes.

He is like a living mummy.

And need servant to keep his neeeds in check

But...his mind is stronger as always.

He can reach the minds of any Githzerai.

Even in other Planes of Existance if necessary.


Lord Windos:




And give orders to all


Lord Windos:

Can he puppet them aroudn? Use their senses as his own?




Think life a professor Xavier.

He could, but he prefer to give all free will. He is the opposite of Vlakitth

All he wants is freedom for all.


Lord Windos:

Can't he just ask for permission for a bit?


Well, I guess? As mentioned in the book he could summon his psionic aid to enter in contact to other
githzerai in other Planes of Existance, so maybe he can?

But again, he is not a god.


Lord Windos:




And even Psionic power have it costs.

He is right now a living corpse only alive by psionic power and their servants.

If he force to much, he could even die without care.


Lord Windos:

Welp. Guess he needs a powerup to compete with the Queen, eh?



And currently he have a special kind of power.

Unique among Githzerai.

He can use his mind to use the energy and matter within the Limbo and create a structure called a
Adamantin Cidadel. A big structure who transport big groups of Githzerais to other Planes of

Using only his mind.

And those structures have a..."Fear Aura".


Lord Windos:

Not fricking bad!



They make creature feel a great fear. Making go away. Birds avoid go there. And even monsters
avoid such place.

Even inteligent beings fear such "aura" and can most of the time avoid such place.

They use the most in case of incursions of Githanki enemies or colonies of Ilithids to fight. Or serve
as a base of operations against attacks.

And when the job is acomplished they can make the Cidadel return to the Limbo once more.

And nothing is left behind of its previous presence.


Lord Windos:

A mobile defense base against fuckery? Sweeeet. Wish the guy was not so limited, for he could
probably inovate upon it ever better!



Well, they do the best as they can.

Like I said, they are like monks. They use the power of the mind, but they sharp their bodies to reach
perfection both in mind and body. But also in spirit.

They even have a group of "prophets" of Zerhtmon called the Zerths.

Zerthimon perished in battle, but lots of Githzerai believe he will someday return and will guide all
Githzerai to a new paradise.

And end the strugle among all Gith race.

Basically, Zerthmon is a Githzerai Jesus.

To them at least.

And the people who could be considered "priests" is the Zerths.


Lord Windos:

If such a thing happened it'd take the impact away from that sect of DND. So that ain't happening
outside of personal things run by individual dms



But Githzerai usually doesn't have other religion like these one. Only admiration for Zerthmon and

So you will not see a Cleric or Druid Githzerai walking around.

But maybe a Paladin. You could see those with more frequence.

Or monks.


Lord Windos:

Of course monks. You described them as such yourself!



Yep. But monks is not usually one of my favorites classes in terms of mechanic problems. But its

Even the Ranger who is the punchbag in term of worse, can have a few redeemble qualities. Tasha
fix lots of problems. And they can use spells, who is a advantage to martials.

And the monk cant even have spells.

So yeah. Those two is considered problematic classes mechanic wise.

But still yeah. Githzerai can make interesting monks.

And both races can make playable chracters. Using two supplement books:

Mordekainen Tome of Foes.

Or Mordekainen Presents: Monsters of the Multiverse.

Both offer different versions of Githyanki and Githzerais.

Monsters of the Multiverse is kind of a update version in certain aspects, but I honestly prefer the
old ones.

Tome of foes per example Githankis gain proficient in Light and Medium Armors and Martial
Weapons. So you could be a Wizard or Sorcerer with proeficient in armor for better protection

And also they can cast a few spells: A Invisible Mage Hand. Jump Spell for better Jedi style. Or even
Misty Step for teleportation
Githzerai in the other hand can also cast a Invisible Mage. They can cast Shield (one of the best
defense spells) and later can cast Detect Thoughs to read minds. They also have Advantage in saving
in be frightned or charmed against those nasty mind effects.

So yeah, pick your poison. Both are a good options in their own way.


Lord Windos: a lot of information to digest. I'll have to go over it with a fine comb later and see what I
think afterwards.



With the exception of Mage Hand, the other spells is once per long rest. But free teleportation of
free Mind read is always good.

Sorry if I bring so much information mate.

Or if I bore you in any moment of my talk.


Lord Windos:

You didn't bore me at all, but getting a bunch of detailed mechanics thrown at me at once just
overwhelmed me a tad.

I like your ethusiam with DND, I just wish I could share it more with you since I'm just so out of
practice with it. I don't want to do online DND outside of the Forums, and those are slow going until
Dragonstrike and No One get moving. Shame, but it is what it is....



Yeah...I can feel you mate.

Maybe with some luck when I get experience in this first campaigh maybe I can find a way to make it

I would prefer play it as a player with you, but I might be have fun too as a DM. I still need to get
some experience.

And it would be a honor to have you as a player in the future.

And the others too of course.


Lord Windos:

I still have my campaign in the works, you know. Still need to put hte finishing touches on it, and
given the rate Dragonstrike is going I might actually do so and release it on the forusm for everyone
to play before he can get to the third act on his own!



Yeah...You right.

And we still have our Leon campaigh to finish and have the final touches of Arial Post campaigh too.

Speaking of which.

We could continue Arial Post campaigh if you want since we both some time.

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