Ledesma Et Al 2021 Characterization of Substrate Speci City and Inhibitory Mechanism of Bile Salt Hydrolase From Lactobacillus Reuteri CRL 1098 Using Molecula Docking

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Biotechnol Lett (2021) 43:1063–1073

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Characterization of substrate specificity and inhibitory

mechanism of bile salt hydrolase from Lactobacillus reuteri
CRL 1098 using molecular docking analysis
Ana Estela Ledesma . Marı́a Pı́a Taranto . Ana Yanina Bustos

Received: 25 April 2020 / Accepted: 3 February 2021 / Published online: 16 February 2021
Ó The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature B.V. part of Springer Nature 2021

Abstract with glyco- and tauro-conjugated BAs, respectively.

Objectives To elucidate the molecular mechanisms A great percentage of hydrophobic and polar interac-
involved in the substrate interaction of the bile salt tions were responsible for the binding of LrBSH with
hydrolase of Lactobacillus reuteri CRL 1098 (LrBSH) glyco- and tauro-conjugated BAs, respectively.
with bile acids (BAs) and to evaluate potential enzyme Remarkably, the four binding pocket loops partici-
inhibitors based on computer and in vitro modeling pated in the substrate binding site of LrBSH unlike
assays. most of the reported BSHs. Inhibition assays showed
Results Asp19, Asn79, and Asn171 participated in that ascorbic acid, citric acid, penicillin G, and
the LrBSH interaction with all BAs tested while Leu56 ciprofloxacin decreased LrBSH activity by 47.1%,
and Glu 222 played an important role in the interaction 40.14%, 28.8%, and 9%, respectively. Docking anal-
ysis revealed that tetracycline and caffeic acid
phenethyl ester had the low binding energy (-7.32
Supplementary Information The online version contains
supplementary material available at https://doi.org/10.1007/ and -7.19 kcal/mol, respectively) and resembled the

A. E. Ledesma A. Y. Bustos
Departamento Académico de Quı́mica, Facultad de Facultad de Agronomı́a y Agroindustrias (FAyA),
Ciencias Exactas y Tecnologı́as, Centro de Investigación Universidad Nacional de Santiago del Estero, Av.
en Biofı́sica Aplicada y Alimentos (CIBAAL-UNSE- Belgrano Sur 1912, 4200 Santiago del Estero, Argentina
CONICET), Universidad Nacional de Santiago del Estero,
Av. Belgrano Sur 1912, 4200 Santiago del Estero, A. Y. Bustos
Argentina Facultad de Humanidades, Ciencias Sociales y de la Salud
(FHU), Universidad Nacional de Santiago del Estero, Av.
M. P. Taranto Belgrano Sur 1912, 4200 Santiago del Estero, Argentina
Centro de Referencia para Lactobacilos (CERELA-
CONICET), Chacabuco 145, 4000 San Miguel de
Tucumán, Argentina

A. Y. Bustos (&)
Centro de Investigación en Biofı́sica Aplicada y
1125, 4206 Santiago del Estero, Argentina
e-mail: abustos@uspt.edu.ar

1064 Biotechnol Lett (2021) 43:1063–1073

interaction pattern of GDCA (-6.88 kcal/mol) while hypocholesterolemic effect (Bustos et al. 2016). In this
penicillin (-6.25 kcal/mol) and ascorbic acid study, structural homology modeling was used for the
(-5.98 kcal/mol) interacted at a longer distance. LrBSH and the differences in electronic properties by
Conclusion This study helps to delve into the six glyco- and tauro-conjugated that explain the BSH
molecular mechanisms involved in the recognition interaction with BAs were evaluated. Molecular
of substrates and potential inhibitors of LrBSH. docking analysis was performed for a better under-
standing of the substrate specificity molecular fea-
Keyword Bile salt hydrolase  BSH inhibitors  tures, and the role of specific residues play in the
Homology modeling  Lactobacillus reuteri interaction of LrBSH with BAs. The interaction of
CRL1098  Molecular docking analysis LrBSH with potential enzyme inhibitors was also
studied by in vitro and molecular docking assays.

Introduction Materials and methods

The metabolism of bile acids (BAs), the major Bile salt hydrolase structure modeling
compounds of bile, is an excellent example of a close
symbiotic relationship with the microbiota since it The amino acid sequence of the BSH from L. reuteri
depends on both the host and the microbial enzymes CRL 1098 (Bustos et al. 2016) was submitted to
(Bustos et al. 2018). BAs deconjugation by bile salt Swiss-model, a protein structure homology-modeling
hydrolase enzymes (BSH, EC that are server (https://swissmodel.expasy.org/) (Bordoli et al.
present in microbiota members is one of the most 2009; Bienert et al. 2017). The program provides a
relevant reaction of this microsystems (Chand et al. graphical representation as well as numerical calcu-
2017; Song et al. 2019). BSH activity is also consid- lations for the structure alignments. A three-dimen-
ered a functional probiotic biomarker since it may lead sional structure of BSH protein was generated and the
to serum cholesterol lowering and alterations in positions of the amino acid residues were analyzed
energy homeostasis (Dong and Lee 2018; Adebola with PyMol program.
et al. 2020) and even play a role in the anti-giardial
effect of some lactobacilli since deconjugated BAs are Ligands structures
toxic to the parasite (Allain et al. 2018). Furthermore,
BSH has also been proposed as a potential microbial The structures of six conjugated BAs molecules,
mechanism of resistance to bile (Bustos et al. 2018). glycocholic acid (GCA), taurocholic acid (TCA),
On the other hand, BSH enzyme inhibitors have glycodeoxycholic acid (GDCA), taurodeoxycholic
been proposed as an alternative to antibiotic growth acid (TDCA), glycochenodeoxycholic acid
promoters (AGP) due to their frequent side effects. (GCDCA), and taurochenodeoxycholic acid
The purpose is to decrease the BSH activity which (TCDCA) (Supplementary Fig.1) and the potential
may increase fat deposition in farm animals (Rani inhibitors penicillin, ascorbic acid, tetracycline, and
et al. 2017; Geng et al. 2020). To successful devel- caffeic acid phenethyl ester (CAPE) were initially
opment of effective, safe, and low cost BSH inhibitors, built with the GaussView program and then optimized
a detailed understanding of the molecular basis of in aqueous solution phases at B3LYP/6-31G* level of
BSH substrate recognition in different microorgan- theory using Gaussian Program (Frisch et al. 2009).
isms, is strongly needed. Hence, computational strate-
gies such as homology modeling and molecular Docking procedure
docking studies can be used to identify protein–ligand
interactions and the effective binding patterns (Rani The binding site between the generated BSH protein
et al. 2017). and ligands was explored by molecular docking with
Previously, we cloned and described the BSH the AutoDock 4.2 program using the Lamarckian
enzyme of Lactobacillus (L.) reuteri CRL 1098 genetic algorithm (LGA). Ligands including BAs,
(LrBSH), a valuable probiotic bacterium with a proven penicillin V, ascorbic acid, tetracycline, and CAPE,

Biotechnol Lett (2021) 43:1063–1073 1065

obtained as described above, were used in the docking precipitated proteins, and the amino acids released by
analysis. LrBSH activity were determined by o-phthalaldehyde
The LrBSH enzyme was considered as rigid and all (OPA) method, as previously described (Bustos et al.
the rotatable torsional bonds of each BA were allowed 2016). The inhibition efficiency of LrBSH inhibitors
to relax during docking calculations. Default Auto- was calculated by dividing the activity of the control
Dock parameters were used as well as a grid volume (without inhibitor) by that of the treatment group (with
(60 9 60 9 60 with 0.375 Å grid spacing) for a more inhibitor). The experiments were performed in
precise evaluation of thee the atomic interactions at triplicate.
the binding sites. To identify the best docked com-
plexes, the root mean square deviation (RMSD)
tolerance of 1.0 Å was used. The ligand conformation Results and discussion
with the lowest free energy of binding (DG), chosen
from the most favored conformers, was selected to Comparison of the bile acid structure
perform NBO calculations using the DFT method.
To better understand the role of key residues in the As shown in Table 1, the lowest stabilization energy
substrate preference of LrBSH, two in silico site- and higher dipolar moment were predicted by B3LYP/
directed mutants using the PyMOL program were 6-31G* method for tauro-derivatives, especially for
generated. In this study, the amino acids Leu 56 and TCA. This fact can be explained by the greater
Glu222 were selected as mutation points with glyco- stability granted by the presence of taurine in the
and tauro-conjugated BAs, respectively. Selected molecule. The highest stabilization energy corre-
amino acids were replaced as follows: hydrophobic sponded to GDCA and GCDCA acids by the presence
Leu56 residue was substituted by electrically charged of two hydroxyl groups if compared with cholic acid
Glu56 residue, and Glu222 by Leu222 to obtain derivatives. The Mulliken charges showed slight
mutant A and B, respectively. Mutant A was tested changes in the charge values of all BAs atoms with
against GCA, GDCA, and GCDCA while mutant B the highest negative values for the O atom of glycine
against TCA, TDCA, and TCDCA using the procedure group of glyco-conjugated BAs and the O atom of the
described above. hydroxyl group nearest the amino acid in the structure.
These results showed that the presence of both the
Potential inhibitors of L. reuteri CRL 1098 bile salt third OH group in cholic acid and the glycine residue
hydrolase activity in the structure notably increased the negative Mul-
liken charges on the O atoms of BAs (Supplementary
L. reuteri CRL 1098 was grown in MRS broth at 37 °C Fig. 2).
for 16 h prior to use. Cells were washed, suspended It is known that the gap energy, defined as the
(volume 20-fold concentrated respect to the broth difference between the highest occupied molecular
culture) in 50 mM sodium acetate buffer (pH 5.2) and orbital (HOMO) and the lowest unoccupied molecular
disrupted with zirconium beads and vortex. The orbital (LUMO) determines the chemical reactivity
suspension was centrifuged and the cell free extract and kinetic stability of a molecule. Thus, a low
was used to determine the efficiency of LrBSH activity difference means that the molecule has high chemical
inhibitors. Protein concentration of the cell free extract reactivity and low kinetic stability. The HOMO
(Bradford technique) was 500 lg/mL. energies were more negative for TCA and TDCA
The reaction mixture (1 ml) containing 50 ll of cell compounds while the highest chemistry reactivity was
free extract and 50 mM acetate buffer (pH 5.2) was predicted for the GCA compounds.
pre-incubated separately, with penicillin G, ciproflox- Figure 1 shows the electronic distribution of the
acin, ascorbic acid or citric acid at a concentration of frontier orbitals for GDCA and TCA. The HOMO
5 mM for 30 min at 37 °C (Rani et al. 2017). The orbitals are localized on the carbonyl bound of the
enzymatic reaction was started by the addition of glycine group in GCA, GDCA, and GCDCA, while
5 mM GDCA and was stopped after 10-min incuba- these orbitals are localized on the hydroxyl group in
tion at 37 °C by the addition of 1 ml trichloroacetic opposite position to the taurine group in TCA, TDCA,
acid (20%, w/v). Samples were centrifuged to remove and TCDCA. This electronic distribution

1066 Biotechnol Lett (2021) 43:1063–1073

Table 1 Stabilization Bile acid Energy (Hartree) Dipolar moment (Debye) HOMO LUMO GAP
energies, dipolar moment,
frontier orbital energies GCA -1522.3393 48.89 1.9982 0.0037 -1.99
(HOMO and LUMO), and
GDCA -1447.1218 47.18 -0.2266 0.0331 0.26
energy difference between
them (GAP) GCDCA -1447.1222 46.95 -0.2264 0.0332 0.26
TCA -1996.9192 55.12 -0.2410 0.0288 0.27
TDCA -1921.7021 53.14 -0.2410 0.0286 0.27
TCDCA -1921.7017 53.84 1.9942 0.0038 -1.99

Fig. 1 Energy potential surface, HOMO and LUMO frontier orbitals for GDCA and TCA compounds. The red area indicates a negative
region, and the green area a positive region

(Supplementary Fig. 3) may justify the different The chosen sequence showed an identity of 56.44%
reactivity between two kinds of compounds suggest- with LrBSH.
ing that the glycine and taurine residues give the BAs Based on Swiss model prediction, the secondary
different electronic properties. structure of LrBSH would have 32.2% strand, 17.4%
alpha helix, 8% 3–10 helix, and 47.7% loops and turns.
Structural homology modeling: LrBSH 3D The final structure was modeled with PyMOL program
structure using 321 residues obtained from structural homology
modeling and with the addition of Asn322, Gln323,
Lactobacillus reuteri CRL 1098 is a probiotic bac- Asn324, and Gln325 residues. The catalytic residues,
terium with a proven hypocholesterolemic effect Cys2, Asp19, and Asn171 in the generated structure
associated to the presence of the BSH enzyme. In a were observed as shown in Fig. 2. This molecule is
previous work, we characterized the bsh operon of consistent with other BSH enzymes reported in PDB
CRL 1098 strain as a single open reading frame of 978 database and was used for docking studies with
nucleotides that encodes a predicted protein of 325 different substrates.
amino acids with a calculated mass of 36,098.1 Da
(Bustos et al. 2016). The sequence of bsh gene was Substrate specificity and binding site
submitted to Swiss Model program. The BSH struc- characterization of LrBSH by molecular docking
ture of Enterococcus (E.) faecalis T2 obtained by studies
X-ray diffraction with 2.01 Å resolution (PDB acces-
sion code 4WL3) was used as a template for modeling. In the present work, molecular docking analysis was
performed to explore the molecular features of the

Biotechnol Lett (2021) 43:1063–1073 1067

towards the inside and the glycine group directed

towards the outside. In contrast, TCA, TDCA, and
TCDCA interact in a longitudinal manner with the
taurine group directed towards the inside cavity. The
electronic distribution showed that the oxygen atom in
C = O group of glycine derivative is a nucleophilic
region, which strongly interacts with the N atom of N–
H group of Cys2 of LrBSH with a shorter interaction
length than tauro-derived BAs. The electronic density
effects seem to be of importance for the enzyme-BAs
Tables 2 and 3 show the binding energy for all BAs
and the residues involved in the binding site of LrBSH
observed with AutoDock. According to docking
analysis, GDCA had the higher binding energy
(-6.88 kcal/mol) followed by TCDCA, GCDCA,
Fig. 2 Three-dimensional structure of monomer LrBSH and GCA. The increase in binding energies for TDCA
protein. The catalytic site of the enzyme shows the conserved and TCA may indicate a weak interaction with the
amino acids, Cys2. This figure was created by PyMOL program
enzyme (Supplementary Fig. 4). These results agree
(PyMOL Executable Build is CopyrightÓ 2006 Delano Scien-
tific LLC, South San Francisco, California, USA) with our previous experimental assays (included in
Table 2 for comparison purpose) since LrBSH showed
enzyme substrate specificity. As shown in Fig. 3, substrate preference toward glyco-conjugated BAs
different binding modes for glyco- or tauro-conjugated (GDCA and GCA) compared to tauro-conjugated
BAs were predicted. The GCA, GDCA, and GCDCA (Taranto et al. 1999; Bustos et al. 2016). Data
interact with Cys2 residue of the LrBSH in the binding available in the literature indicate that BSHs predom-
cavity with the steroidal hydroxyl group directed inantly recognize the amino acid moieties in the
substrates and most of BSH enzymes prefer glyco-

Fig. 3 Glyco- (top) and tauro- (bottom) conjugated BAs at the LrBSH binding site. The residue in blue ball and sticks is Cys2. In red,
the nucleophile site (negative region), in blue, the electrophile site (positive region), and in green, the neutral region

1068 Biotechnol Lett (2021) 43:1063–1073

Table 2 Binding energy (kcal/mol), inhibition constant (lM) of LrBSH-bile acid complex predicted by molecular docking, and
reported enzyme activities
Bile acid Binding energy (kcal/mol) Inhibition constant Hydrogen bonds and Hydrogen bond length Enzyme
(lM) (Å) activitya

GCA -5.88 32.91 O–H–O-Asp220 (1.89) 29

GDCA -6.88 9.00 65
GCDCA -6.29 24.36 N–H–O–Glu270 (1.92) ND
TCA -5.46 85.47 14
TDCA -5.63 74.08 26
TCDCA -6.32 23.35 ND
ND not determined
a -1 -1
lmol amino acids released min (mg proteins) , taken from Taranto et al. (1999)

Table 3 Residues involved Bile acids

in the binding site of LrBSH
and GCDCA) and tauro-
conjugated BAs (TCA, CYS2 X X X X X X
GLN134 X X
ALA135 X X X
ALA136 X X
LEU138 X X X X X
ASN171 X X X X X X
ASN172 X X X
ASP220 X X
SER221 X X X
GLU222 X X X
ARG224 X X
GLU270 X X X X X

over tauro-conjugated BAs, even when the substrate (Chand et al. 2017). In addition, the LrBSH enzyme
preference is strain dependent (Dong and Lee 2018). had higher binding affinity for deoxycholic and
This can be attributed mainly to the steric hindrance chenodeoxycholic acids derivatives compared to those
caused by the sulfur atom in tauro-conjugated com- from cholic acid, in agreement with the suggestion that
pounds, as it was observed in our results, and also to an BSHs evolved to recognize BAs in both the amino acid
abundance of glyco-conjugated bile salts in nature groups and steroid nucleus (Dong and Lee 2018).

Biotechnol Lett (2021) 43:1063–1073 1069

As shown in Fig. 4, the docking analysis revealed reported crystallographic and molecular docking
that the Cys2, Asp19, Asn79, Asn171, and Glu270 studies for other BSH enzymes. Most of the residues
residues participated in the binding site of LrBSH, described in the binding pocket of LrBSH seem to be
which formed hydrogen bonds only with GCA and conserved in E. faecalis,. In fact, it was reported that
GCDCA compounds with bond lengths from 1.89 Å to GCA interacted with the amino acids Cys2, Arg16,
1.92 Å. Table 3 shows other residues involved in the Asp19, Tyr65 (Phe 65 in LrBSH), Asn79, Asp170
catalytic reaction aside from Cys2 such as Arg16, (Asp171 in LrBSH), and Arg223 (Arg224 in LrBSH)
Leu24 which are also strictly conserved in other BSHs of the BSH suggesting the importance of these
reported (Rani et al. 2017; Öztürk and Önal 2019). residues (Dong and Lee 2018). Moreover, Leu20
Interestingly, Asp19, Asn79, and Asn171 participated was important in the interaction between BSH and
in the interaction of LrBSH with all BAs tested. glyco-conjugated BAs in Bifidobacterium (B.) longum
A great percentage of hydrophobic interactions (Kumar et al. 2006) while Ile56 also appeared in L.
with Leu20, Leu24, Leu56, and Ala135 and Ala136 salivarius (Leu 56 in LrBSH) (Xu et al. 2016). In L.
residues took place at the binding site of LrBSH with gasseri, TCA formed hydrogen bonds with Gln135
glyco-conjugated BAs while polar and ionic interac- (Gln134 in LrBSH) (Rani et al. 2017) and with Met20
tions with Ser221, Asn172, and Glu222 residues for in Clostridium (C.) perfringes (Leu20 in LrBSH)
tauro-conjugated BAs were detected. The interaction (Dong and Lee 2018).
of LrBSH with GCA, GDCA, and GCDCA revealed Our results showed a variation in the substrate
that the hydrophobic residues Leu20, Leu24, Leu56, binding pocket of glyco-conjugated BAs in compar-
and Phe65 are near to the catalytic center and within ison with tauro-conjugated ones. As it is shown in
the cavity of enzyme substrates. For TCA, TDCA, and Fig. 5, of the four binding pocket loops (Chand et al.
TCDCA, the polar residues Asn172, Ser221, and 2017), loop I (Leu20-Leu24), loop II (Leu56-Phe65),
Glu222 are involved in the active site and substrate and loop III (Gln134-Ala136) constitute the binding
binding of the enzyme. pocket for glyco-conjugated BAs while only loop III
Despite the remarkable progress in the identifica- and loop IV constitute the binding pocket for tauro-
tion and characterization of new BSH enzymes, the conjugated Bas. In this sense, the four loops for most
structural and molecular basis of the substrate recog- of the BSHs characterized are predominantly
nition by different BSHs remains not fully clarified. In hydrophobic. In an exhaustive review, Dong and Lee
most of the BSHs studied, the substrate-binding (2018) reported that the residues involved in substrate
residues are not strongly conserved with some excep- binding were located in loops I, II and III but no key
tions such as Leu141 (Leu138 in LrBSH) (Dong and residues were reported in loop IV, except for E.
Lee 2018). Our findings are in line with previously faecalis where all binding loops (loop I–IV) constitute

Fig. 4 Interaction distance (in Å) of the N–H Cys2 residue of LrBSH with GDCA and TDCA bile acids

1070 Biotechnol Lett (2021) 43:1063–1073

Fig. 5 Substrate binding studies on the surface of BSH from Lactobacillus reuteri with tauro- and glyco-conjugated acids after
stabilizing the protein

the binding pocket for GCA. This fact represents an residues (Leu133, Val102, Tyr64, Phe99) and posi-
important difference of LrBSH respect to most of the tively charged ones (Arg58, Lys132) (Supplementary
BSH enzymes described. Fig. 5).
Since molecular docking results agreed with our When Glu222 of loop IV was in silico replaced by
previous experimental findings and enabled us to Leu222, the interaction for all tauro-conjugated BAs
identify the residues involved in the enzyme–substrate drastically improved and took place at another binding
interaction, the role of two important amino acids site where the Arg58, Phe99, and Leu133 residues
using this computational approach was evaluated. To have a significant role. The selected residues seem to
determine the role of loop I residues in the interaction play an important role in the interaction of the enzyme
with glyco-conjugated BAs, in silico mutant A was with the substrates since its replacement may affect the
generated by replacing hydrophobic Leu56 residue by enzyme activity. These findings provide evidences to
electrically charged Glu56 residue since it is a key deepen the understanding on this valuable enzyme.
amino acid for the binding site of LrBSH. Binding
pocket analysis of Glu56 mutant demonstrated that Interaction of LrBSH with potential inhibitors:
loop II of the enzyme provided a higher interaction for in vitro assays and docking analysis
GCA, GDCA and GCDCA substrates at a different
binding site than the native LrBSH. New residues In this work, some commonly used feed additives and
participated in the interaction of the last two substrates AGPs were experimentally tested as potential LrBSH
with the LrBSH-E56 mutant including hydrophobic enzyme inhibitors. Ascorbic and citric acids,

Biotechnol Lett (2021) 43:1063–1073 1071

commonly used as preservatives and antioxidants in

the food industry, and penicillin and ciprofloxacin,
widely used as antibiotic growth promoters (AGP)
were chosen for the study.
Among the tested compounds, 47.11 ± 3.4% inhi-
bition with ascorbic acid followed by citric acid
(40.14 ± 1.7%) and penicillin G (28.8 ± 3.5%) was
obtained, corresponding the lowest (9 ± 0.5%) inhi-
bition percentage to ciprofloxacin. In this sense,
different compounds such as Hg2?, Cu2?, and Cd2?,
Mg2?, Ca2?, Zn2?, Mn2?, EDTA, p-mercuribenzoate,
and iodoacetamide displayed different degrees of Fig. 6 Docking analysis of GDCA (cyan), CAPE compound
(red), penicillin (Pen, magenta), tetracycline (TC, white) and
inhibition on LrBSH activity as reported by Taranto ascorbic acid (Asc, yellow) with LrBSH to determine inhibitory
et al. (1999). effects
Recently, some authors claimed the high correla-
tion existing between the growth-promoting effects of showed more than 95% inhibition of BSH activity
AGP and a decreased BSH activity in the gut. Based (Smith et al. 2014; Rani et al. 2017). On the other
on these findings, they proposed the use of BSH hand, penicillin and ascorbic acid reacted with LsBSH
enzyme inhibitors as an alternative to replace AGP due with lower binding energies than GDCA
to numerous side effects. It is expected that BSH (-6.25 kcal/mol and -5.98 kcal/mol, respectively)
inhibitors modify the lipid and energy metabolism of and other kind of residues are involved in this
the host and consequently lead to body weight gain in interaction.
farm animals (Geng et al. 2020). Among the BSH Our results showed that molecular docking may be
inhibitory compounds identified through screens, a useful tool for rapid screening of BSH inhibitors and
CAPE seem to be one of the most effective (Rani also provide new insights respect to the interaction of
et al. 2017; Geng et al. 2020). CAPE is an emerging the LrBSH enzyme with potential inhibitors.
natural food additive that attracted extensive attention
for human and animal application because of its
multiple potential bioactivities such as anti-carcino- Conclusion
genic, anti-oxidation, and anti-inflammatory effects
(Geng et al. 2020). The interaction of LrBSH with the In this work, the BSH enzyme of L. reuteri CRL 1098
AGP penicillin and tetracycline was evaluated by was modeled by using structural homology modeling.
molecular docking. Ascorbic acid and CAPE mole- Molecular docking analysis was performed to have a
cules were also included in this study. deeper understanding of the substrate specificity and
Results obtained revealed that tetracycline and interaction of potential inhibitors with LrBSH as well.
CAPE resembled the interaction pattern of GDCA The participation of Asp19, Asn79, and Asn171 in the
with LrBSH close to Cys2 residue, as depicted in LrBSH interaction with all BAs tested was evidenced
Fig. 6, while penicillin and ascorbic acid interacted at together with the fact that N–H group of Cys2
a longer distance. Table 4 shows the binding energies interacted with C = O of all BAs, being greater for
and the residues involved in the binding site of glyco-conjugated BAs. Besides, Leu56 (located in
LrBSH-inhibitors. Docking analysis revealed that loop I) and Glu 222 (in loop IV) played an important
tetracycline and CAPE had lower binding energy role in the interaction with glyco- and tauro-conju-
(-7.32 kcal/mol and -7.19 kcal/mol, respectively) gated BAs, respectively. Remarkably, it was found
than GDCA (-6.88 kcal/mol) and they interacted that the four binding pocket loops (loop I–IV)
with residues such as Asn79, Asp81, Cys2 and Leu18 identified participated in the substrate binding site of
of the LrBSH similarly to GDCA. These results LrBSH unlike most of the reported BSHs. Regarding
indicate that both compounds could competitively inhibitors, docking analysis revealed that tetracycline
inhibit GDCA binding to LrBSH and are consistent and CAPE interacted with residues such as Asn79,
with previous reports where tetracycline and CAPE

1072 Biotechnol Lett (2021) 43:1063–1073

Table 4 Binding energy (kcal/mol) and residues involved in the binding site of LrBSH with inhibitors
Inhibitor Binding energy Residues of the binding site

CAPE -7.19 CYS2-LEU18-ASP19-LEU20-PHE65-ASN79-PHE99-PHE129-LEU133-ALA135-ALA136

Tetracycline -7.32 GLU21-ASN79-ASP81-ASN171-ASN172-MET219-ASP220-SER221-ARG224-GLN257-
Penicillin G -6.2 LEU179-LEU182-SER183-TYR185-ARG186-VAL188-LEU215-VAL226-PHE230
Ascorbic -5.98 TYR64-PHE65-GLY77-SER98-PHE99-LEU101-VAL102-LEU138-TRP140

Asp81, Cys2 and Leu18 of the LrBSH in a similar way Bienert S, Waterhouse A, de Beer TA, Tauriello G, Studer G,
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Acknowledgements This work was supported with grants insights into bacterial bile resistance mechanisms: the role
from UNSE Project No. 23/C147 (Consejo de Investigaciones, of bile salt hydrolase and its impact on human health. Food
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