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Goal: How to Adjust the 2001-3001 Battery Charger

Fact: 2001
Fact: 2001-3001 Battery Charger 634-659
Fact: Sealed Lead Acid Battery
Fact: Nickel Cadmium Battery
Fact: Wet Cell Battery
Symptom: Battery charger trouble
Symptom: High Rate Lamp ON
Symptom: Need to adjust trickle charge rate
Symptom: Cannot charge battery
Cause: Replaced Battery Charger

Fix: The 2001-3001 Battery Charger was designed to work with Lead Acid Wet Cell and Nickel Cadmium
batteries only, not the new Simplex sealed Lead Acid batteries.

Charger must be adjusted for High Rate Cutoff and Float Voltage (Trickle Charge).

1.) High Rate Cutoff is adjusted on the 565-269 Charger Rate Monitor Card
---a.) Connect +26.5VDC to pin 3 & 10
---b.) Connect -0V to pin 5
---c.) Connect Meter (DCV) across R9
---d.) Adjust R10 for -0V on the meter

2.) Float Voltage is adjusted on the 634-659 Charger. The charger should be in the standby application
(Float Voltage), Adjust R1 between 27 and 27.6 volts.

1.) 2001-3001 was not made for the Sealed Lead Acid Batteries.
2.) No parts a available for the 2001-3001
3.) This power supply should be replaced with the 2001-3002 (634-174) and it is designed for Sealed
Lead Acid Batteries.

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