Yu Movie Reflection

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Carl Enzo Yu Mr.

Jullito Boquila

FOTCO1 November 17,2022

Father Stu Reflection

1. Which part of the movie did you like the most?

My favorite part of the movie is after the motorcycle crash of Stuart and he suddenly has a
change of life and started believing in God. This was my favorite as it tells the people how God
can be merciful and He works in really different ways, the way that He tells us a message varies
and at the same time it also tells us to not take our life for granted. This scene was powerful as
Stuart from being supermarket clerk and someone who was determined to win over Carmen
who is a Catholic Sunday School Teacher, and Stuart was also agnostic until then and after the
crash he had reflections of himself and had a realization that he had a calling for priesthood.
Despite having a muscle disorder and the skepticism of Church officials, Carmen, and his parent.
He still continues his vocation with courage and compassion, inspiring not just the people who
are close to him but also countless people along his journey

2. What feelings did you share with any characters of the movie? Kindly elaborate your sharing.
Stuart Long is someone I do share feelings with as someone who is willing to work hard and
dream big, sometimes we can get lost along the way. This has also happened to me personally
where I dreamed of something big go for it and along the way I get lost and there were struggles
just like Stuart’s injuries and at time I can say that like Stuart have doubted God, I was in a
situation where in I do not understand what he wants for me or I do not understand what he
wants to tell me, which lead to me feeling lost and discourage, but the people around me was
one of the reasons why I am here today. They motivated me and gave me hope just like Stuart’s
father, he now helps Stuart go to mass which now game him hope to continue his love for his
vocation. Just like Stuart when we put our love and passion into the things, we do it blooms into
a something wonderful as we put everything and try to do our best given the circumstances we
3. How where the sacraments presented in the movie?
There were 4 sacraments presented in the movie the confirmation/baptism which was in the
early parts of the movie which Stuart has done since Carmen wants someone who is baptized so
Stuart did it out of love and got baptized immediately in order to impress Carmen. The
Sacrament Eucharist was also shown by the mass where in the priest uses the wine and bread
and Stuart playing the church bell. Penance was shown through various ways one of which is
when Stuart is at the confession room, Stuart has also done this numerous times through his
journey in becoming a priest and also at the last scene in the care home where a lot of people
visit Father Stu in order to confess to their sins. The last one is Ordination this was shown near
the end of the movie where Stuart was paralyzed due to his medical condition and his father
brought him to church to be ordinated as priest.
4. How did you handle your own difficulties?
My way of handling difficulty was based on many quotes that I have encountered but the one
that has helped me Immeasurably and it is from a book called The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and
the Horse it is the boy and the horse in the woods and the boy says to the horse “I can’t see a
way through” and the horse says “can you see your next step?” the boy responds “yeah” and
the horse says “then just take that.” This quote helps me go through many challenges where I
feel like there is no way out, but in reality, we need to stop looking so far ahead and just look at
our next step, these difficulties come at us left and right during these times I definitely feel
demotivated, lost and worried but every time these difficulties come I just think if it as a storm it
comes to you and when we come out of that storm we were not the same person as the one
who entered it. There is a possibility that we feel happier motivated because we have
conquered through it graceful or sometimes we may feel down because we made mistakes
which serves as a stepping stone to success. In my life even though I feel afraid I face these
difficulties which my head high as someone who has told me that there is no dishonor in losing
the race. There is only dishonor in not racing because you are afraid to lose. One of the most
important things which I have learned the hard way is to open up to someone, anyone about
these difficulties and example for me would be a few years ago I was in a rough place in my life,
even to this day no matter how far out of that place I have been. It is hard to describe or hard to
find the words to describe how I felt and, in any attempt, to do so would fall short of what I was
really going through, but one of the hardest part of that time was that I felt alone, and that no
one understood how I felt or what I was going through and because I thought that way my
journey was a long longer, a lot harsher, and a lot lonelier than it needed to be and sometimes
it is a price that we cannot pay and it is a risk that we cannot afford to take. Life is always
unpredictable and sometimes that means it can be unpredictably pleasant and that we are
surprised with the opportunities that and moments that we could have never imagine in our
wildest dreams and should forever be cherished; But other times its unpredictably cold, cruel
and challenging. If there is one thing that everyone should know and understand in facing
through difficulty is that not everyone will be able to guide you because they are also not sure
what’s down the path, but do open up to them so that you know your not walking down that
path alone.

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