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Compiled Information and Notes for the Production of Tricycloacetone Peroxide*

For the Amateur Chemist

Written by the Bitter Armadillo

*Tricycloacetone peroxide will be abbreviated as acetone peroxide or AP from now on

Table of Contents
Foreword and Introduction to Legal and Safety Acetone Peroxide Production Process Chemical Notes (Reactant Information) Production Notes, 1st Batch

Foreword and Introduction

Foreword: This publication was originally meant to develop a process that turned the random crap on the internet into a proven and safe process. However, time constraints have stalled that (rather lengthy) process for now. Instead, I have compiled most, if not all, the necessary information needed to produce acetone peroxide. I have also produced a batch and recorded the results. Hopefully my notes will help you learn from my mistakes as well as understand what will happen and is happening when you, yourself, attempt to produce AP. Those who know how to use it may even take my observations and improve the process, as I intended to. The full version will be published eventually, but for now this should suffice as it already beats half the shit on the internet. This publication was published in the name of the marketplace of ideas and free exchange of information. There should be no information of a scholarly nature, of any kind, which should be withheld from the public. Furthermore, as there is nothing wrong with the recreational study of chemical kinetics, the public should be entitled to information that makes this study safe for them. This is the purpose of this publication. I cannot stress enough that this publication in no way, shape, or form is intended to aid or be used by terrorists. Legal information: Acetone peroxide is a powerful and sensitive high explosive. It is a federal offense, felony, to make an explosive illegally. It is also a felony to threaten or kill someone with the bomb. It is not a felony, according to my research (and local/state laws in your area may vary) to set off a bomb recreationally. Therefore, I suggest you get an ATF license. These licenses are $150 for 3 years and allow you to legally make compounds such as this. This publication does not support or intend to support or condone terrorist activities. Especially since this emphasizes safety, which I would like to note seems to be a low priority for suicide bombers. Safety Information: For a chemist in a lab, this is a relatively simple reaction. However, for the amateur chemist working out of their kitchen this is far more difficult. Please read each note I put in the chemical notes so you at least know what the chemical is and is capable of. I will recommend the best way to deal with the chemicals. The acid used in this process is very strong.

Acetone Peroxide
Acetone Peroxide is an adiabatic, entropic high explosive. This means that it does not transfer significant amounts of heat to its surroundings during detonation, it is a reaction driven by natures tendency towards entropy and it is a compound that decomposes at a speed faster than sound. It is literally acetone molecules bonded to each other by peroxide bonds. For more details on this bond (and a lot more useful information, although at a college level) I recommend Decomposition of Triacetone Triperoxide is an Entropic Explosion (Dubnikova, Kosloff, Almog, Zeiri, Boese, Itzhaky, Alt, Keinan) and Decomposition of a Multi-Peroxidic Compound: Triacetone Triperoxide (TATP) (Oxley, Smith, Chen). The acetones can bond to each other in two main ways, as a dimer and as a trimer (as 2 acetones and as 3). They are both explosive, however the dimer version is by far the more sensitive. This is why this process strives to achieve the trimer version (hence the triacetone triperoxide). Acetone peroxide has an RE factor of .83. This means that it detonates at 83% of the velocity of TNT. For a homemade explosive, this is not bad at all. However, it is rather unstable. It is very heat, friction and shock sensitive. The exact sensitivity depends on the ratio of dimer: trimer that is produced in your specific batch, so always handle with great care. It is also completely insoluble in water so the only effective method of destruction is detonation. Therefore I do not recommend making it without great care and planning. It has a shelf life of approximately 1 week in my research. I believe this is due to decomposition into its dimer form. I found nothing to indicate any danger of spontaneous detonation after a certain amount of time, it simply becomes more sensitive, which I highly recommend you avoid. It should not be harmful to the environment in any way except for the explosive hazard.

Steps for the Production of Acetone Peroxide

Materials: 250 ml 20-30% solution HCl (Muriatic Acid at the hardware store) 300 ml Acetone 500 ml 3% H2O2, hydrogen peroxide 2 Acid safe containers Filter paper Sodium Bicarbonate *Note: The ratios of liquids are the important part. You can change actual amounts to fit your container. Projected Yield: 15 g Formation of Acetone Peroxide (Trimer: C9H18O6) 1. Pour 500 ml hydrogen peroxide in the large jar. 2. Pour 300 ml acetone in the large jar 3. Drip 250 ml HCl into the jar very slowly (going to fast results in the even less stable dimer version of AP) 4. Place in cool place (like refrigerator) and let sit for at least a week (place small amounts in several different jars to stay away from critical mass) 5. Place filter paper over another jar 6. Pour the liquid into the second jar with the filter paper so that all of the crystals are on the filter paper 7. Add 5 large tablespoons of sodium bicarbonate to 1 liter of water (15-20% solution) 8. Pour the sodium bicarbonate solution over the AP crystals in the filter paper 9. Rinse again with half a liter of water 10. Let sit in cool, dry place to dry 11. Remember, you can press into container but do not drop, smack, or try to press to hard as this is an extremely shock sensitive mixture


Chemical Notes
Acetone: Acetone is a polar organic solvent. It can dissolve most of what you can think of so keep away from paint and such. Much like other organic solvents, it has a very low boiling point and is thus volatile, meaning it has a high vapor pressure (gives off vapor). This is why it says use in a ventilated area. Its vapors are also flammable. The safety is relatively simple. Just dont huff the fumes and dont light a match around it. Hydrogen Peroxide: Hydrogen peroxide is a strong oxidizer. In household production it is mixed in 3% solutions. In stronger solutions it will accelerate burn rates exponentially. Its decomposition can also be catalyzed by just about any metal producing extremely hot steam. This application has actually been harnessed in some rocket pack designs. I do not recommend trying to purify the hydrogen peroxide unless you know how to safely handle it, although it will give this reaction a higher yield for its volume (hydrogen peroxide is by far the limiting reactant). As an oxidizer, it may bleach clothes and even fingers. When I used this chemical, my fingers turned white when exposed to this chemical. Do not be afraid if this happens (although it is a rare occurrence, from my research), it is simply bleaching pigment from your skin. No harm was done. Again, keep fire away from the hydrogen peroxide. Also, keep metal away from it. Hydrochloric Acid: This is a strong acid. While acids are not as deadly as pop culture would have you believe, they are extremely dangerous. For reference, I placed a drop of 5 M hydrochloric acid on my hand. Pain and redness were observed beginning 30 seconds after exposure. No bleeding occurred after 1 minute. Hardware Muriatic acid is a 5.5 M solution. Do not spill on countertops, etc as it will burn through. Always use glass or plastic (even pop bottle plastic will contain it). Be ready with water, as dilution is the most effective method of neutralization. Baking soda, a base, can also neutralize but will fizz.

Production Notes, 1st Batch

The reaction produced small snowflake like crystals. There was a noticeable drop in the amount of liquids, indicating that the crystal is denser than the liquid. Liquid was almost constantly observed on the outside of the jar, smelling of the various chemicals in the jar. This may have been either a leak or condensation. I filtered with 1 coffee filter, which proved to be more than adequate for the given crystal size. There was a very distinct and acrid smell upon letting the jar sit, or possibly upon agitation. My eyes also began to burn, apparently from the same chemical as was creating the smell. Adding baking soda to neutralize the acid (which seemed to be causing the burning) caused fizz which seemed to throw even more acid into the air, as my eyes burned even worse. There was nothing else noteworthy (as everything proceeded uneventfully and according to the procedure) until I packed the AP into the tube I am using as a blasting cap case. During manipulation, I noted that I could drop the powder 1 meter and even stomp on it without explosion. However, that was in very small quantities. The lack of reaction could be due to sub-critical mass.

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