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Name _________________________________

Date ___________________________________

1 listen and complete whit the correct possessive adjective

1. Is that ________ jacket?

2. That’s ________ house.
3. This is ________ book.
4. Where are ________ keys?
5. Come over to ________ house tonight.
6. The dog is chasing ________ tail.
7. Can I borrow ________ cell phone?
8. ________ assignments are due tomorrow.
9. ________ ideas are very interesting.
10. ________ shoes are on the floor.
2 Complete with the correct possessive adjective

1. I don't know the time because I can't find   watch.

2. What's the boy's name?   name is Ben Scott.

3. Debbie has got a cat.   cat is very lively.

4. The dog is very cute.   name is Ben.

5. We are at school.   school is very nice.

2. Complete with s’ or ‘s in the following

3. This is   book. (Peter)

4. Let's go to the  . (Smiths)
5. The   room is upstairs. (children)
6.  sister is twelve years old. (John)
7.  and   school is old. (Susan – Steve)
8.  shoes are on the second floor. (men)
9. My   car was not expensive. (parents)
10.  CD player is new. (Charles)
11. This is the   bike. (boy)
12. These are the   pencils. (boys)

4 Write sentences and answer them use the verb to be






5 Complete the following statements using there is and there are question form

1.        pullovers in the suitcase?

2.        a football match on Saturday?
3.        pets on the farm?
4.        computers in your room?
5.        a museum in your hometown?
6.        many trees in that park over there?
7.        a blue car in the garage?
8.        geocaches in this forest?
9.        29 days in February this year?
6 complete using how much / how many

E x er c i s e s : q u a n t i f i e r s

         eggs did you buy ?

         coffee did you drink last night ?

         girls are there in your group ?

         cans of beer do you want ?

         are the oranges ?

         time have you got to play ?

         stars can you see in the sky ?

         sugar would you like in your tea ?

         money did you pay for your bike ?

7 Complete the sentences using the correct preposition

Choose at, in, on to complete the sentences.

1They are sitting   the table.

2I want to spend a year   Barcelona.
3The milk isn't   the fridge. Where is it?
4Is Peter's office   the first or the second floor?
5Why are all these clothes   the bed?
6Please, put the clothes   the wardrobe.
7Are you   home?
8I don't want to see her   the party tonight.
9I like the sea, but I prefer swimming   a swimming pool.
10Please, call me when you are   the bus.
8 Look at the picture and complete using the correct preposition

Next to , under , in front of , above , behind , opposite

2The woman is sleeping   the books.

3There are some clouds   the building.
4Janet is sitting   Tom.
5There is a cat   the dogs.
6Janet is sitting   Tom.
7Janet is sitting   a blond woman.
8Linda is sitting   Jack and Harry.
9The ball is   the net.
10The dog is standing   the cat.

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